Local Government TV

Monday, December 17, 2018

Midnight Madness, Allentown Style

When your local government has to conduct its business at 11:59 on a Saturday night, you know things are bad. Especially if that government is Allentown. As the witching hour approached, Mayor Ray O'Connell vetoed an amended budget that would have lightened the tax load on city residents. City Council was unable to override. So O'Connell's original budget, which increases taxes by 27%, has gone into effect. Morning Call columnist Paul Muschick, who unlike me was actually there in the flesh, concludes that this midnight madness is proof that the budget provisions in the Home Rule Charter need an overhaul. That's what some City Council members like Roger MacLean, who does an amazing job of simulating oral sex, would have you believe, too. There's nothing wrong with the Home Rule Charter. There's plenty wrong with City Council and Mayor Ray O'Connell.

Had City Council really been interested in avoiding the crisis they themselves created, they simply could have approved an amended budget sooner than they did. They had ample time. As for Ray O'Connell, he seems to have forgotten a lot of things. One of them is that he is an appointed Mayor. He has no mandate from the voters, who rejected him as Mayor twice. Yet he has taken it upon himself to veto the will of five elected City Council members. He should have accepted the compromise budget.

While paying 27% more in taxes, many city residents actually have to hire someone to plow their streets after a snowstorm. I learned that on Friday night. It takes city trucks three days to arrive in some neighborhoods, especially on the east side. One east side resident is still waiting for the city to pick up leaves. So yes, Ray O'Connell should lose when he seeks what he calls "re-election" to a job he was never elected to in the first place.

O'Connell has done none of the things he said he would do. Nothing to cut waste in the City. Nothing to improve Allentown schools. He has kept most of Fed Ed's players.

But this is Allentown. Ray appears to have made a deal with the Jenn Mann mob. Her puppet, Charlie Thiel, will support Ray. Then, in two years, Ray will support Thiel.

By the way, if you think this is the last of the massive tax hikes, think again. Ray's life experience is in the public, not private, sector. The only way he knows how to balance the budget is by raising taxes on those who can least afford it - seniors, the working poor and younger people. .


  1. Meet the New Boss, same as the Old Boss.
    The lead FBI Special Agent was correct, they just skimmed off the top layer of corruption.
    Just wait until the Mann mob descends on that god forsaken cess pool of a town.

  2. O'Connell wants to be reelected wow...

  3. What a d**k move...

  4. O'Connell is only starting he was a school administrator and all they know is to spend tax payers money and not in a very productive way look at O'CONNELL HE WANT TO SPEND 1 MILLION PLUS on a 200000 project now he is raising taxes 27 percent and giving his administrators a 3 percent raise on the backs of the people of Allentown this guy is bad news the people of Allentown did vote him down twice they better do it again or he will really do you in he helped put the schools in the position they are with his liberal philosophy this ego manic who knows best will continue to lead Allentown yo destruction

  5. 6.50 is right he is a government worker, they believes the taxpayers are there to maintain their soft life. He will drive more people out of Allentown, but who cares , he will have a cushy pension that is more than most people make. Of course, he deserves it, he is part of the new aristocracy.

  6. Question...the Morning Call article cites high legal costs as one of the factors necessitating this tax hike. Were the city's high legal costs a result of the FBI corruption investigation?

    And, how does Allentown's IT department compare (in size and cost) to other city's IT departments? I know the hack was expensive, but I guess I just don't trust that 4 more workers is the necessary solution.

    Both council and the mayor agreed that a tax hike was necessary - they weren't that far apart, considering the mayor implemented a 27% hike against Council's recommendation of 22%. Either way, property owners get totally screwed. The fact that our dear leaders could not work out a compromise with each other to avoid a midnight showdown does show how ridiculous the process of governing is here in Allentown. In this, Guridy is right. But sadly, everyone will simply use this as campaign fodder.

  7. O'Connell is an asshole always was and always will be

  8. Same old, same old in Allentown. O'connell is an embarrassment!

  9. When the 27% property tax hike became effective on Saturday .. Was the Allentown public notified of what the separate rate on land and building would be … Or were they only told what the millage raise would be -1.5 mills … In 2018 the millage on Allentown City Land was 0.01866020 and the millage on Allentown City Bldg was 0.00353010 … I ask , in the confusion or debate of which tax plan would stand … Was a separate rate for land and building ever set..

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you Don Ringer for contributing to this story.
    You deserve a by-line.

  12. Bernie: Have you heard whether Nat Hyman will be running? Do you think he is the guy who can save Allentown? Is there anyone else out there who you think can turn Allentown around?

  13. Robert Trotner was a cheerleader for Fed Ed for years and regularly defended him. Now the man who wants to "build the new Allentown" is supporting an unelected Mayor who shoved a 27% tax hike right down the throats of those who can least afford it. Trotner's new Allentown is identical to the old one except now people are being forced to pay for it.

    Preosterous? Suddenly Thiel Allies MacLean, Affa and Robinson are voting with O'Connell. Explain how Mann ally Karen Ritter ended up as Ray's campaign manager. It will be interesting to see what clients of Mann are now doing city work.

    1. Bernie, do you think they are all covering for there cognazant complicity in the fed Ed dealings? This question covers real estate brokerage as well as theft of services to the impoveraged that the main concerns are eating and have no time for political things.

  14. "Bernie: Have you heard whether Nat Hyman will be running? Do you think he is the guy who can save Allentown? Is there anyone else out there who you think can turn Allentown around?"

    I have no idea whether Hyman is running. He only knows what he will do. I do know that of the 11 people who applied for the Mayoral appointment, he was the only one who told the city council that they were running a deficit. He knows finance. He is the only one not in bed with the so-called A'town hierarchy, which should be a lowerarchy.

    We all know he is considering it. This is why O'Connell played politics after that fire. This is why he and his intelligence-challenged Council, excepting Julio, were so willing to shove a $1.25 million bill down Hyman's throat. This is why hangers on like Robert Trotner are so willing to attack Hyman

    I know Ray loves the city and is a decent and good man. But he comes from the public sector and only knows how to raise taxes. He has done none of the things he said he would. Instead of getting rid of the dead weight, he kept it. This includes the numerous positions created by Fed Ed. I speak to front-line Allentown workers, and they tell me there are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Ray has not looked at this bc he comes from the public school culture, which is loaded with overpaid administrators. His ties to Mann are very disturbing

    He has done nothing to help Atown schools improve that was not already being done. He thwarted the will of five city council members who were elected.

  15. The city is paying outrageous legal fees to the corrupt Norris McLaughlin Morris because the city is defending themselves from lawsuits against Ed's cronies that are still in office.

  16. Hyman For Mayor! I just hope he can win now that Ray is in bed with the Mann Mob.

  17. Ok, stop looking for a person to save Allentown, only the people of the city can save Allentown, why is there not standing room only at meetings demanding changes. The reason is only those who profit by positions in government including the school boards, want the job. If someone is not interested in fleecing the taxpayers and a desire to implement good management runs they will be investigated, harassed, and belittled until they get out. Until the people rise up for the good of the city, the county and the country will anything change. Everyone has been taught to vote for their self-interest. They have learned well.

  18. If Hyman is not going to pad the pockets of the unions and government employees he should do himself a favor and stay out.

  19. Anon 9:23: Mr. Hyman gets his coffee from me many mornings each week and, even though he is important and very busy, he always takes the time to ask about me and my family. Sometimes I ask him questions about the city and he always takes the time to give me answers. He is as smart a man as I have ever met. If anyone can turn this city around, my money is on him!

  20. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "He thwarted the will of five city council members who were elected."

    I think what we saw Saturday night in Allentown was political theater. Council conveniently voted on their amended budget knowing that O'Connell could try to take it down to the wire. In the end, Ray got the tax hike he wanted, many on council got to pretend they were against it, and the taxpayers will be stuck paying the bill.

    If the majority on Council is actually against the tax hike, they should challenge it in court. It was not approved by five members of council. The BUDGET may have been passed by default, but the tax hike (per the Charter) REQUIRES five affirmative votes of council.

    In addition, if the majority on council was truly against the tax hike, they still would have held the vote to override on Saturday night. The meeting was opened before the mayor's deadline, and a competent council would have held their vote and then forced O'Connell and his solicitor to take THEM to court.

    None of that happened because they all agreed behind the scenes that they wanted the same thing. O'Connell and Council went home friends while lying to the press about how they both properly exercised their powers granted in the charter.

    Saturday night was just about what (acting) roles they wanted to portray for the public.

    1. You got that right!! That’s how politics is! The games they play! They are getting paid very well for their roles they play. Yes they all knew the outcome long before the last meeting!

  21. @10:08
    If only the people of Allentown can save the place the party is over.
    Turn out the lights.

  22. @10:08 Having the people speak up is great but we need smart officials in place to make it happen. And leadership, aka Mayor, is the first place we should start! They are not mutually exclusive.

  23. I saw that O'Connell said that if elected he will only be there for 2 more years and then retire...just what we need a lame duck mayor accountable to no-one!!!! If you thought a 27% tax increase is a lot, buckle up....here comes a 200% tax increase! He doesn't care, he won't run for reelection if he wins this time. Don't vote for O'Connell if you don't want more tax increases!!!

  24. Want see how little has changed?
    Look no further then the Mayor’s Suite, 5th floor, a place that harbors criminal collaborators as well as no-show empty suits.
    Color me cynical, very,very, cynical.

  25. Having “people speak up” doesn’t mean shit.
    In the immortal words of Mike Fleck, “Democracy in Allentown is dead...”.

  26. This is not a rhetorical question: Do the boneheads on Allentown City Council have any idea how profoundly incompetent they are?
    I’m thinkin’ that they are so pathetic that they don’t know how heroically bad they are.
    Anyone want to change my mind?

  27. One-party rule without fear of reprisal from the area's dumbest, and least interested voters. Allentown has implemented every item in the progressive agenda. The city is a colossal mess. The old mayor is in prison and the council that approved his crimes continues to dis-serve taxpayers.

  28. With all due respect, BOH, your evaluation of Ray appears to have undergone a significant transition from six months ago.

  29. Reminds me of past mayor Roy Achenbach

  30. voters of Allentown must get rid of yhe whole city council and the man they put into the mayors chair if not it will continue to lower levels if that is possible O'Connell is a product of the schools and all they do is tax and tax and spend and spend and give big raises to the administration and look at the results also watch Armstrong in lehigh county he is far from done he will try to tax the county as much as he could he will not cut or save he learned his lesson in Whitehall where taxes go up every year and look at the latest results their. remember your liberal democrats will not cut or save all they do is TAX and SPEND O'Connell and Armstrong are good examples of these type people and on top of that they know what is good for you

  31. ray the point guard second team by the way Bernie has gone down a long way from 6 months ago

  32. 11:05 no they are too stupid to realize how stupid they are

  33. I still believe Ray is a decent man who means well. My change is a result of what he has failed to do as Mayor. He failed to remove nearly all of the Fed Ed cronies who were hired. He has failed to get an understanding of what is going on from rank-and-file city workers, where he would learn that the administration is very top heavy. He has no need for a Managing Director. That's what a Mayor should be doing. He was willing to incur $1.25 Min debt for demo costs that are about 1/5th that amount. He needlessly attacked Allentown businessman Nat Hyman, and solely bc Hyman is considering a Mayoral run. He falsely claimed the City had tried to contact him when it did not. While imposing a 27% tax hike on Allentown residents, he is giving 3% raises to nonunion workers and five people are now earning more than $90,000 per year. He comes from the school district, which thinks everyone has a money tree in their back yard. In his quest to remain Mayor, he appears to have made a deal with the Mann mob.

    On a personal level, I still have high regard for Ray. This is not personal. The city is in dire straights, and needs someone who understands finance a little better than schmoozing with the right politicos.

  34. I subscribe to a neighborhood blog where a handful of people are trying to make the argument that our taxes haven't gone up for a dozen years, so we're just catching up for past stinginess. Like we some how deserve this tax increase. Apparently, they've completely forgotten about the income tax increase.

    Here are the city's tax revenues for the past nine years (in millions of $$):

    2009 46.5
    2010 48.6
    2011 51.9
    2012 56.0
    2013 56.7
    2014 57.8
    2015 59.5
    2016 64.3
    2017 70.4
    2018 74.2

    I may not have those down precisely to the million, but I think I've captured the general thrust. That's 5.5%%/yr compounded annually overall. Anyone want to take a stab at what the CPI and wages (for non-government employees) did over that same period?

    Data from:



  35. 10:18 AM: why is there not standing room only at meetings demanding changes.

    There were when people spoke out against the NIZ Hamilton Street location, water lease and incinerator project. What good did that do? To top it off almost all those on council and the mayor at the time still managed to get reelected.

    Between every election I hear the same thing about cleaning house. Somehow by election day the talk never translates into votes.

  36. 11:56,

    Despite the increased revenue from income tax, few would argue that a real estate tax hike is overdue. City government tends to be expensive. I question the unwillingness to cut where Ray needed to cut. It is hardly a profile in courage.

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Your comment is nothing more than mean-spirited schadenfruede. Try to at least contribute to the discussion.

  39. What I would like to see in the next city elections are the specific ways each would improve Allentown's financial situation. Enough with the nebulous campaign promises.

  40. Why bother? There was no drama in the last election. There never is in Allentown. Voters seem to really like their leaders, and continue to re-elect most of them by wide margins. Voters are getting exactly what they elected. It's called democracy.

  41. "City government tends to be expensive."

    But expectations that tax revenue should outpace people's incomes by 2-3 times are unreasonable. The math is unsustainable.

  42. @1:19 P.M.
    “Democracy is dead in Allentown.”
    M. Fleck, Ed Pawlowski corruption trial transcript.
    Fleck was corrupt but he was far from stupid.

  43. In 2019 --- what is the ratio of taxation in Allentown between land and building? …Has it been increased, diminished or remained the same … This is important because by increasing or diminishing the ratio between land and building people's property tax can be diminished or increased even if the millage has not changed … Additionally a change in assessment up and down without a millage change can do the same.

    What is certain if 50 % of a property's assessment is subject to property tax … Any move to move the 50% to 100% will by law reduce the millage rate un a year of assessment.

    So, in 2019 Allentown is raising its millage rates up by 1.5 mills … It says that this will produce a 27% increase in receipts /// I ask are new properties with higher assessment being brought to tax rolls and how many properties are being taken off or be given diminished asessments by appeal … Well in balanced land and building taxation the increase in taxation or actual payments would be proportional according to what the combined assessment is … But with splt taxation increased taxation may not be so proportional … Those with higher assessment on land compared to building will receive higher taxation at different ratios…


  45. ”Voters are getting exactly what they elected. It's called democracy.”

    Actually,it’s not, and that was one of my points. Ray was not elected. The voters rejected him at the polls. Twice. Ray’s veto was contrary to the will of five council members who were elected

  46. Why in God’s green acres would someone that is as intelligent as Hyman want to be mayor of this national joke of a dump?
    1billion dollars wasn’t enough to turn the place around.

  47. Ray O'Connell = Roy Afflerbach



  50. It is too far gone, anyone who can will move out and the city will be left with the old and poor. this is called the Detroit economic plan. It is the default plan of democratic politicians everywhere.

  51. It won’t hit bottom for decades.

  52. Candid is a liar and a dummy.
    Mota? What can you say that does her justice?
    Lil’ Courtney? Does anyone take him seriously?
    The APD cop crew?
    Ready for their own comic reality show, they certainly hold themselves in the highest regard.
    The 5th Floor?
    Criminals, incompetents and criminal incompetents.
    Julio is the best of the lot.
    What does that say?

  53. City Council President MacLean was the person that put the residents of Allentown in this position. If he would have supported the amendments offered by Councilmen Hendricks, Guridy, and Zucal the week before and vetoed the budget then, would not have come down to a Saturday midnight deadline. Mayor O'Connell would have had his 5 days to veto the Council budget version and City Council would have overridden his veto with days to spare. Place ineptitude for this show where it belongs- Council President MacLean!

  54. @4:03
    It has nothing to do with ineptitude and everything to do with the Mann mafia.

  55. How much is Ray's son paid in one of the newly created IT positions?

  56. Bernie, This is bot about a political party but officeholders. It saddens me to see all your posts turn into a Fox News smash Democrats rant. Some of these people should see the nonsense in solid Republican townships and counties. This is about people not a party.

  57. But the truth is that one party rule is a bad thing. You point to the bad gov’t in some exclusively GOP townships. It is not the party, as you say, but it is one party rule.

  58. Everyone complaining about the mayor but remember that all of city council members were there during ed's time how come they didn't do anything they kept rubber stamping everything so stop blaming one person for the high tax increase look at all including city council

  59. So, I’ve got a question for all the people upset about the tax increase, who is going to Appeal them? I know I will be! It won’t be my first time. And it won’t be my last.

  60. Cynthia Mota for Mayor

  61. "Everyone complaining about the mayor but remember that all of city council members were there during ed's time how come they didn't do anything they kept rubber stamping everything so stop blaming one person for the high tax increase look at all including city council"

    Untrue. Zucal and Robinson were not there at all, and MacLean is recent, too. Five members of Council submitted an amended budget that lightened the load on the taxpayer,and Ray vetoed it. That's one person. It's his baby.

  62. Bernie, I completely agree with your 11:50 AM post and feel the same way about Ray O'Connell, whom I have known for many years. I am disappointed that he did none of what he stated when running for Mayor in both the primary and the general elections, I could hardly believe when he stated that he would veto any budget proposal that would cost an Allentown city employee their job. That is just poor leadership.

  63. I recall that an Allentown city council member rented a city owned home at a below market price. I assume this property was triple tax exempt. Does this person still live in this house?

  64. Anon 10:16 is 100% correct! Robert Trotner is the single most disliked person in the Lehigh Valley. He attacks people without mercy on social media, while hiding in his Mommy's basement. He has no job or anything to do everyday. He should be embarrassed of himself and pack up and move away from here. No one would care or miss him. But instead he is always spouting off on different blogs as though he is an authority like he did on yours today Bernie. But the fact is he never has a clue and is just a blowhard. Every one I know hates him.

  65. I thought I was the most disliked person in the Lehigh Valley. I must be in at least the top three.

  66. So....does this tax increase mean my street will finally be plowed?

  67. There is no doubt the Mann Mafia is trying to strengthen its hold in Atown, likely in an attempt to get Charlie Thiel or another of her cronies elected the next mayor. Councilman Courtney Robinson is a shill for Mann. Most of Robinson's campaign donations came from: Jenn Mann's parents; fellow Mann Mafiosos Jimmy "The Molester" Spang; "Lil" Petey Schweyer & Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg; Mann cronies Craig Rogan, Linda Minger, Jeff Barber, and Susan Wild; and unions (IBEW, Operating Engineers, Plumbers, Bricklayers, Firefighters). Mota & Affa are Mann Puppets too.

  68. Charlie Thiel and Jenn Mann are Republicans, their open support of Browne will come back to bite them in the ass. Pat Browne's pathetic preformance, winning by only 1% against a newcomer will attract big democratic money against him in 4 years. Schlossberg support of Browne was noted and he will also be primaried.

    It's time for the Democrats in Name Only, that rob and grift Allentown into the ground be called out and purged from the party.

    Theil will NEVER be mayor.

  69. Jenn Mann is far from a Rep. She is a die-hard union Dem. Her Pops was a big wig with the UAW, and she is the apple of her Pops eye. He is the biggest influence on her.

  70. it's good to be in the NIZ, especially if you are one of the few who have become richer owning property in the NIZ. Regular folk get screwed.

    The Rich get Richer....

  71. “Jenn Mann is a die hard union Dem. Her pops was a big wig with the UAW...”
    Please spare us the bullshit.
    The shelf life on this narrative expired 20 years ago.
    People are stupid but there’s a limit.

  72. "Please spare us the bullshit.
    The shelf life on this narrative expired 20 years ago.
    People are stupid but there’s a limit."

    You must be a fan of legalized recreational marijuana, as you are surely high! Suggesting Jenn Mann is a Republican is like suggesting RuPaul is The Rock!

    While Mann is now a rich lobbyist/consultant, politically she still believes in the core tenets of the Democrat platform. She is pro-union, pro-abortion, pro-universal healthcare, pro-sanctuary for illegal imimigrants, and pro-expanding government.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.