Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

NorCo Council Considers Personnel Changes, Step Increase, at Final Budget Hearing

NorCo jail
I've experienced my fair share of both root canals and budget hearings in my time here on planet earth. They are both long and painful. Northampton County Council finished their final budget hearing last night. I've been to most, either in person or online. They've been trainwrecks. Ron Heckman, who has been presiding over NorCo Council since Ken Kraft jumped ship, has conducted unnecessarily lengthy meetings and has actively encouraged tedious discussion that at times borders on lunacy. I only lasted about an hour today before I quietly rolled the hell out of there with a pounding headache. And this is as things should be. When Council members struggle or talk about something to death, I know they are being transparent. Quick meetings with little discussion make me suspect all the decisions are being made in the back room. I have to credit Council President Ron Heckman for these disastrous meetings. I torment him because he loves to talk. But he has given us all an opportunity to see how the sausage is made. It's painful, but it's also good government. Ken Kraft was much quicker as Council President. I do miss his more organized approach. But government is sloppy, no matter how organized you try to be. Ron Heckman embraces the madness. I'd rather have Kraft as my dentist.

The biggest news, at least for nonunion employees, is Executive Lamont McClure's proposal to give step increases to employees hired in 2014, 2015 and 2016, provided they are not already at the top of their payscale and received no step increase last year.

The rationale for this is to correct a gap that was created last year when former Executive John Brown agreed to a step increase for longer term nonunion workers. McClure said he is hopeful this step increase will help the county retain qualified and talented workers.

A step increase translates to a salary increase of about 4 1/2 per cent. If McClure is combining this along with his proposed two per cent wage hike, some nonunion workers will be doing quite well.

This step increase would have no application to employees who just started this year. But it also has no application to employees hired in 2017. This makes little sense to me. It also bothered Council members Bill McGee, Matt Dietz and Ron Heckman. McClure told Council he would provide figures for the cost of a step increase for workers hired in 2017. A decision will be made Thursday night.

In addition to this step increase, McClure is proposing the elimination of some positions, and addition of others.


Deputy Purchasing Manager, Pay Grade CS 26-09-I, salary $79,445. - This position was held by Terry Beidleman, who retired last month. Administrators concluded there is insufficient work to justify this position.

Voting machine custodian, Pay Grade RU-25-07-G, salary $61,346. - This position is or was held by Dave Zawick. Administrators concluded there is insufficient work to justify this position.

Community and Economic Development Finance Specialist, Pay Grade CS-23-03-C, salary $52,283. - This position is or was held by David Hughes. As the county has assumed control over internal operations at the General Purpose Authority, this position can no longer be justified.

Community and Economic Development Specialist, Pay Grade CS-23-01-A, salary $47,876. The county has assumed control over internal operations at the General Purpose Authority and the Gaming Board is abolished. - I am unsure who is impacted by this elimination.

Nursing Home Fiscal Administrator, Pay Grade CS-33-03-C, salary $83,046. - This position is or was held by Peter Koorie, and is no longer necessary as the county resumes administration of the nursing home itself. Zrinski chuckled for some reason as this matter was considered.


Agricultural Technician, Pay Grade CS-22-01A, salary $45,723, in Conservation District. - Moved forward with no discussion.

Six corrections officers, Pay Grade PR-01-01-A, total salary $207,193. - Council member John Cusick is opposed, saying there is more of a need to fill vacant positions than to create new ones. he noted that in 2008, there were 271 positions. It dipped n 2012, but has been consistent. He noted there is no additional jail space and there is no need. Cusick added that Lamont McClure, as a candidate, said there was no need for additional spending in corrections.

Executive McClure responded that these new officers are needed as a matter of safety for both the corrections officers and the inmates.
He said this would also reduce overtime in a place where mandated overtime has been a problem and is very stressful to officers.

There are currently seven vacancies.

Cusick noted there was $1.9 million in OT at the jail this year, but he sees no significant decrease in OT wages for next year. Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron said he expects the OT to decrease, but is budgeting for it to play it safe.

Cusick was the sole No vote on the increase in corrections officers.

Vector Control Specialist, Pay Grade RU-25-01-1, salary $45,763. - This was moved forward with no discussion.

Deputy Director, Human Services, Pay Grade CS-31-01-A, salary $69,054. - This was moved forward with no discussion. But after the vote, Cusick asked Executive McClure if this is an exempt position. "It is not," responded McClure. he explained the Charter only permits one exempt position for each Director.

Clerical Technician I at Gracedale, PT, Pay Grade CS-11-01-A, salary $13,778. - This was moved forward with no discussion.

Fiscal Technician at Gracedale, Pay Grade CS-16-01-A, salary $34,686. - Council member Peg Ferraro asked what the difference is between this position and the eliminated position of Fiscal Administrator. Barron responded that the Fiscal Administrator was a liaison with Premier, the privatized nursing home administrator. He added that the new position will be taking in the new Medical Assistance cases to keep the revenue flowing at Gracedale. It should minimize accounts receivable. This position was moved forward.

Nursing Home Administrator, Pay Grade CS-38-06-F, salary $119,009. The County is returning to an in-house Administrator. Council member Cusick thanked Premier for the job they did. He said he has "grave concerns" that the in-house Administrator will lack Premier's expertise. Cusick is opposed to this position. Council member Peg Ferraro said she will vote for the position because Premier is gone, but is "very leery" about it. Council member Ron Heckman said he had concerns, but that Council is much more willing to act as an overseer.   

Executive Lamont McClure said that increased morale is one benefit, and that Premier is willing to return if the need arises. "We're going to be fine and that's why we're ding what we're doing," he said.

The County was paying Premier $450,000 per year.

John Cusick was the sale No vote.


  1. They elect a new president every year. They can get a new prez in 2019. Word is the young turks are vying for the job.

  2. Elimination of voting machine custodian because after all nobody needs to make sure they're ready to go and secure right? Wha??????

  3. Interesting, so do you want the meetings transparent or canned but efficient? Can't tell if you are slamming the guy or the process. Sounds like you think he is clueless.

  4. Read my lips. No new corrections spending. But, as with Trump, we knew we were electing a liar.

  5. 6:27 that is a lie. But don’t let facts kill your story line

  6. NO need for a HS assistant director. Have not needed in 20 years. Still dont need. Must have some one in mind. As far as step increase, no one hired in those years would be at top of scale because we have not had step increases and this stupid move will make those just hired on the same step as those there for years. You cant make this stuff up. You have to work here to realize the level of incompetence.

    1. There already is a Doeuty Director of Human Services who works at Gracedale and is appointed.

    2. My point. How many are needed?

  7. READ MY LIPS. Ron Heckman will not be Council President next year. He is a nice guy but he doesn't know when to shut the hell up. He loves to hear himself talk and talk he does. He takes 10 minutes to say what we can say in 30 seconds. He drags out the meetings because he has to add his two cents to everything. Sorry Ron, you are your biggest enemy in this department

  8. So long-term, more experienced non-union employees get screwed again! It is once again bringing these employees closer to less experienced. The County will continue to lose valuable employees. Where is McClure's brains! One term McClure.

  9. Career Service employees have been getting screwed since the new pay scale was adopted under "Bill Brackbill". Why change now?

  10. What about Dowd's steeple grant?

  11. "Elimination of voting machine custodian because after all nobody needs to make sure they're ready to go and secure right? Wha??????"

    Someone needs to ensure they are ready to go and secure, but does not need to be sitting next to them 363 days a year.

    1. C'mon Bernie, that's disingenuous...2 days per year to check out the entire fleet of machines. I agree it could probably be part time as there are likely other duties assigned but since the county doesn't even have new machines selected this total elimination seems premature.

  12. "What about Dowd's steeple grant?"

    What I am told is that McClure researched this issue and determined he is unable to spend the $ unless Council votes to take the grant of the table and votes for it. Although he originally thought he must pay the grant, he now believes a CIPP grant requires Council approval. So for now, the grant is dead.

  13. 1:32, That would be great for me. I'd have lots and lots more to write about. Lori Vargo heffner is kind of mean during meetings. I started off liking her, but think she's become more than a bit full of herself. Tara Zrinski thinks everything is a joke and was sanctioned for perjury. She should not have been elected to Council, and it would be sending the wrong message to make her a leader. She laughs at inappropriate times, like when positions were being eliminated. Bill McGee is just getting to learn things. They would all need at least one more year. Of the three, McGee is most qualified to lead. Not because he is make, but because he listens.

  14. I am hearing that the church grant is not now part of the proposed budget tentatively worked on last nite in committee. It was excluded from the list of attached cipp grant applicants. I will now assume the grant is dead unless the full council agrees to put it back in when voting on the 2019 budget. Is it still possible Dowd will make a final push to get an amendment thru?

  15. ”So long-term, more experienced non-union employees get screwed again! ”

    They got a step increase last year. It was less experienced non-union workers who were screwed tgen. This corrects that inequity, except for workers hired in 2017.

  16. 10:06, The steeple grant is dead unless Council takes it off the table and approves it.

  17. "Read my lips. No new corrections spending."

    My recollection is that McClure never said what Cusick attributed to him last night. He did say there was no need for a new jail, but obviously, there is a need to spend more at the jail.

  18. "READ MY LIPS. Ron Heckman will not be Council President next year. He is a nice guy but he doesn't know when to shut the hell up. He loves to hear himself talk and talk he does."

    Ron Heckman does an excellent job of making sure everyone is heard, including himself. He has been a good President and understands the county. Of the Democrats, he is the most qualified. The most qualified Council member is John Cusick. But he is an R, so I doubt he will get much consideration, and he understands these things usually go to the party in power. The new Council members are not ready.

  19. 10:24 I agree with the statement that the new council members are not ready to lead, i also agree that zarinski is a criminal and that Lori VH is too full of herself and her meanness only rivals Kraft's tactlessness, McGee would be the obvious choice with New comer Lott as VP

  20. Cusick noted there was $1.9 million in OT at the jail this year, but he sees no significant decrease in OT wages for next year. Fiscal Affairs Director Steve Barron said he expects the OT to decrease, but is budgeting for it to play it safe. Wow how many other budget items have fluff to play it safe.

  21. 12:17, it is called conservative budgeting. You should always slightly underestimate revenue and slightly overestimate spending. Why don’t you just admit you are grasping at straws in a vain effort to find fault with McClure?

  22. OT will NOT decrease in 2019. They'll hire a bunch of new people using the prison as a stepping stone into law enforcement who will be making bottom rate, assigned to night shift, forces overtime 3-5 times a pay period starting in june, and quitting. Third shifters quitting or calling off will mandate more middle shifters who've been there for a while yet still highly underpaid. Overtime will NEVER be gone.

  23. Evidently...Dowd has capitulated. He should have known better but yet he still asked for money his church group was not entitled to get. FFRF has been notified of his raising of the white flag...this time!

  24. I voted fro Lamont and the democrats, after Brown. I have watched some of the meetings all year. Kraft has short meetings but cut other council members off and argued with them. Heckman has longer meetings but lets others talk and explains more things. Pick your poison. As for Cusick he talks more than anyone. Most of his "questions" are really snarky attacks at McClure. Sorry but despite you liking the guy Cusick plays to much politics.

    As for the new people, they are all good and if they want to run things they should go for it. I like Zirinski.

  25. Since we can't promote or give increases on actually merit, go back to the old pay scale matrix where there were more steps, slot people in where they should be by years worked and merit credit, and when they get to the top they only get COLAs. Just like back in the '80s.

  26. At no point did the jail have 271 corrections officers. At most we may have topped out around 205-210, but with the constant turnover we consistently dip under 200 and make it up with mandated overtime. It's possible that we had 271 prison employees, counting administrators and support staff.

  27. 12:41, I feel bad for Dave, he is sitting on machines that are being scrapped

  28. 1 step and 2 percent raise this is a slap in the face I would like to go home with my children one day

  29. Let's see if I got this right we have no break room we never no when were going home and yet u want to offer us peanuts while your sitting at home on Christmas we are here having to work most of you have no clue what we go threw 2 percent doesn't even cover cost of living

  30. So McClure doesn't think employees hired in 2017 should get a step increase because they haven't done their time but he is giving increases to newly appointed cabinet members who haven't even worked a year for the County and will only be around as long as he is. What about those upgraded positions?

  31. Cusick is by far the most wordy person on council. You may love the guy and think he is the brain but his constant comments and questions are silly. He is very political. He is also not the most experienced person on council. That would be either Ferraro or Heckman and Heckman was in both an administration and on council.

    You obviously hate the guy and love Cusick but the meeting would be a lot shorter if Cusick did not have to comment on every single issue. You just happen to like him more. Who the Hell has to make a meeting short for you? Wasn't your old pal Angle the person who made meetings longer than ever?

  32. "There already is a Doeuty Director of Human Services who works at Gracedale and is appointed."

    yes, and this new one will be career service.

  33. As someone who attends most meetings and watches online when unable to be there in person, I can say that Ron Heckman is by far the most wordy person on Council. That's just his nature. I also wish to correct what I said earlier. I called Cusick the most qualified Council member. They are all equally qualified. I would say Cusick is the most informed Council member. He is a county government wonk, does his homework and asks good questions. You say he is very political. They all are. Zrinski actually skipped an important meeting to attend a political event. Also, you apparently failed to read what I wrote, or have reading comprehension problems. I said that the lengthy budget hearings that Heckman conducted are good government. I defended Ron in an earlier comment attacking him. I would add that I consider him the second most informed person on Council, and he is certainly the most experienced. No one reading my blog could rationally reach the conclusion I hate Heckman. I actually credited him. So drop the nonsense. I certainly don't love Cusick. I have had many disagreements with him, some of which are quite serious. I do not share his philosophy and am much closer to Ron's philosophy. But I consider Cusick the most informed Council member. Go take your medication.

  34. The simple fix as far as step raises is to give them every year and not pick and choose who gets one. Not only will this selective steps piss of those who have worked for the county a long time its going to cause a ripple effect. The step raises are there for a reason. Why doesn't the county just use them like they were intended to be utilized. This back a forth doesn't accomplish anything. Do those who didn't get a step raise this year get one next year? You see where this is going. Use the steps !

  35. Mclure made a whole lot of promises he cant keep this jail is disgusting everything is dirty we are made to work 16 hrs shifts and it's getting annoying this havent gotten any better here and for him to offer pennies he should be ashamed of himself well guess what we are going to arbitration..maybe they will be fair


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