Local Government TV

Monday, April 01, 2019

Jennings on Trump's Proposed Cuts to CACLV

Donald Trump's proposed budget, which is DOA, does more than gut Special Olympics. According to CACLV Exec Director Alan Jennings, Trump also wants to eliminate all spending for his community action committee. Below is Jennings' response:

The president of the United States has defined himself, once again, by the actions he has taken. In order to fund a wall that won't work, a defense budget the Joint Chiefs of Staff didn't seek, and a tax cut the people who benefitted most didn't need, Mr. Trump has proposed a federal budget that turns its back on tens of millions of Americans. If we interpret a budget as a reflection of the priorities of the individual who proposed it, this president, once again, has made it clear that he has lost any claim on a moral compass. Lacking that compass, the president can stake no claim on right versus wrong. It would be wrong to shut down the largest shelter for homeless families with children in the region. It would be wrong to shut down our revitalization of neighborhoods. It would be wrong to shut down a weatherization program that reduces heating costs, wrong to shut down programs that teach people to help themselves, wrong to stop saving homeowners from foreclosures, wrong to look someone in the eye and tell them they don't matter. The contrast between right and wrong has never been so clear.

In dramatically reducing and, in some cases, eliminating funding of such programs as the Community Services Block Grant, the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program, the Community Development Block Grant, the Weatherization Assistance Program and others, the president's budget, if adopted by the Congress, would shut down the Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley. CACLV has stood up on behalf of those who have been knocked down for more than five decades. And, while barely 20% of our funding comes from federal funding, this funding is key to the agency's ability to leverage other funding.

We look forward to the support of the majority in the Congress, both Republican and Democrat, and yearn for the day when Americans relearn the lesson that we are only great when everyone has access to opportunity, the ability to pursue that opportunity and a voice in the decisions that affect their lives. Great countries do not turn their backs on those whose skills are of limited value in the marketplace or those too old or too young to work. Great countries invest in themselves, learn from the past, improve on the present and build a future that leaves no one behind.

Mr. Trump has, yet again, divided our country. There is not a single person who has gone down in history admired as one who divided people, pitting them against each other, turning a deaf ear to their cries or a blind eye to their suffering. The great, admired, respected people throughout history have always been those who stood up to injustice, fought back against oppression and lifted up those who fell down.

CACLV operates a wide range of programs designed to improve the quality of life for low-income people in the region. They include the Second Harvest Food Bank, the Sixth Street Shelter, housing initiatives like home ownership counseling and foreclosure mitigation, rehab and new construction. The agency operates entrepreneurial programs that make loans and offer small business training. It also does extensive neighborhood revitalization work in downtown Allentown, south Bethlehem and the Slate Belt, ranging from façade improvements and creating pocket parks to planting trees and streetscaping. Only 20% of its budget comes from government funding.


  1. The Spacial Olympics are not going to be cut.
    Mr. Jennings shelf-life has expired.
    It’s difficult to support the CACLV with Jennings lingering stewardship.
    Too much has been enough.

  2. The only person who cares what jennings thinks is jennings, and he's doubtful.

  3. let the dems make up the budget tax tax tax just like new york

  4. Jennings...so far up Ed's behind it was sickening to behold. No integrity but feels very self righteous. All this said, Allentown's poor are just as poor but more numerous. What exactly has Alan achieved?

  5. It's been said, liberalism is a mental disorder. Nah, that's too harsh. Alan Jennings is not ill, just ignorant and self-serving.

    Jenning's diatribe is steeped in the teachings of CNN/NBC/New York Times. Even our own Morning Call parrots out the same garbage.

    Give it a rest, Alan. Adjust to the reality our nation is being re-built after nearly a decade of wrong priorities in Washington. Perhaps you can find cooperative funding through the Clinton Foundation. Or, maybe, promote the career of Ocasio-Cortez to make things all better again.

  6. Keep fighting Alan. I have seen first hand the great work you and your team do everyday for people not as fortunate. Let the haters keep hating!
    To bad those ping pong balls aren't Trumps head! LOL

  7. Contrary to Jennings' diatribe, Trump has not divided The United States. The socialists took care of that years ago. Trump has merely given those of us who remained silent a voice. He is a braggart and a bully, but he is what we got.
    Why should Jennings get my tax money to advance his agenda?
    And Bernie, why did you print in red? A good communist color.

  8. Jennings is basically a slave owner and his pay scale is atrocious. Ask the poor peons who work for him! He gets the glory and is but a benevolent dictator. He needs to be shown the door.

  9. notice how Alan's Allentown housing rehab pay to play scheme was exposed, then dropped, and has disappeared. Funny how that happens in Allentown...isn't it?

  10. All Jennings cares about is his salary so he can keep living the high life in his suburban McMansion.

  11. 8:38 you could not be more wrong. Last I heard, Alan lived in a very modest home in the City of Allentown. His salary is far from extravagant considering the size of his agency budget, number of employees and his many years of employment in his position. Criticize him if you wish, but please stick to accurate facts in doing so. He lives anything but a wealthy high life.

  12. What is this guys salary?

  13. Alan Jennings bla bla bla bla...bla.
    Jennings needs two things:
    (1) An editor.
    (2) A one way ticket to somewhere, anywhere, else.

  14. I yern for the day when Jennings shuts the fuck up.
    I wonder if he sends money every month to the commissary account at Danbury?

  15. Jennings is not only a liberal political hack, he is lazy. I've read the same tiresome diatribe from him over and over and over again..any time a republican is in office....and now he pushes the fake news that there is no funding for Special Olympics and that is not true...Trump is loved because of this kind of drivel.

    I'll give to my church and charities I choose...where is it written that I need to pay for his own self promotion...besides, how many trillions of dollars are thrown at an issue before we try something else.

    How many are off welfare and working in Trump's economy? It doesn't fit Jennings liberal narrative so you wont hear anything from him around what is going right.

  16. Nothing here folks but another useless freeloader talk head.

  17. The CACLV accomplishes many great things through many programs for many people in the Lehigh Valley. There is no doubt about that. Alan Jennings has played a big role in that. He has come across to me as honest and a man of his word. I appreciate the attention the Slate Belt has received recently. I certainly can understand why Alan Jennings would want to protect and defend all the funding CACLV receives and the people that are helped. However, by invoking the name of the current President and making it about Trump instead of about the outreach of the CACLV, Jennings does the very same thing he accuses Mr. Trump of doing. “Mr. Trump has, yet again, divided our country.” Mr. Jennings seems to take more pleasure in blaming and attacking President Trump, than he does in defending the CACLV. It is no secret that Alan Jennings does not like Mr. Trump. Whether he or anyone else may agree or disagree should not matter in this situation. Mr. Jennings’ continuous attacks against Mr. Trump do the CACLV no favors. It also contributes to the deterioration of public discourse and civility. Our current President obviously has a difference in political philosophy than Mr. Jennings. I assume that is why they favor different political parties. I am involved with some activities under the CACLV umbrella and have seen what can be accomplished. Mr. Trump likes to stir the pot. So does Mr. Jennings. Sharing emotional responses, rhetoric, hyperbole and talking points will get us nowhere and we will achieve little if we keep yelling at each other instead of listening to each other. We should focus on what we agree with instead of shouting about what we do not. IMHO

  18. Thanks again Bernie. I did not know my taxes paid Mr. Jenning's salary.

  19. Jeff, could you please spell out exactly what the accomplishments are? And what about the pay to play housing rehab scandal that is apparently no longer a scandal because it's a Democrat in Allentown doing it?

  20. I get the ongoing temper tantrum. But when the Democratic presidential nominee began attacking Trump's supporters as deplorables, it was clear that all this "dividing" the country is the product of both teams of the ruling class. Alan gets paid more than double the average income in Allentown. His bed is feathered by one political side. His comments are to be expected. He just doesn't see his part in the "dividing" process. Again, this is to be expected.

  21. OH NO!
    Does this mean that there won’t be any facade grants?

  22. There are many people around that have been in the poverty oganizations before it became a fashonable party hack conflict of interests benefit package pandered as public benefit. This is especially true because not one of the local generations of poor has truely benifited from none of the programs by this organization from the state.

  23. Somewhat agree with Jeff Fox' post. Like so many others, Jennings jumped on an opportunity to condemn President Trump and loaded most of his message with cheap shots. It's obvious Jenning's expertise is NOT finances, military preparedness, etc. But, that's OK. Getting the truth these days requires some research. The Jennings output here reminds me of many Bill White columns, actually. Must be something in the water!

  24. hear the whining, as soon a some federal money is cut a little, then criticize for the size of the debt, all spending should be cut across the board, until the budget is balanced.

  25. Jennings methodically and effectively organized the PR campaign that culminated in the sale of Allentown’s most precious and sustainable resource, it’s water.
    Only the felon, Pawlowski, did more to insure that every Allentonian will pay for this folly for at least three generations.
    To add insult to injury, Jennings supported Pawlowski up through his corruption convictions including
    ultimately approaching Judge Sanchez to ask for mercy for the unrepentant Pawlowski.
    Here is where the specious and hollow refrain is inserted; “Alan was just standing by a friend.”
    Revisionist hog wash at it’s tiresome best.
    Every living Allentown resident and their children’s children will pay for Pawlowski’s and Jennings’s arrogance.
    Allentown would be demonstrably better off if Alan Jennings had never existed.

  26. As head poverty pimp does Alan Jennings get first choice of the crack hoes that come through the doors of the CACLV? The Donald better not mess with his hustle cuz his pimp hand is hella strong!

  27. Someone get the hook.

  28. No butt its first conquests were the Doc and Kris addict. Them two pounded the shady parts of Hamilton and Al pounded them in there positions behind the desks drawers dropped! That's when the Rev brown and Marleen mertz were the large and in charge poverty pimps traveling to God's land with the homelessness funds schimmed.

    This is no different than the nue downtown administrative tools handling funds for the REjuvination?

  29. I hate to admit it, but Trump got this one right.

    Whether it's because of the pay-to-play connection, or just for general ineffectiveness, CACLV should be defunded.

    For those who believe it's been effective, how about holding the group to any type of quantifiable standards for the money they've spent? Allentown, where CACLV has focused it's efforts for decades (with millions in taxpayer funding), hasn't gotten better. And that's while other nearby cities (with less CACLV presence) have passed Allentown by.

    It's time to try something different. CACLV and Jennings need to move on.

  30. I hope funding for emotional support animals (pigs) will not effect You Bernie Pelosi !

  31. Why hasn't Jennings and cohorts jumpped off the thilman St bridge while work is being done

    1. How does it feel to be barred from MMs blog?

  32. Jennings jump before you are sent to a different cell block than your celly palumpashitsky!

  33. 5:16 you hate to admit it what's wrong with you Trump is right most of the time he is not a politician as a result he is driving the deep state people and the radical left wing people crazy

  34. I am a naturalized citizen of the United States and I support our president, build the wall

  35. Bob Ryan should be sponsored by Popov vodka!

  36. Bob Ryan is an end stage alcoholic who gets plastered off 3 miniatures of Popov, get on the liver transplant list now Bob the end is nigh!

  37. "I don't like Trump either but", yeah right! That is so funny. The alt-right Fox nibblers cannot help themselves. Trump has empowered ill manners and foul mouths. He is the lowest class person in office. He appeals to our worst instincts just as every authoritarian leader has done for centuries, American are the most gullible people on earth, as we are also some of the lest informed and dumbest. We won't last through this century.

  38. No I did not. The Irish philosopher , Edmand Burke said”The only thing necessary for the Triumph of Evil , is for good man to do nothing . “.Well The “Old Brown Dog “ likes Magners Cider in his boul . The Landsdown Tavern has great food reasonably priced and better that the Collage Hill Tavern and less money evan though it’s in NYC . Hard to believe. I had to run to ATM though because I chased a Paddy’s there it’s behind then tapes next to the Glenlivet. So I did nothing. Concealment and Desception - over to Walter’s Cottage . Buy the way , DOTARD is proper spelling and I have your E-Mail to OF all people , Cuvo about you sending him an old Sports Illistrated puff piece that he has shown many underaged girls to impress them . Real nice guy he is. Sleazy tight.

  39. Bernie, it looks as if Allan Jennings's covering and his party's code has been broken. Learn to code, and the rule to codeing is that your secret pandering peddling code shouldn't be so easily broken! LOL hahaha

  40. Please tell me this is an April Fools Day joke. Has Bernie been bought?

  41. Contrary to the tale of everyone has a price and most can be bought! There are many patriots that can't be bought out for no price to sell the human race out at the children's children's expense. This being because parasites don't think for themselves and have closed eyes to all humanity for personal gain as well as the gain of there friends, hence pay to play. Conflicts are so convulooted in the lehigh valley the criminals are running the jails?

    There for if they weren't we would still have a young girl GRACEing this area?

  42. "How does it feel to be barred from MMs blog?"

    Knock of the crap, Villa. Go instigate somewhere else.

    1. Bernie, I can take being chastised by mm. If I really wanted to post there I would and maybe than I could be charged as a stalker like Villa too. That little pencil neck geek should just stick with biting the heads off live chickens at the great Allentown hospital circus sideshow itz momma used to perform for in itz youth. All know it was out back to the left in that little tent doing the stall wall thing? LOL hahaha

  43. I am not a fan of this sideshow. Talking head Facade and a mural does not help people who really need it-

  44. Jennings has done an enormous amount of good with the life that God gave him. He cares a lot about the people his agency serves. He cares a lot about his employees. You don't have to like him personally, but, why the hate? If everyone did a fraction of the good that Alan has done, the world would be a much better place.

  45. 35 years Alan has been deputy director or director of calclv Give someone else a chance to make a difference.


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