Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Only 15% of Susan Wild's $2.4 Million is From Pa.

As of October 1, Susan Wild has raised $2.4 million in her bid for Pa-7. Only $341,756.10 of her total, or 15%, comes from Pennsylvania. The rest is outside money.

In her Business Mattes debate, Wild defended the money she received, claiming that most of it comes in the form of very small donations. This is false. Those under $200 donations amount to $326,728.67, or 13%, of her total contributions.

Wild claims her first priority is campaign finance reform.


In the meantime, she has sent an email to her fans, falsely claiming she's unable to pay her staff.

I will give you the skinny on Marty Nothstein and Tm Silfies when their most recent reports post. The Morning Call ghas a story, but I prefer to look at the numbers myself.


  1. While Wild may be bending the truth here (it does matter whether she said most of the money came from small donations or most of the donations were small), so are you. This 2.4 mil includes about 1 million dollars, including from PACs, the party's campaign committees, non-itemized individual donations, and even loans, for which the source state isn't listed at all. Additionally, many of the donors from NY, by far the second largest source of donations, likely have ties to the state and district, and some are probably registered to vote here, even if their mailing address is in NY.

  2. Oh just stop it already. There is nothing wrong or sinister in accepting out of state donations and this has nothing to do with campaign finance reform as the court has held that citizens have a right to donate to candidates of their choice. She hasn't accepted any money from corporate pacs and she is against citizens United.

  3. All the info is not yet posted, but large amounts of donations are from Attorneys, pharmaceutical industry and out of state activist groups. She will unlikely be a representative of the people of the lehigh Valley.

  4. Praying a rosary that this lady loses.

  5. 1230am:
    Likely, Probably...…..
    Yeah. I'll listen to you.

  6. angry old white dude is still holding a grudge against Wild.
    Will slant any story about wild in the worst way possible.
    surprisingly has not invoked lizard people or Soros yet.

  7. She's outspending Nothstein 6 to 1 with out of state money. She's a Steyer/Soros stooge who wants your tax cut back to give illegals free shit. She doesn't care about local workers. She wants illegals to replace you at lower wages. She wants to return to the malaise of the Obama years. Stay the course and don't hand the keys to a certified wing nut who's fighting to represent California and Massachusetts.

  8. Most of the money comes from small donations.

  9. The only thing you can count on a Democrat to do is lie. Wild confirms this as true.

  10. All the info is easily accessible at votesmart.com, opensecrets.org, and a bunch of other sites. None of her money is from the pharmaceutical industry.

  11. Mitch McConnell wants to slash social security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts given to the mega-rich and corporations. Marty Nothstein will support his plan.

    Susan Wild will fight hard to defend against ANY cuts to Medicare or social security.

  12. Many of her donations are from executives in the pharmaceutical industry, also lawyers, the tabulations are not listed on the fec. site.

  13. 6:15 am and the lizard people statement has that glemming look in her eyes.

  14. But is Wild Native American?!

  15. This type of campaign is very similar to her close political ally Fed Ed, who typically raised less than 10% if his money from Allentown and roughly 75% of his money from outside the Lehigh Valley.

  16. 6:11, unlike Bernie, I don't make statements of fact that I can't back up.


  17. 7:45, it is also similar to the campaign of everyone running for a seat in a reasonably close district this year. Important races attract campaign donations. Who knew?

  18. 12:30, First, I am going by the FEC website which lists what states give her campaign the most $. Second, I believe, perhaps erroneously, that the FEC website does go by the address of the individual contributor, not the PAC. Third, I noticed this reliance on nonlocal money in the primary, and actually checked the contributions made to these PACs. Most of it is nonlocal.

  19. "There is nothing wrong or sinister in accepting out of state donations and this has nothing to do with campaign finance reform as the court has held that citizens have a right to donate to candidates of their choice"

    Restricting $ to contributions from within a district is absolutely a plank in campaign finance reform. It was one of Democrat Russ Shade's arguments when he ran against Julie Harhart. You don't like this argument bc you support Wild. All of this nonlocal money has the effect of allowing people from California and New York to select your member of Congress.

    Now I consider Wild an untruthful person. She was untruthful when she told Morganelli she'd run a clean campaign. She is untruthful when she tells her mailing lists that she needs $ now or she will be unable to pay her staff. And she is untruthful when she says her number one priority is campaign finance reform.

    She claims to oppose Citizens United but is taking $ from SuperPacs.

    She thinks we are all chumps.

  20. I deleted one comment bringing from a troll who started last night on another thread with insults. I will delete his comment every time I see it so he understands that his behavior is unacceptable. Feel free to tell me I'm wrong. But try arguing the issue, which is nonlocal money and its impact.

  21. "Most of the money comes from small donations."

    That's what she said, and that is untrue as well. That is just 13% of her $, according ti the FEC website.

    " unlike Bernie, I don't make statements of fact that I can't back up. -12:30"

    I backed up what I said. I linked to the FEC website showing that most of her $ is from outside the district and the state. I added that this is something I noticed in the primary, and I actually checked contributions to one of the PACS to see if there was local money there,and there was not. I admit I have not done this recently and have not checked all PACS. You have failed to back up what you say in any way.

  22. "angry old white dude is still holding a grudge against Wild."

    I've dealt with the prejudice in another thread. But yes, I consider honesty extremely important in a candidate. I understand everyone engages in a bit of puffery. But Wild has established herself as dishonest, while Silfies and Nothstein both strike me as honest.

  23. Wild is 1/1024th honest.
    Her donations are 1/1024th local and 1/1024th are in small contributions.
    She is a 100% hanger-on to Pawlowski who was found 1/1024th innocent, but is 100% in prison.

  24. I don't understand why politicians are claiming some distinction between special interest PACs and corporate PACs. Both come with an expectation on future votes.

  25. Has Susan Wild taken money from Mayor Pawjowski?
    Did she work for Mayor Pawlowski less than a year ago or is this a negative lie?

  26. Unclear if she took his money directly in her 2013 commissioner run. Maybe through a PAC...but definitely got some bucks from the usual suspects. And she paid Mike Fleck for consulting.

    She gave Pawlowski $500 in June 2015 for his short lived Senate bid. That decision alone should have us all question her judgment.

    She announced her resignation Nov 22 2017 and effective Dec 31 2017

  27. The Pawlowski stink on her is nauseating. She's shown appalling judgment and is not to be trusted.

  28. Most of Susan’s contributions are from local donors. The average donation is less than $30.


  29. https://www.fec.gov/data/candidate/H8PA15229/?tab=summary

    Contribution size Total contributed
    $200 and under $326,728.67
    $200.01—$499 $66,480.00
    $500—$999 $97,957.97
    $1,000—$1,999 $143,745.71
    $2,000 and over $507,632.00

  30. She's outspending Nothstein 6 to 1, and every mailer I get is from some out of state pac. She has shown to have no integrity, and is way too extreme for me.

  31. Bernie, your analysis of Wild's Campaign finance reports are right on the number but you missed the PAC reports for what is known as uncoordinated expenditures. As of the last reporting period PAC's have spent over 2.2 million dollars in direct support of her candidacy. They have paid for electronic media and direct mail pieces. Combinations of pieces painting her as a centerist and fear mongering pieces painting Nothstein as someone who will reduce social security benefits and Medicare benefits. She has sent out 9 mailings in the last 6 weeks to the districts independent voters , all PAC financed by outside organizations. She is not just untruthful , she and the Morning Call ( because they are not reporting the true financials and have blocked Nothstein's ability to raise PAC money with the false "Me Too" story) are "Stealing" this election in a very blatant fashion. The Feds announced a 2.8% Cola increase to Social Security on Oct 11th ( the largest increase since 2011) but it went unreported. This congressional district has never seen this extreme amount of outside money being spent here. Nothstein is being outspent 10 to 1 in regards to all dollars being spent in this race. Very slick "False Flag" pieces meant to scare the elderly and uninformed voters. A new low in dishonest political pandering with direct and open support of the largest media outlet. The only real "losers" in this unethical game are the citizens of the Lehigh Valley.

  32. Having Looked deeply into the PACs and the individual contributors myself I will say its very disheartening. If you look at the PACs that have donated they look very tame, until you look into who funds the PACs themselves. All of the PACs that have supported the Wild campaign are all funded by large corporate donors. Don't just take my work for it, go look for yourselves FEC.gov is where it's all listed. All you have to do is to click on the links and follow the donations. Looking in to the Individual contributions you will see a number of people that have maxed out their donations not just for the general election but also the special election, thats a total of $5400. Looking at the donors its a who's who of connected millionaires and billionaires. People like Soros, Steyer, Simon, and Rockefeller. Wild has taken more money from people maxing out at $2700 then all other contributions COMBINED. Another interesting thing I noticed in looking through the filings is seeing the expenses paid. In April and May Wild paid Deliver Strategies over $174 thousand in consulting fees. What I noticed is the business that is running for office, there are so many companies on the payroll its mind blowing. Make no mistake Susan Wild is perfectly suited for running for office because she lacks the moral character to actually stand up to the people trying to buy her off. Wild will spend 50% of her time fundraising and seeking Re-election she will not support nor work for the people of the Lehigh Valley, and for that matter neither will Marty Nothstein. Both are deeply flawed Marty for being the useful idiot and Susan because I honestly believe that she has sold her soul to be elected. We need Something Different

  33. wild or nothstein vote silfies

  34. Who cares...why do you have to put down someone who is trying to make a difference by running. All politicians get their donations from various organizations and persons. Just because your not voting for her doesn't mean you have to put her down. Get a life !

  35. I care. Honesty is an overlooked virtue in government. We have a President who lies nearly every time he opens his mouth. We do not resolve this problem by installing officials who themselves are dishonest. Nothstein and Silfies are honest, Wild is not. I agree with most of her positions, but can never vote for her.

  36. Bernie, do you think some of that money comes from drug cartels by way of LA and NY wanting to participate in the American demise with another local in Harrisburg? This seems to be the cash grabs modopperandia be it left or right it's wrong either way.

  37. Who cares?
    So what if all our representatives are bought and sold?
    Just more business as usual.

  38. Wild spent her entire career defending insurance companies, then was a member of the Pawlowski team. Its pathetic that she paints herself as "fighting for the little guy."
    She's so extreme, its scary.

  39. Anon 6:55 said:

    "Mitch McConnell wants to slash social security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts given to the mega-rich and corporations. Marty Nothstein will support his plan.

    Susan Wild will fight hard to defend against ANY cuts to Medicare or social security."

    That's so ridiculous that it's stupid. That's the typical democrat scare tactic when they have nothing else to run on. Nobody believes it, and it shows how desperate Wild and her supporters are.

    BTW, the only ones who took money from Medicare were the Democrats, when they passed the ACA without a single republican vote.

    Walk away from the Democrat party, and just vote Marty.

  40. You agree with most of her positions but won't vote for her? Dangerous. What positions of Nothsteins do you agree with?

  41. Nothstein can also be considered a loss by the RNC and by republicans with donations.
    The repugs have to allocate their resources where it can have the most value.
    If the republican bosses feel Nothstein has no chance of winning they will not fund him.
    so the lack of outside money for Nothstein can be as simple as the republicans think he will lose and have spent their money in other areas.

  42. 4.13
    "wants to slash social security and Medicare to pay for tax cuts given to the mega-rich"

    ""Nearly $500 billion in cuts to Medicare over 10 years which would be achieved by ending traditional Medicare and increasing health care costs for beneficiaries. Privatizing Medicare achieves savings for the federal government by shifting costs to Medicare beneficiaries."

    The math is simple for the GOP: Either go deeper into debt as a nation, or start carving up social insurance programs (they are now doing both). Since they've been on a spending spree of late and unlikely to cut defense spending, they are not going to raise taxes in an election year."

  43. How much of that outside $&$ is from old white men?

  44. 4:44 nailed it

    The GOP cut taxes for rich Americans and corporations and now they're trying to pay for it by slashing Medicare and social security. A vote for Nothstein is a vote for the very rich.

  45. "You agree with most of her positions but won't vote for her? Dangerous."

    What's dangerous is voting for a liar.

    "What positions of Nothsteins do you agree with?"

    This post is about Wild's money, not where I disagree or agree with Nothstein or Silfes. Stick to the topic.

    4:44 & 4:46, Don't change the subject. Defend Wild's money,but don't change the subject and try to scare people with the same nonsense I have been hearing since I ws in my 20s.

  46. Susan Wild is incorruptible.
    Blue No Matter Who!

  47. the Democrats want to offer hope versus fear.
    Wild is getting money from outside--so what.
    the idea is that women can and should run for office.
    so Wild benefits from the DNC looking to increase women in politics.
    IF she only raised funds locally the story would be Wild cannot get any support from the outside and how could she work with others in Congress.
    So the issue of outside money is simply another line of attack.
    So let us say candidate "n" took one dollar from the NRA--does that mean a story that the candidate is owned by the NRA and further in the swamp the NRA took foreign money so does that mean candidate "n" is Putin's bitch?
    not by any reasonable standard.
    The important part is the issues that the candidate supports.

  48. "try to scare people with the same nonsense I have been hearing since I ws in my 20s."
    do not worry the old angry white men will not be touched.
    The under 40 crowd will be screwed but why would the old angry crowd care about anyone but themselves.

  49. Bernie, restricting donations to those that come from within the district is a terrible idea for campaign finance reform. Especially since our districts are so gerrymandered. It's a way to ensure that districts drawn to lean heavily to one way or the other stay leaning one way or the other, because the candidate of the majority party will always heavily out-raise the other candidates.

    Also, I was using the same FEC page you linked to. The $341,756.10 number only includes individual contributions, not PACs like you say. A lot of the PAC money is from PACs registered in DC other states, but a lot of them are basically national. Money of them are PACs for other big-name democrats like Stenny Hoyer and Nancy Pelosi pushing their own money that they raised to candidates in important races.

    I just pulled the numbers, and most of her individual donations (659/1023 or 64%) are from Pennsylvania. The mean value is $518.60 and the median is $500 for individual donations. Donations ≤200 account for 252, or about a quarter, of individual donations.


  50. "This post is about Wild's money, not where I disagree or agree with Nothstein or Silfes. Stick to the topic"

    I was replying to your comment in which you said you wouldn't vote for her. So who would you vote for and why? The question is not off topic.

  51. Susan wild has spent her career defending corporations and hospitals against individuals, including cases of child abuse and rape.

  52. If she is good enough for Edwin Pawlowski she is good enough for me.

  53. " So who would you vote for and why? The question is not off topic."

    It most certainly is off topic and quite presumptuous from someone who fails to ID himself. I will cast a write-in.

  54. Susan Wild (democrat)


    Make America Weak Again

  55. the best thing to come out of Wild's campaign was the mailer with Morganelli in his MAGA hat


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