Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Bangor School Board VP Resigns After Ejection

When then Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan was ejected from a wrestling match in which his son was a participant, that was news. Nobody questioned it, even though he quickly apologized to the referee who tossed him. So when Bangor Area School Board VP Stephen Bussenger was not just tossed from a basketball game in his own school's gym, and had to be escorted out by school police, I considered that newsworthy as well, and reported it. As a high school basketball fan myself who has seen Bussenger at several games, I noted I had never seen him act out. I even speculated that the ref may have confused Bussenger with someone else. But I added, "If he did misbehave, he certainly owes the referee and his school board an apology. A high school basketball gym is actually a classroom in which good sportsmanship is taught." According to Lehigh Valley Live, Bussenger did apologize half-heartedly at last night's school board meeting. He also resigned because, as I learned, he recently moved out of the school district. Finally, both he and his wife bashed this blog for allowing vicious anonymous comments about him.

You know, like the kind.that appear all the time on Lehigh Valley Live.  and set an

The attacks on my readers sound suspiciously like they come from Bussenger and his wife. Anonymously,of course.

I have three points for Bussenger et ux.

1) If you are an elected official, especially a school director, don't get tossed out of basketball games 

2) If you want to set a good example for your daughters, don't get tossed out of basketball games.

3) If you want to avoid suggestions of impropriety, don't sell candy from your chocolate store to the school district where you are a director.


  1. The power of the press/pen actually works. He had to be publicly shamed before he finally did the right thing. Wore out your welcome Steve and it is no ones fault but your own. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions. Bangor will do just fine in your absence.

  2. were you at the school board meeting to report on any facts whatsoever? THAT is the problem Bernie. you rely on bottom feeders and then you spew lies and trash. I was there. i appreciated Bussenger's ability to address the board with his retelling of the entire event. And more importantly, he addressed the board and community...and didn't sit behind a computer screen. His apology wasn't half-hearted at all. How can you make that characterization when you weren't there? He's done a lot of good for this district, has cared more about it than anyone, as a born and raised citizen and business owner. He has more integrity than you ever will. He could have got ejected from that game, swore, refused to be removed, or worse, and he is still a far better human being that you are--you could learn a lot.

  3. "Hey Ma...the meatloaf! Get us some meatloaf!"

  4. If you get your ego in your way, you will only look to other people and circumstances to blame. You do not apologize and blamed everyone else's fault for your own actions.
    Bernie you were right when you said the gym is a classroom for students, teachers and leaders. Apparently someone still does not "get it". Its not remorseful or heartfelt when its innuendo and blaming others for your own conduct. Follow Bernie's three sentences of advice.

  5. I stated that I was relying on the LVL report. You were there bc you are his wife. The person complaining about anonymity is herself anonymous. Look to your own house.

  6. People who live in glass houses..and are publicly elected officials..get off your high horse and leave quietly.

  7. Bangor is an inbred mess of good old boys and their supportive wives as well. Open the windows and doors and let the sunshine in! We need a house cleaning not just a well deserved resignation speech of blame other than responsibility for oneself.

  8. Who won best actor and best supporting actress? Any Emmy's or Grammy's given out last night? Such fine performances of those involved. I was there and was not impressed nor moved.

  9. Guess I missed where the LVL report said Bussenger's apology was "half-hearted" Bernie. No, I'm not Mrs. Bussenger, but I was there and heard what was said word for word. Maybe you don't have a handle on interpersonal relationships, but it's possible to show feelings of support for someone and not be a spouse or even a close friend.
    Definition of irony: allowing people to post anonymously and then throwing the anonymity back at them when their opinions don't match yours. If I were to make serious claims about someone, I would post my name. But I'm merely sharing what I saw and heard. I am feeling perfectly fine in my house!

  10. YO! He has resigned and is leaving the board. He is no longer a resident of the school district. His past is well known by all the locals. We all have opinions about him either positive or negative or just don't care. It's over! Killing the messenger is not the American way. The first amendment of the US Constitution is very clear on this point. Get over the loss of this person as a school board member and get on with your lives..if you have any such life.

  11. Sounds as if he took the advice of the Allentown cop that blackened his girlfriends eye? He didn't do it it happened while trying to pull her bag away from her to stop her from leaving.
    This must be in public sector training class 101 lie about everything even with tapes recording visuals until being indicted.

  12. 1:94, from reading the news account it is quite obvious the apology was healed hearted. The guy denied he did anything wrong.

  13. He kick a pig on his way out of the gym ?.

  14. Bernie, do you think that is a Allentown official action, or does it cross county lines as in your article today. This is some sort of official commentary across the board for those we have voted into office as well as there entire corrupted organizations in there home rule charter, the unwritten law of claiming ignorance.

  15. Sometimes you feel dumb... and sometimes your just dumber then dumb and to think that is an elected official?

  16. dumb like when you don't know the difference between your and you're?

  17. Ok this is beating a dead horse. Can we move on? How about an article about how the good ole boys club hired an A-Hole baseball coach? Can we bring up the fact he was banned years ago in different sports for his antics? Ask anyone who has ever had him as a coach or Phys Ed teacher (Phillipsburg) and 9 out of 10 will tell you he's an A-Hole who shouldn't be coaching/teaching. And that 1 out of 9 would always be one of his buddies in his hometown of Bangor. Like previous comments about the above topic, Bangor's good ole boy's club is nothing but relations anyway.


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