Local Government TV

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Steve Samuelson Assaulted at MLK Breakfast

I'm no morning person and neither is my car. We both groaned as we bounced along icy roads early yesterday morning for something of a Bethlehem tradition. Approximately 130 people braved the icy cold weather for the annual Martin Luther King breakfast at the stately Cathedral Church of the Nativity. Civil rights leader Esther Lee usually leads these things, but she was actually in the kitchen, cooking up free breakfasts. Cordelia Miller, Bethlehem NAACP VP, introduced guests that included United States Senator Pat Toomey. It was a very nice event until poor Steve Samuelson got assaulted. I'll be writing a separate story for The Bethlehem Press that omits these significant details, but thought I should clue you in on what really happened.

Five speakers were featured. That's pretty many, especially considering that there was also a panel discussion after breakfast. In addition, there were several songs. So Cordelia Miller asked speakers to keep it brief. Two minutes tops.

Nobody listened except for DA John Morganelli. He wasn't there at all. He was laid up at home, in bed with a cold. When Cordelia announced John's absence, the room burst into applause.

Not quite sure how John should take that.

Anyway, one of the first names Cordelia called was State Representative Steve Samuelson. He was missing, too.

But after two or three speakers, he showed up and marched up to deliver a keynote address. He actually had a book with him and read passages from it. He certainly was knowledgeable. Passionate, too.

Then he made his mistake. When he was done, he plopped down right next to NorCo Council person Tara Zrinski.

Steve, you may recall, recently hand-delivered a shitload of diapers to the Salvation Army. They were bought with other people's money. He issued not one, not two, but three news releases concerning this important event. He had a staffer photograph him as he carried the poopie pants in to this worthy charity. He also had video taken and had that posted on a state website.

But these diapers are single-use plastic. They're worse than plastic straws.

Zrinski throttled poor Steve as he sat down.

"You bastard!" she shouted. "Don't you know that disposable diapers take 500 years to decompose in a landfill? Did you even think about the greenhouse gases that come from baby shit?" she exclaimed as she wrested him to the ground.

"Down with the patriarchy!" Zrinski shouted as police hauled her away. "Get your hands off me, you old white men."

Samuelson was released from the hospital late last night.


  1. Very funny! They should be forced to listen to each others boring, pandering and self-aggrandizing speeches. Like your point BO, did Zirinski use cloth diapers you had to wash, like our grandparents or plastic ones during a "lapse" in her moral high ground.

  2. Paradoxically,political hacks should be changed like diapers. Early and often.

  3. She needs to be voted out, but like the tree hugger from Bethlehem city council, you need to find dirt and force them out.
    People think she is great and they vote so you better pick it up in 2 years mr. O’Hare

  4. Babies are an assault on women and the environment. They are ticking patriarchal and ecological timebombs. There's little time to act. The world has enough children.

  5. Now we know why liberals want abortions. Tied to greenhouse gases and global warning. Zrinski appears to be wayyyyyyyyyy out their in far far left field.

  6. BO no mention of Samuelson being the only speaker to use incendiary rhetoric when he mentioned the incident in DC between the pro life teens and the Indians. By the time he walked in he should have already known the #fakenews tilt had been debunked.

  7. Zirinski is a POS who has been exposed and wont win reelection. Susan Wild she is NOT! She is a cancer on the county board. She must have taken cuckoo class with Tricia. Whats on the water down that way? Bernie your mangina is at risk of overhaul with these two-

  8. Rep. Bob Freeman (D-Northampton)January 22, 2019 at 1:00 PM


    I attempted to attend and was refused admission, because the organizers said I passed away several years ago, and dead white guys weren't permitted. I just want to set the record straight. And I'm not even sick, by the way. I'm hard at work, as usual. Next week I'm introducing legislation requiring that all cardboard checks be made of recycled material, and all check ink be free-trade and non-GMO. It's for the children.

    Yours while tackling the tough issues,


  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Now we know why liberals want abortions. Tied to greenhouse gases and global warning. Zrinski appears to be wayyyyyyyyyy out their in far far left field.
    January 22, 2019 at 11:54 AM

    Hey, it's a good thing you didn't pretend that a single person speaks for several different social movements, eh? That would almost seem like a dishonest argument, don't you think? Close call on that one!

  10. Apparently the MLK celebration turned into a woman empowerment affair. Zirinskl won't pass up an attempt to move on up the ladder. She spends her time begging for a job or planning to run for the senate or house. She is bored on this local board and that is why she pushes irreverent meaningless bills. She will single handily cause herself and other fellow democrats to lose their next election.

  11. "Hey, it's a good thing you didn't pretend that a single person speaks for several different social movements, eh? That would almost seem like a dishonest argument, don't you think? Close call on that one!"

    I get the point you're attempting to make. But it doesn't really hold water. Wild's rotten campaign of purification against Morganelli is a case in point. Her formula was employed across the country. Dishonesty is trying to advance the idea that there's any sort of big left on the left.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "Hey, it's a good thing you didn't pretend that a single person speaks for several different social movements, eh? That would almost seem like a dishonest argument, don't you think? Close call on that one!"

    I get the point you're attempting to make. But it doesn't really hold water. Wild's rotten campaign of purification against Morganelli is a case in point. Her formula was employed across the country. Dishonesty is trying to advance the idea that there's any sort of big left on the left.

    January 22, 2019 at 3:48 PM

    I don't think you really got the point, actually. If you want to criticize Wild, have at it. But if you also want to pretend that Republicans don't do the same thing, you're just serving as a mindless partisan. And that's your prerogative, but don't think for a second that you're fooling anyone with an objective view.

  13. "Dishonesty is trying to advance the idea that there's any sort of big left on the left."

    Is that the word according to Hannity and Gubber Walsh!. Here is another dishonesty.

    "Dishonesty is trying to advance the idea that's there is any sort of extreme right on the right." You partisan hack!


  14. "Dishonesty is trying to advance the idea that there's any sort of big left on the left."

    This is the sort of vague statement that's meant to seem profound, but it's not.

    And if you disagree with someone on the left, why not just address what's supposedly wrong with their ideas? Instead, you just claim that anyone who disagrees with you is dishonest. That's just name-calling.

  15. 1/22/19 1:54 am

    Zrinski did use disposable diapers with her children


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