Local Government TV

Monday, February 11, 2019

Bangor School Board VP Tossed From Basketball Game

Earlier this season, Moravian Academy stunned Bangor's talented boys' basketball team in a 66-65 victory. Not only was it Bangor's first Colonial League defeat in three years, but the game was won in a buzzer beater off an assist from Abe Atiyeh to Peter Chiaradia. But that was then. Surely things would be different when the Lions would visit Bangor and play both the team and a host of enthusiastic Slaters ON February 6. Sure enough, things were different. This time, Moravian won by 10in a 73-63 victory during which four Lions scored in the double digits. Unfortunately, the game was marred by a display of poor sportsmanship. Was it someone on the team? No. Coaching staff? No. A student? No. A parent? No. The person who had to be taken out by police was none other than Bangor School Board VP Steve Bussenger.

Over the years, especially at summer league, I've seen Bussenger at numerous games. I've never seen him act out. But he apparently did something during last weeks game to prompt an official to eject him. After the signal was given, Bussenger refused to move. So the signal was given again, and Bussenger still refused to leave. The official had to request a school police officer, and one who happens to be a Bussenger cousin, to escort him from the facility.

Everyone in the slate belt is related. Bussenger is also a cousin of Bangor's coach, Bron Holland.

Exactly what Bussenger did to prompt ejection is unclear to me. I've been unable to reach him.

On Facebook, former school director Bob Cartwright makes this observation:
If this was a student or your child or mine there would be discipline or a penalty for being ejected for one's conduct. Whether it is school suspension, loss of the privilege to attend sporting events etc but when its a School Board member there is a different standard? We teach our children and lead our students to do the right thing and conduct themselves accordingly in representing themselves,family, community and school and we are expected to look the other way when it is someone in a leadership role? We have a top notch security dept who should not have to deal with this kind of issue from our leaders.
I'm no Bussenger fan, but know from past experience that there are times when referees eject the wrong person. I'd want to hear from him before condemning him. If he did misbehave, he certainly owes the referee and his school board an apology.  A high school basketball gym is actually a classroom in which good sportsmanship is taught

Bron Holland's team is very tough and physical But in the encounters I've witnessed against Allentown Central Catholic, they were always good sports. In rare losses, Bron Holland is among the first to congratulate opposing players and coaches.


  1. He disrespected the school, the community and the program with that behavior.

  2. After the second request the police are brought to remove him? Was it arrogance, ignorance or just lack of intelligencematurity. What a disheartening lesson in front of two schools student bodies. In our District he would be removed by the Board as Vice president and voted out next election. That is the behavior of certainly not a community leader. You cannot give someone the benefit of the doubt when they are warned twice of the behavior and then cops are tossing them out.!

  3. All four of my children played basketball and one Division 1 college team and I never saw nor heard of a VP of a school board member being asked to leave let alone removed. Your correct Bernie- The gym is a classroom and Bussenger gets an F grade and I. Incomplete for leadership as he failed to uphold his commitment/task of the community in being a leader when he was warned about his behavior and continued and an F- for his continued arrogance in comments to the referee and then failed to heed the ref's warnings and then his ejectment. He does get an A+ in making the entire School Board look bad and blemish the students, staff and administration. Talk about behavior and arrogance issues. The School Board President should be removing him.

  4. A Vice President of a School Board? Disheartening! A defining moment in the education of Bangor and Moravian students for sure. Hopefully the Schools will rebound and use this as a lesson to the youth and community. The schools need to build upon this as a lesson of respect, leadership. behavior and the consequences no matter who you are when you violate those rules of conduct. I hope the person responsible is a man and does the right thing and resigns and just goes away.

  5. You cannot fix stupid- This is not the first time the clown next to the quarry crew has acted out or the click he runs with and something better be done about it. Bangor? everyone is watching this very closely and the right school leadership response/action is paramount.

  6. The response from School Board President Michael Geoffredo? Our top notch Superintendent Dr. Haws? In the end all will remember the silence from the leadership. Do I hear crickets?

  7. Ignore it..and it will go away...the Bangor mantra.

  8. High taxes, poor test scores, Auditor General investigations- The Bangor School District is a cesspool of nepotism and corruption led by the "de-facto superintendent" Athletic Director. Bussenger is an ignorant and arrogant member of this "click." If you ever attended a meeting, he acts like he doesn't even want to be there. If it weren't for another board member, he would've lost everything- in fact, he no longer resides in the school district. What an embarrassment- the voters of the district need to wake up, and vote this clown out of office.

  9. Ignorant voters..too lazy to read the headlines about this school district are to blame for this mess. One visit to a school board meeting would expose them for what they are..people who are more concerned with their own business taxes than the students who are under their supervision and leadership. The board in it's entirety are complicit and responsible for the decline across the board in it's responsibilities and public policies. Flush them all and start over! Slater pride? Not so much anymore.

  10. I would like to believe that the Bangor School Board is made of leadership and reputable stable elected individuals. I think the School Board should clean house and since Geofredo and Bussenger leadership is a flawed/failed one and they need to vote them out at the February 19th meeting and change the officers! The President and Vice President should step down or be removed by the other seven!

  11. Can someone please enlighten us (President/Vice President) as to which is the "Village Idiot" and which is the "Fire House Drunk"? The Bangor Area School District needs a new school board administration and it has been a long time coming.

  12. "Tradition Never Graduates"? Apparently Bussenger has forgotten that he is an adult and not in middle school anymore. This Bozo needs mature,to grow up and get out of office. What an embarrassment.

  13. The Bussenger/Goffredo regime has failed the entire school and the community. Get rid of these two pretenders and find educated people who have one goal and that only...the best education we can provide our districts students. Leadership is real and sorely needed out here in the forgotten region of the Slate Belt.

  14. Is it true that Bussenger has sold his house and moved or moving to Nazareth? "Downsizing" huh? The community and your employees are not stupid they know what is going on there. Rumor is a play to stay on the board when you do not even live in the school district? I do not think so. Where is the "hero in suspenders" when we need him. I am sure he is attending the next meeting! I am sure the light in the sky has already been lit and red phone is glowing!

  15. Goffredo is the chief of the Roseto Fire Company..Columbia. Bussenger owns..Choclates on Broadway in Bangor.

  16. Asking Ron Angle to solve this situation is ridiculous. He is no longer a player and is irrelevant as to local issues. We can fight this one without his hyperbole and bombast.

  17. Boycott his chocolate shop. Make him aware of his sins. It's all he understands anyway...the size of his wallet!

  18. Will this effect the "Principals Candy Sale"? After all our kids are expected to sell Bussengers candy like serving as slaves and the school staff as minions. That itself should be STOPPED! Our kids are not slaves nor our staff minions forced to sell candy for the master! How in hell is this permitted? FREE OUR KIDS FROM THIS SHAMEFUL SALE! We pay enough Bangor school taxes as to not have my children forced to sell a school board directors candy to buy pencils and supplies!

  19. Why was Abe Attiyeh playing in a high school basketball game???

    Maybe this VP should hang out with John Callahan at the next game and throw a few beers back.

    1. I believe Attiyeh played for the opposing team against Bangor

  20. As a retired educator/taxpayer/resident I would like to say one thing and they are the words of Abraham Lincoln and I hope the Bangor School Board and Bangor School Administration listens to these words. " You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today".
    Do the right thing and remove this man as your leader and let the voters vote him out this coming election.

  21. Conflict of interest with Bussenger has been in place for many years now with no one saying anything about it. He is shameless and needs to be jettisoned asap. He will not respond Bernie. His arrogance knows no bounds. Reminds me of the guy in the WH.

  22. Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses! There is NO DOUBT as to what the Bangor School Board and Administration needs to do here.

  23. The Candy Man...... needs to sell his candy elsewhere, NOT at BASD nor force OUR kids to do it.

  24. Just resign Steve...and ride off into the sunset.

  25. Wow. Thankful that I do not live in the BASD! The claws have been out for quite a while. The article did remind me of an experience I had about 15 years ago. I was booted out of the PV gym with my 4 kids in tow. As I recall, at halftime I made a comment to the Coughlin coach that he was going to give himself a heart attack. He was loudly yelling and berating the players. They were not up to the competition of PV at the time. Little did I know at the time that the coach had recently returned from recuperating from having a heart attack. Near the beginning of the 3rd quarter, the coach said something to an official who in turn spoke to a gentleman from PV, who then climbed up and said that the Coughlin coach had requested that I be thrown out of the gym. He must have been paranoid and mis-interpreted or mis-heard what I had said. So, my very young kids and I exited the PV gym. The gentleman apologized and said he had to and that's the way it works. I called the school, located near Wilkes-Barre, and explained the situation. The coach had been in his position a long time. Recently he had exhibited behavior which did not enthrall those associated with the program nor improved his reputation. They were just going to wait for him to retire and disappear. My story really has no point. The article did bring back the memory of that experience, which I decided to share.

  26. Good One Bernie- Everybody is a "Cousin" at Bangor. The Coach Holland is cousin to the school director who is the cousin to the poor cop called to toss Cousin Steve out an had to have the cousin who is administration come tell him the game wont continue till your out here here?

    Seriously? This is like a version of You might be a redneck if? I realize Bussenger is not the brightest bulb in the box but did not realize that if he fell twice he could not hit the floor. I don't think he will be able to hang in there like loose teeth... Just Sayin...But.. this is Bangor right cousin?

  27. Cousin Steve was warned by the ref not once but twice and on the third got the hail marry your outta here. Now understand if Cousin Steve's brain was shoe leather there is not enough to saddle a june bug.
    Do you not think when the Red came over and warned Cousin for yelling at the kids on the opposing team and then the ref that after the second warning something was gonna happen? One of the comments was he acts like he does not want to be at the school board meeting? I kinda though it is like the engine is running but no one is driving. Two warnings and you do not understand and this man is a school leader? No grown man should be yelling at the kids nor the ref period and especially someone like the VP of the school representing us all. Pick on someone your own age Bussenger and leave our kids on the court and ref's alone!

    1. Couldn’t agree more! Being respectful starts at the top. Obviously our leadership is sorely lacking in this category. Explains why the quarry crew gets away with everything they say and do. First they should keep them off the court. There’s no reason the quarry should be allowed to taunt opposing players while standing court side. Keep them in the bleachers. A bunch of punks that think being rude, ignorant and degrading is somehow entertaining. It isn’t. It shows an utter lack of respect and dignity. Like I said, it starts at the top. They’ve learned from the best obviously.

  28. As a Bangor parent and taxpayer I am now interested in the relationships of the "Principal's Candy Sale" held. Our BASD President Geoffredo and Superintendent Dr. Haws have some explaining to do.

  29. The candy sale issue has lingered for years with no one saying a thing about the obvious conflict of interest. Bangor is a backwater community and nepotism and good old boy bs is the rule rather than the exception. Wake up people!

  30. The Bangor School District calendar HAS NO Scheduled Board Meeting on the school calendar for February? https://www.bangorslaters.com/calendar. I had to call out there and ask when the meeting was. I bet all the "cousins" know when the board meeting is. Why is this not on the school calendar? As a member of the public I think the meetings should be on the school calendar! The office staff lady said "Oh its not on the school calendar (NO common sense) but on the school directors page? Seriously? I think this school board needs to get it together and straighten this out. I for one will be there on February 19th at 7:00 PM in the Slater Conference Room! How about someone on the school board put the meetings on the school calendar too instead of lost on some page?

    1. Rumor has it that the board members don't want the meetings public anymore. Not sure if this was put into action, but may explain why it's not on the calendar.

  31. Mr. Bussenger has NO excuse nor anyone to blame but himself and his own actions and behavior. He needs to accept responsibility for himself and resign. Bullying at a high school basketball team players and the referee has NO place in the gym and nor does he belong on the Bangor School Board. My kid brings home plenty of paperwork about bullying while attending Bangor and here is a school board member bullying basketball kids and the referee? Bullying DOES NOT belong on ANY school campus including in the stands at a sporting event! This is exactly what this is- BULLYING from a grown man and a school leader! He should have been responsible and set an example in his attendance and kept his mouth closed.

  32. Knowledge is power and they do not want the public to be aware of their meetings. Your opinions are not of interest to them. Bangor is one of the worst offenders of open dialogue and freedom of the press. Public opinion is to be avoided at all costs. Sunshine Law of PA means nothing to them and they could care less if you call them on it. Everything is discussed and decided behind closed doors before the meeting even begins...nothing left to chance.

  33. Recent elections offered options to the good old boys but the voters chose the status quo over new blood and education minded people who wanted to make a difference. Bangor as always..gets what it deserves.

  34. Just let one principal or teacher ask my kid to sell candy or anything else period. That IS what we pay taxes for. Tax dollars should buy supplies and pencils not support the school board director family business. Just horrible.

  35. steve getting griggy with it, white russi@ns FTW!

  36. Bussenger his house located at 312 Oak Street(Washington Twp) Bangor, PA on February 8, 2019 so what has been stated here IS NOT a rumor. The house was sold and closed on 2/8/19 two days ago. The tax ID record confirms the closing was on that date. Further in goggling the now infamous candy sale? In 2013 it generated $0,000.00 for Mr. Bussenger's family business in which the PTO was given $29,000.00 of it. Nice day at the store Steve- $31,000.000 in a Bangor School Board Directors pocket! His home sold for $412,000.00 two days ago in his alleged "downsizing". Hopefully now he can pay his bills around town and his school board buddy back. So did he move to Nazareth?

  37. OMG OUR kids were put out to sell SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS worth of a School Board Directors candy and the PTO received twenty Nine Thousand giving Mr. Bussenger in 2013 a Thirty One Thousand Dollar profit? This is SICK!

    1. I have been involved with the PTO for a while now and as far as I know the PTO has never received any money from that sale nor had anything to do with that candy sale except maybe help the schools sort the orders. It is called the Principal's candy sale and the money made from the sales at each school was supposed to stay in the school's activity fund. Just wanted to make sure everyone know that the PTO has nothing to do with that sale.

  38. Children are in school to LEARN not to have to sell candy for a school board members private company. The funds went directly to the school and actually Kim Gambale had asked about this several years ago. What an embarrassment to the school system. School children should not have to nor be expected to sell candy for supplies. As for as this goes to Mr. Bussenger, this is sleezy and shady way of operating your personal self and your business.
    Bernie I hope you look into this further both his home sale 2/8/19 and this candy sale.

  39. $31K to a small town chocolate store is a lot. Nice gig, right Cousin Steve?

  40. He must have been sitting with the Quarry Crew. I've never seen anything but disrespect from them. I've seen them run out of football games and kick the opposing teams cheerleaders pom poms and megaphones and also make racial slurs. The disrespect obviously comes from the top.

  41. I find it interesting that most comments are anonymous. Just an observation.

    1. So they’re anonymous....they still bring up good points!

    2. I notice that too, Lori, lots of angry keyboards... But no one wants to come out in the light

  42. in my opinion, everyone in this comment section is being overdramatic. this happened over a week ago , and it seems to be the highlight of the week in Bangor. Steve Bussenger is a successful business man and should not be disrespected by others because of one minor mistake. i wouldn’t advise coming in here acting like you’ve never said something you shouldn’t at a sporting event we all get frustrated and say things we shouldn’t i can relate to that myself. Bangor Area School District may not be the most successful district around , but are they providing your child with the proper education they need to grow and become successful in life ?? yes. Are they putting your children in danger in any shape or form ?? no. The school board members are all very smart and mature people. who have more knowledge about what is right for the school district than the hypocrites on this page. And to the person who commented about the quarry crew being “disrespectful “. they are HIGHSCHOOL kids , not adults. go to any other sporting event with a student section. THEY ALL ACT THE SAME !! They are kids !! Leave this topic alone , it is not the end of the world , there are much larger things that we as people should be worrying about. Do not judge someone unless you know them. to end my opinion , the Chocolates On Broadway fundraiser is not being forced down your child’s throat. it is not mandatory for them to take part in. if you do not want them to participate because you have such a hatred toward a person or the family. do not take part in it .. simple !! To conclude this , the Bussengers are a kind family & are not these evil people you all put them out to be. Being thrown out of a HIGHSCHOOL basketball game is not the end of the world. get a life and go back to your minimum wage job. thank you ! :)

    1. This happened 5 days ago and regardless Of the time frame, he acted in a total inappropriate manner. And respectful, think what you want but he’s just another Holland lackey. One of many in the district that kiss up to the big goon. He deserves exactly what he gets, which sadly will be swept under the rug and ignored like so many other issues are. He’s there to be a leader by example. Not taunt referees and kids. It’s sickening and always has been.

  43. School board meetings are public meetings. No board can choose to meet out of sight of the public. That would be a a violation of PA State Sunshine Law. They are required by law to publish their meeting dates and times. Then again their over billing lawyer just might be advising them otherwise. Shame on them for taking such advise from an admitted shyster.

  44. The man in the suspenders will sort it out..... Hopefully

  45. Steve Bussenger a successful business man now that's funny from the body shop in pen argyl? Maybe the kids might buy into that like the overpriced candy you say kids are not peer pressured into selling but I for one am not buying it. His house is now sold that thank God before the bank grab and he moved I hope that for that overpriced light in weight box of candy peer pressure sales he pays more then the minimum wage but then again

  46. Funny how one phone call to Delaware with bad information can lead to the nonsense in the comment section of this article. Bussenger made no derogatory comments to the ref. He pointed out a missed call that every other person in the stands does from time to time. Nothing he said was directed personally to the ref. Not Bussenger's fault that the ref has rabbit ears. When he was asked to leave he stood up and waited for his wife to give him the car keys before exiting. At no time did he refuse to leave. No one seems to mention that on the other side of the gym, a Moravian Academy parent was sitting in the front row making comments all game and the two guys on each side of him were coaching the MA players from the stands. Bernie, I'm actually surprised you posted this story. I know you are a high school basketball fan and if you had all the correct information you would not have given this incident a second thought. I've seen an ACC parent scream at the coach and yell at the refs every game, but it's chalked up to overzealousness. Which while it is inappropriate, it's generated by over enthusiasm...it's just basketball. As you can see from the comment section we're getting further and further from the basketball issue and the end result is the defamation of a dedicated community member. Everyone in that gym knows that Bussenger didn't do anything egregious. You hear crickets because everyone knows that this was just an opportunity for certain people to launch an attack on Bussenger. Your disclaimer states that you will delete personal attacks if they don't have a name associated with them. That doesn't appear to be happening.

    1. I was there and pyscher the cop and panzer the asst AD were both involved right there with him leaving in his ouster. Your mistaken in your info he was kicked out and the cop was brought over. The referee is not at fault here. They even announce the PIAA rules on behavior at the beginning of the games. He was wrong and be a man about it and not blame wveryoev else.

  47. Wow! This guy or his wife are trying to hard with their long posts. Give it a rest. Also cut this guy a break. The slate Belt gene pool is limited at best, so things like this are inevitable. Everyone is married to everyone's cousin in one way or another. LOL

  48. "Bernie, I'm actually surprised you posted this story. I know you are a high school basketball fan and if you had all the correct information "

    Oh this is a story. Bussenger is BASD school board VP. He git tossed from a basketball game. That is certainly a story just as it was a story when Mayor Callaahan was tossed from a wrestling match. Now in my story, I said I don't really know what led to Bussenger's ejection. We now know. He was taunting the ref. In my experience, a certain amount of taunting is expected in basketball and is normal. I know little old ladies who scream at basketball refs. Whatever Bussenger did must have crossed the line. The ref does have to be respected.

    You point out a Central Catholic parent who acts this way, as though this justifies Bussenger's misconduct. It does not. That parent, who undeniably knows the sport quite well, is unfortunately hurting his son and the team. It's sad. Amazingly, you use that to justify Bussenger. What is wrong with you?

  49. "Your disclaimer states that you will delete personal attacks if they don't have a name associated with them. That doesn't appear to be happening."

    That is not what my disclaimer states. Also, see my comment above.

  50. I have known Stephen his entire life and he has never been responsible and always immature. Just him not being responsible to his mom in her selling him the store was enough for me. It is about time he stops blaming everyone else for his own actions and be a man. Now I understand he sold his house and he needs to move on. Sadly he embarrassed his community, school an family by not being responsible. Thank goodness he has had his friend on the school board with him to tie his sneakers and adjust his visor which really needs to be washed or replaced.

  51. Many have mentioned Goffredo, the President of the board. He has nothing to do with this alleged incident. And I have no first hand information about the incident.
    Many have complained about the board. I'm not defending this action, but board members spend a few hundred hours each year -- it is a volunteer position -- no pay, usually only grief.
    The last election, about 3,000 people voted for school board candidates. That is out of about 14,000 registered voters. I you didn't vote, you shouldn't complain.
    There are 5 seats up for election this primary season. Bussinger is one of them. How about some of the complainers who feel they can do the volunteer job better file for a seat. You have about a month. Get your name on the ballot.

  52. I bet not one of you would go say this to his face...hide behind your computer screens all you want....calling him a bully? LOL that's funny because i see 60 people on here cyber bullying. Do you teach your kids this too? Probably. Go get a life and stop gossiping and starting rumors about people you know nothing about. I also hope you people hiding behind the screen know you can be sued for defamation. And do not post his or any ones address on here they have kids you insensitive jerks. If you have a problem with someone take it up with them IN PERSON, it is not that hard.

  53. WOW OH MY GOD LIKE NO ONE HAS EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT OF A HIGH SCHOOL GAME BEFORE? SO BAD RIGHT LIKE THE MOST AWFUL THING EVER???!!! Really people go do something that matters there there are people doing drugs, killing people, raping people etc. right in your little small town, use your harmful words on things that matter.

    Did him getting kicked out of a game effect you? No. Did he hurt anyone? No. Do you love the drama? YES. GET OVER IT.

  54. When you are an elected official..more is expected of you. Getting escorted out of a game as a board executive is not acceptable under any circumstances. He has disgraced himself and the entire school. no second chances are deserved. Resign Steve and walk away.

  55. This page says "I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone"

    1. Anything about the candy store is OFF TOPIC. So why aren't they deleted?
    2.Personal attacks are all over these comments? Shouldn't you expect these people to IDENTIFY themselves??
    3. As for violence towards anyone, all of these angry violent people now have a persons ADDRESS in which any one of these people can get to him...don't you know about the crazy people in the world these days? it only takes ONE PERSON to show up to his house with a gun. Who will be to blame? The person allowing these comments and his address on here.

  56. Some people think they know exactly what a board member should be like? Go file to be on it then if you know so much and then everyone would judge every little thing that happens to you like clearly everyone is doing now to this man

  57. It's not a little thing...it is a BIG thing! Steve is now a disgrace to himself and his family and the school district he was charged with leading...by his example. He has failed to live up to his promises and oath of elected office. He should be censured at the very least and stripped of his VP position on the board. Where is his apology/explanation? Why won't he make a public statement about this incident? Let's hear your side of the story Steve! Speak up...we hear nothing!

  58. An elected officials home address is public record. The sale of your home is public record and when you do not live anymore in the school district is public record. When your a Vice President of a School District and your kicked out of a High school basketball game in your own school gym in front of two student bodies and those attending that your suppose to be an example and leader is public record and a big deal.He is an example of poor sportsmanship, failing to be an adult and failure to lead as a public school. Apparently this "Hot Mess" does not get it nor does he have a clue and should not be a leader on the school board let alone elected to that body as a director. He needs to mature, grow up, accept responsibility and resign but not in front of our children nor where I pay my tax dollars for a good school system. Mr. Bussenger has failed us as a community leader and the School Board should be held accountable if they continue with him there let alone as Vice president. What an embarrassment to the entire Bangor School System! he needs to be a man and act like one.

  59. "my dad was at the game, he said he was appalled. My dad is the quietest man, he usually doesnt say much, but I heard all about it...that says something...😑" That says alot on Kim's webpage from someone-

  60. School Board Members should be reputable people who are respectable and responsible and "Get It". Mr. Bussenger DOES NOT "Get It". RESIGN the School Board or least should remove this poor excuse of a man from the leadership of Vice president. What a message and lesson our students are getting.

  61. This banter continually disappoints... Trolls, alert!!

    If you were not at the game, do not comment...
    If you don't like the School Board, run and take a leadership role.. we could use it
    If you don't like the people that live in the area, don't move there.. we don't want you anyway
    If you don't want to sell candy, don't... many other local school districts buy their own school supplies.. buck up and stop
    If you want to provide addresses, let's put some of your's up here.. let your family feel the same cringe that you have cause here
    If you don't like individuals, tell them to their face... stop being trolls and pulling people through the mud. It is very unbecoming

    The gene pool may be small, all must be cousins, but some of the inbreds likely have enough disposable income to buy this blog and all of the candy in Bangor, so stop whining and just buy your school supplies. Thank you

  62. I have never posted however reading that this man did this in front of his two teenager daughters is just over the top. What kind of parent acts like this? I do not want my young kids around this role model. We need to elect decent people and not these derelicts that are leading our school district.

  63. The truth is sometimes ugly..especially here in the SB. Steve Bussenger reaps what he sows. He is not above the situation...he is the situation! Resign Steve and may we forget about you sooner rather than later.

  64. If you don't respect yourself you won't have respect for your family, community or School

  65. This is is a Shakespearian Comedy written for a telelvision sitcom. Written for your entertainment by an out-voted Coffee Purveyor from Delaware and a disgruntled wanna-be Slater rah-rah who thinks the Slater Community owes her! Nobody’s going to stop buying their chocolate because they are DAMN good, even Mr Angle will agree. I don’t think this episode will go much further than the pilot episode. However, throw in a miserable ex-coach, a disgruntled retired teacher, and a few colorful locals. You may have an Emmy Winning show. Call it Grey Acres, like Green Acres, but less colorful, like the mounds of useless Slate Slag.

  66. Please just pay your mom and your bill's and out some effort into acting like an adult for a change. What a disgrace all the way around. Maybe some father classes too might work.

  67. Seems like the show is the circus clown school board vice president and failed father/business owner.

  68. A failed father and business owner. Wow! This blog took a hell of a turn ‘round Slater’s Row right into the crick. A failed father is far from the truth and you know it. His life is dovoted to his 3 kids. And maybe YOU have proven what’s wrong with people. Ridiculous, going from thrown out of a game to a failed father? Steve IS more of a father to his daughters than 1/2 of the crack kids in the School District! He sacrifices everything for his daughters. And the nerve you have to say that? May be your miserable life is devoted to coffee beans, why no one remembers what the park used to look like, or what this town used to be. But his father ship should never be questionable. Karma sucks and you’ll get it!

  69. And his daughters read this Bernie stop the defamation!

  70. Playing the blame game will not work this time. You own this one Steve...there is nowhere to hide anymore. You have made it all about you and in the worst possible way. Resign Steve and maybe you can regain some self respect...down the road.

  71. “Nowhere to hide” real funny so maybe you can state your name and address so he knows who to hide from?

  72. Anyone wanna bring up his kids or about him being a father again? I dare you? Give me your name and address

  73. So many jealous people on here, get a job

  74. And yet Bernie sits there fiddling his coffee bean with Gay Bob watching and laughing. You wanna talk about failed fathers look at Mr. I wanna be a big time cop. Obviously his record high is Portland lol. His past history is pages long. Read it before Adf OHare deletes it!

  75. I was not at the game so I cannot comment on what many have happened. However,Steve, his wife and their children are good people. It is disheartening that one would make a comment and not sign his or her name to it.We all make mistakes and I will not think any less of Steve because of this. He has my support .
    Ron Karasek

  76. Where’s this Bernie live, do you get joy watching all this defamation and gossip you freaking psycho. What are you a 15 year old girl? Bet you’ll delete this comment though since it’s about you and not about someone else

  77. I wish everyone had to sign cause the weird thing is the people abused on here are all public officials that are straight up in your face tell it like it is and that is why they are not liked and they have never known to hide behind annoymous if anything. Angle, O'Hare, Courteight or Bussenger. This is really sick. Have the guts if have something to say be like these other people that have done public service and sign your name or sign up.

  78. Based on the comments I've read, I cam see why the ref tossed Bussenger. Also, if he thinks that makes him a role model, he is mistaken. I was pretty much willing to accept Bussenger's explanation, but not after his attempt to minimize it and his lashing out at other people. As for the anonymous attacks, they are unfortunate. But Bussenger is an elected official, and I allow anonymous attacks against elected officials.

  79. I was at the game. Yes he did have an outburst but so many in the stands did that night. Its only frustration. Frustration when the refs continued to be one sided with their calls. Everyone in the stand was yelling down to the refs. His voice is very loud and unfortunately the refs saw him with his outbursts and decided he needed to go. He said nothing different than so many others in the stands that night. Go to any ballgame and you will hear everyone screaming at the refs. I for one do not think he did anything wrong. When the refs try to change the game with being one sided, anyone would do the same thing. As for not leaving, yeah he didn't move right away. He thought the ref was telling him the next time he was going to be ejected. Every ref I've seen throw someone out, has given a few warnings before actually throwing out. And most fans will quiet down for fear of being thrown out the next time. This ref gave no warning. You really made this bigger than it was Bernie.

  80. Quit whining you come off as a big pussy!

  81. Bernie, you’re a dick

    1. Maybe. But also the only one to open dialog about Bangor’s issues. Which he only seems to be scratching the surface of years of abuse about the good ole boy “forget it if ur not in Brons clique” system. Bangor Saint he certainly is not.

  82. I get it each side wants to post comments based on who their home team favorite is. Maybe make multiple game video’s available and let an unbiased person evaluate the calls. Let’s just say the game was called fairly. It wasn’t a referreee bias. The referee’s called a fair game. Missed calls against both and good calls against both. Many times it is one sided but this day was even. Everyone should start looking outside the box and evaluate the game overall not the refs. Can anyone here do this? By the way. I’m not from Bangor or Moravian. Whoever the guy that was ejected obviously was taunting a refereee. He wasn’t singled out but was the most vocal. Let it be lesson to all those that inappropriately voice their opinion when they only see 1 side of a game. Regardless of the sport. Just shut up and cheer the kids for their effort and love of the game and stop setting a negative example for our future. Stop belittling the kids and degrading yourself and your child who may be trying to play in college and beyond. Someone higher up is always watching. It benefits no one. Especially your own child.

  83. We have all lost here, those educating our youth, parents teachings, sportsmanship, and include the one that never was mature as adult and school board leader, as all have lost the game of being a good citizen, student and parent and sportsmanship.

  84. Lead by example. BASD NO EXCUSES

  85. Just a note that all school director addresses are posted on the Bangor webpage. They are public record.

  86. I was at the game. What Steve yelled was, "call the foul". His voice is louder than others. It was easy for the ref to spot him. Everyone was yelling at the refs, very one-sided calls. Steve did not leave immediately because he thought it was a warning, then when it was apparent he was being thrown out, he asked his wife for the keys. He then left. Over. The rest of this nonsense is abusive and bullying. Period!


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