Local Government TV

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Dan Engle is Big, Dark and Handsome ... If You Like Big

Dan Engle, a Roseto Borough Council member and fourth generation member of Boilermakers Local 28, is running for Northampton County Council. He wants to represent infamous District 4, also known as the Slate Belt or Northern Tier. It consists of the Slate Belt area, Bushkill Township, Upper Nazareth, Bath, Chapman, Moore Township, Lehigh Township and Walnutport.

Engle is a Democrat in a Republican district. Republican Korry Franke had planned to run for the position, but recently changed his mind. The seat is currently held by Republican Matt Dietz. He unfortunately is stepping away from politics to spend more time with his young family.

Other than telling me that Engle is a trades union member serving a two-year term on Roseto Borough Council, his statement tells me nothing about him. His LinkedIn page provides no details either. Is he a Slate Belt original or from elsewhere? Where did he go to high school? Does he have a college education? I do know he served an apprenticeship.

Hos Facebook page could use some work. His intro starts out with "I'm 6'1 and big dark and handsome .. if you like big."

WTF is that?

I've seen him at one or two County Council meetings and he is almost as ugly as Ken Kraft.

His campaign announcement provides no photo.

I'll be talking to Dan as the campaign progresses and ask for details concerning is background, which really should be in his announcement.

For more information, email Engle at engle4noco4th@gmailcom or visit Facebook at fb.me/engle4noco4th.

The public is also able to join him at his kick-off on Thursday, February 21 from 7pm-10pm at the Scorecard located at 130 North Broadway, Wind Gap. So he is opening his campaign on a night that NorCo Council meets.


  1. Dan has a very detailed history on his Dan Engle for NC Council District 4 page. Follow the link to find his "About Me". https://m.facebook.com/engle4noco4th/

  2. Stop stalking people idiot !

  3. This man has not even warmed his seat on Roseto Borough Council in which has not even been but a little over a year. The only thing it appears here BIG is this clowns EGO his apparent case of narcissism. You have sat on council a little over a year and think your qualified to represent the entire region? Get over yourself. I will vote for the other guy. County Council is way over your head and out of your league. Your still a light weight.

  4. There are many people on county council that have zero experience at anything at all (hefner and zarinski deitz come to mind) and look how good they have performed

  5. Your "ramblings" are about as narrow minded as the President's. You failed to do any research on the guy and instead do a personal attack against a man who is a someone's father, husband and son. Clearly, your opinion does not touch on his view points on the success of Northampton County. (and let's not talk about big and ugly, okay?- because seriously...) Your lack of research and personal innuendos against another human being is really quite clear in this article, and you should be ashamed of your blatant disregard for other people.

    With that in mind, do your damn research and stop creeping on personal pages. Take the time to sit down and have a conversation and report something fairly and accurately and without such a personal evilness that shows your true colors. I would rather vote for someone who is more like the everyday people of Northampton than people like you and your posse who are clearly pompous individuals who are out to insult people and degrade them not based on what they can do, but based on how you feel they look. shame on you.

  6. Yes EXACTLY! Look how they have performed for us and the performances have been disturbing. Zero experience means ZERO in everything. I want a council man that has sown his experience and what he has accomplished and a year on the little hill in Roseto is not gonna do it. The other guy is way more experienced. We have two already in the hot mess category and I wont vote for inexperience and ego for a third from some guy who touts how "big" he is which usually means something else is small... maybe his brain? certainly not his ego.

  7. The only person who is talking about ego here is the the one who wrote the article. Just another BIG EGO seeking writer, attacking people. I will vote for someone who is a decent human being, regardless of what they look like.

  8. " ... do your damn research and stop creeping on personal pages. Take the time to sit down and have a conversation ..."

    Doing damn research always involves looking at social media pages. Don't post silly things if you don't want to appear silly. Bernie also made clear he intends to speak with the candidate, despite his clunky campaign announcement. If Engle was an R, Bernie would have fileted him. In this case, despite a slightly humorous tone, Dan got the home team, soft glove treatment. Politics can be tough. This post was not.

  9. Hey, we I the simple research for you: (yeah one click away and you would have found the information you were looking for, which you state here you couldn't find)

    Hello everyone:
    And Welcome to my page for Northampton County Council. I'm very excited to announce that I will be running for the Northampton County District 4 position.

    About me:

    I graduated from Pleasant Valley High School in 1996. Not really knowing what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go after school, I decided to travel. I moved to New Orleans, Louisiana after graduation and became employed with the Delta Queen Steamboat Company on one of their paddle wheel boats, The Mississippi Queen. These vessels cruised the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers from their home port of New Orleans to destinations such as St. Paul, Minnesota, Louisville, Kentucky and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    My employment here was eye opening to me. I learned very early on that I had to work hard as part of a team to accomplish a job. As a deck hand, not just one person could safely perform the job duties. It took a whole crew, from the Captain and Pilots, on down to our crewmates and lead deckhands. As a deckhand, we were responsible for the safety of not only the passengers on the vessel but also our coworkers.

    I learned during my time on the river how different lifestyles can vary from the big cities to the small towns. I also learned as we traveled that not much was different between the two. Each destination we docked in cared deeply about their town and each city had pride in their hometown. The Mississippi Queen is also where I met my best friend and future wife, Lindsay who is from St. Louis. After working on the boat and in New Orleans for a few years, we decided that we wanted to come back to Pennsylvania to raise a family.


  10. (cont.)
    I started a new job in Pennsylvania following in the footsteps of my great grandfather, grandfather, and father and became a proud 4th generation union boilermaker out of Local 28 in New Jersey. As a Boilermaker I was part of an intensive apprenticeship program. It was here where I learned welding, metal fabrication, rigging, job planning, and how to read blue prints. Most importantly, I learned how to get the job done the right way the first time and safely. I had great mentors in this field that showed me that hard work pays off. As union brothers, it is all of our jobs to make sure we watch each other's backs and get home safely after each work day.

    I've been the foreman on multiple jobs in charge of men and women, ensuring our jobs are done safely and on time. My responsibilities also included keeping costs in budget on multi-million dollar jobs. I have also been the steward on many job sites. Here my responsibilities included negotiating with the union members and the contractors, addressing problems and concerns of both, while making sure the jobs are run as smoothly as possible.

    For the past 10 years, I have had the honor of being a political advisor for Local 28. As an advisor, I would meet with our elected officials, both at the local and federal levels to discuss our concerns affecting the middle class in America. While in these meetings I often mentioned our area and district and informed the elected officials of the impacts they have on our community. I have also had the honor to be elected to two terms as Inspector of Local 28 and once elected to serve as a delegate at our National Boilermakers Convention.

    Lindsay and I moved to Roseto over 15 years ago, and we now have a two children. My son Benjamin is 14 and involved in many activities. He is a member of the football and wrestling teams and is a member of the National Junior Honor Society. My daughter Megan is 12 and always has a smile on her face but is a fierce competitor on the field hockey and softball fields. We are very proud of both of them.

    I have been a proud coach of youth football for over 8 years here in Bangor. The Bangor Slaters Youth Football Association is a well respected youth program that I'm proud to be a part of. In the past, I have also been a wrestling coach for the Bangor Jr. Slaters Wrestling program. As a coach and parent, I have traveled all over this district and have met some outstanding young athletes and families.

    Currently, I am a Roseto Councilman and was elected to this position in 2017. I am part of the property board and have taken this role seriously. I believe that working together for the betterment of the citizens is crucial. I'm very proud of the accomplishments this town has achieved in the past year. From helping to apply for grants to working with each other to make sure our town's projects and needs are getting done. I have been very transparent with the citizens of our town and will continue to do so.

    I'm running this campaign because I know what it's like to strap on work boots every morning thinking we no longer have a voice in politics. I know what it's like living paycheck to paycheck and wondering if anyone listens to the people anymore. I want to be that ears and voice .

    I believe I can undoubtedly understand the needs and concerns of the people in this county. I want to help those who feel that the political landscape is against them.

    I want to bring District 4 to a place where we feel unified with each other along with the rest of the county. To a place where we can discuss our concerns of our future and where we can work out our differences. I am committed to finding the best solutions to make Northampton County a better place to work in, to live in, and to raise a family in.

  11. Hey Dan... you might be big and ugly, because WE like big - and we love you!

  12. Dark? Does that mean he uses blackface?!

  13. Well the UNION HACK of local 28 part turned my stomach. I will pass on this side show circus right now. A union guy all about himself is enough and NO experience. Now about that BIG EGO? Stop making a BIG FOOL of yourself Dan! Your like trying to wrestle 265 when your 65 lb class. You will someday get there buddy but a year on the Roseto Council does not get you there yet.-

  14. "Dark? Does that mean he uses blackface?!"

    Wow, a##hole much? Why would you imply that?

  15. Bernie--you are calling HIM ugly? Ha!

  16. Hey Bernie - someone else did the research for you and honestly he doesn't sound like the big, bad guy you made him out to be. Go figure.

  17. Hey Dan..who is your campaign manager? Muncy? Someone else? District 4 is heavily R territory. How are you going to change that dynamic? The people here hit the R button continually without even looking at who is running or what they stand for. Roseto itself is totally dominated by such people. What are you going to do to make all those R party people change their minds? I'd vote for you but my vote is not going to matter at all. You better have a real action plan otherwise you are going to get hammered.

  18. Scavello and Hahn and Emrick rule the Slate Belt region..that should tell you where the real power lies. These ignorant voters are not working class D's such as yourself. They could care less about such mundane things. We are drowning in trash and sludge and crap burning and quarry dumping. What are you gonna do about it Dan? What's the plan? Do you really care about us? That is the issue! I don't care about the valley..what are you gonna do for us?

  19. Don't forget Barb Theorey she had zero experience and look at all the good things she did

  20. 15% of the people here are under the poverty line Dan. You gonna motivate them to come out and vote for you? What you got planned for them? They can only wish for a union job with benefits. Do you speak for them? Do you care about their plight? The poor can win you a seat but only if you motivate them to vote. Think hard about the real issues of the region..not what's good for the rest of the county.

  21. Sure, we need to know WHAT he is going to do for us, but didn't he just throw his hat in? Maybe that is what we need?I wouldn't say he has 0 experience either,because anyone entering politics has to start somewhere. the region is mostly R so it will be a fight that at least he is willing to take on.

    And, Bernie your personal attacks at the guy bring you to a new all time low.

  22. What personal attacks? Looks like a pretty decent job of reporting despite the lack of real information available. Don't shoot the messenger. If you wanna be a political player..have a roll out that is serious and comprehensive. I expected as much from a Muncy led campaign. Fire him Dan if you really want to win.

  23. The northern townships are union strongholds. Lol.

  24. I know Dan and his family and they are far from rich people. He may not have much experience but he has integrity. good luck Dan, you are one of the most down to earth people I know and you deserve a chance just as much as any rich republican!

  25. Unfortunately...the Slate Belt is not a union stronghold...all those union jobs went to Mexico a decade ago. NAFTA killed all the union jobs. Rich republicans?...not so much..just ignorant Trump apologists and bigots and racists inhabit the region now. This region sank Hillary two years ago. Turned the county red. And helped Trump turn a blue state..red. SB is a clear mirror image of rural Alabama.

    1. Keep your insults to yourself; we're making America great again!

  26. When someone is running for office, I do research on that person. I also expect the information provided to me to include some basic information about the person. This includes education, work history and volunteer organizations. I did not get that information. His LinkedIn page failed to include it. I was only able to find his personal Facebook page, which fails to link to his campaign page.

    His personal Facebook page includes a rather bizarre intro for someone seeking office. I pointed this out, mistly bc I thought it was funny.

    If doing research on a candidate constitutes stalking, I plead guilty.

    I have nothing against Dan and had a nice conversation with him. He is down to earth, and I vaguely recall now that he told me about working on the riverboats.

    Everyone seeking public office should be thoroughly researched. And when announcements are sent by campaign managers who are being paid by candidates, they should be smart enough to include basic biographical details.

  27. It is politics. Dan, pull up your singlet and grow a set. This is the real arena if you want to be a politician. A year in the hot bed of Roseto certainly does not get you much exposure to you know like "budgets", "human resources", grants,funding and real reality stuff. Maybe if you put in some time actually there in Roseto you will learn something. Why do not you tell us what you have done and accomplished in Roseto instead of the "fluff" you have put haphazardly out there? Its obvious you have no clue. Why do you not tell us how many actual Council meetings and workshops you have been to? Need directions to Easton ask Hillary-

  28. ”Your "ramblings" are about as narrow minded as the President's. You failed to do any research on the guy and instead do a personal attack against a man who is a someone's father, husband and son. ”

    This was researched to the extent I could. If you have a problem, take it up with the campaign manager. Instead of sending me bullshit quotes, I believe people should know that he is a father, husband and son. They should know where he grew up and where he went to school. This is not rocket science.

  29. Didn't know a LinkedIn account was a requirement to run for office, and I guess the whole personal facebook page isn't so personal when writers are looking for a way to insult physical appearances. As if you should be doing that?

    I agree, he needs to gradually put more out there about what he plans on doing - where his interest lie and what direction he seeks to bring the area too. I wouldn't say it is obvious he has no clue, but in fact it is obvious it is early in the campaign season and it is a long road to finding out about candidates. He is new to the world of local politics and that seems pretty clear, cut him a break and let him at least have just as much of a shot as the rest of the pool; those of whom seem to have your ear and kinder words, why is that?

  30. No one said a LinkedIn page is a requirement. But I will research candidates. That includes their Facebook page and anything on it that is public. I insulted no one’s physical appearance. I used his own intro on Facebook. It looks more like something from a dating site. I called it out.

  31. It was a joke, you fool.

    Anonymous said...
    "Dark? Does that mean he uses blackface?!"

    Wow, a##hole much? Why would you imply that?

    February 12, 2019 at 10:22 AM

  32. He is getting the same treatment I give everyone.you are attacking the messenger for a poorly crafted campaign statement compounded by a bizarre intro on Facebook.

  33. District 4 is all about white entitlement. Those are the voters who control this region. Telling people you are pro union is not gonna cut it Dan. Telling them you are filling out someone else's term on Roseto council and you were appointed by that council is not gonna cut it either. Your name has never appeared on a ballot before and you want a county council seat? Really? This has Muncy's fingerprints all over it. Sacrifice anyone cause they are not gonna win anyway. Right Matt? The Slate Belt is a throw away and no really serious money or effort will be made by the county D's to actually try to win an election here. You have been suckered Dan.

  34. Dan or his family need to chill. This is politics. Bernie did not even go after him, he used available information and made a "funny". The over the top reaction is no doubt from DAN or a family member. You will find that is a no win proposition.
    A county race is more than a Roseto race.

    I mean it was his page that claimed he was "big". Sounds either like an inflated sense of member or a not so funny joke.

  35. Dan I wish you would run for the school board cause we need decent parents on those instead of the derelict trash business owner forcing our kids to sell chocolate that get tossed out of the gym at the game. Please consider changing.

  36. Another union boss on county council? How many would that be.

  37. Stay out of the Pigpen loser !

  38. Now, more than ever, our district needs Ron Angle to help make Northampton County great again!

  39. The pandering for union votes and their money is a well worn path. It guarantee's nothing. Dan needs to wake up from the flattering attention he is being shown by a small group of county D's led by Matt Muncy and his crew. You are being used Dan. You are but a sacrificial lamb. Run far away from these users of decent people..you may catch what infects them.

  40. For someone who looks like you do Bernie, who is also overweight, you sure do have nerve calling others ugly. Big man behind the keyboard.

  41. BIG? I know the Mediterranean Manslab, the Mediterranean Manslab is a friend of mine and this guy is no Mediterranean Manslab!!!

  42. I had my first interaction with Mr. Engle today and I'm not impressed. He laughed when I implied that he is a crooked politician and chastised me for complaining about wealthy local residents breaking the law and not being held accountable. This doesn't seem like an ethical or moral person.


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