Local Government TV

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

McClure Announces 2% COLA For Retirees

At the semi-annual luncheon of retirees yesterday, NorCo Exec Lamont McClure announced he will be proposing a COLA at the retirement board meeting later this month. Though he failed to say how much, I am informed it is two per cent.


  1. Meanwhile, longtime employees haven’t seen a decent wage increase in over 12 years or more!

  2. To much,two much,too much. It's multiple choice , take your time , show your work.

  3. Take care of the employees that are WORKING that haven't gotten a fair raise in years!!!!!!!!!! McClure needs to go! Almost as bad as Brown.

  4. Sincerely appreciated by all the retirees. We have been getting screwed ever since big bad John took over and we do appreciate Mr.Mcclure. Only a sore ass would be unappreciative.

  5. the sound of trough slopping hogs is intense


  6. 12:10 We are still being screwed. We would appreciate what we should be getting paid for what we do.

  7. If you do not like your wages.. no one at NC is being held against there will nor enslaved.. QUIT and get a better job. I as a taxpayer owe you NOTHING

  8. 3:15 You are absolutely right and that is why there was a mass exodus previously and will be again. You also forget that most of the County employees are taxpayers that are paying as well! If we would be getting paid what your tax dollars were paying the school district employees, we wouldn't be bitching.

  9. Which is worse? Union workers or County employees? Oh I forgot county employees work for the union.

  10. 5:06 -- Shows how much you know. Not all County workers are in unions.

  11. What has McClure done about reclassification of positions that has not happened in ten years. He would rather fund hall walker positions that contribute to his campaign fund.

  12. This person or a couple of people only bitch. What have you done for me. You are right schoolteachers are overpaid. You should not be overpaid as well. You think you are valuable and no one can do your jobs. Really! Put it to the test and see how many apply for your job. Of course government work is about who you know not what you can do.

    Please resign and find your happy place. Sorry but we all have problems and no one gives a shot about your constant whining. Just go away!

  13. 7:46 You are problem one of those people that gets paid WAYYYYY too much for what you do OR you probably don't work at all. Just remember you get what you pay for.

  14. Meant to type that "You are probably one . . ." not "You are problem . . ." At least I own up to my mistakes.

  15. It seems that all the entitled spoiled brat government employees are still bitter.... too bad!

  16. Lamont McClure campaign sign still up on Rt. 191 North between Bangor and Roseto. Been there forever.


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