Local Government TV

Monday, December 10, 2018

Super Shrink: I Have a Master's Degree!

Northampton County Council, on Thursday night, adopted a no-tax-hike budget. There was some disagreement about amendments and the capital plan, but the budget itself was adopted unanimously. The numerous budget hearings preceding this vote were trying, but it all paid off when the budget itself was adopted in a little over an hour. This is a first for me as a county observer who remembers meetings that went until 1 am. After this amazing feat, you'd think Council would want to pack it in for the night. But you are not an "outstanding elected official," like Lori Vargo Heffner and Tara Zrinski both think they are. They have the major awards and everything. Thanks to these newbies, who have yet to serve a year in office, the meeting droned on another hour over nonsense.

Let's start with Super Shrink, Lori Vargo Heffner. She has a  master's degree, you know. She's basically a counselor in Jersey for people with issues, whether it's drugs, depression or whatever. She has an MA, LPC, EdM and LCADC. The EdM is something everyone who wants to get a teacher's certificate eventually needs to get. The MA is for counseling psychology. The other crap just means she has a license. ... In Jersey.

She's hardly what I'd call an expert on anything. Let me explain why. I remember my dad once went to a very highly recommended "counselor" with a pocketful of degrees. This guy was going to cure my father of smoking three packs of Pall Malls every day. Part of this expert's repertoire was hypnosis, which fascinated me.

In three sessions at $350 a pop, my father would become a nonsmoker. My father dutifully went and paid this guy the money. He was very happy that he was finally doing the right thing.

At the end of just three sessions, my dad had the hypnotist smoking. ... Pall Malls.

I am somewhat amazed at the negative and sometimes hostile tone Heffner takes with people. Not long after she was elected, I saw that hostility directed at Dr. Brooke Tesche, who had been nominated to NorCo's Drug and Alcohol Advisory Council. This is a volunteer board. Heffner hinted that Dr. Tesche, a Deputy Superintendent with the Diocese of Allentown, might use her role to recruit students to a new Catholic high school for children who are drug or alcohol dependent. She even hinted that Dr. Tesche might be lining her pockets.

Last time I checked, Catholic schools only recruit athletes.

Heffner raised enough of a stink that Dr. Tesche's nomination was killed.

Perhaps you think that Heffner was concerned about the separation of church and state. Nope. Heffner was the biggest cheerleader on Council for a $20,000 church steeple grant, described by congregants at a public hearing as a "beacon of hope and faith." You can't get much more religious than that. Heffner, who was on the selection committee, tried all kinds of arguments. She tried arguing that hotel taxes aren't really public funds. She even argued that denying this grant would be discrimination. Fortunately, the grant was tabled, and since only Council can approve these grants, the money will remain in "future grants."

In addition to being hostile to people, she's awfully picayune. Get this. She actually objected to the minutes of a General Purpose Authority because the references to her hyphenated her name.

A few weeks ago, Super Shrink was incensed when Court Administrator Jermaine Greene proposed promoting the Assistant Director of Treatment at the Juvenile Justice Center to Director of Treatment. She conveniently waited until Greene was out the door and then claimed this position is illegal because the person in it is not qualified like she is. The matter was tabled. When Greene asked what the hell was going on, she responded with a memo containing three questions. He answered them. She continued with two more.

Greene came to Thursday night's meeting and brought Dr. Robert Gill, an MD, and Dr. Susan Krause, who has more than a Master's degree, with him. In addition to those two, there are two other doctoral level interns who assess juveniles in treatment. This saves the county money. It also enables the treatment to take place here, instead of center state. The recidivism rate for sex offenders is six per cent.

That wasn't good enough for Super Shrink, MA, LPC, EdM and LCADC. She wanted an overview of treatment and detention. Then she wanted the two doctors "to walk her through treatment," something she could have done had she ever visited the place like Greene suggested.

"I think I can do a clinical assessment and overview without having to put in 12 hours," she huffed. .

I'm a clinician myself," she later said.

And so the psychobabble went, back and forth:

SuperShrink: "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

The other shrinks: "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Super Shrink said, "I don't want to get picayune at this point at 8 pm on a Thursday night."

Too late

Now Jermaine Greene has to redraft his resolution and brink it back to the next Council meeting. But Super Shrink should only be a small part of the story. Eco Warrior Tara Zrinski has had the last straw. She has summoned her social justice warriors to descend upon the next Council meeting en masse to demand an end to plastic straws and bags in Northampton County. Never mind the myriad of other issues facing local government, from homelessness to recidivism to fair wages for county workers. This is one sanctioned perjurer on the warpath. What's silly about her recommended ban is that she expects municipalities in the county to use it to adopt real bans.

I will bring you the Eco Warrior and Plastic Straws tomorrow.


  1. She looks like a bag lady. She and Tara are two pieces of work. A pair of annoying Harpies who prefer grandstanding to governance. If these are examples of the blue wave of women in politics, we are in trouble.

  2. THe “bag lady” and harpies comment are sexist and make it too easy for them to refuse to acknowledge their behavior as elected officials is contrary to the interests of those who elected them.

  3. You are right Mr. O'Hare, no need for sexist attacks. The facts are you had two doctors speak to the need for this program. Ms. Hefenr is acting like a spoiled bully. She attacked someone who wanted to volunteer on a Board for no money and now this. It is somewhat shocking that she is so angry. Word out there is she may be carrying water for the Human Services bosses who didn't want that woman on the Board and don't want this program. If that is the case Mr. McClure better get his people in line.

    Hefner was heard telling people this Probation job will never even be voted on as she will keep it off the agenda. Does she have the power to actually block court items from a vote?

    Maybe she is jealous they didn't offer her the job.

  4. The courts are in control of Juvenile Treatment and Probation.

  5. These are your new Democrats. They make the traditional lefties look like Ron Angle. They won lots of votes. Year of the woman and all that crap. As we saw when Wild went immediately for a kill shot on Morganelli, they're not messing around and will eventually complete their purity purge. The sexist remarks are disgusting. They are elected officials and should be judged by their actions. Their actions, thus far, indicate that they are assholes. Get ready. There will be more assholes. Lots more.

  6. Today's post-modern Democrat Party hard at work. Nothing special to see here. Please move along quickly and quietly. Thank you for your invaluable assistance.

  7. It sounds petty when you resort to name calling such as Super Shrink, and it undermines your argument. You can make your point more intelligently without it.

  8. Very disappointed in these two elected officials- their actions so far indicate that they're nuts, and looking for attention in hopes of furthering their political careers.

  9. Zrinsky is a super star, just ask her.

  10. "It sounds petty when you resort to name calling such as Super Shrink, and it undermines your argument. You can make your point more intelligently without it."

    Actually, it underscores my argument rather than undermine it. I have listened as she has patted herself on the back several tomes over what she does. When I need advice on how to argue, I'll ask. But it won't be an anon.

    I have been asked several times what I think of this new council. U am telling people.

  11. Zrinsky is a flaky SJW who parrots the line of the moment. She can’t wait for the next political opportunity. Ask her about white men. She’s an expert on the problem of white men.

  12. "Word out there is she may be carrying water for the Human Services bosses who didn't want that woman on the Board and don't want this program. If that is the case Mr. McClure better get his people in line."

    I doubt that very much. What goes on on the Juvenile Justice Center is under the bailiwick of the courts, not Human Services or McClure. Both Human Services and McClure already have enough headaches and would prefer to let the courts do their thing. If McClure wants to pick a battle with the courts, it would not be over this. Also, it is McClure who nominated Dr. Tesche to the Drug Board. If he had second thoughts, he could have pulled the nomination. This is all Heffner.

    "Hefner was heard telling people this Probation job will never even be voted on as she will keep it off the agenda. Does she have the power to actually block court items from a vote?"

    She has no such power. Any single member of Council can move a resolution off the table. If she were to attempt such a maneuver,it would be conclusive proof that she is vindictive.

    "The courts are in control of Juvenile Treatment and Probation."

    That is correct. While Council has some say over spending, it has no authority to interfere with personnel decision. President Judge Koury could simply enter a court order. The courts are trying to work with council.

    "Maybe she is jealous they didn't offer her the job."

    By her own definitions, she is unqualified.

  13. Why is it that no one has ever mentioned that a Judge found that Tara committed perjury in a court case?? She lied about allowing her children alone in a hotel room while she was somewhere with her boyfriend. Why is that the Morning Call has ignored this?

  14. Oh brother. Old Nazareth curmudgeon thinks one woman is unqualified to speak because as he describes it "blah blah blah" and another raises an issue old curmudgeons in Nazareth feel is unwarranted "social justice". (Not sure where plastic intersects with social justice, but I digress.)

    Goddam, I'm an old white guy too but don't go around wishing it was 1973 again.

  15. I believe I explained myself quite clearly. And just as references to Heffner's sex are inappropriate, so are references to my age.

  16. I like the term Super Shrink. It's catchy.

  17. Regarding the steeple grant, how did that appear in the budget? Was it a separate line item?

    If so, it got it's approval when Council voted for the budget.

  18. These two belong in Allentown.

  19. The $20k for the steeple Grant was lumped in with other hotel taxes and designated under “future grants.” Also, CIPP Money grants require express council approval. Originally, it was thought the grant would have to be paid unless voted down. But then administrators saw that the grants require express approval as a check on the Exec.

  20. Hefner makes the mistake of thinking just because she does not like something everything must stop. Why do these people run for office? She was not elected God. She mad either pointless points, now you vote. If she hates the job she should vote no. These new people need a course eon being an elected official.

    Sounds like they have a power issue. They were elected not crowned.

  21. My women friends are so happy to have women getting elected. I met these two campaigning and they seemed like two wingnuts and my friends were appalled that I had any concerns because "we have to get women represented". Keep reporting on these two because I believe they will be the subject of many more blogs. We won't read about in the local newspapers because there are few if any journalists left to cover local news.

  22. “Blue no matter who.”

  23. Bernie Super Shrink the skunks have sunk the super sized ships floating above the three ring circus.

  24. She is just mean and arrogant.

  25. Apparently she wants to write the job description for the courts. That is not her function. Fortunately, the republicans will get it off the table and straighten it out. Does she realize she is there to legislate not run things? The Democrats look like a bunch of children.

  26. You are an agent of the old white man Patriarchy.

  27. Hate reporting is bad reporting. These people have families that love them. It hurts to have families read these kind of news articles, what ever happened to a kinder and gentler America.

  28. Tara and Lori are both leaders. Let's give them a fair chance. Time will tell. Nobody is perfect. Enough said.

  29. You get what you give, Cosmic Karma!

    This woman treats people like shot if they disagree with her. That is the same way Zirinski acts. Bernie is pointing out the obvious. Many area voting dems are sick of their behavior. The so-called blue wave will wash itself out with these petulant uncompromising office holders. True leaders do not act like petulant children. They know nothing of county government and refuse to learn. They will bring about a Republican sweep next year.

    They have their little groupies from the far left. Angry women who hate any men who disagree with them. Unfortunately, that wears thin and they will soon be treated as comical distractions and not serious people.

    You get what you give. They give anger, and narcissism and reap what they sow!

  30. "Hate reporting is bad reporting. These people have families that love them. It hurts to have families read these kind of news articles, what ever happened to a kinder and gentler America. "

    This is far from "hate reporting." This is an accurate accounting of how one Council member who is full of herself has used her position to hurt other people like Dr. Tesche and to interfere in the court's domain. If she chooses to be mean-spirited to others, I have an obligation to report it.

  31. No older white men.
    Let’s give age, gender and race bias a chance.


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