Local Government TV

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Who Killed Holly Branagan?

I received this email over the holidays.

I am a 33 year old Bethlehem resident who has been reading your blog for about three years now. Checking your blog is part of my morning routine along with changing diapers, making coffee, and checking the mcall and express times.

Lately, I have been intrigued with the Holly Brannigan case. I can’t stop researching it. I am just baffled as to why no one was ever charged. Since we are approaching the 40th anniversary (March) I was wondering if you might be able to do a posting on it. I am not sure if you have previously posted anything related to this case, but thought I’d drop you a line to request it.

Happy New Year! Keep up the good work!

Like the writer and many other people I know, the March 1979 murder of Holly Branagan has always mystified me. Holly was a high school student who lived with her father and brother. Her mother had previously died from cancer. Holly was stabbed in the back, quite literally, inside her home with a 10-inch kitchen knife. There were 18 wounds, 15 of which were fatal. The knife was still in her back when her body was discovered the next day by her brother and a friend. It had been wiped clean.

Her brother had spent that night at the home of a friend. In addition, Holly's father was out of town on business. She had made arrangements to go for pizza that night with a girlfriend.

Distraught by the lack of progress, brother Sean started to spread a rumor that he and the Bethlehem police knew who had killed his sister, and that police were getting ready to make an arrest. Sean was warned by his father that spreading this rumor would make him a target, but he continued. He wanted to flush out the murderer.

Maybe he did.

The next year, he was fatally injured in an explosion at a gas station while using a power washer. He lived a short time, and police visited him in the hospital to see if he killed Holly or knew the killer. He shook his head No to both questions.

The death was ruled accidental.

I spoke with District Attorney John Morganelli about the case. He told me this case is still the subject of a grand jury investigation. He noted that fingerprints were found, but did not match up with anyone who might be involved. He indicated a Bethlehem police detective continued to work the case after he retired. While Bethlehem police identified a suspect, this detective had a different theory.  According to Morganelli, these theories lack one thing - evidence.

Below are two interesting podcasts about this case from True Crime Garage.

Holly Branagan murder


  1. Thank you Bernie for putting forth the questioning post from one of your readers, concerning the murder of Holly Branagan. She was murdered in March of 1979, and her brother was killed in an explosion 6 months later in September 1979. One of the paragraphs in your post mistakenly states that 1978 is the year of the murder.

    I especially like that you included the podcasts of True Crime Garage, concerning the case. I do remember when this was in the news, for I was in highschool at the time. I hope they figure out /find her killer.

  2. Thanks for correcting me on the date.

  3. Bernie, would a DA look at a file ruled self inflicted gun death if someone thinks it was murder?

  4. Sorry ,Questions above was from me.

  5. maybe they should look again and have DNA that was not recognized in the 70's.

  6. Crime scene was completely trampled by incompetent Bethlehem Police
    evidence was lost or corrupted
    the entire 1979 graduating class know it was Sally Hancox who did it

    1. The other podcast mentions a professor from the community college who is now deceased.

    2. Mark Viola and George Wilson pls tell the Authorities what you did

    3. Can you elaborate please? Why was Sally Hancix viewed by the general public as the murderer?

  7. http://www.alreadygonepodcast.com/uncategorized/31-who-killed-me-holly-branagan/

  8. Thank you for posting this Bernie. For the past 27 years, I have been researching Holly's case, speaking to her old friends, and keeping up to date on any and all revelations. Even though her murder reaches 40 years this March, I am convinced someone knows something. Throughout the past 4 decades, grand juries were empaneled to hear from witnesses, family, and friends but there has not yet been a presentment. The 'smoking gun' is crucial but murder cases like hers have had convictions based on circumstantial evidence.
    I know Bethlehem Police detectives have Holly's file on their desks rather than in a basement storage locker. They have named a suspect. The need someone to come forward.
    Your blog helps raise the awareness so her murder doesn't become an urban legend.

  9. unfortunately this will remain unsolved forever and those involved know why....it is no secret the murderer is deceased..

  10. That doesn’t mean this can’t be solved.

  11. Who is the suspect named by Bethlehem police?

  12. Replies
    1. I heard you on one of the podcasts. Wasn’t there a suspect who taught at the community college? Has he been cleared?

    2. He has not. He died a couple years ago.

  13. I know this thread is more than a month old but I need to ask why Sally Hancox? In my own research into the case, I've wondered about Holly's friends but there is never a lot of information about them or their information to police.

    1. It wasnt Sally Hancox..that could be the killer trying to throw you off..
      Mark Viola and George Wilson know..they need to confess for Holly's murder

    2. Why would anyone suspect Sally Ann Hancox? I know they lived on the same street and we're in choir together...but what would make Sally want to kill Holly? Was Holly sleeping with her boyfriend?

  14. I was in the graduating class of 1979 and never heard Sally Hancox did it...Is there proof?? What was the motive??

  15. I was in the class of 1979 and did not hear Sally Hancox did it...Is there proof? What is the motive? Other people say the killer is dead...No one really knows we can all just assume...

  16. I believe her killer is still alive and I believe Sean's so accidental death is related! And made to look like an accident..I think Mark Viola should come forward

  17. I believe the suspect is still alive..there is strong speculation and it is males

  18. Would GW and MV please tell the police what you know about Holly's Murder and also Sean's "accident" Murder

  19. Would GW and MV please tell the police what you know about Holly's Murder and also Sean's "accident" Murder

  20. I would strongly advise you to contact Detective Tom Galloway of the Bethlehem Police Department if you feel strongly about your information

  21. I received an anonymous comment fingering two people. If you want it published Identify yourself

  22. Please do not name namesunl ss you are willing to add your own

  23. I now live in Arizona but lived in Bethlehem in 1979. I watch true crime shows and wonder why no one has ever investigated this case.


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