Local Government TV

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Star of Wild's Cancer Ad Works For Her

Earlier this month, Congressional wannabe Susan Wild ran a TV ad starring a cancer survivor named Jo Ann Connors. "I don’t understand why Marty Nothstein wants to take away our insurance," worries Connors. "It keeps me awake at night. What would we do? What would my children do? It’s terrifying."

It's also bullshit.

Nothstein has made clear on several occasions that he supports continued coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.

“I am on record as supporting current law that requires insurers to cover preexisting conditions. Likewise, I am in favor of policies that would ensure health care for every citizen who wants it,” Nothstein said in a statement released to the press. “What I oppose is government forcing people to purchase policies they do not want and imposing plans that take away a patient’s choice of doctor.”

Nothstein was particularly upset by that ad because members of his own family are cancer survivors.

As it turns out, Jo Ann Connors is actually employed as a certified paralegal in Susan Wild's law firm.

Nothstein mentioned this at a WAEB-790AM interview last week. The proof that he is accurate is in the link provided above.

So basically, Wild used a firm employee as a prop in a fake ad.

She's worried Nothstein wants to take away her insurance? What about a law firm with 34 employees? Is Connors saying that Wild's law firm provides no health insurance for their employees?

This is precisely what I mean when I say Wild is dishonest.

I'll have another story about a case in which she was involved, but need to finish my research.


  1. Call bullshit all you want but at least put it in context. Since healthcare has become this years number one midterm issue there has been a lot of posturing. Nothstein like most republicans all read the polls and now claim they will protect pre-existing conditions for affordable health insurance. However, they don't explain how they will make policies cheaper while at the same time covering these problems. The reality is only by enforcing laws that require all policies cover all illnesses can it work. Other than the goofy and meaningless policies across state lines, the republicans have come up with no way to resolve that conundrum.
    The result is they are lying to get elected. They have no plans whatsoever to get you cheaper polices that will still cover you for all these things.

    We know you hate Wild and pray for a Nothstein victory. We know once elected you we'll dog her unmercifully. Pleas stop shoveling this Nothestein republican healthcare bullshit.

    1. Exactly...this is Bernie's blind spot showing again. He hates Wild because she beat his boy. This Republican come to Jesus nonsense is BS and he knows it but he'll cover his eyes and ears and go "la la la la la" and continue to find ways to perpetuate a Republican scam as long as it suits his personal vendetta.

    2. Susan Wild is a liar and will say anything to get elected. She probably sold Pawlawski out so she wouldn't go to jail.

  2. What a phony! Typical fraudulent political smear ad. Wild should be ashamed of herself. Democrat PAC money keeps pouring into this race. That ad must have aired a hundred times already, which isn't cheap. It all becomes a clanging cymbal, signifying nothing. Lies to sway votes.

  3. Building on what 12:19 says, guaranteeing coverage for pre-existing conditions only works with the individual mandate. If you get rid of the mandate, you have to get rid of the pre-existing condition coverage. Otherwise, too few healthy people would buy insurance and prices would go way up. So Nothstein is saying he supports the popular part of the ACA, but not the unpopular part that makes it possible.

    "She's worried Nothstein wants to take away her insurance? What about a law firm with 34 employees? Is Connors saying that Wild's law firm provides no health insurance for their employees?"

    Well, no. Before this part of the ACA went into effect, your insurance company could deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. That means that if this provision is done away with, even people who have insurance, including those insured through their employers, can be denied coverage of their pre-existing conditions.

    Also, this woman being a coworker of Wild is slightly shady, but it doesn't mean she didn't have cancer. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. There is nothing necessarily dishonest about this.

  4. wild is bad news on many counts she is far far left more taxes more spending sanctuary cities and eventually states get rid of ice she was the attorney for fed ed and said their was no wrong doing could not have been more wrong do you want that representing you in congress another lawyer for the swamp filled with way t00 many lawyers most lawyers talk in circles look at the swamp this lady cannot represent the real people of the lehigh valley

  5. 12:19,
    Bravo! Well said.

  6. Nothstein supports an administration that will indeed attack healthcare options of millions of Americans. For more than two years, Republicans have failed to offer any alternative plan except to limit access. Open enrollment started and our premiums are up 11% as well as deductibles. DOUBLE DIGITS.

    Republicans now want to cut Social Security and Medicare to pay for Corporate tax cuts.

    1. More bullshit from the left. All you have is your health care lies. We shall see how it plays out next week. Just wish you all would just say your socialist instead of hiding behind the spewing BS.

  7. If her employee actually had cancer, I hope you apologize O'Hare. You will be shown to be a real POS. Nothstein is against Obamcare and said he will repeal it. He said he will keep all the good parts of it like other republicans, yet has snot explained how that will be paid for as the republicans have no real plan.

    Instead of going crazy attacking Wild because she beat your bromance Morganelli, why don't you objectively report on how Marty will give you all the cake you want to eat but in a way that you don't have to pay for it. Instead you are into character assassination.

    12:19 was spot on! This election is about calling bullshit on the republicans healthcare concern.

  8. So, to sum up, the only person capable of taking this lady's health coverage away is Susan Wild.

    NOT Marty Nothstein.

  9. Nothstein's press release says he's on record as supporting coverage for pre-existing conditions? Really? it was more than a week ago I'll eat my hat. That's what's known as hypocrisy. If anyone believes he'll protect anyone's rights under Obamacare I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Like Scott Wagner promises to provide good quality health insurance "like the kind he supplies his own workers" because he's required to under Obamacare because he has 60 employees.

    These guys'll say anything to get elected.

  10. 12:19 and other Wild apologists:

    This is EXACTLY the problem with ObamaCare.

    The pre-existing condition issue is one that affects a relatively small amount of people. But the Democrats passed a one-size fits all, government-forced tax hike (ObamaCare) on everyone in order to solve that small problem.

    ObamaCare doesn't work, and it drove premiums up instead of down. This is great for big insurance companies that people like Susan Wild supposedly hate. Not so good for the rest of us that have to pay for it.

    Being able to purchase health care across state lines isn't "goofy" of "meaningless", it allows companies to spread risk across much larger populations and brings premiums down. That's the essence of any good insurance plan.

    If you don't believe that ObamaCare's approach doesn't work, look at what happened with ObamaCare state-by-state: increasing premiums and diminished choices for individual coverage. Some areas in some states had one choice - which isn't a choice at all, is it?

    Bottom line - ObamaCare does need to be repealed, and the pre-existing condition issue can be solved without forcing a big-government, one-size-fits-all mandate on the rest of us.

  11. Robert Trotner said:

    "If anyone believes he'll protect anyone's rights under Obamacare I have a bridge in Brooklyn for sale."

    Trotner - Nice wordplay.

    He is on record as wanting ObamaCare repealed, so of course he wouldn't "protect anyone's rights under ObamaCare".

    He's also on the record (for a long time), of supporting ways to protect those with pre-existing conditions.

    Nice try at phrasing the issue in a dishonest way. You should work for Wild's campaign (maybe you are).

    1. Trump has delivered on a lot of his promises. He is insistent on keeping the pre existing conditions. Relax....the man is delivering.

  12. Obamacare was a fraud, just like wild, its biggest goal was medi-caid expansion which was just increasing the number of people available for medicaid. It penalized the self employed which actually caused many to no longer afford insurance. Then placed a penalty on them. it was a disgusting big government hoax. It was intended to fail. So it could be replaced with national health care, which is what thy have re-labeled medicare for all. Obamacare has already damaged our health care, Now they dont tell anyone that private insurance would be outlawed, private doctors would be banned. It would force the best and brightest to no longer choose medicine as a profession and would replace them with bureaucrats. Most who would be clock punchers and most likely incompetent. Expect to wait and wait some more for care. All in the attempt to increase the power of government.

    Wild has attempted to hide who she is and stands for. She has hid behind fancy adds bought with out of state money. I f elected she will be Washington's representative in the 7th district. Not a representative of the people.

  13. The only reason WILD was not indicted with the rest of Pawlowski's crew, is that she provided evidence so that she would be let off.

    1. AMEN!!!!! She saved her own ass.

  14. How come no one is doing a story on how Susan Wild stabbed Pawlowski in the back to save her own skin? Isn’t that what Her prosecutor ad is saying? It’s true that people get immunity for turning other people in but do they get a congressional seat out it?

  15. Anon 6:06 said:

    "The only reason WILD was not indicted with the rest of Pawlowski's crew, is that she provided evidence so that she would be let off."

    The real question is why was she hired by Pawlowski in the first place? Nobody knew about the FBI investigation at that time and it certainly wasn't because Pawlowski wanted someone to stop his corruption.

    And she was using Mike Fleck (Pawlowski's corrupt campaign consultant in the middle of Allentown's pay-to-play scandal) back in 2013 when she ran for County Commissioner.

    That's not a coincidence.

  16. Well said Bernie. I'm a fellow Democrat sick to death of birth sides! Voting for Silfies and hope others STOP the political crap so we get representatives who DO WHAT THEY SAY AND VOTE FOR WHAT is in the interest of the poeple.

    1. A vote for Silfies is a vote for Wild. Just remember that. Vote Marty.

  17. Is it true that non-partisan League of women's Voters, is not going to air the debate from last week, I hear that Wild did poorly, so they are canning it.

    1. I heard that too. We shold be calling the league and demanding the show it UNEDITED.....I heard they want to edit it to protect Wild. If I were running as a Republican I would never do another debate sponsored by them.

  18. She has so much Fed Ed stink on her, she should certainly be investigated. She has lied repeatedly in this campaign. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. Nobody should believe this greasy, serial liar. WILD = PAWLOWSKI. Period.

  19. Appears to be true. The League in true democrat style only released parts of the debate they considered favorable for the democratic candidate. League, please quit the charade of being non-partisan. Release the whole thing or admit you are just an arm of the Democratic Party. There is no middle ground between those two choices!

  20. Wild is a complete fraud!

  21. What current leadership has let the LWV devolve into is disgraceful. This is no longer your mom's and dad's LWV. It sucks when once respected institutions lose respect.

  22. Robert Trotner,it was more than a week ago. As long ago as Alan Jennngs radio show in early September, and before. Start eating.his position has been misrepresented by a liar, which is what Wild is.

  23. ”Also, this woman being a coworker of Wild is slightly shady, but it doesn't mean she didn't have cancer. Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. There is nothing necessarily dishonest about this.” I have no reason to doubt this woman is a cancer survivor. But as you yourself agree, it was s shady to use one of your own workers. It is dishonest not to disclose it. And why isConnrs so worried? Doesn’t she have a decent plan under her job working at wild’s firm?

  24. ”Appears to be true. The League in true democrat style only released parts of the debate they considered favorable for the democratic candidate. League, please quit the charade of being non-partisan. Release the whole thing or admit you are just an arm of the Democratic Party. There is no middle ground between those two choices”

    I am going to check into this. I was stunned when Bev announced that Leslie Altieri was filming for them. She has been a very active member of the state Dem committee and ran for state rep twice.

  25. It is sad to see what has happened to major media, the League of women's voter etc. It just proves they cannot win the debate for the hearts of the American people honestly. they have to stoop to corrupt and dishonest practices.

    Just like a dishonest businessman, it works once maybe twice, then it will all crumble like a house of cards.

  26. As I mentioned before, even if she does have a decent insurance plan in her current job, if the ACA is repealed, her insurer will be able to deny coverage for treatment and medications related to her cancer as a pre-existing condition. I haven't heard any plans with any details coming from the GOP about how it would be possible to ditch the individual mandate but keep coverage for pre-existing conditions. It seems they are only saying they support coverage for pre-existing conditions because nobody will vote for them otherwise. I am happy to be proven wrong, but I don't think I will be. The numbers just don't work.

    It is only a bit shady because of the pressure of being asked by your employer to appear in their political ad. If she volunteered to be in the ad, though, I don't really have any problem with it.

  27. Way to go Bernie for digging in and getting the facts. I disliked her the moment I heard she lied to John Morganelli. I’m voting Nothstein!

  28. I have contributed to the LWV for years, it is sad, they have gone the way of AARP , now just a arm of the democratic party.

  29. Some of the comments on here, only prove the partisan divide. Some are still blinded as to the truth. Truth doesn't seem to matter to some. They are incapable of making up their own minds. Comments such as "... slightly shady..." which sounds like, being a little pregnant, simply rationalizes behavior that one would otherwise not condone. Truth seems to be relative. The "dishonesty" happens in both major parties. To believe otherwise is in itself dishonest. To call out others who with we may may differ philosophically and not call out those whom you do agree with is in-genuine.

  30. Reading all comments convinced me to sit this one out.

  31. The ad assumes brain cancer. But what type of cancer was it???????????????

  32. In the last 12 hours, Ds have said Trump's radicalized more people than ISIS, that his administration is worse than the Nazi regime, and he's created a Rwanda- type political climate. They've also said he needs to tone down the rhetoric.

  33. Has anyone been able to locate the Republican plan for protecting those with preexisting conditions? I haven't. What does that tell you?

  34. It just amazes me that the wild supporters overlook her time as the solicitor in Allentown, just as Trump supporters overlook . . . well almost everything that comes out of his foul mouth. Wake up folks we only show our worst when we are willing to give our "side" a pass for poor behavior.

    Lastly, I don't think there is any provision in the Constitution that guarantees our right to health care. Its a privileged that we have grown to expect as a right. Many moons ago the church was the center of the community and provided for members of the flock who were in need. Now the government or political parties have taken over that role. Problem is the congregation expected you to take that help, get back on your feet to help the next person in need. With placing this support structure in the hands of the govt. there is no shame in taking advantage of the system. I fear we are headed down the road of our own destruction.

  35. Anonymous (10:34) said...

    Has anyone been able to locate the Republican plan for protecting those with preexisting conditions? I haven't. What does that tell you?

    Then your not being honest, and not trying very hard.

    You can go to Nothstein's website and quickly find the bill that he supports, and there are likely others out there as well. And there are likely even improvements that could be made to the bills.

    But the Democrats in the House don't have any interest in responsibly solving a problem that affects a relative few. They only want the issue to campaign on and shove single-payer on all of us.

  36. The republicans are now saying they want to protect people with pre-existing conditions, which is a lie, because they ran against any of these protections in previous elections. Now that people are getting healthcare through the ACA/Obamacare they don't want to lose their insurance. So, the republicans are backtracking, but at the same time they're doing things to hamstring the ACA such as removing the mandate to buy insurance. And you know who won't buy insurance if they aren't forced to .... young healthy people and those are the people you need paying into the insurance pool. Without young healthy people paying in, prices go up and the system falters, this is what republicans want, so they can say obamacare is failing. It's a F'ing joke and you can't tell me that most republicans aren't going to just go along with that program including Marty. It's part of their anti-government mantra since Reagan and it's a lie.

  37. 10.44, you are right on, but churches are out, they need to be replaced by a government that will take care of you. That is until they run out of other peoples money, then they will gather you all up and put you to work, at the point of a bayonet if necessary. Of course the bureaucrats will still have their job.

  38. Wow! Bernie must have a real fan who goes to his site at 12:19. I am in complete agreement with those who have taken issue with 12:19'
    Good article Bernie, it will be interesting to see what happens next Tuesday.

  39. As a child I remember the pride and emotion I felt when I heard our National Anthem. I was proud to be an American and nothing else.

    . . .So was I once myself a swinger of birches
    And so I dream of going back to be
    It's when I'm weary of considerations,
    And life is too much like a pathless wood. . .

  40. Robert Trotner, October 30, 2018 at 5:17 AM said...

    "These guys'll say anything to get elected."

    This would include "both sides". One "side", campaign, will always spin a subject, an issue, in the most advantageous way to make their "side" look better. No matter the issue, no matter the subject, no matter the party. Knowing such is helpful. However, blindly thinking one side, campaign, is any better than any other is naive. That is one reason I tend to vote on principle, on researched issues, not only in an echo chamber, and not on the promises of an individual candidate or campaign.

  41. Democrats have brought out their old standby, the republicans are going to take away your healthcare. Next it will be Social security, they have been doing this forever. Remember, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your insurance. they knew that was not true. Do voters have such a short memory that they have forgotten, Do they believe they can trust them now?

  42. Employer insurance before Obamacare didn’t reject employees with preecisting conditions so that is a lie fabricated by Dems & Wild. All employers should be required to cover healthcare including 34 person law firms.

    This election is about the economy & taxes & Wild can’t win on that so she brings out employees of her form to sensationalize healthcare instead.

    She is a socialist & socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried. Vote Nothstein!!

  43. 1:02 you seem to be the one with short memory, the majority democratic government at the time allowed the Minority Republicans to add things to ACA and they turned it into the turd it is now. they gutted single payer etc. and then immediately blamed Obama and the Dems when it became the train wreck they devised, and you being of the class of Sheep that you are believe the lie

    stop re-writing history and just fix the damn law

  44. Patriot2 said...
    "Employer insurance before Obamacare didn’t reject employees with preecisting conditions so that is a lie fabricated by Dems & Wild. All employers should be required to cover healthcare including 34 person law firms."

    Do you have any supporting evidence for that claim? That's not what an insurance company says. Here is the link and the info:

    How are pre-existing conditions determined?
    A pre-existing condition is typically one for which you have received treatment or diagnosis before you enrolled in a new health plan. Prior to 2010 and the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), an insurance company would review your application for enrollment and if they determined you had a pre-existing condition, could deny you coverage or offer coverage at inflated rates.

    The ACA made it illegal for health insurance companies to deny you medical coverage or raise rates due to a pre-existing condition.

  45. Here's a simple primer on the last year's federal budget.

    Trump's first budget maintained SS, Medicaid, and Medicare at their annual increases. Defense was increased over the prior year. The national debt grew by a trillion.

    Nothing was cut. Nothing is going to be cut. Trump is only marginally more fiscally responsible than Obama. His administration continues to spend and grow debt. Everybody's free shit is going to keep rolling along. We'll be long dead before the grandkids are eventually Venezuela. In the interim, don't believe horror stories about losing your goodies. They are simply nonsense. Our bender continues unabated and it really sucks to be future generations.

  46. Anon 11:06 said:

    "The republicans are now saying they want to protect people with pre-existing conditions, which is a lie, because they ran against any of these protections in previous elections."

    No, the Republicans have put up multiple plans to deal with the relatively small problem of people with pre-existing coverage dropped by insurance.

    Anon 11:06 also said:

    "And you know who won't buy insurance if they aren't forced to .... young healthy people and those are the people you need paying into the insurance pool."

    Nobody should be forced to buy a product that they don't want or need. That's a basic freedom that this country was founded on. I hope Republicans believe in that principle, although sometimes I'm concerned. If you want to be told what to do, what to buy, and ruled by politicians, go to any other country in the world. Freedom is what America's all about.

  47. Anon 2:45 said:

    "the majority democratic government at the time allowed the Minority Republicans to add things to ACA and they turned it into the turd it is now. they gutted single payer etc. and then immediately blamed Obama and the Dems when it became the train wreck they devised"

    Uh, no, the ACA was passed without a SINGLE Republican vote, and the democrats own it's failure totally on their own.

    The "turd" and "train wreck" it is now, is one of the details that Nancy Pelosi ignored when the Democrats rushed it through and she famously said they "have to pass the bill to see what is in it"

  48. 2:45-I believe your cigna reference is for individual coverage. When insurance companies quote companies for their health insurance they get no history of employee health status except a profile of age & sex for the group. They take the good with the bad & have never eliminated anyone for preexisting conditions both before & after ACA over my 20 years of providing employee health insurance coverage. Our company rates may go up the following year once they get a chance to see our profile of health but they have never said that they won’t insure one particular employee or their family members because they discovered preexisting conditions during the coverage year.

    So this whole ACA thing is way overblown but was designed for those that are not covered by employer coverage which is a small percentage of the population.

  49. Anon 2:45 said:

    "The ACA made it illegal for health insurance companies to deny you medical coverage or raise rates due to a pre-existing condition."

    Uh, not exactly. People who had their health insurance through their employers have long been protected by numerous laws against having their insurance dropped or denied because of pre-existing conditions.

    The pre-existing condition problem was limited to a relatively small portion of those insured who bought coverage on their own.

    What the ACA did was transfer the financial obligation for the non-existent, pre-existing condition "problem" for those who had health care through their employers to everyone. This skyrocketed the costs for individuals and government. Employers love it because they can offload their responsibility to the working middle class.

    In short, the ACA took a small problem and made it into a big, unsustainable one (from a government and individual standpoint). And the only way the democrats could think to make it work was by forcing everyone into it (not a lot of creativity there).

    Now they want to go to "Medicare for All" which will bankrupt the system without massive tax hikes on those working (again, not a lot of creativity here). If you want to see what it looks like, check out what's happening in Venezuela. If Democrats like Susan Wild were being honest, they'd just rename it "Poverty for All"

  50. I'm glad 59-year old, single men are required to carry OB/GYN under Obamacare. This makes perfect sense in all 57 or 58 states and among Marine Corpsemen. I'm glad when my government is here to help. I miss having a smart president.

  51. 3.58
    "the ACA did was transfer the financial obligation for the non-existent, pre-existing condition "problem" for those who had health care through their employers to everyone. This skyrocketed the costs for individuals and government."

    so if it was a "relatively small portion" or non-existent then the effect would not lead to skyrocketing premiums. the small problem is spread over even more people.

    "If you want to see what it looks like, check out what's happening in Venezuela'"
    try looking at Germany and tell me how many Germans went bankrupt due to a serious health issue.
    they also negotiate drug purchases(thru bids) based on volume and every German pays the same cost for a medication
    while you are at it refer to the Koch brothers funded study that showed that medical costs would be TWO trillion dollars lower than the current system over the next ten years.

  52. Wild spent her entire career representing large insurance companies- screwing the little guy. Now she's masquerading as the champion of the middle class- what a fraud. Nothing authentic about her- reminds me of Hillary. This independent is voting Nothstein!

  53. 4.18
    And women get to pay for Viagra,along with prostate surgery.
    clearly you do not get what insurance is or how it works.

  54. 4.59
    Nothstein specialized in rapidly going in circles.
    perhaps that is what you want in a Congressional office holder.

  55. 2.45
    "ACA was passed without a SINGLE Republican vote, and the democrats own it's failure totally on their own."

    Comrade trump once said"If you can't take care of your sick in the country, forget it, it's all over. I mean, it's no good. So I'm very liberal when it comes to healthcare. I believe in universal healthcare. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better."

    "There's many different ways, by the way. Everybody's got to be covered. This is an un-Republican thing for me to say because a lot of times they say, 'No, no, the lower 25 percent that can't afford private'… I am going to take care of everybody. I don't care if it costs me votes or not. Everybody's going to be taken care of much better than they're taken care of now."

    so clearly trumpie has failed to live up to his word.
    Perhaps if he spent less time on the golf course he could do what he claimed he would do.
    or he lied to everyone(yeah like that is unusual)

  56. Anon 4:57 said:

    "While you are at it, refer to the Koch brothers funded study that showed that medical costs would be TWO trillion dollars lower than the current system over the next ten years."

    So now we're trusting what the Koch brothers want?

    And I'm sure you can keep your doctor while we're "saving" all that money.

    Sorry, we're not falling for those lies again.

  57. 5:19 -

    Maybe Trump's evolved and now recognizes government-run universal health insurance for the soul-crushing, unsustainable boondoggle that it is.

    You should do the same.

  58. These parasites have not only infected the old age healthcare market now they are all ready betting on the imported innocent indigent ones traveling in the invading caravan? Playing on America's need to take care of humans has been a subliminal massage sent via TV adds from third world countries for many years and now America has become the third world nation?

    The not picking bickering hasn't helped in any way either.

  59. 5.23
    give the German Healthcare system anytime.
    As to Comrade trump he just lies to people.
    He claimed he would get a better system and it seems he just plays with his putter too much

  60. Reads like a lawyer hijacked this thread with all the rebuttals. Whether you like the ACA or not, that's not the issue. The problem is that Wild used an employee of her firm in a misleading ad.

  61. 5.42
    And if that person in the ad had cancer?
    She would be using an employee in an ad.
    So what?
    If Bernie's milk goes bad in his refrigerator he will want to think that Wild had something to do with it.
    Bernie wants honesty but overlooks dishonesty from his friends.
    Morganelli meeting with trump was a case where either Bernie knew but tried to deny it happened until he could no longer deny it.
    Or Morganelli was dishonest with Bernie.
    Because Bernie still praises Morganelli it seems friends can be dishonest with impunity.

  62. Your anonymous disdain for me has nothing to do with this story. But you obviously read me a lot. Thanks.

  63. 6.34
    not disdain.
    I believe that you have been very informative and quite often bring stories to light that would have missed if you did not look into them.
    That being said i saw that when you view someone as an enemy(for the lack of a better term)you pull a FOX news on them.
    For a guy who does not watch TV you managed to hit Wild the same way they would minus a large studio and their two minutes of hate towards the enemy of the day.
    Everything that Wild does is suspect and the smallest of actions are inflated.
    Nothing she does is acceptable and nothing ever will be.
    Anyone competing with her is always above board and perfect.
    Lately Nothstein seems to walk on water yet Wild gets slapped for not knowing how to swim.
    I get you are walking around with a lamp(Diogenes) and wish you luck.
    However giving an "enemy" the benefit of the doubt does not show weakness but wisdom.
    As to Wild i agree she is dishonest,yet can you seek and find the same actions by her opponents?
    If you did would that change how you view and write about them?
    or are your views easily fixed but difficult to change?
    perhaps you simply have adopted--I yam what I yam
    Either way thanks for the information and stories you have written.

  64. Patriot2.... you wrote..

    "Employer insurance before Obamacare didn’t reject employees with preecisting conditions so that is a lie fabricated by Dems & Wild"

    You are incorrect. Employer insurance DID reject claims from "covered" employees who were found to have had pre-existing conditions.

  65. 5:32

    You asserted " Playing on America's need to take care of humans has been a subliminal massage sent via TV adds from third world countries for many years and now America has become the third world nation?"

    To which ads are you referring?> Placed by whom? When?

    more wingnut conspiracy thinking.

  66. Hey, wild people, get over it, you got exposed, just get used to it.

  67. In line with 7:57, the level of ignorance on this subject is startling. In todays America of reality denying, it should be no surprise. Insurance companies have teams of professionals, that is TEAMS of professionals having one job and that is to scour your HealthCare history for evidence of pre-existing examples. Let us say you have a major heart attack and need a transplant, You have paid insurance for years . You find out that because you took cholesterol lowering statins or high blood pressure pills it is deemed a pre-existing condition. Why? Because it is related to your heart.

    People buy cheapo insurance with high deductibles thinking they are covered and find out only after the fact that 10-20 or more years before a harmless doctor visit or prescription knocks you out of coverage. In a free market healthcare model you need to have healthy people paying in, just like sick people to ensure you are covered.

    Insurance companies do not exist to gleefully payout hundreds of thousands of dollars in claims, they are there to make money.

    I am truly shocked at the level of ignorance on this topic. If it didn't happen to you or your friend it doesn't happen right? If the website of your choice claims it doesn't happen you are fine. There are numerous examples, studies and real medical sites you can go to learn the truth not propaganda. This has nothing to do with your politics or who you love or hate in office. Tell the Insurance company you are a democrat or a republican when they reject your claim and see how much they give a shit. Wake up people!!!

  68. Judge Sam Murray fixed an All Star Vote for his Son Joseph =wrong !

  69. Judge Murray (not Irish is a fucking fraud).

  70. Morganelli want s Judge on the bench that fixed an All Star Vote !

  71. 9.38
    "Just wish you all would just say your socialist instead of hiding behind the spewing BS."

    Socialist's would take people's money and give it to other folks based on their whim.
    So Comrade Trump took your taxpayer dollars and gave it to Midwest farmers (because of his stupid tariff fight).
    He did this on his own whim.
    So trumpie is a Socialist.

  72. 9.41
    "Trump has delivered on a lot of his promises"
    seem to remember he was going to build a wall and Mexico would pay for it.
    Comrade trump was going to fight for his good name associated with Trump University,then he wimped out and paid a settlement.
    The list goes on and on.

  73. 9:41, Trump will sign any bill McConnell puts on his desk. And Mitch McConnell sincerely does not care whether you can afford health insurance.

  74. If you pay attention, you will clearly see that Trump does things. He moves ,shaking the ground . He can’t make the left happy. Teriff issues were ment to use as a leverage . This issue is now settled . We ,meaning the U.S. A. Got a better deal . .The farmers are only being compensated during adjusted trade deal. Don’t forget the ethanol/ corn deals . Ethanol is subsidized by tax payers and it’s costing us all decreased mileage capabilities. Don’t worry The Mexican Government will pay for any wall. Mexico will pay with their problems confined and the effects ,civil ,economic, and social issues to their detriment. No more free loaders in the school district- See Evan EASD is down almost 500 students - their paying don’t worry. They will pay. As I type this ,Right now. the Mexicans are having to deal with a 2nd group of of migrants that are ,Proceeding North that are much more VIOLENT. Some of you that read this are nice people and should get ready to open your homes ,let ‘ m sleep in your minor daughters bed ,after you feed them. Don’t worry things will be fine , In Argentina! Ms.Wild would fit in there just fine.

  75. 4.14
    Yep scary brown people are on foot and only 900 miles from the US border.
    Fox needs something to deflect from white guys killing folks and MAGA folks mailing bombs.
    On the other hand someone willing to walk a thousand miles and suffer all the hardships of such a trip just might be the type of people you want coming to America.

    1. Leave your address maybe we can provide that to those at the border . Your comment is just as ridiculous. Can't pay for those in need here, so let's bring in more. My paycheck is already stretched as far as it can go.

  76. Yes sir, I most often watch France 24 and OAN News - not Fox 🦊 .I.dont buy into commentaries or opinions of pretty news hosts. These characters are getting transferred under wheels also . Somebody’s paying for this ,whom might that be. Good idea,post your address and E-mail ,you can help out. Four times a year we honor those who do it legally at the Northampton County Courthouse,court room No1,come and attend . All the “scary brown people “ and all. You would be proud as we are to honor them. I post my name because I can. Good day.

  77. That's it? That's all you got? You people are pathetic.

  78. 7:57-I never experienced an insurance company not covering one of our employees—never-before or after ACA so not sure you know what you are talking about!!! Wild is exaggerating the issue to deflect from the great economy & more money in workers pockets since February withholding rate reductions from Tax bill.

  79. 1.25
    so if a new employee was hired and his wife was pregnant for four months when he started.she had a pre-existing condition and was not covered by his family plan.

  80. 5.58
    "Can't pay for those in need here"
    And why is that the case?
    As a world superpower the test of a country is how folks are treated.

  81. We the people just might get her elected. If that happens Bernie will have an field day with her antics. I have advocated that unless you pay taxes ,you should not have a right to vote. But that’s just my opinion. Like having skin in the game.. So , if the other two don’t make it here it’s on the tax payer .its on the poor slob that’s gets up at 05:30 and goes out to work ,not the no nothings that strive to be “recipieants “ and like P- Burg N.J. “ The home of the 30 year old grandmother “ . So vote ,or don’t vote -this is important.

  82. By the way , I almost aways split me votes as an R. I will vote for Bob Freeman -D here in my district. He is honest ,and didn’t Evan except a thing as a perk. I vote the person not the party line . I wish Harry S Truman was the president now. Harry was better than most people realize.

  83. Harry was a great Democrat! He was for the people not like the corporate for the rich republicans.

  84. Trump is not a for the rich Republican but rather is for the blue collar worker. He was a democrat for years until they turned into the communist party!!

    3:34-The new employee has to wait 90 days & at that point he & his pregnant wife were covered before ACA.

  85. 8.51
    Sorry i was there and the woman had a pre-existing condition and was not covered.
    as to "Trump is not a for the rich Republican but rather is for the blue collar worker."---they always say to lead with a joke,your's was pretty good.


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