Local Government TV

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Gracedale Needs More Attention Than Green New Deal

Wisely, because of inclement weather, Northampton County Council canceled its Personnel and Finance Committee meetings yesterday. Two other committees will meet today. The first is Tara Zrinski's  Parks and Open Space Committee, which meets at 4 pm. The second is Loroi Vargo Heffner's Human Services Committee, scheduled at 5 pm. What has been happening is that Zrinsi's meeting always goes on forever, which gives Heffner less time. She starts to do a slow burn as Zrinski goes on and on. Then, when Human Services meets, so many items are scheduled that it is difficult to do justice to them all. That is why a devastating Gracedale survey got about five minutes of attention.

Today, Zrinski is going to discuss the Green New Deal in her committee meeting, as well as the impact of the Federal Farm bill. Neither item is related to a core county function. She also wants to change the name of her committee, most likely to reflect a more aggressive environmental agenda.

As for Human Services, Gracedale is the sole topic of discussion today. Heffner wants to hear more about the good things going on there. I prefer the truth.

A letter sent to all Council members in early January provides more insight about conditions at Gracedale than months of Heffner's committee. It should. It comes from the former Director of Nursing. She was replaced by Executive Lamont McClure when he took office.

Here's part of her letter:
Gracedale has been neglected for years. Not just the last four years but for many decades. The outdated and appalling status of the living conditions for the residents of Gracedale actually brought me to tears the first time I saw the cinder block walls and furniture obviously from decades ago. The resident mattresses had not been replaced for years (actually no one could tell me when) leading to resident skin pressure injury. An assessment revealed these mattresses were no longer offering any pressure reduction. The mechanical lifts recently assessed found 22 lifts were in poor condition. The most vulnerable of our population have been ignored and the taxpayers should be appalled as I was. However, my goal was to work to improve the conditions and the mattresses have been replaced, some furniture has begun to be purchased and the next step was to begin mechanical lift replacement. The ultimate goal being to develop a purchasing replacement plan yearly to assure that this would never happen again.

I knew the position would be a challenge, and I happen to love a challenge that works to improve the lives of residents in long term care. So imagine my response in early December when I received a letter from the new county executive- elect that stated “this past November our voters spoke loudly and issued a mandate for change.” It went on to say “ I write at this time to inform you that you will not be re-appointed to your position in the new administration” and “your last day of employment with the County of Northampton will be January 1, 2018.”
Perhaps Heffner should spend some time discussing this. She's only had this letter a year.


  1. Keeping old people alive flies in the face of the Green New Deal. McClure made a careless mistake and council is busy saving the world from plastic straws. Both took care of unions, while ignoring the county's elderly. We have the cruelest and dumbest county government in the state. Let's spend zillions on a unnecessary crime lab and put Lamont's name on it someday. Disgusting.

  2. This is nuts- She needs to go!!

  3. I’m so proud of that DON for having the courage to speak up for herself through that letter to Council. It’s too bad we are only learning about it now. She struggled to make positive changes and was not treated well as a result of trying to help the residents, the staff and the facility overall. So now that we know all of this, let’s begin the cumbersome problem of fixing things one issue at a time.

  4. Bernie would have fired her faster than Lamont. John Brown Derangement Syndrome trumps basic care for the elderly. This should come as a surprise to nobody. Old people are so outranked by Lamont's cronies. There's really no story here. Elections have consequences and this was expected.

  5. Good catch Bertie. I have heard she insisted last year that she would be the council point person on Human Services. She made it clear it was her committee and field. She is quick to tell all she is the expert. So far it appears she is just reading a script. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Instead of pandering to Zirinski and her silly self promoting causes, Hefner should do her job and not just parrot the Admisntration line.

    The new people are a disappointment. Agree?

  6. "the former Director of Nursing"

    So where was her complaints prior to her termination notice?
    How long did she have the position?
    Who held her renovation requests in limbo?
    What has changed since she was replaced and by whom?
    so if truth is requested let us hear what has improved and what still needs attention

  7. The ugly truth about Bernard O'Hare.
    Be yourself,it's a tough act to follow.
    Sam Murray fix an All Star vote for his Son Joey ?.

  8. Perhaps the most relevant question for the President of County Council is why the committee chair kept to letter secret for a year. Perhaps another avenue was available when it became obvious that the letter wasn't forthcoming, for the fired administrator to come before council with her own copies to pass out.

  9. Lets face it, the care of the elderly is an out of fashion luxury that cannot taken seriously with all the crisis facing the world. We have to prioritize our resources to save the environment and changes the world.

  10. I have to assume the comments at 5:13AM are a tongue-in-cheek, sarcastic mocking of the state of affairs today. No one could be that insensitive.

  11. With the lack of time being given to Gracedale, at least at public meetings, and with Gracedale being such a large commitment to both the taxpayers and the vulnerable aging population of Northampton County, I believe it is time to give Gracedale full cabinet status instead of being under the umbrella of Human Services. This will allow for greater supervision and responsibility for Gracedale. This is in no way meant as any sort of statement regarding the performance of current Human Services Director Sue Wandalowski. I believe upgrading Gracedale to its’ own full cabinet status, will not only relieve Sue Wandalowski of that responsibility and increase her supervision over the other important departments under the Human Services umbrella; it will also give the taxpayers and the residents of Gracedale the attention, commitment and supervision they deserve.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.