Local Government TV

Monday, February 11, 2019

Why I Ignored Trump's SOTU

Over the years, I've religiously watched or listened to SOTU addresses. I provided no coverage of Donald Trump's speech last week, which Republicans loved and Democrats hated. That's because I chose to ignore it.

Here's why. I've had enough of Donald Trump. I've grown tired of his ugly tweets, his blatant lies, his fear-mongering and the constant chaos that surrounds him.

Time to cancel his series. It's become boring. 


  1. Despite fierce opposition from those who would tear down and destroy our nation, he is giving his all in a valiant struggle to make America great again!

  2. It's a shame our National media didn't give him the cold shoulder too. He is a disgrace to the office of the Presidency. He has been caught in so many lies that it is impossible for anyone to believe him. For some reason, He has a fanatical core of followers who defend his lies and his cruel and demeaning actions. He is destroying America from within and is delighted in his actions. He makes fun of handicap people, is a proven bigot, cheats contractor out of their money, and is a poor example of a human being. He is everything I hope my child won't grow up to be. Let's see what happens When the rest of the story comes out about his Russian involvement. God Bless America.

  3. History will judge him and he will be remembered as the worst president.

  4. Donald Trump is a Fascist. This is not some far left media assessment, it is a definition defined by his words and actions. He is a classic authoritarian. Do some home work on the authoritarians in history and note the similar themes.

    You can paint the message with red, white an d blue but it is the same as the messages in black and brown.

  5. Ilhan Omar
    Rashida Tlaib
    You go girls!!! Making America Great Again.

  6. Ha,I did the same. I chose to go to a meeting I could have easily skipped. I figured he has a tendency to say, do, or tweet the opposite of these speeches prepared for him anyway, so why waste an hour and a half. I was able to watch the condensed speech in three minutes the day after, and if he had said something of lasting substance I'd read about it.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. For those who remain Trump fans, I ask, if President Obama had done any of the myriad dishonorable things the con man who now occupies the oval office has done, how long before shrieks for "impeachment" would have rattled the rafters?

  9. Best speech he has yet made.

  10. 6:50, I warned you to refrain from the tribalism or be deleted.

  11. Listen to all those who are a afraid he may change their mind. The usual Marxist regulars.

  12. The promise of America is rapidly being ground down into just another shithole by the promise to fundamentally transform the United States of America by the likes of the radical left, shrieking socialist newcomers to congress, impeach fawty-fiiive dingbats in the Senate, and ignorant TDS suffering bloggers like O'whore and the compliant MSM.. May G-d have mercy on them come judgement day.

  13. It was a wonderful speech that spoke of unity and encouraged everyone to support keeping our nation strong.

    I wish those who label Trump as a liar would actually list SPECIFIC lies. Not just exaggerations, estimations, and promotional "coach speak" encouragements. Or, at least, name a few political operatives who never lied as you define the act.

  14. It's your choice Bernie. Did you ignore President Reagan's State of the Union's speeches also ?

  15. As much as I detested the African Muslim, I did watch his State of The Union addresses.

  16. LOL, his campaign is trying to suggest the SOTU had more viewership than the Super Bowl. He knows his supporters don't fact check or rely on the truth.

  17. Apparently the new mantra to the left is: If you can't shut Trump up, and you can't shut Trump down; you just tune him out.
    Yeah, that's the ticket!

  18. 7:52 is a prime example of the red hat movement.

  19. I’m saddened to think that we have a president who will probably end up in jail, but I still have hope that the system will work. Authoritarians are never the smartest people in the room. A wise friend once told me that the only way to change a rich authoritarian’s behavior is to take their money away from them and put them in jail. I’m sorry to think that the US will be paying to take care of this guy’s family for the rest of their days.

  20. 7:34 Bernie the truth hurts you liberals

  21. this is a typical left blog left dems will not defend their latest abortion laws but they will defend the Virginia so called governor or the green dream and it is a dream

  22. Bernie, the assklownz are out in force because of the snow this morning? Personally I say just bring another ethnic food source in so we can all detest that too!

  23. wait till the democrats get in charge again their goes the economy and foreign affairs and trade laws and babies and airplanes and cows

  24. @ 7:50- Exaggeration, when done constantly and with a total disregard for the facts even after the "exaggerator-in-chief" is told he is wrong, is a lie. Trump is a lying liar who does nothing but LIE. IF you really want specifics, just google Daniel Dale, the Washington correspondent for the Toronto Sun....Pretty much all he does is catalog Trump's daily lies, as it is a full time job! I can give you at least 20 examples, but let's go with the time that he said he had received a phone call from the head of the Boy Scouts of America who told him that the speech he (Trump) gave at the annual Boy Scout Jamboree was the "best speech ever given at the Jamboree"....Then when asked about the comment, the gentleman said that not only did he not say anything of the sort, he had not even called Trump. Granted, the prevaricator has told lies of much more consequence (ISIS has been totally defeated, the reason he lost the popular vote was due to widespread voter fraud, the tax cut would benefit the middle class, there would be a middle class tax cut right before the last election, climate change does not exist), but why make up a story about a phone call that never happened other than because you are a pathological liar? Right....it's all just "coach speak" designed to whip the idiots who support him into a frothy frenzy.

  25. aos will lead this coun to greatness

  26. Here's why. I've had enough of Donald Trump. I've grown tired of his ugly tweets, his blatant lies, his fear-mongering and the constant chaos that surrounds him. '

    You have just exhibited Tribalism at its best

  27. 7:46-May god have mercy on your soul for not being able to spell "judgment" correctly.

  28. Have to give 7:52 "credit" for having the guts to revel in his/her racism!

  29. Authoritarian, fascist, racist, whatever. Name calling doesn't change the fact that under Trump we have a booming economy, lowest unemployment in decades, hundreds of thousands of new jobs a month, record high GDP, tax cuts, wages slowly rising, NATO nations contributing billiins more to their own defence, detente with North Korea, ISIS just about wiped out, criminal justice reform, etc. etc. "Worst president"? Yeah, to left wing sore losers who hate Trump's guts. But results count. Our nation is better off with Trump/Republican policies.

  30. Absolutely NOTHING listed above by 8:43 is accurate. At best, there are exaggerations, at worst abject lies. It is easy though to go through life parroting the pablum spewing forth from Faux News chyrons (not to mention the horrendous spelling..."billions"..."defence"). Have to say, you Trump fans must love his fat ass because like all of you, he cannot spell to save his life (I guess they did not teach him that when he was at UPenn getting "his degree" due to the beneficence of his daddy's donations to the UPenn endowment).

  31. 8:43 so true you are the baby killers are beside themselves

  32. 843. Stop with the facts. Libtards don’t want to hear them it hurts their feelings. Their too busy killing babies and planning their lives under socialism. Trump 2020! MAGA! Keep America great!

  33. the left wind democrats should be deported because they are anti-American the Chinese and north Koreans are more sensible

  34. 8:43 you made me laugh today, thank you

  35. 8:34-"there" not "their"
    8:55-"they're" not "their" (although kudos for actually using the correct version of "too"!)
    The inability to use the correct version of "to/two/too" and "there/their/they're is another thing his supporters, all of whom are uneducated idiots, have in common with the Orangutan.
    Keep commenting and proving my point!

  36. 8:57-Left WING....WING...not wind you idiot.

  37. The airplane is without a doubt the most influential invention of the 20th century, simply because it shrunk the world. It has connected nations that would have never been connected otherwise, and shown us a new, unseen and spectacular perspective of our earth. The airplane has come a very long way since 1903, and still has a ways to go, but nothing comes close to the utility it brings to our fast paced and modern world, and nothing will in the forseeable future.

    The Green New Deal wants to make the airplane obsolete, fossil fuels obsolete, the combustion engine obsolete … It wants to tear down or renovate all of American's building to fit their view of the future … It wants to restructure our society for their type pf conformity … That's a tall order. Can they achieve that without turning us into another imploded society and economy … That's a good question

    Trump's state of union wanted America to remember what the dreamer's of America had accomplished … And encouraged the nation to move on with its dreams to keep America great … Indeed Trump is not flaw less and his critics pounce on these faults or so-called lapses of good judgment … So the new green deal counters with their out of the box program that cautious believe can not be achieved without destroying our economy and the life styles and freedom that Americans are accustomed to.

    As for me I am very apprehensive concerning the Green New Deal's offer of Neo-feudalism … Technologically some of the things the Green New Deal speak of may be achievable in the more distant future but I am a skeptic that they can be achieved in the next ten years... Personally for me I do not want government restraints to limit my decision as to where I want to travel and what means of travel to use … The only restraint I know that will come to me will be age restraints due to health.

  38. 8:34: "wait till the democrats get in charge again their goes the economy". I don't know about you, but my IRS's have been taking the last 3 cycles. Have you checked your balances?

  39. Ilhan Omar , Mario Cuomo, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are the face of the modern Democrat Party.

    Omar represents the anti-Semitic, Anti Israel wing. Remember Jesse Hymietown Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan who was pals with Obama, and Rev Wright, Obama's minister?

    Mario Cuomo represents the abortion on demand, up to and including one second before birth, and maybe after that.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez represents the lunatic economics of confiscation of wealth, high tax rates, government totalitarian control of the economy. She is the natural progression of Obamacare.

    And then you have Pocohontas, Spartacus, Schiff, Pelosi, etc. who are for all of the above, and open borders.

  40. Fascism comes to America, wrapped in the flag, carrying the cross and the bible. Donald Trump does this, although he doesn't believe in any of it. He preys on people's vulnerabilities and his sheep eat it up.

    1. I’m a Republican and sadly I agree with you and I am so angry that the Republican Party let this fraud represent me. I’m ashamed and I shudder when he uses the word “God” because it’s almost always a precursor to a deliberate falsehood (that would be a lie). Deflect, distract, blame The SOTU was no different. I hope the RNC can shake themeselves loose from him before he destroys the party. He lacks the values of the party.

  41. Maybe Americans need to re-invent a new social system that will leave them hungry, cold, and forced to work at the point of a bayonet, It seems they want to follow the example of Venezuela, I fear the Marxists and big government enthusiasts much more than Trump, History is a good example of where the disasters come from.

  42. 8:34 you must have the wrong people investing for you they must be democrats

  43. Here are my thoughts:

    1. If the illegal immigrants (undocumented) voted republican the wall would be 50 feet tall from the Pacific to the Gulf. We need to have an easier way for people to emigrate legally to the United States.

    2. China is kicking our behind and has weakened our blue collar job base while dumping cheap products into the American market.

    3. We have spent a fortune on the Military over the last 20 years, when Bin Laden was killed we should have declared peace and had a parade. If there is a chance to end our military engagements I am for it -

    4. Is Trump erratic - yes - But he was a better alternative than HRC.

    5. We should be nicer to each other even those we disagree with.

    My 2 cents

  44. Virginia democrats are example of the democratic party in America today

  45. Healthcare Premiums are up 11%. Goods and services cost more. Tax scam rebates are less. All this winning and we are still adding $1.5 Trillion in debt. Are we winning yet?

  46. 9:40: I stopped being "nice" when trump won. Also, I don't understand your first point? If illegal immigrants were allowed to vote, the Republican party would steal their votes and bus them in by the busload 24/7.

    9:43: Trump supporters are the Republican party in America today.

  47. While I do not believe anything Trump claims or promises, I did watch the SOTU. (On YouTube, with the speed at 1.25.)

    I was so pleased to see young Grace Eline representing childhood cancer patients, survivors and victims. It was the very first time childhood cancer has been mentioned in the SOTU, and I have to admit, I was thrilled to have this cause receive this level of attention. If the devil himself offered me $500 million to research cures for childhood cancer, would I take it? You betcha. And I would say thank you. (Sadly, I don't believe a word this particular devil in a toupee says, but still....it was great to see a kid representing a terrible group of diseases that needs much more national attention.)

    However, if Trump really wanted to help sick kids, he'd back universal health care for all. But that's a cause for a more well rounded and intellectual leader to handle. One of these days, we'll join the rest of the free world in this matter.

  48. Trump is the salvation of America against the socialist movement that started with Obama. Thank you Donald for running & standing tall against foreign influence over our economy. Glad there is someone willing to take a stand against the raiders of American jobs.

  49. I've never witnessed such venom against a sitting president like now.

  50. The Democrats are imploding themselves. I don’t know what it is about Donald John Trump, as President...because most of them licked his boots clean before he ran for office, but this man...our great President, has a wonderful way of making these folks reveal their true colors.

    I’m relatively sure it’s his brash honesty and God’s support!

  51. The best State of the union address ever. Our President laid out a strong base, told his accomplishments, which were more in his first two years than most administrations in they eight years, and shared his plan for the future. God bless President Trump. Also pictures don’t lie, SOTU shows democrats don’t hate President Trump, they hate America.

  52. today congress is most left wing radical congress in the history of America socialist baby killers anti jews anti business anti border security will not fight crime anti police and ice this congress is anti-America period thank the lord for president Trump all his successes with no help from democrats and mant rhinos Bernie you are 100 percent wrong in your defense of the left wing democrats

  53. As a former Democrat, I am very concerned that the Dems are going to give us 4 more years of Trump. By making Ocasio-Ortiz the super star of their party and parading out these far left wing candidates for President, he may win easier than in 2016. Can't my former party see that they needed to pivot centrist, not go farther to the left. A good, solid centrist Democrat could beat Trump right now. A far left, socialist type will deliver another Trump victory.

  54. SOTUs have devolved into passive-aggressive political rallies. They're a waste of time, regardless of the POTUS. That being said, and all the noise aside, two years of Trump have been marked with a list of conservative/libertarian workmanlike accomplishments: individual tax cut, corporate tax cut, lower unemployment, job growth, wage growth, ISIS decimated, North Korea talking instead of shooting, new NAFTA, federal register of regs cut in half, two conservative SCOTUS picks, rebalancing the federal bench. He still grew the deficit, albeit at a slower rate than his predecessor. That's bad - despite the new green dealers who say it's nothing to worry about. He's accomplished more down-the-line conservative things than Reagan did in eight years. I think he's a vulgar slug. But the scoreboard shows a rather standard conservative administration with a long list of agenda items crossed off. I think most people want his series canceled because it's been so successful, despite not being half the country's cup of tea. That's how the previous eight years were for conservatives.

  55. Will the Democrats be OK with killing Anchor Babies at 9 months or is that only for American Babies ?

  56. 10:29am:. Dumb truly is forever. I'll pray that your sanity is restored one day.

  57. 10:35am:. Only for Trump supporting babies.������



  59. 10:09-You must have been in a coma for the 8 years of the Obama administration if you really believe what you wrote.

  60. a vote for a democrat is a vote for satan

  61. Bernie of the democratic policies which do you approve of the baby killer abortion policy the no border wall and security stance of the dems get rid of ice the green dream get rid of planes and cows pay people not to work tax people for foolish spending the foreign policies of Obama the old trade agreements or us being the police of the world

  62. 11:38am: I'd vote for Satan.

    10:35am:. Let me guess, you believe that life begins at erection.

  63. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka "AOC") is the face of the Democratic party in 2019, and she definitely displays the hallmarks of the typical arrested emotional and mental development of the typical and youthful democrat cult member. Imagine an unruly and obnoxious kid in junior high (or middle school, as they call it now days) suddenly be given a nearly 200k salary, lots of perks and a budget to hire 25 additional like minded punks and we have little AOC today, as well as several others.

    While we may laugh at her antics, realize that 15 years ago we were laughing at the notion of legalizing sodomy and the prospect of homosexual "marriages" were just a dream in the minds of some democrats. But remember part of Newton's first law of motion, "An object that is in motion will not change its velocity unless a force acts upon it."

    Democrats continually push the envelop because nothing stops them. I see an article here on AT at the moment that I haven't gotten to yet, "It's called 'illegal', not 'undocumented' immigration", with the blurb of "In our two-party system, Democrat leaders have the political will to import as many illegal aliens as possible. Republican leaders haven’t had the political will to stop it. Both positions are, well, criminal". A perfect example. That democrats use the judicial system and agencies to target only republicans while republicans sit on their hands is another example. They fight, we don't, or at least our elected leaders short of Trump don't.

    Democrat "ideas" aren't intended to be real-life policy for the sake of the policy itself, they are ALL geared toward two things, the accumulation of power, then the ability to hold that power. When you (or better yet, our politicians) firmly grasp that, then you will at least understand the warfare that we find ourselves engaged in.

    The one delightful thing about little Alexandria is that she is telling the truth, by and large as she sees it. I do believe she truly is a dedicated cult member. The embarrassment to the party overall is that she is telling these truths, exposing the overall democrat plot.

    The Party's beef with her is that she hasn't learned to lie properly, to fool the rubes, to couch words in pleasing "American" terms. That so many high profile democrats, many running for their nomination, have sided with AOC, at least initially merely points out their own unpreparedness for the big leagues. However, always realize that no true statesmen exist in the democrat party, none truly "lead" based on any principles, they are all swept along by the winds of their democrat cult and culture.

    That is why the "center" of the left or what the democrats call "mainstream" is ever drifting leftward. The political democrats always recalibrate their "own" positions based on the prevailing liberal winds that begin in the universities and are "mainstreamed" by Hollywood and the media. Realize the democrat party has no "brakes", they will embrace any lunacy coming down the pike if they believe it is a winning idea among their coalition.

  64. So many comments. Wonder how many minds were changed?
    ^ Said in satire ^

  65. The POTUS and a collaborative burn both ends of the candle after tweets face timing in preperations for the swamp draining after witch the greatest show on earth The eXtravaganZa CURE begins! GITMO is up and running in a full swing with a three shift work force. New jobs that havent even been accounted for on the national charts and with pay scales that knock the baseball out of the ballpark.
    The eXtravaganZa is set at a pace that it will also be America's favorite sport in the comming century's.

  66. 11:56am:. I am a god-fearing, church going, Xtian and I will pray several rosaries and practice novenas that your sanity is restored one day

  67. 11:56 "The Party's beef with her is that she hasn't learned to lie properly, to fool the rubes, to couch words in pleasing "American" terms."
    Well Cadette Bone Spur sure learned how to fool one rube.

  68. In 2020 after watching who the dems will pick, Trump may very well look like the best pick, and certainly the most sane.

  69. Rumor is that Trump is making a deal with Putin to relocate new illegal immigrants to eastern Russia, were they will have an opportunity for a new home. If things work out maybe we can relocate a lot of these unemployable dems and millenials after they get thing organized. It could truly be a great new world.

  70. Good Question? Please list how Trump has damaged you personally since his election? I would like to know?

  71. 12:44 - I'm very pleased with what Trump has accomplished already, Can't add anything to such a list.

    However, high income earners with huge mortgages, high local and state taxation are very unhappy with the new tax law. They mostly live in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, and California. Don't know how many of those folks post here.

  72. Russians do not want the dems too far left

  73. So many posters here who vote against their own interests...the oligarchs have them well and truly duped. Yup vote AGAINST social security, Medicare (socialist programs) vote AGAINST federal agency policies that protect food safety, support small farmers, funding the CDC, vote AGAINST protections for clean air and water, vote AGAINST anything policy to help mitigate global climate change (forget about the taxes we pay that go towards MASSIVE cleanups of more frequent weather disasters). You vote for Trump and most Repubs if you vote this way. But hey, he's MAGA right? HAH!

  74. 12.44 but that is the agenda of the dems, to tax anyone who is considered high income, so they should love Trump for that.

  75. 1:33 "However, high income earners with huge mortgages, high local and state taxation are very unhappy with the new tax law. They mostly live in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, and California. "

    They are all Democrats anyway. Not Trump voters.

  76. 123tv.live is the channel for the poor demos to watch on any free tv's tonight. Change the channel from main stream TV and back again. Be informed.
    Live stream starts @ 1600 hrs. EST.

  77. I finally remembered "The Huntress".... lol...spitter with a napkin to keep it sanitary

  78. If "White Privilege" is such a big advantage, then why has Elizabeth Warren been trying to disguise herself as a Cherokee for the better part of the last 40 years?

  79. He's a douchebag. But he's been remarkably effective and has delivered on a long list of promises. I'll glady hold my nose and vote for him again. I didn't like when Clinton was getting his knob slobbed in the Oval Office. But the guy was able to look down at the part in a girl's hair and still manage things very effectively. A guy doesn't have to be an alter boy or boy scout to do a good job.

  80. Ah c'mon 2:16! Is that all you got?

  81. Too many people whine, spit and cry about these things. When it comes right down to it something needs to be done to bring the politician back to common law. They can do so many that most of you who comment on this post cannot and still get way with it. NO matter the sides they all are out there for the false pretense of doing right for the people while they lie steal cheat and make money and take advantage of the situation they are in.

    Oh I forgot that I spent a week in Russia meeting with senior people.
    Oh I was kind of born here.
    Oh I get to rule on whether that drug is the only one that can be sold. Oops wait a minute before I do that let me my family and friend's but lots of their stock.
    Oh now oops I did not pay my taxes for years oh well I am a congressman so oh well.
    I can publicly say I can do just about anything to a woman and not have repercussions.
    I don't have to have a clue about my job but get paid forever because I did it for a day.
    Oh I get permanent health coverage even though others don't.

    And please feel free to continue the list. There are so many more

  82. Worst President of all time.

    He will never be the man he despises so, Barack Obama. Obama will be remembered in the history books fondly while Trump will be a scourge.

  83. So the real bottom of the cause of all this is that there seems to be a good number of people who do not want to work, so even while they go through the motions of showing up and punching the clock, they hate it and believe it is unfair that they have to do it.

    they are really malcontents and are filled with envy at anyone who likes to work, is successful , enjoys what they do and have a positive attitude.

    they would destroy everyone just so that there would be equality, everyone poor and miserable like themselves.

    They are drawn to the democrats, because they tell these malcontents that they are failures because the world has been so unjust to you, you need to share in these others peoples prosperity, you deserve it, you need it, and we will get it for you.

    Envy, hate, and covetousness, just some of the emotions we see at work. Blessed be the democrats for they shall create equality.

    1. I love jesus, read the Bible and love the 10 commandments. I will pray for you to have your sanity restored.

  84. 3:53 The biggest malcontent seems to be you. You like "Murica" but can't stand Americans. I guess the Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Germans, Dutch, and Finns are all lazy malcontents as well because their system is based on Democratic Socialism. oh...wait...they are consistently graded as the happiest countries in the world by many measures of the WHO and other organizations that take into account quality of life. They actually are satisfied with their government as long as their tax burden is paying for the benefits they have come to expect. They are very productive societies but without many of the stressors like healthcare costs, childcare costs, college costs, etc. that put a strain on many WORKING families in this country.

    1. Backed by capitalist economies. Their socialist programs could not otherwise survive

  85. 4.14, It would be good for all those who cant take the stress here, and emigrate to those places, why force what you want on everyone else.

  86. anon 10:20,11:45; there is a new thing in writing called a "comma", you should check it out. I must say, your uncontrolled run-ons are entertaining if barely readable.

  87. Yeah 4:31...who wants that horrible condition called happiness. I'd rather work my ass off for 50 hours or more a week and my spouse as well just so we can still go deeply into debt for healthcare and college for the kids. WTF???

  88. So 4.50, just skip college for the kids and fuck health insurance, that way, you can live comfortably and the kids will have to figure out life for themselves. You have to get rid of the fear of living, death will take us all, the more you worry the sooner it may be.

  89. So, it seems people are not really afraid of what Trump is going to do to them, their taxes, freedom, opportunity, they fear that he may hinder them from getting more government benefits. A lot of fear of just life. What's really important? Having enough to eat and keeping warm in winter. The rest is all just chasing your tail.

  90. Fear and more fear, and worst of all is this warming thing, my god, what are we Americans going to do about it, While we pollute the least and others the most, we have to solve this problem too, I think we need to worry and fear less.

  91. Damm them domocrates are really leaking from there crotches today. If this would have been that day there purity would have been redd? That would have made for a good clapping redd wave for polowsky, the nue replacement of the wrinkley old sea hagg!

  92. Rasmussen has Trump's approval rating as of today at 52%.

    Remember those other pollsters who said Hillary had absolutely no chance of losing whatsoever?

    Oh yeah, that's right --- the Russians 'stole' the election.

  93. Props to that freshman Congresswomen from Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, who declared jihad against AIPAC.

    And this obvious Open Borders Policy is another winning move for the Democrat Party, clearly.

  94. seems like everyone has an opinion and wants to express it on this subject, seems like Trump is more interesting than the super bowl, does anyone doubt that? seems like Trump always looked bad but manages to make his critics look worse, seems like the left still hasn't figured that out, look what has become of the Democratic Party since Trump was elected. It 's isn't pretty is it. In fact they often make Trump appear reasonable. he is playing them for the suckers they are and many are enjoying ever minute of it.

  95. people want high taxes that is why they vote for the democrats

  96. "anon-religious"???

    Is that why Democrat Party Congressperson Ilhan Omar from Minnesota felt empowered to attack the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), because Trump is allegedly this or allegedly that?

  97. 7:05 pm it's isn't pretty is it's, left it's need to learn to code! Clearly it's are more and more of the ignoramus types! bahaha

  98. The Italians made a sculpture of Trump like there making of the Lamborghini only greatness there

  99. She didn't "attack" AIPAC, she accused it of lobbying on behalf of Israel. Which, duh, of course they do. They are a pro-Israel lobbying group. AIPACs own website makes it look more nefarious than Omar's comments on twitter.

  100. seems like Trump is again making chumps of media and the left, one can see that here and on the news.

  101. Wow, just mention trump and all hell breaks out, he is the Mohammad Ali, gorgeous George of politics.

  102. Well he's actively destroying our country so yea, people have opinions

  103. Watch the 1st rally in elpaso and see the attendance at this that the fake news refuses to cover.

  104. "Well he's actively destroying our country"

    Is that why African-American unemployment is at an all-time historical low, because Donald Trump is actively destroying the United States?

  105. Unemployment is at lows for all demographic groups. That doesn't mean Trump caused the low unemployment. Unemployment started going down years before Trump became President.

  106. Lots more shitty low paying part time hour jobs, Yeah!!! The Chamber of Commerce is thrilled!!!

  107. "Here's why. I've had enough of Donald Trump. I've grown tired of his ugly tweets, his blatant lies, his fear-mongering and the constant chaos that surrounds him. '

    You have just exhibited Tribalism at its best"

    Wrong. You apparently do not even understand the concept. My resentment of Donald Trump has nothing to do with the GOP or conservatism as an ideology. It has everything to do with Donald Trump. He is an ugly man who has to be at the center of everything. He lies constantly and does nothing but create chaos. I no loner wish to read his tweets or hear from him. I have tuned him out. Time to cancel his latest reality show.

  108. Ugly is using the offices of the government to conspire against political enemies. Trump's an obnoxious loudmouth. But none of his transgressions rise to the level of the previous administration's, from abuses of power at the IRS, CIA and FBI. They were Nixon and his enemies list on steroids. He sued the frickin Little Sisters of the Poor for crissakes. Trump talks the authoritarian game. He can't even get shit past his own party. He's a two-bit piker compared to Obama in the authoritarian department. Obama had his shit down.

  109. Bernie, this is a fine example of gang mob mentality with both left and right spewing ugly words and lies put to print? Seems to me this has become one of the most henious types and forms of discrimination out there today? In most cases it's only a few using different avatars to terrorize and demonize the other side individuality of there intellectual properties?
    That being said by one there are claims that that one possesses neither intellectual property and is not supposed to posess real property locally either because of there placement in categorizing said individual?

  110. I’m a Republican and this guy is the absolute worst president ever. A doofus, a lowbrow, a gangster robbing us and enriching his family. Give him his wall and put his name on it. It’s not like there will be a Trump Presidential Library or anything.

  111. I love how restoring prior programs and tax rates (like from before Reagan) is no being spun as "socialist". Trump may be losing cabinet members left and right, but his propagandists sure are a successful lot.

    My great uncle stormed Normandy and battled through France to stop the same authoritarianism and fascism being spun here at home.

    My wife's grandparents fled Austria right prior to Anschluss when they saw the writing on the wall.

    I can't see how people don't see the writing on the wall right now.......

    I weep for my children and grandchildren.

  112. Hey 932, keep in mind they were fleeing National SOCIALISM, and I assume if you and your comrades got your way, you would endorse and support the government enforcing those rules on the rest of us, even at the point of a bayonet. That is the end result of what you want.

  113. Social Security, Medicare are social programs, does that mean those who use it are socialists? Pull your heads out of your collective asses, take off the MAGA hats and stop acting like ignorant sheep. Unless you agree with republican corporate bosses who want to see those programs ended.

  114. America can see with its very own eyes who fights for them and their rights and who fights for illegal immigrants and the Constitutional rights they simply just do not have because they are NOT citizens.

    The Democrats' Open Border Policy will fly about as well as crooked Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign did.

    Unlike his critics, Donald Trump understands full well that some things, such as national sovereignty, for instance, simply are not meant to be compromised.

  115. Fact; MAGA hats cut off blood flow to the brain!

  116. "and who fights for illegal immigrants"
    yep Comrade trump has hired quite a lot of them.
    He not only praised them for their hard work but even tried to stiff them on their wages.

  117. I will support Trump in all that he does.. the biggest win so far is the two new Supreme Court judges. Everything else is just icing on the cake. He is by far the best president I have witnessed and I am 75. To all you nay Sayers you will never understand and I don't expect you ever understand.

  118. "He is by far the best president I have witnessed and I am 75"

    Have you been in a coma for 73 years??

  119. Feb 13 5:58
    Happy Valentine's day to all the no Trump are!
    First they teach us about colours of humans and than the political redd and blue to devide us thinking we haven't learned too CODE! There covering needs much work as the American people have been awokein to there edited news and there circus carnival sideshows by the left leaning national media outlets.

    First and foremost, humanist by design and not a party favor or people pleaser?


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