Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Nothstein Proposes Allentown After-School Center

Congressional candidate Mart Nothstein wants to be your "education congressman,"and released a statement yesterday pledging to raise $10 million for a combined education, sports, and mentorship complex in Allentown. He picks Allentown because he said it is crucial that the city increase its graduation and success rate for youth.

“I was shocked to learn that roughly 30 percent of ninth grade students in Allentown and surrounding areas don’t graduate," he said. "How can we expect them to have good lives without a functional education?”

He would rely mostly on the private sector for funding.

“I want people to imagine a great and vibrant after-school center,” he explains. “It should be open weekends and during the summer, and provide not only the technology of the future but the values of the past provided by mentors.”

Mayor Ray O'Connell with kids this summer
at Cedar Beach Park
Studies show that violent crime by juvenile offenders occur in the late afternoon, around 4 pm. That will be far less likely if they are at an after-school center. I have complained here before that Allentown school gyms especially need to be open at nights and weekends, manned by adult volunteers.

In December, Allentown's school board was told that a high percentage of ninth graders at William Allen (277) and Dieruff High Schools (139) must repeat their freshman year. It was learned that Dieruff receives more funding for after-school services than Allen.

Putting politics aside for a moment, this is an innovative idea that Allentown surely needs. Mayor Ray O'Connell has often tied the City's success to the school district.

“The future of our children is tied to great and effective education, especially our minority and inner-city children,” said Nothstein. Unfortunately, much of Allentown's population is transient. Many minority parents who are more worried about putting food on the table than seeing their son or daughter play sports.

This is an idea that should be adopted by Nothstein's two opponents, Susan Wild and Tim Silfies. In forums at which I've seen or heard them, all three have stressed the importance of education.


  1. Political pap. We get it you hate Wilde to the point you will promote this guy.

  2. Tax and spend Republican,that is all he is

  3. OK, everyone brace for the daily publicity campaign on behalf of Nothstein.

  4. This is an excellent suggestion! Allentown needs more after school activities for middle & high school students.

  5. Anon 4:53 said:

    "Tax and spend Republican, that is all he is"

    I guess you missed the part about relying on the private sector for funding.

  6. "OK, everyone brace for the daily publicity campaign on behalf of Nothstein."

    I do not support Nothstein, Silfies or Wild. This is a rare race in which I am backing no candidate. If a candidate sends me a news release, I feel obligated to review and post if it contains a good idea. This one does.

    The question you should be asking is why The Morning Call has not run a story based on the same news release. Last time I checked That newspaper recklessly implied that Nothstein had engaged in sexual misconduct, despite being offered evidence from the women themselves to the contrary. That paper acted unfairly and is continuing along hat path.

  7. Bernie- While this is a little off topic I want to commend you for at least covering real news and real issues that affects us at the national, state, and local levels. I do not always agree with you and you admittedly show bias from time to time. At least you cover the news as opposed to LVL which today has "Ranking the top selling liquor stores in the Lehigh Valley and Pa" along with its normal police blotter filler articles. Award winning journalism I'm sure. Talk about circling the drain. Their weekly "lists" are embarrassing.

  8. LVL is no longer a real newspaper. It is a content provider.

  9. Let's see a "good idea" from Nothstein that relates to the role of Congress, not some pie in the sky feel-good wish for $10 million of "mostly" private funding for an after school daycare. Didn't know he was running for school board.
    "I do not support Nothstein, Silfies or Wild. This is a rare race in which I am backing no candidate." That's your cover for regularly taking shots at Wild.

  10. People must remember that our congressman should take an interest in local issues. We do not want another congressman who represents Washington to the people of the 7th district.

  11. I second everything that 8:10 said. It is great to have a congressman that cares about local issues, but campaigning on an issue that has nothing to do with the role of a congressman is disingenuous.

  12. The first three comments are all partisan political comments and speak nothing about the issue or the substance of Mr. Nothstein's idea. We should be discussing issues and ideas and not simply making partisan political points. Heaven forbid a good idea or thought come from an opposing party! How sad.

  13. Anonymous @ October 3, 2018 at 4:53 AM

    "Tax and spend Republican,that is all he is"

    That's not all he is. Usually,it is democrats who are referred to as the tax and spend party. The republicans are supposed to be more fiscally conservative. In theory.

  14. "It is great to have a congressman that cares about local issues, but campaigning on an issue that has nothing to do with the role of a congressman is disingenuous."

    In almost every major city, our public schools are failing. This is hardly just a local issue.

  15. I apologize for the following off topic content sir. I just received an e-mail from score.halfacredreams.com bernie o'hare. I clicked on this link and was warned by malwarebytes that it contained a trojan and was excluded. Just a heads up.

  16. I've called out Wild and have problem calling out Marty. How is the after school program fall under the responsibility or authority of a potential member of the House? These are local and state issues that should be addfessed at the appropriate level

  17. It is not only a national issue, but a matter if national security that we take steps to encourage education on all levels.

  18. Education is the best way to break the poverty cycle that our inner cities struggle with. Part of Allentown's problem is due to the ASD.

    Anything that keeps the kids engaged after school, off the streets and enhances their education and learning is only a positive long term.

  19. All this hypocritical "private funding" talk about education (now the after school daycare is a national security issue?). A legitimate local issue is the disparity of public school funding, which actually affects education, but the GOP is more interested in worsening the problem with charter schools. How about having the fortitude to address that issue, Marty?

  20. Bernie, 7:41 AdvertiZmentalistZ at best with there edited out fake news designs! This is not just lvl but the three locals selling the same sack o shit mixed in with the blue juice they all been drinking.
    Just redd

  21. Of course the education industry establishment hates anything that is funded privately, they only approve of big government programs that will enhance their pension and benefits, F..k the kids, it is the elite educators who must control the money.

  22. A report released by the Department of Educstion under the Obama admin concludes that quality education is indeed a matter of national security.


  23. I am so what surprised at the Wild supporters who rant that education is strictly a local issue. They apparently have not been listening to what she herself has said. All three candidates consider this issue quite important.

  24. If the funding is private write the checks and do it. One doesn't need to run for office or even be in office to implement such a good privately funded idea.

    Whether Marty wins or loses now, his sincerity will be evaluated and his philosophy of private funding will be tested. If this doesn't happen we will know he is full of shit as is privately funded public initiatives.

  25. I understand that our Boys and Girls Clubs already provide after-school and summer activities and study support. Why not encourage additional funding and staffing for these existing support systems in our communities rather than asking for funding for a new entity?

  26. lets test Marty's work for this by asking what he's done as a county commissioner to get this idea off the ground. Anything? He's been there 3 years. Surely he's tried to generate support for this.

  27. I'm voting for Marty because Wild is too radically left wing. But I really hate Santa Claus campaigning from either side of the political class. If the so-called fiscally conservative guy is promising goodies, taxpayers have already lost this election. This is sadly the case in all politics, more often than not. Once Mitt Romney's 47% climbs past 50%, the tyranny of the net-takers will turn us into Venezuela. We're already upside down at 106% debt. I want nice things, too. I just think we ought to live within our means and not leave a mess to the kids. Capping all spending at 1% annual growth accomplishes this. Today's politics calls this draconian and life-threatening, and its supporters heartless. This is where we are.

  28. You really can't see enough of a difference between the candidates to support one? Really?

  29. Marty could have done this before or at any time. What a silly empty political promise. I will make this paradise and it won't cost you nothing, it will be paid for by private donors. So why not do it? Why do you need to be in Congress? The money boys don't hand out their money they use other peoples money to stay rich. The only reason Bernie is tooting this horn is he hates Wild like many of you who pretend you doesn't like Marty but can't vole for Wild. A double blind.

  30. Robert Trotner said, "You really can't see enough of a difference between the candidates to support one? Really?"

    Of course there is a difference, Tim Silfies the only candidate that doesn't take PAC money or money from outside the district. And will have both the other parties trying to deal with him should he win, where as the other two partisans will retreat to their corners after the election and we'll have more gridlock.

    If you want to see a change, make one, split the difference and vote for Tim.

  31. I applaud Marty for drawing attention to the importance of positive youth development and mentoring. As he surely knows, however, there are several high-quality youth organizations already committed to mentoring in Allentown and across the Lehigh Valley. The organization I work with actually uses bikes to connect with youth. We have two Allentown locations and an excellent track record of success. Our centers are vibrant, and yes, we are there for students all summer long and many weekends. Other Allentown youth organizations can say the same.

    If Marty is serious about raising funds and improving educational outcomes, I have two suggestions: First, he can visit the United Way to learn about the significant community efforts already underway to improve youth educational outcomes. An additonal $10 million to support the United Way's educational annual campaign would be meaningful, effective, and non-duplicative. Second, he should consider what policy changes are needed to improve school funding equity. Allentown School District students, for example, are supported with approximately $7,500 in funding each year, compared to more than $11,000 per student in neighboring districts. To truly have the education outcomes we seek while giving each student a fair shot at success, mentoring must be paired with local, state, and federal policy changes to address this root problem of inequitable school funding.

  32. "You really can't see enough of a difference between the candidates to support one? Really? "

    Please reread my first sentence.

  33. Kim Schaffer is Exec Director of Community Bike Works, located in Bethlehem and Allentown. better than most, she understands the role bicycles play for many children. LeBron James noted the role a bicycle played for him growing up. "Me and my friends, when we got on our bikes, we would just ride. Sometimes we would even get lost, because we'd be gone for so long. But there was a sense of joy and comfort. There was nothing that really could stop us. We felt like we were on top of the world."

    As a man who at one time was the fastest cvclist in the world, I hope Marty does what you ask, win or lose.

    Kim,a NorCo alumnus, is very dedicated.I am proud of what she is doing. She is one of the Lehigh Valley's many unsung heroes.



  34. Bicyclists are largely criminals and homeless people, they ride erratically and use the stealthiness to escape from the scene of crimes. They don't pay for insurance or registration, no gas tax or licensing. Time to get these childrens toys off the roads and into velodromes, or pathways where Lance armstron wannabees like the Blade can cavort in their abomniable lycra cycle kits.

    Help eliminate the scourge of cyclists by honking at them whenever you encounter them, if you have spare change throw it out the window so they can grow up and buy an automobile.

  35. The Garden State Killer/Bay Area Rapist/ Visallia Ransacker was a life long avid bicyclist.

  36. "I am so what surprised [sic] at the Wild supporters who rant that education is strictly a local issue. They apparently have not been listening to what she herself has said. All three candidates consider this issue quite important."

    We aren't saying that education is just a local issue. Local, state, and federal governments all have important roles to play in education, but building an after school center in Allentown does not fall under the jurisdiction of the US Congress. I don't even see how this project would be possible to get done at the federal level unless the earmark ban were lifted. But I think you know that.

  37. Boss Hogg -Going after bicyclists now?! Really?! You are quite the partisan hack. Disparaging people instead of discussing issues. It is always easier for those with any scintilla of knowledge to take the higher road, since it is not as congested as the road taken by folks such as yourself.


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