Local Government TV

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Candida Affa Seeks Re-Election to Allentown City Council

Candida Affa, a former saloon owner, will announce her plans to seek a second term on Allentown City Council tonight, 6 pm, at Louie's Restaurant, 2071 31st St SW, Allentown, PA 18103. In her statement, she claims to have "led the charge" on legislation banning conversion therapy and decriminalizing marijuana. She is also responsible for lying about one of the City's most prominent developers, and after getting caught, refusing to apologize. More importantly, she voted against cuts to Mayor Ray O'Connell's 27% tax hike. She also fails to mention that she was one of disgraced former Mayor Edwin Pawlowski's most ardent supporters.

Now before announcing her candidacy, she somehow got her hands on the City employee mailing list, like Susan Wild did, and sent a mass email dunning them for contributions.

For just $2,500, you can sponsor a meatball.

Fed Ed  taught her well.

She represents what is wrong in Allentwn.


  1. What a disgraceful, detestable person, and a horrible example for young people considering public service. Someone should wear a wire around her. She has no morals or ethics. I'll bet there's a prison sentence in her future, at some point.

  2. Allentown voters are known for their stupidity anybody with half a brain will not voter for that piece of shit

  3. Allentown deserves what it gets. It is a morally bankrupt Democrat shithole. Leave while you still can!

  4. It’s plain as the nose on one’s face that the corruption didn’t leave town when Affa’s BFF Mayor Pawlowski moved north to Danbury. Affa is just one of the collaborators remaining on City Council or ensconced on the 5th floor. The town is a sewer and a national punch line that will be an albatross around Lehigh County’s neck for generations to come.
    What a shame that Affa hides behind the LGTBQ community the way the Pawlowskis hide behind Jesus.The entire Valley is weighted down by this rotting hulk.
    It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.

  5. "She is also responsible for lying about one of the City's most prominent developers". That developer you are talking about is Nat Hyman. I was there when Mr. Hyman gave his speech to City Council and it was awesome! He totally called O'Connell out for lying to the citizens and the media to cover his mistakes. I don't know how anyone could vote for O'Connell after Mr. Hyman proved he was lying! But Affa's move was the most bush league. She waited for Mr. Hyman to finish his speech, then Hyman stood there and asked if City Council had any questions for him. About 10 minutes AFTER Mr Hyman left, she said that she had tried to call him but the line was disconnected??! She was so CLEARLY lying! And why didn't she say that when he was still there? Anyone who votes for her would be crazy. Even her own colleagues on City Council didn't vote for her last week when she was ousted as VP!

  6. Wow, such a bargain! I can buy a city council member at such a low price. Easier than selling booze on 12th Street.

  7. I question the integrity of anyone running that uses Celeste Dee as a campaign manager.

  8. These people have no shame.

  9. Thank You!! Conversion Therapy and Medical Marijuana!! Who cares the we silently accept Lehigh County's segregated public schools, raise property taxes 27%, stormwater tax, doubled water rates, declining quality of life. The citizens need higher taxes, deplorable schools, declining public services, over budgeted health care costs and increased utility rates.

  10. Is she the only candidate running with sponsorship levels? Does anyone know what the donor of different level get?

    She was voted out of the VP of city council and hopefully all the citizens of Allentown realize how bad Candida is for the city.

  11. Our taxes went up 27% and they asking for money to run the campaign, nope is time for new leadership in Allentown

  12. Having donor levels is almost an admission of guilt. We're back in 2015... Dee is the new Fleck, and Affa is the new Pawlowski. Donating to this campaign is a great way to get your business on the FBI's radar. YIKES!

  13. Of course they are asking for donations! Dee has to get paid for all of her "hard work"

  14. She thinks she can bribe us because we work for the city. But if your job is essential, you have nothing to fear, even if taxes are cut! Nice try Candida!

  15. Mike Sch'loss'berg bought an entire table, 10 tickets but no one will go with him and it really is bothering him mentally! What did I do?

  16. Schlossberg is a simpering hackmiester.
    He arguably a bigger slug than Affa.

  17. Sam Murray/Haddad fixed an All Star Vote for his Son Joseph !

  18. Tony Orlando will be running her reelection campaign.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Tony Orlando will be running her reelection campaign.

    Did he have to knock three times on the ceiling?

  20. It just DAWNed on me...I should have said, "Did she knock three times on the ceiling?"

    BTW, I won't believe it until she ties a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree.


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