Local Government TV

Monday, February 18, 2019

In Off Election Year, McClure Raises $57,700

Incumbency helps. Lamont McClure was elected Northampton County Executive in 2017. In 2018, there were no county races. He nevertheless raised $57,700 last year. His vanquished foe, former Executive John Brown, raised no money. In fact,he had to lend his campaign $6,500 so he could pay a $6,632 bill still owed to his political consultant, Communications Concepts.

The lion's share of McClure's money comes from the trade unions. This is no surprise. Historically, they have always been his biggest supporter. He has always supported them, too. One of the first times I saw him, he was handing out flyers for one of them.   

The one troublesome aspect of McClure's warchest is that it includes a large number of $500 donations from people who work for him. McClure assures me that no one is forced to give him money. Of course not. That would be macing, and is criminal. It's still something that was largely absent under former Executives John Stoffa and John Brown. It still looks like pay-to-play.

You might think that these kinds of donations should be illegal. Such a law, however, would almost certainly be considered an infringement of the First Amendment  Also, it would make it very difficult for someone like  McClure, who took a major paycut to become Executive, to get his message out to the public.

The one and only contribution that really bothers me is $500 from lobbyist Jennifer Mann. I saw her in the courthouse halls a few weeks ago, headed to public works. She's up to something.

The only other NorCo pol who went out of his way to raise money in a nonelection year is Bethlehem City Councilman Bryan Callahan. He raised $20,800 last year, including money from the controversial Benner family as well as Westgate Mall owner Mark Pepitone.

Personally, I'd like someone to give him money to just shut up at Council meetings. His incessant monologues alienate everyone eventually.

Bethlehem City Councilman Willie Reynolds, who can raise money as well as anyone, made no effort to do so last year. Nor did incumbent Bethlehem Mayor Bob Donchez, who is sitting on $130,298.92 .

Easton Mayor Sal Panto, running for his 638th term this year, raised no money last year. 

Nor did Bethlehem City Council member Michael Colon, who reports a whopping warchest of $168.84.

Good on them.


  1. I heard there is an old political line,
    Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.

    Sad to see so much money now poured into local races. Guess it is cheaper than buying them at the state and federal level.

  2. I supported McClure but is he pulls the Mann/Pawlowski camp followers into Northampton County, he lost that support. They are all bad news. If he has thrown his lot on with that crowd I hope there are some smart and honest people on the county council to watch out for run away cronyism or they will be thrown pout like him.

  3. You going to post who all of his doners are like you did with Brown?

  4. So is raising money in off years good or bad? Seems you praised McClure for doing, were indifferent on Callahan, and praised others for not raising funds.

    I took a peek at the Bethlehem Elected's report on the City website. Reynolds has over $30,000, and why does Donchez need to raise money? He is term-limited, and unlikely to seek another elected position.

    Also, noticed that Bryan Callahan gave a lot of money away to candidates for state office and even gave to Wild. Did McClure do that too? I think it is good for incumbents to help get other like-minded candidates elected.

    Poor Colon. Squeaked into office, has not done much, and will be out of office this year because Van Wirt is running for the 4-year seat.

  5. "You going to post who all of his doners are like you did with Brown?"

    Oh please, Bernie will only tell you what he wants you to know. Union payback is exactly what McClure got from all those Union contracts that Bernie has been gushing about over the last couple of weeks. Pay to play baby, that's how it all works.

  6. Who gave money in the Bethlehem and Northampton County races the last five years and now have meaningful positions working there? Its a family affair. You wash my back, ...

  7. ”You going to post who all of his doners are like you did with Brown?”

    During the election, when I wrote about Brown’s donors, I wrote about McClure’s as well. I covered both. And now, I have said trade unions are far and away McClyre’s biggest supporters. So you don’tvknow What you are talking about or, more likely, are a partisan liar.

  8. “I think it is good for incumbents to help get other like-minded candidates elected.”

    I think it should be illegal. It is a slap across the face of people who give their hard-earned money to Candidate Abto watch him turn around and give it to someone elsr

  9. Johnny Casino was the slickest pol at getting money from everywhere but why his brother gets it is a mystery. he is no Johnny C and at best a bit of dim bulb. He not only lectures and drones at meetings he grandstands with meaningless legislation. His latest is an unnecessary pay deal which is already covered by state law. Name means a lot in Bedlam.
    Not surprised by Donchez. The guy wants a war chest just like his pals Boscola and JM. Neither he nor Boscola need it but it makes them king makers. Ego is the central theme with these folks.

  10. Just like McClueless giving ole "Scottie" boy the deputy of public works position- what a joke! The "good ole boys club" is rampant in the entire valley.

  11. Yea the union puks donate but the all mighty development people both public and private, or in other words profit and non-profit are the nue king makers. Than the hiring of unskilled workers to perform skilled PR work is also a nue common practice behind union lines.

    1. You are obviously unskilled and I’ll be damned if I would ever hire a piece of shit like you.
      ———Mother Jones

  12. Last time Colon ran he beat council VP Rechuitti with only about $6000 as I recall or about 1/4th what Rechuitti raised. He ran on good government vs chrony capitalism & he has upheld his end of the promise. Van Wirt will take Martell spot & likely 2nd highest vote getter so Colon will be battling The fire union guy & Ritter for the 3rd spot. Not sure where that lands quite frankly.

  13. Bethlehem Council will be Reynolds, Ritter and then Van Wirt or Colon. Ritter is a popular name in Bethlehem and she will benefit from it. Carol is also a well-known life long resident of the City. She and her family are active in the community, in their church, and in Liberty HS.
    I think Van Wirt will need to spend more than the $9,000 of her own money to win a seat, especially if Colon goes out and knocks on doors like he did last time.

  14. Ritter is no life long resident. She just moved back to Bethlehem two years ago. She lived in Moore Township for 30 some years. She is just another puppet for Donchez who asked her to run for Council. Karner put Ritter on the Zoning Board because she lives one block from where the hospital on center street was proposed. They needed an extra vote against the project. I see her at her hang out the Apollo all the time. She is popular with that group.

  15. Love Carol Ritter! She will be a breath of fresh air on Council. She is smart and well liked by everyone who knows her!

  16. Ritter is no Bethlehem name. She is s pawn of the developers. Part of the militant lgbtqrt community. Don Flaccid is posting all this nonsense about her. She hangs at the Apollo and Edge, no idea of the real city and not a lifelong resident. If you start off with lies what do you think you will get.

    Reynolds, VanWirt and Colon. Take it to the bank! Save our City!!

  17. Ritter is well known and well liked in Bethlehem. She was born here and grew up here and has been involved in Bethlehem her entire life.....unlike Van Wirt who just moved here. Van Wirt is against everything and thinks she is smarter than everyone else. Ask her , she will tell you!

  18. Ritter's pr is a fraud, Do you really believe people won't see through this false narrative you are painting. Does she need money as she has no real job. sorry, she motivates and makes you feel good. So does a message parlor and cheaper.

    She will come in fifth.

  19. I was inclined to like Ritter because she is clearly skilled at selling herself and seems to be liked by the small business community, but the only city council meeting I've ever seen her at was the one when she was up for the seat that Van Wirt got. That suggests to me that she has no idea of what is going on there, except perhaps what she hears from others, which is probably shaped largely by Callahan, who is her biggest advocate. Now if Bernie covered more council meetings, a person like her might be able to get a better sense of the dynamics on council so she could figure out where she wants to position herself, but the existing press really has no critical perspective on city council, so without attending meetings, one really can't figure it out. I find the lack of her attendance to be a serious red flag. I've also asked some people on council what they think of her and she apparently has not felt she needed to reach out to those people. Both of these things suggest she's already picked a side, and that she is a pawn of someone, as previous comments suggest. I don't have evidence to the contrary based on her behavior. I'm not always happy with Colon, but he's a known entity. He also doesn't force us all to listen to his endless pontifications, or treat other members of council with disrespect. The best prediction I can make about Ritter is that she is Callahan's candidate, and will vote with him. It's too bad she isn't wise enough to see him in action before she attaches herself to that wagon.


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