Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

NorCo To Help Families In Need of Subsidized Daycare

Back when I was a little monster, I had this annoying habit of waking up around 2 am, and then knocking on neighbors' doors. I ran away from home periodically to become a mountain man. The last straw was when I nearly killed my sister. She was thirsty and whining to my mother, who was trying to clean the bath tub with five kids tormenting her simultaneously. As the oldest, I decided to help. So I gave my sister a bottle of clorox. That was just one of several occasions in which I was shipped off to my grandparents for a little vacation. I liked it better there anyway because my grandfather - a really cool guy who always wore a three piece suit - gave me pocket watches and American flags. He also took me on walks every night, even though he was quite ill. We'd walk a block or two, and then he'd tell me to wait on the corner while he gets his shot. He'd tell me he was quite sick. A block later, he would need another shot. After a few blocks, I could see myself that my grandfather was very unhealthy. When we'd return home, my grandmother could see it, too.

In those days, most mothers stayed home with the kids. Their salvation was their family, who could be counted on to look after holy terrors like myself.

Times have changed. Both parents work, almost always as a matter of economic necessity. Most salaries are too low to raise a family on one parent's income. Although some can rely on family to help take care of young children, most are spread out. As a result, there has been an explosion of daycares. But what do parents do when their combined income is so low they are unable to afford it?

Northampton County has decided to help.

On the first Thursday of every month, between 1-5 pm at the Human Services Building on Emrick Blvd in Bethlehem Tp, Human Services staff will assist anyone with questions about child care, including subsidized child care.

“Finding quality child care can be difficult under the best circumstances,” says Executive Lamont McClure. “We hope, by providing access to specialists, it makes it easier for our working families to find daycare.”

Human Services is located at 2801 Emrick Blvd. Bethlehem, PA 18020.


  1. Will Ivanka be attending and spreading all her knowledge?

  2. "Will Ivanka be attending and spreading all her knowledge?"

    She made sure everyone got 12,000 towards their daycare costs, your check must be in the mail. Unless you made under 500,000 a year, then, no soup for you. MAGA.

  3. socialism by the Zirinski democrats.

  4. They'll only grow old and have to face the horror of McClure's Gracedale legacy.

  5. Dear early morning posters of snippets (POS'S)
    Please do not worry that Ivanka won't assist in spreading her knowledge and wealth. Why, just a day ago, Democrats in Congress overwhelmingly voted to kill babies, or just allow them to die, after birth. So the need for child daycare should disappear shortly.

  6. Well, Mr. McClure should look before he leaps: 1. The PA Dept. of Human Services has revised its regulations calling for the elimination of the term “day care” and directing that it not be used to describe the provision of early childhood care and education. “Day care” had been regularly used to refer to programs for children, pets, and seniors! 2. This advice and assistance is already available to parents and providers from the PA Office of Child Development and Early Learning. Locally, the service is offered by Child Care Information Services (CCIS), a program under the auspices of Community Services for Children. Are the Northampton County Human Services people aware of that and coordinating with them?

  7. PA DHS - Child Care Works Subsidized Child Care Program


  8. EVERYTHING in our lives should be free! Let someone else pay.

    Socialist(formerly Democrat)Party

  9. Hey 8:49, instead of trolling, why don't you post a thoughtful argument either for or against subsidized day care? The way you have decided to respond instead is lazy, stupid, and benefits nobody.

  10. 8"49 is none other than Rolfie Boy Oeler who was cavity searched by the secret service after being tipped off by the author of this blog about threats made against Barry Hussein Obama. Rolfie boy Oeler cannot comment using his ironpigpen moniker here so he slithers about anonymously while routinely droning on about his five finger fishing at Molovinskyonallentown.blogspot.com.

    Rolfie boy knows who would win in a fist fight with the silver fox, that's why he tucked tail when confronted years back.

  11. As the above comment says, this seems to duplicate services already provided by the state or agencies such as Community Services for Children. But aside from that: did anyone stop to think that they should have these hours either in the evening or on the weekend? I would assume most parents seeking child care need it because they work, so having it in the middle of a standard work day seems silly.

  12. Was the story writers sister that bad that she needed the bleach treatment all ready at the young tender ages? The writer sounds to me like the bleach treatment wasn't the only thing needed because from my crystal ball, I see a guillotine is more fitting.
    Kids will be kids!!!!

  13. Much like the county newsletter. This is merely propaganda puff pieces for the county executive and his re-election. Photo ops fro the county executive. you don't read anything about anything else. They all need to hire a publicist on the county dime.

  14. The only hockey player even close to Rolf Oelers level would be King Allentown, both make Bernie look like a bigger Soy Boy than Ronan Farrow.

  15. Bernie in the Pig Pen tonight for some pork.

  16. Sam Murra (not Irish) Haddad fixed an All Star Vote for his Son Joseph =wrong.

  17. Sam Murray (not Irish) fixed an All Star vote for his son Joey !
    Trump 2020

  18. Who the heck is this Marcus Brandt idiot with his yammering on about Sam Murray Haddad? I should think you and Molovinsky would have both booted him off by now. Enough already!

    1. Amen brother. BTW nobody gives a shit about little league!

  19. Thank God Sam Murray is not Irish. And a guy who can't fix an all star vote is really not fit for the bench. The obsessed poster has caused my opinion of Sam Murray to improve dramatically. God bless Sam Murray.

  20. “We hope, by providing access to specialists, it makes it easier for our working families to find daycare.” Wow. Just put up a free list on the Web.

  21. “We hope, by providing access to specialists, it makes it easier for our working families to find daycare.” Wow. Just put up a free list on the Web.


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