Local Government TV

Monday, February 18, 2019

Taiba Sultana Running For Easton Mayor

A local Easton activist, Taiba Sultana, is running for Easton Mayor. She is seeking the Democratic nomination, which will guarantee a primary contest between her and incumbent Mayor Sal Panto.

This is the fight to build a City that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and the well-connected," she states on her webpage. She backs that up with a progressive and aggressive platform.

I've already received one email attacking her, but my view is that people should decide these things. When Sultana ran for City Council, party bosses tried to force her off the ballot. Now they are painting her as an American hater.

Although she is far to the left of me politically, her voice should be heard.

Panto is immensely popular. Personally, I think he's a bit too full of himself. he's also dishonest, something he demonstrated when he was posting under fake names at Lehigh Valley Live. He has been a good Mayor most of the time. His stand on Lafayette College and the problems in the west ward have plagued him. His promotion of some 100' tall Vitruvian Eunuch (politically incorrect to call it a Man) is borderline idiocy that will end up costing the City.

If Vitruvian Peter M(el)AN runs, Sultana suddenly becomes viable.

There's quite a lively discussion at Laini Abraham's Easton page. I was surprised at all the "progressive" Eastiniand=s who condemn Sultana because of her religion.


  1. Taiba has generally conceded her campaign platform and website to Laini who moderates the "Easton, PA" Facebook group. They worked directly together on Taiba's platform and website, the woman. Sadly, and very unethically, this Facebook group has not disclosed this connection, and they are actively deleting posts negative to Taiba and positive to Sal Panto. That's not Democratic by any measure.

    I've personally worked with Taiba many times in the past. She is a friend and she means well, but I have to say she lacks basic experience in any real management capacity, let alone in government. I think she needs to focus on winning a lower-level race, rather than trying to fail upwards.

    She has lost 3 local races (school board, city council and state Dem Party seat) in the very recent past but feels she is entitled. I dislike the # of terms Panto has held office because it feels more like an emperor than Democracy, but experience matters. Taiba lists what seems like an impressive resume at first glance, but it is a lot of fluff (her highest title as Dem County Vice-chair essentially means she tells people "Vote Dem"; she also actively trashes the chairman at almost an opportunity). I am an inpatient person too, but Taiba is a recent transplant who I feel has a ton of ideas and wants good for people, but she also refuses to work well with others and burns bridges with ease. Lay people get to pretend the business of government is simple and easy, but Taiba truly thinks there is a magic wand she'll get to waive as mayor, and it really scares me.

    Again, I know Taiba well and I also know she means very well, but the business of mayor is more than just saying "Hey, I'm progressive". And frankly, Easton is a city predominantly white and with the usual ~50% males. Her website seems to miss that a panders to every keyword minority possible. While I am a fairly extreme progressive (I favor many aspect of real socialism), I do not believe in identity politics no fear-stoking. Her website platform is predominantly pessimism and painting a picture of a city on the brink, which is simply not the state of this city. It's disingenuous, and borderline fear-mongering.

    She refuses to concede to reality. Her website is something you might expect of a NYC or maybe LA, but Easton would go bankrupt trying to create the various "be-nice" commissions, initiatives and positions she states. The state wage act more or less means no municipality can raise the minimum wage, yet she continues to crusade without concern for facts. She does not understand the limitations of city government - her current website literally states that she will address things on a state and national level . . . that's simply not what a mayor does.

  2. I would ordinarily be appalled with the anti-Muslim sentiment I am hearing regarding Mrs. Sultana. However, bear in mind she is on record as saying we need to bring religion back into schools.
    Our constitution requires separation of church and state, so religion becomes an allowed subject in her campaign. Though she does not seem too concerned with sticking to any particular view but rather just says whatever she thinks will work the particular room best, so we'll see how her views change each week this campaign season . . . it should be dizzying!

    There is a "private" Facebook rant of her's circulating that states:
    America is "pansies",
    we need god in schools,
    complaining that we are no longer allowed to discipline our kids (I assume alluding to hitting kids),
    complaining that we "save drug addicts over and over again",
    and some comparison between vets and foreign aid.

    I'll see if I can post that here, but I don't think this system allows that.

  3. https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2019/2/18/0929c2e01fdf57e6dc8a5074d4aa7d83-full.png
    The above link is to the aforementioned rant.

    I don't think Mrs. Sultana can be trusted. She contradicts herself frequently and changes her views constantly. Personally, I think she simply wants some sort of power and doesn't stand behind her public views.

  4. Yeah, ok boss. Sounds like you can't deal with white men losing power.


  5. I congratulate her for taking on a political whale. Sal will keep getting Easton votes after he is dead. He has an ego bigger than then 100' eunuch. He should stop bragging about his vacant downtown and fix the gang ridden west end. The place is a disgrace. But he tells great stories and he knows he will get the votes so he has declared himself Mayor for life.

    She probably won't win but she has balls and I applaud her for doing what others want to do but are afraid.

  6. What's ballsy about running for every possible office? She just throws campaigns and positions at the wall and sees what sticks.

    Yeah, Easton has problems but it really was a city on the brink decades ago. It is blooming now overall . . . but it does need work as all cities do. Stores and restaurant don't just suddenly move downtown because a mayor dictates, they come in because of long-term, stable prospects. That takes time to create.

    Sure, let's add 100 social program and raise the minimum wage to $15 . . . how will that bring in more business?

    Sultana doesn't seem very genuine to me. She seems to just want to badmouth others and claim she knows better than everyone else. How? She has no experience other than losing, and losing, and losing.

    And who's "afraid" to run? It takes either a lot of hard work and dedication, or a 100 foot ego like Sultana has. I've never met a more self-involved egotist.

  7. What's it matter? Easton is 3rd rate at best.

  8. Give it a rest Sal. Or rover zero, or whatever you go by. The woman has the guts to stand up to you knowing you and your minions will carry a grudge for ever. She is the future and you are the past.
    Also you have ignored the westward and the south side for years.

  9. Another new Democrat, the face of the new Democratic party.

  10. Sal didn't bring much to the table when he started. This should be fun. A good purity test always is.

  11. Why is it that "Activists" are always radical Democrats ?

  12. "...I don't think Mrs. Sultana can be trusted. She contradicts herself frequently and changes her views constantly..."

    SOP for Democrats at all levels.

  13. "...She has lost 3 local races (school board, city council and state Dem Party seat) in the very recent past but feels she is entitled...."

    Another Hillary type. If she loses, I'm sure she will blame the Russians for her defeat.

  14. The city, by charter, was designed to be run by professionals. That leaves the question. What does a mayor do? Interesting development in the fact that a former professional employee, now a candidate for controller takes credit for the city’s financial accomplishments in the past years. Something that the current mayor frequently touted. Not really sure what the mayor really does.? Leads the Halloween parade and has charge of the “Potemkin Village” including seeking grants. Does take positions on national issues and involves on a state and national level. The management experience is a big question. With all the professional help, the elected office is really designed to be an ombudsman so the electorate is not forgotten in all this super efficiency. Problem is that with only one person holding the job for so long , it’s really difficult to see what the true responsibilities are.

  15. Mayor deserves a raise,

  16. Man, comments about Easton are never dull, and some of the best entertainment, some things you just can't make up!

  17. She can't do any more damage than that wingnut Zirinski. She has already alienated most of her fellow elected dems. She is a true ego all about myself politician.

  18. I personally never prefer:
    "Inexperienced but look-at-me I'm progressive"
    "Older, experienced . . . and not quite so progressive"

    The problem is "progressive" is all too often code for "I think I know better than everyone else, but I haven't really researched the facts".

    It takes times, patience and effort to learn and be expert at anything. We've got a really screwed up political system in so many ways, but we will regret if outrage and half-baked ideas displace those who have real experience (yes, even if they have served "too many" terms).

    What some of of don't consider is this: 90% of politicians really would wave a magic wand and make all your problems go away, if they could. It just is not that easy.

    Panto = Experienced, but flawed because he's put himself out their for decades
    Sultana = Tear it all down! She knows better than anyone and she'll fix! (sounds like Trump to me)

    One lives in the real world, the other thinks she should continually fail and yet never consider to look at why she's failing (it's oh so easier to just blame the system).

  19. You mentioned many time in your posts that you were her friend now alienated.Did you raised these issues when you were part of her campaign.

  20. Love or hate him . This woman would destroy city hall if she has control. She possesses zero management skills or the mental approach to ‘how stuff works ‘in government. Mr .Panto on the other hand has vast knowledge,a business degree and knows his constituents. I’m a “tax payer “ it matters to me. And I sign my name and I’m a hard R - .you may not.

  21. Were is the morning mentor that claimed, "it would hit dat"?

  22. new democrats just like oac no amazon for nyc socialism policy always fails the people

  23. Listening to Pete Cochran or Mayor Panto talk is like sitting in a public bathroom and listening while the guy in the next stall preps for a colonoscopy.No doubt Pete is touting the mayor so he can become the next EFD Deputy Chief.

  24. Screw Easton...Bethlehem police officer charged in Bucks County hit-and-run!

  25. It is funny to hear the alt-righters mocking this woman as well as the establishment dem women who pretend to be "progressive". Yeah, as long as it suits their agenda. It is no doubt the female progressive wing of the democrat party is pushing power now. In fairness it is just like the tea party, alt-right fascist wingnuts are the power base of the republican party.

    New blood is fine but I do worry about this anger over all things and people older. They also think just because they are young and smart that is better than old and smart and experienced.

    We have that right here in Northampton County as you know Bernie. I have heard that the only thing Zirinski and Hefner argue over is which one should be in charge of county council. They are both against the older white guy being president and want him to give it to them. Neither has experience and so far they seem to be lacking on leadership skills and temperament based on your posts.

    New is not necessarily better. Also I will take experience any day when it comes to government. Even though I do agree with new blood. However, you should shut your mouth for a while and learn something.

  26. Is she fluent in English ?

  27. These women socialists most likely made campaign donations to the national artistic faked fagg bashing in national news. There circus carnival agenda to put this on national news as a worthy storyline for the feminists to powder and tuck there lower parts.

  28. Anon 12:40 am said:

    "While I am a fairly extreme progressive (I favor many aspect of real socialism), I do not believe in identity politics no fear-stoking."

    This may be one of the dumbest statements ever, but I would expect that from anyone who "favor many aspect of real socialism".

    You realize that Communism/Socialism thrives on the identity politics of pitting on economic class against another, right?

  29. 9:21 pm yea and they've taken darth voter and REpetes mental migets social media policinoto advice too! This is why they tri boro has become a third world nation unto itself.
    TheZe thingZ are enhancing there portfolioZ on the destitute numberZ in head countZ at local soup kitchenZ and and social program numbersZ while neglecting thoZe they have personal first hand knowledge of because of there participation, or in such cases lack thereof!

    humanist by design with a real hand in the lower hemisphere below the equater

  30. Anon 6-16 - if you knew “the truth “ you would know I’m not qualified for that job ,or anything else.

  31. I am wanting to be on record about the abuse of my candidate. She is a good woman working to make Easton better. Panto has driven Easton into the ground, you know that Easton.

    It is coming to our campaign attention that you are an anti-Muslim city. See as Facebook has very many anti-Muslim comments. Stop! Please!!!!

    Please see our website and visit our Facebook discussion group called Easton, PA. We have many supporters. You will want to join!

  32. So- anon 5:12 Why don’t you post with your name? I m sure she is a rather pleasant person,but going from a corner store to city hall is what The Mayor did and he had a long learning curve. Indorsmements mean nothing to nobody if there is no name attached. We have a multitude of ongoing problems to solve here ,and tax payers want ability that they pay for in salaries for them act. This lady is conducting a pipe dream as to her ability to lead this city in correct heading. She fails to have the background,however leadership is an art form. Our crime for example was big issue . Code was eventually established after Mayor Mitmin went to Nashua N.H. And came back with “ the main street project “ and converted traffic lights to LED .additionally a rental inspection started that causes names of renters to show up for the first time. One has to have insight,moral courage and fundamentals of management.. I’m not suggesting this young lady doesn’t possess these qualities, I suggest she has not been though the ringer yet. The incombant has. I sign my name and not ashamed to exercise 1st. Adm . Rights. Otherwise Molon labe . I know who you are by the way 6:16

  33. Anon 5:12 is still butthurt that he put up a post today to "out" an admin and it backfired in his face. The best part was when he deleted the post and himself from the group, than lied about it and was 100% proven wrong lol. Good job bud you are now the biggest laughing stock of Easton lol.

  34. Peter C. Some us want no stupid abuse so I for one am not signing my name for you to just bad mouth my people. Her campaign is as strong as my faith and we don't deserve haters just bc we want to make things BETTER FOR ALL which includes YOUUUU!

    I don’t care if people put links earlier in comments tryinh to harm her reputations bc I stand by all positions!!! Yes, we need GOD back in schools and most Democrats AGREE but are too fake or weak to say! She says and proudly means it: USA is truly pansies now!!!!! Let's get real and fix the mistake of male leadership for all the years!

    Mrs. Sultana, AKA New Mayor Sultana, is the ONE!! Choosen by the people and more!!! You get mad because women are standing up against men, finally. Bullys like FORMER Mayor Panto will be unemployed!! Back to corner store - your own words. Deserved!!!!!

    We really do have all the answers in front of us - it’s not hard if you learnt to think right. Think fresh. Think PROGRESSIVE!!!!

    You will see her success very soon!!!

  35. These comments prove why the rest of the Lehigh Valley wishes Easton would be annexed by Philipsburg - you guys take yourselves way too seriously!

  36. Such naked gender identity politics, 8:03. So Mrs. Sultana is the most qualified and 'best' candidate for public office simply because of anatomy. Because that very same approach worked so well for Monica Lewinsky's ex-boyfriend's wife, of course. Okay, got it.

  37. "naked gender identity politics"!!! How sexist of you (I'm joking)!

    As a woman (that means I speak for all women, right?) I can tell you that those of us who are serious, without daddy-issues, who have achieved success in life (whether in business, as a mother, or just as a well-rounded and decent person) WE HATE THIS BS I'm-a-woman angle! Hate, hate, hate it!

    I really do think most women are even more turned off by this "vote for me, I have lady parts" garbage than most men. I'm a woman, and I know some of us are great, some of us are jerks. Same can be said for men. We really are just all humans. That's what being equal is all about.

    Yeah, I have smaller shoulders and like to smell pretty, while men tend to have bigger muscles and stink more . . . but we are equally allowed to vote, run for office . . . and in the case of this lady . . . fail.

  38. "Peter C. Some us want no stupid abuse so I for one am not signing my name for you to just bad mouth my people. Her campaign is as strong as my faith and we don't deserve haters just bc we want to make things BETTER FOR ALL which includes YOUUUU!"

    I am sorry about the anti-Muslim sentiment from some supposed progressives. But in defense of Peter, let me say I have always found him to be fair-minded. He is a conservative and does not have to think "progressive." Nor does anyone. He is no hater.

  39. Why not actually read her website rather than just dismiss her ---- she covers all the major issues we face in Easton. I have quoted key issues below directly from the website to summarize for all:

    ----> LGBTQ people are being oppressed, DAILY: Her Fix: "Appoint city liaisons to ensure equality towards LGBTQ + community in public school". Very smart!

    ----> "We need to spend for better infrastructures". Perfect! She also will not raise taxes. We really can do more with less.

    ----> "We need to ease the process of establishing shelters at existing churches and nonprofit centers": She will support church programs! Which is great, as we need moral guidance inour city.

    ----> "we are in a crisis when faced with police and law enforcement interactions with people of color": Fix: stop this crisis! By "cultural competence training" and "law enforcement priority list shaped by the people who live in the area" are great ideas. Cops sjould listen to residents. Not all areas have the same crimes, and some of our cultures are different - policing should be by the people.

    ----> "We also need to include more renters and younger citizens in our government decision-making process": Exactly! Why are renters and young people not involved in decisions! We pay your salaries, so we should vote on city government decisions!

    And have you read the amazing ideas on affordable housing? If not, take a read as you will find them groundbreaking! They really are genius, and we need to clamp done on these rich landlords raping our checkbooks!:
    ----> "We need to help support small businesses and enhance communitydevelopments by advocating for affordable commercial space, and help stronger foster neighborhoods and empower community members to take collective actions and generate solutions to common problems"
    ----> "Establish an Office of Housing Stability to help individuals find and maintain stable affordable housing"

    And she is ready to take the government to all! No longer will City Hall be the only place where government happens. I truly think this is very groundbreaking:
    ----> "Host city council meetings in all of our neighborhoods"

    Even "new" people can have great ideas. Sometime we need new.

  40. Let’s examine a couple of the above posts now that they are in print . “ Evan new people can have great ideas “. I totally agree with that statement. “ Host city council meetings in all of our neighborhoods .” Ok ,but all the support infrastructure,i ,is in one place (council chambers) for a reason . Part of the litmus test about a contributing idea is that one shows up to a podium and then it gets recognized and recorded. “Establish an office of housing stability.......” I would call that the Code office. They are the faculty that is directly diminished violent crime ,increased quality of life here ,and should be recognized as such. They have done a remarkable job as a team. , however I could contribute suggestions on ways to Evan get more out of that department if I was taken seriously at the podium — that I fail to show up on at council meetings. I do things sometimes that appear to the receiver as something other than what it may be,on purpose. Notice the number of obvious new posts here with names attached. Good for you folks. Were all in this together,and must respect each other to make it work effectively. Good day.

  41. I have met Taiba on several occasions and have also had the opportunity to hear her speak. I think she's an incredibly passionate person who would serve well in a publicly elected position - maybe it's mayor, maybe it's school board, maybe it's something else she hasn't run for yet. She may not have experience, but neither do half of the white men elected into government. I think most of the criticism she has received is rooted in something else.

  42. So is this candidate's website a joke? Did it get taken over by hackers? I'm seriously asking.

    Is the post above quoting the website meant to mock the site, or do people really think this way (meaning, can the poster possibly really mean what they posted seriously)? I'm looking at the site now and I don't recognize a single photo as Easton. At least a few are definitely from Europe, which last I heard had still not moved to Easton.

    I didn't realize the town I live in is such a s#!thole with racial issues, gay-bashing, and "too many roadblocks to finding a job", but apparently Sultana knows better than me - and I've lived here for 14 years now.

  43. Oh, and what the heck does "We also need to include more renters and younger citizens in our government decision-making process, to help shape a future of our city that will benefit everyone" mean?

    What's blocking renters and/or younger citizens from voting? And what the bloody hell does "in our government decision-making process" actually mean? We elect politicians and for better or for worse they make decisions, hopefully with input from those of us who take the time and effort to be involved where we can. Renters (which I am) and young (which I guess I still am) should now get special treatment and get to what . . . take a rotation at making governmental decisions? Like a revolving mayorship? What utter nonsense.

  44. Have others seen this from an earlier comment?:


    Candidate Sultana wants to bring religion back to schools.
    She seems to be a proponent of physical punishment of kids.
    She calls Americans "pansies".

    I understand why people are leery of this person. She seems to talk out of both sides of her mouth at once. I think it raises legitimate questions that an politician, let alone an immigrant, privately bashes America in such a rude manner.

    It worries me, particularly as a woman, that a so-called progressive "leader" privately says that single parents "don't stand a chance". Plenty of single mothers would like to tell you where to stick it.

  45. Pam Grishban
    I will not be supporting Sultana, but I dont think that photo is real. I looked through her entire FB page and didnt see anything anywhere near close to that. That entire quote was a conservative meme making its rounds on FB awhile back...nothing she claims to stand for matches any of that.

  46. Bernie, Does a 3rd class city council have the rights or power to impeach a mayor if that sitting mayor is out of control ,or out of line or gets stupid on them . Can they evect the Mayor ,and replace the Mayor ?

  47. Ok, I’m not talking about Mr.Panto , I’m just asking Incase I get voted in on the R side. Could they get ride of me?

  48. What mini mart was she the "CEO" of?

  49. Yeah, does anyone know the mini-mart?

    I can't seem to find anything on google whatsoever about this person. Did they exist before this announcement?

    Someone from her campaign must be monitoring online (at least I guess campaigns do that), so can you give us some background beyond the website blurbs? Maybe add some content to your website as far as like history at the mentioned past jobs, etc.? I'd like to know more about her, but I can't find anything.

  50. The photo shows her as a beautiful lady. But is she a Trojan Horse? I’d like to see.

  51. This campaign is a total joke. The staff attacks people who make comments, but don’t realize . . . we are not the people running for office - you are, and are subject to scrutiny! We are voters who, at least so far and based on your incoherent website and corny videos, see you as a total joke.

    Attack / debate / confront Mr Panto on ISSUES. We get it, he's an older white male, but your being agist, racist and sexist if his DOB and DNA disqualify him. Show us your actual plan for the $15 minimum wage. A lot of us will listen if you have something of substance to say.

    Otherwise please move on, drop out, find another race. We don’t need a Johnny-come-lately to sully Easton with baseless vitriol. We get it, you’re a woman and you’re a bit on the younger side... so freakin what! Those are positives ONLY IF you also have something worthwhile to say and actual plans.

    Telling me you want “vibrant sidewalks” is seriously pointless happy-horseshit nonsense. Define a "vibrant sidewalk". Explain what a "vibrant sidewalk" does for me and the city. Explain your "vibrant sidewalk" incentive plan. Otherwise I think you're being disingenuous . . . what's next: "productive curbs", "bodacious streets", and "free-college gutters"?

    If Sultana and her whiny, inexperienced crew want to continue campaigning on the fringe, attacking voters, and operating in the shadows without telling us who is on your team, how you will get things done, and playing by rules and laws... then logically we must assume you are just full of $h!t.

    Prove us wrong.

  52. What's the story about the 7-11?

  53. And Now a Republican candidate for Easton Mayor , What she going to do now?

  54. I saw here some comments as widely unreasonable, illogical , inappropriate

    Those who are opposing the idea of minmum wage of $15. If they claim they are progressive then they are not progressive they hypocrate. I appreciate Taiba sultana to bring this issue on local level politics and taking all the heat i saw some abussive comments too.I advised her be stong. Minimum wages is actually human issue. This is minimum level of living standard.
    I like to watch c-span where after every few months supreme court judge come in front of budget commitee and ask more money because inflation rate increased. But where the poor workers will go.........need to build up a strong political movement from grass roots to national level for their demands.

    "Since 1978 the cast of college tution fee has increased by 1120%. The cast of medical care has increased by 601%.the cast of food has increased 244%. The shelter hss gone up 380%. Meanwhile pay of typical worker has gone up by 10%..minimum workers wage fell by 5.5%.
    Salary of CEOs has increased by 937%"
    (US labor Department)
    Municipal corporation can fix a standard for their workers for minimum wages. Plus they can pass the ordinance to make the minimum wages law. There are lot of other solution to impose this standard......

  55. “A lot of solutions”, perhaps, but none provided by Sultana.

    The PA State Wage Law essentially forbids municipalities from making their own minimum wage. As well, many residents do not work in Easton itself, so would not benefit. There are many other details that need to be weighted, and Sultana offers no real information and has no plan.

    Low income workers clearly need better wages if they are doing there job well, and the income divide is enormous with CEOs vs underlings.

    But CEO pay is not the norm. What is the norm is lower wage earners are not all being “kept down” by an evil system. Some are young with no experience, some do not work hard, some are hard workers who are underpaid, some work for a business that truly cannot afford to pay more, etc.

    If a plan was put forth that factored in these real facts, I think it would get wide support. Many counties have tiered minimum wages that account for age and more. But when lazy politicians like Sultana simply decree “wages must rise”, they show their ignorance, inexperience, and lack of honesty.

    Most inequities and problems are not due to conspiracies nor have simple fixes. “Savior” candidates like Sultana are dangerous because all they do is talk in grand gestures but provide no solutions. Trump does the same thing.

    But really, Supreme Court justices are regularly in front of Congress asking for raises? That seems rather far fetched, but what do I know...

  56. The differing depth and views of the comments is great (I think)! It's almost makes me think we can actually have a productive conversation in our town.

    " - maybe it's mayor, maybe it's school board, maybe it's something else she hasn't run for yet. She may not have experience, but neither do half of the white men elected into government. I think most of the criticism she has received is rooted in something else"

    So which is it? Mayor, school board, . . . what works out?

    And all those evil white men! Easton, and the US, is majority white, so there will be always be plenty of white men in office if we want to be representative (don't we?). Just because plenty of turkeys got elected with no experience is not a reason to elect someone else with no experience.

    We should learn from our mistakes and elect people on their merits, experience, knowledge, commitment, etc. Sultana seems to have very little, and combined with misguided ideas I think she would be a massive failure. She seems to think the Mayor runs public schools, is in charge of national laws, can dictate which businesses move into town, and more blah, blah, blah, happy nonsense.

    Please forgive those of us old enough too have lived and learned. I can only hope the next outrage-cycle is over the ageist, anti-experience rhetoric of these self proclaimed "activists".

  57. The differing depth and views of the comments is great (I think)! It's almost makes me think we can actually have a productive conversation in our town.

    " - maybe it's mayor, maybe it's school board, maybe it's something else she hasn't run for yet. She may not have experience, but neither do half of the white men elected into government. I think most of the criticism she has received is rooted in something else"

    So which is it? Mayor, school board, . . . what works out?

    And all those evil white men! Easton, and the US, is majority white, so there will be always be plenty of white men in office if we want to be representative (don't we?). Just because plenty of turkeys got elected with no experience is not a reason to elect someone else with no experience.

    We should learn from our mistakes and elect people on their merits, experience, knowledge, commitment, etc. Sultana seems to have very little, and combined with misguided ideas I think she would be a massive failure. She seems to think the Mayor runs public schools, is in charge of national laws, can dictate which businesses move into town, and more blah, blah, blah, happy nonsense.

    Please forgive those of us old enough too have lived and learned. I can only hope the next outrage-cycle is over the ageist, anti-experience rhetoric of these self proclaimed "activists".

  58. The differing depth and views of the comments is great (I think)! It's almost makes me think we can actually have a productive conversation in our town.

    " - maybe it's mayor, maybe it's school board, maybe it's something else she hasn't run for yet. She may not have experience, but neither do half of the white men elected into government. I think most of the criticism she has received is rooted in something else"

    So which is it? Mayor, school board, . . . what works out?

    And all those evil white men! Easton, and the US, is majority white, so there will be always be plenty of white men in office if we want to be representative (don't we?). Just because plenty of turkeys got elected with no experience is not a reason to elect someone else with no experience.

    We should learn from our mistakes and elect people on their merits, experience, knowledge, commitment, etc. Sultana seems to have very little, and combined with misguided ideas I think she would be a massive failure. She seems to think the Mayor runs public schools, is in charge of national laws, can dictate which businesses move into town, and more blah, blah, blah, happy nonsense.

    Please forgive those of us old enough too have lived and learned. I can only hope the next outrage-cycle is over the ageist, anti-experience rhetoric of these self proclaimed "activists".

  59. Will be interesting to watch this campaign implode. My worry is that egotists like Sultana will be what destroys any chance of bipartisanship. It's almost impossible to have sensible discussions when you have people at the fringe, like Sultana, attacking their own side.

    The gibberish in the comment above is proof enough. No amount of stating inequities and what is not perfect will fix anything. You need to have actual policies and thoughts. We can all sit in a room as Democrats, Republicans and Independents and agree there is a lot that needs fixing. But that doesn't solve anything.

  60. You have got to be brain dead to vote for any Liberal Loon anymore!!


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