Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Should NorCo Refuse to Do Business With Voting Machine Vendor Bearing Gifts?

Tonight, at 6pm, NorCo's Elections Commission will be holding a public workshop in the County Council meeting room (located on the 3rd floor of the Northampton County Courthouse), where they will be conducting a final review of the two voting machine systems they have narrowed down for consideration. There will be vendor representatives from both ES&S ExpressVote XL and Clear Ballot system. Elections judges have been invited. The workshop will be immediately followed by a special meeting, presumably so that the Elections Commission can recommend a system for funding to County Council. I have previously seen and really like the ExpressVote XL. A demonstration machine was here last year, and Northampton County officials seem to favor this system as well. But I have my reservations. Thanks to State Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, we know that this vendor was wining and dining officials in other counties.

When Vic Mazziotti was NorCo's Finance Director, he was frequently approached by vendors who wanted to do business. He went to lunch with one of the them, and the vendor attempted to pick up the tab. Mazziotti told the vendor, "You can buy my lunch, but then you'll never do business in Northampton County."

Auditor General DePasquale has the same view.

“Even if this activity was permitted under the law, county officials who are making decisions about spending taxpayer dollars should not accept anything of value from the companies that are asking for their business,” DePasquale said. “It’s not only about the need for officials to follow the letter and the spirit of the law; it’s about preserving the integrity of their role in the democratic process.”

ES&S, which manufactures ExpressVote XL, is a big offender. Northampton and Lehigh County election officials deny being influenced, but they are not the ones who make the purchase.

Some of the gifts are de minimis. Some have real value. They include the following:

Expense-paid travel to destinations including Las Vegas;
Tickets to a wine festival and a distillery tour;
Dinners at high-end restaurants and other meals;
An open bar at a conference for elections officials;
Tickets to an amusement park; and
An assortment of treats such as chocolate-covered pretzels, snacks and coffee.

DePaquale produced letters from all 67 counties. With specific reference to ES&S, they reveal the following attempts to curry favor:

Bucks County - a buffet lunch for election personnel.
Butler County - a lunch for elections officials. A wine tour was turned down, as well as tickets to a Penn State football game.
Cameron County - a lunch and a box of chocolate covered pretzels.
Clearfield County- informational lunches and dinner at Char's Tracy Mansion in Harrisburg, as well as dinners in Pittsburgh.
Clinton County - sweet rolls, coffee mugs, boxes of chocolate covered pretzels.
Crawford County - trip to visit Nebraska warehouse declined.
Elk County- lunch at Subway
Forest County - a wine tour in Erie, followed by a dinner.
Luzerne County - two all-expenses paid trips.
Mercer County -turned down wine-tasting tour.
Northumberland County - Voter registrar treated to $37 lunch.
Somerset County - ambiguous and evasive reply.
Warren County - dinners, hospitality rooms, trips to Hershey Park, wine-tasting tour and those famous chocolate-covered pretzels. Golf was declined.
Washington County -lunch.
Westmoreland County - lunches, dinner at Monteray Bay Fish Grotto, Lake Erie Wine Festival.
York County - lunch.

What happened here demonstrates why a statewide gift ban is needed, applying to all public officials. There are just too many opportunities for mischief.

With specific reference to Lehigh and Northampton County, elections staff deny receiving gifts of any kind. Higher ranking county officials and members of County Council or Commissioners should also be asked on record whether they were offered or received anything from ES&S. If the answer is yes, ES&S should be eliminated from consideration.

Also, at the demonstration that takes place tonight, ES&S should be asked why these legal bribes are so necessary. These sleazy sales tactics tend to undermine public confidence in a fair selection system for the most important thing you need in an election - an accurate ballot.


  1. What's more important voting machines or free marijuana in Northampton County. Thank you democrats.

  2. It should probably be looked into. The reality is that most people expect public servants to be corrupt and dishonest. It's a Calvinist low expectations thing. Evidence: three comments.

  3. I advocated simple paper to be used . A simple bar code to be affixed just like at hospital admission. No electricity running to any body to play with. This sectional vote in Easton will have only less than 15% of the voters go to their polls . Easy un corrupted. I’m an Hard R but in Easton a nice looking lady is running against the Panto machine in this primary. I predict an overturn possible, Evan though I hope not evan though I’m an R. A new mini judge in Easton for district court that will revitalize the office ,before the county says there is noe business there we need to close it. So- other than the fact that i personally did not get a job at at the EPD pistol range that would help them be better firearms handlers and shoot better (they didn’t take my advice before ,and somebody got shot) ,every thing else is just wonderful.

  4. Wow, seriously pete you are one angry guy. What are you so mad over. The election, people running for office or the fact you didn't get a job you wanted. You need to lighten up a bit.

  5. Angry old white man was the comment to be poised by 8:54 pm towards Mr Cochran. The fact is pandering on either side sellers or buyers leaves the opening for a more corruptable machine even remotely!

  6. The lady in the tight dress giving the county presentation did not do well. She was not really prepared or well informed and it was clear she was programed to say certain things. She is certainly no voting expert. Does the administration really think people are that stupid to have an office flunky pose as some sort of expert?

  7. She is the woman given a job by McClure as a favor. She got beat big time in a state house race last year. They gave her a job and like to have her around. The commission seemed unimpressed.

  8. Aren't those "gifts" also called "bribes" ?

  9. We look the other way on so many other things in the Lehigh Valley like politicians being part of real estate groups that they vote on to allow to do things which were not previously permitted. Politicians becoming share holders of organizations that they have quietly helped so money can be funneled back to them. Economic people being placed on boards and getting paid substantial amounts of money for a limited action position after they have given the same organization substantial breaks and tax gifts. People contributing to offshore activities, vacations, shows etc as a friend when they never have been associated with the political leader in the past. Mandatory donations to the politician charity of choice (sometimes real and sometimes just a funnel of personal return). They all say it is legal but is it and should it be allowed. Is it just bribery in a different form that they wrote the laws to be acceptable. Now those same people are crying foul. There should be a simple clear line. And anyone that crosses that line should have substantial repercussions. Including forfeiture of equivalent funds. And removal from office for all that cross the line.


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