Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Nonprofit" Attempts to Shame People Into Voting ... Democrat

During the primary, Lehigh Valley residents were flooded with letters from the very official-looking "Center for Voter Information. It enclosed a "Pennsylvania State Voter Report" detailing the voting history of both the recipient and several neighbors. It asked, in bold upper caps, "What if your friends, your neighbors, and your community knew whether you voted?" It was an obvious attempt to embarrass people into voting. The organization that was really behind this shady tactic was a "Women Vote" group. The intent was clearly to drive turnout for Susan Wild. She denied any knowledge.

It's happening again. Voters are now getting mail from the Voter Participation Center (VPC). "Who you vote for is private, but whether or not you vote is public record," it states in bold type. It also includes the voting history of a few neighbors. Though the names are omitted, the street addresses are listed.

Like the primary mailer, this is an effort to steer recipients into voting.

Claiming to be a nonprofit, VPC goes on to provide answers to three questions that are designed to encourage a vote for Wild and against Nothstein. The answers are false. The letter fails to list the positions of Tim Silfies, the third candidate in this race.

According to Wikipedia, Voter Participation Center is actually Women's Voices Women Vote (WVWV), founded by Democratic political activist Page Gardner. In 2008, this group was fined $100,000 when it sent misleading information to African American voters in North Carolina. It was thought by some to be an effort to suppress the black vote in the race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

These letters are being sent elsewhere in the country, and are stirring up controversy in Memphis and Minneapolis, Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin and New York.

VPC purports to be a "nonprofit," but is listed by the Center for Responsive Politics as a "liberal" group that targets Republicans.


  1. This is gross, although being partisan doesn't make it less of a nonprofit (though it seems like it should be listed as a 501(c)(4) rather than a 501(c)(3)).

  2. This old white straight male has heard the message loud and clear. I will spend my Vote with the people who humbly ask for it.
    I try my best to stay away from the places that I am not wanted.

  3. You really hate Wild and want Nothstein to win. Keep dreaming., Look at the bright side you will be able to attack her daily for the next two years. You will be thrilled.

  4. Republicans want to cut Social Security and Medicare to pay for Corporate tax cuts passed on a credit card. Our seniors worked a lifetime to secure those benefits. It is bad enough they divested moral American values.

  5. 5.06 ridiculous, I was wondering the dems would drag out that old nag of a issue. At lest be more creative.

  6. It would be refreshing if candidates would just be honest with the voters, let them know what they would like to accomplish, and let the voters decide. I believe Wild is the worst example of a dishonest candidate I have ever seen.

  7. After 2 years of Republican controlled government, it's quite clear that medicare medicaid and social security are never being cut. Thats a big NEVER. Vote Libertarian.

  8. I voted for Kasich in the primary, but admit, for a number of reasons, to coming around to vote for Trump. However, by the first summer of his presidency I came to believe that he is not good for our country. I've always liked Dent, and in an ironic way am now glad he is not on the ballot, as I would have struggled (because of the bigger pic), but still vote for him. I did switch from I to D to vote for Morganelli.

    Long story short, I don't like Wild much more than you, Bernie. However, more than any mid-term in my life time (starting in 1982), this election is a referendum on Trump and the GOP. The GOP I used to belong to has lost its backbone (e.g. on trade, fiscal responsibility, rule of law, etc) and is complicit to anything Trump tweets/does, no matter how outrageous. Those, like Dent, who dare(d) criticize Trump are driven out. Its no longer the Republican party, but the Trump party even at the state and local level. There were plenty of years when I voted straight R. In more recent years, I increasingly split. This year, for this first time in 36 years of voting, it'll be straight D.

    Now, if there could just be someone I want to vote for, instead of against. Otherwise 2020 doesn't look good.

  9. At the MAGA rally in Eastern Kentucky University, in Richmond, Kentucky, on October 13. Mitch McConnell admitted that since he has been leader, "The deficit has increased 77 percentage." The debt, he said, was very “disturbing” and driven by “the three big entitlement programs that are very popular, Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid.… There’s been a bipartisan reluctance to tackle entitlement changes because of the popularity of those programs. Hopefully, at some point here, we’ll get serious about this.”

    MITCH took no responsibility for the Credit Card Corporate tax cuts and now wants to reverse tax on programs like Social Security and Medicare. Our Seniors don't believe they are "entitlements". Trump continues to raid those funds and wants to finance hisndivestingnof America on the backs of our seniors. Our SENIORS DESERVE BETTER THAN MAGA agenda. Dems will keep their promise to Seniors

  10. ^^^^^^The above was presented Trump and McConnel to red hats and was received with Cheers. By the known words, raiding Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is on their agenda.

  11. Speaking of "non-partisan groups", what is the party affiliation of the local leadership of the League of Women Voters? I know their national CEO is a former leader in Democratic circles, although the word "former" may be a stretch.

  12. I believe discussions about Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid center around reducing WASTE, FRAUD, and ABUSE. I can agree with reductions there. Even the most hardened Democrats should admit those programs have grown significantly and are difficult to monitor.

  13. Both sides, please get it through your thick skulls: Medicaid, Medicare and SS are NEVER being cut. The mere suggestion of slowing their rate of increase results in convulsions about murdering old people, women and children. So-called fiscally conservative Rs have had full run of things for two years. They held m-care, m-caid, and ss as previous growth rates. They increased defense spending and cut taxes - which added a trillion to the debt. Let's review: NOTHING is being cut. Nobody cares about leaving a mess for the grandkids, even though most wouldn't dream of doing such a dastardly cruel thing in their personal lives. Vote Libertarian as a protest because you've already lost this election and neither major party gives a shit about you.

  14. "You really hate Wild and want Nothstein to win."

    I hate no one. I probably agree more with Wild than I do with Nothstein on policy. But honesty is pretty basic. Wild proved herself a liar in the primary and has continued to show herself as such in the general. That's pretty basic to me. If she does win, she will be a terrible back bencher for one term. I also resent the use of these shady tactics to shame people into voting.

  15. Falsus in uno. Falsus in omnibus. She has been caught in enough outright lies, that she cannot believed on anything.

  16. It's getting "Wild" in the streets! We need Sheriff Wayne "Woody" Woodman to come back and save us!

  17. A Wild vote would be like a vote for the old sea hagg that wrinkled America's true way of life for too many years with her old man being a serial rapists and no control of its bodily functions. As if American's would want to shit there pants for two years in pa locally.

  18. Wow, just read glitter gate. Emrick sounds like a real turd and it appears Nazarth still has internal problems.

  19. One should not simply vote against a candidate or party out of anger or any emotion. Do not base your vote on campaign promises, rhetoric or talking points. Do your own due diligence, see how candidates align with your principles, stay away from the echo chamber and think for yourself, try not to be a sheeple. Voting a straight party ticket regardless of who is on the ballot is never a good idea. Hang in there Bernie, the high road is bumpy and lonely.

  20. Ovem Lupo Commitere said..

    "Long story short, I don't like Wild much more than you, Bernie. However, more than any mid-term in my life time (starting in 1982), this election is a referendum on Trump and the GOP. The GOP I used to belong to has lost its backbone (e.g. on trade, fiscal responsibility, rule of law, etc) and is complicit to anything Trump tweets/does, no matter how outrageous. Those, like Dent, who dare(d) criticize Trump are driven out. Its no longer the Republican party, but the Trump party even at the state and local level. There were plenty of years when I voted straight R. In more recent years, I increasingly split. This year, for this first time in 36 years of voting, it'll be straight D."

    So we're supposed to believe you're going to vote D because you think they're better on trade, fiscal responsibility and rule of law?

    You're either joking or lying. America got its clock cleaned under democrat trade policies. Washington Democrats want to spend us into oblivion and will howl at any attempt to reduce the rate of growth in spending. Washington Democrats favor open borders, abolishing ICE and are anti-law enforcement.

    Susan Wild supports all of the above and is out of touch with members of her own party here in the district.

    You're post is nothing but a fraudulent attempt to sway the uninformed.

  21. The bogus mailers should come as a surprise to nobody.

    Democrats in Washington have become one big con job. They'll lie on issues, they'll lie on mailers, they'll lie in debates.

    They used to be able bring ideas to the table to debate. Now they bring protesters to drown out anyone with a differing viewpoint.

    I guess a mailer is better than a mob.


  22. A "nonprofit" has every right to be involved in politics, even if it is classified by the IRS as a "charity" under Sec. 501(c)(3), much less a "civic organization" under Sec. 501(c)(4). How do you think churches get away with politicking?

    Maybe you don't like how "tricky" was their "poll," but your insinuation that their political activity is somehow improper is simply wrong.

  23. 12.54
    "America got its clock cleaned under democrat trade policies. Washington Democrats want to spend us into oblivion and will howl at any attempt to reduce the rate of growth in spending. Washington Democrats favor open borders, abolishing ICE and are anti-law enforcement."

    How short your memory is.
    Republicans blasted free trade while jobs shipped out to China and others.
    As to spending Comrade trump added a trillion in debt.
    Turtle boy mitch mconnell talks about reducing debt by cutting Social Security and Medicare.Ryan in the House wanted to do the same for years.
    Name the Democratic politician who advocated open borders?
    Abolish ICE-- no reform them from the jack-booted thugs that they are.
    Name the Democrat who is anti-law enforcement.?
    Calling out bad cops does not count.

  24. 1.04
    And the leader of the republican party Comrade trump is known for his honesty?
    nice try but the republicans can clean their own house first.

  25. "So we're supposed to believe you're going to vote D because you think they're better on trade, fiscal responsibility and rule of law?

    You're either joking or lying

    No, I do not think Dems are better, nor did I say so. My point was that the party I joined under Reagan is not the current GOP so why should I vote based on what they say? Instead, on what they do, e.g, current GOP House, GOP Senate, GOP President and 2018 deficit is $779 billion, and 2019 projected over a trillion. Just like the earlier Bush tax cuts doubled our debt back then, violating the Byrd rule, the Trump/GOP tax cuts will also violate the Byrd rule. If you went to your boss and said "cut my revenue" yet kept, actually increased, spending would that be a responsible budget? Besides, historically as fiscal policy, tax cuts are meant to stimulate a struggling economy. You don't purposefully deficit spend when the economy is growing.

    Rule of Law? Mueller investigation. Now, openly saying he doesn't have to follow the Constitution he swore to protect and defend (unless you take the John Birch interpretation of "and under the jurisdiction thereof). Sadly, I agree with his point re birthright, but there is a Constitutional process.

    Regardless, my overall point is that I don't like either party much anymore. But Trump needs a check, and Congress has proven unwilling, and the current GOP rank and file who often vote against their own interest are unwilling. Trump has made this election all about him, not the individual congressional candidates so I'll oblige. And the rhetoric of hate and division from the "Carnage" of his inaugural to his ever growing "enemies of the people" list. He is accelerating what was already happening in America the past 15 years.

    Re those fliers, the purpose of this post, which my daughters also got in the primary, was one of many reasons I voted for Morganelli. I will not defend or advocate for Wild as an individual candidate. But this one time at least, I will vote for her party as a vote against the party of Trump.

    I'm bowing out of the conversation now. However, extremists want the center to get sick of it all and just stop voting. I refuse, even if it means holding my nose to vote for Trump before, or now holding my nose to vote against him now.

  26. Trump has not lied to his base, he has either done or tried very hard to fulfill all he said he would. He has been much more honest than most politicians. He pursued the agenda he ran on.

  27. Agree with Ovem, O'Hare is hoping Nothstein wins for selfish purposes. Wild beat his boyfriend Morganelli, so she must go away. However, both parties are too into themselves, so I opt for a check on the President.

  28. Does this even surprise anyone? Turn on left wing media (cnn, msnbc, npr) each day and its the same exact nonsense. Call FEMA, ‘cause there’s a huge red tsunami coming a week from today.

  29. 8:13
    I'm glad we agree, and I do disagree with Bernie on this one (who otherwise often is blunt on his blog in his own assessment of Trump). However, I do respect Bernie, so I want to disassociate myself from the derogatory "boyfriend" slam. Sorry, I know politics is politics, and hardball is hardball, but its still not my style.

  30. environmental american action fund check them out. not all democrat endorsements for
    susan wild an environmental leader yea right


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