Local Government TV

Friday, October 26, 2018

An Ugly Debate

Sue Wild, Marty Nothstein & Tim Sifies
Gracedale's tiny chapel is going to need an exorcism after last night's Pa-7 Congressional debate starring Tim Silfies, Susan Wild and Marty Nothstein. The 200 people jammed inside had no interest in Divine guidance or spiritual inspiration. They were there to see the other side bashed in an ugly display uncharacteristic of League of Women Voter sponsored debates. LWV official Beverly Hernandez asked the audience for civility before the show got started. "We're all Americans," she reminded everyone. Moderator John Kincaid asked the audience to hold applause until the end. These requests were ignored.

LWV's Beverly Hernandez
Wild and Nothstein supporters were both guilty of poor behavior, applauding and jeering answers. At the end of the night, Silfies remarked on the divide within the room, saying the audience "was not so much listening as rooting for a team."

I expected this immature behavior at the NextGen America debate, but not in a crowd of geriatrics who themselves are one step away from being Gracedale residents.

The debate itself started off with Wild predicting that she would be attacked that night with untruths about her from her opponent. Nothstein began by claiming that almost all of his campaign money comes from Pennsylvania, while Wild is getting her money from Nancy Pelosi. He said he stands for freedom and liberty. To find out what Wild stands for, "just follow the money." Silfies portrayed Nothstein and Wild as two sides of the same coin. He's tired of endless war, mountains of debt and broken government, and promised to bring common sense and an independent voice.

The maddening crowd
The first question of the night was the two top priorities of each candidate.

Wild answered that her two top priorities are health care reform and infrastructure. Nothstein agreed. Silfies said his top priority was figuring out a way to pay for these things with $21 trillion in debt.

Just a few weeks ago, at the Business Matters debate, Wild said her top priority was campaign finance reform. Nothstein said it was the national debt. Silfies agreed with the $21 trillion debt.

Susan Wild
The only candidate who gave consistent answers to the top priority question was Silfies.

Speaking of campaign finance reform, I can understand why Wild dropped that as a top priority. Her campaign has received over $2 million in PAC money, most from out of state. Silfies hit her pretty hard on this point.

"She talks about representing the common man, but then she takes more than a quarter million dollars from one PAC composed of Wall Street big wigs who want power and influence. She talks about sensible policy in the Middle East, and she takes PAC money from PACs that get their money from Boeing, Lockheed Martin. These are the backbone of the military industrial complex. These are companies that profit from selling arms for wars."

Tim Silfies
Wild responded weakly she takes money from value-based PACS, not corporate PACs.

Nothstein was at his strongest when he talked about his support for tax cuts. He wants them made permanent.

"Right now we see a booming economy in the Lehigh Valley. That's a direct result of the tax cuts. Speak to anybody. Speak to anyone who owns a small business. I'm one of them. I'm washing more cars. Right now the tax cuts are very important to every day working people and to small business owners like myself, who now have confidence to invest in the business. This is the type of stuff we need to make permanent and keep the money in your pocket and less in the government's pocket."

Wild is opposed, saying most of the tax cuts go to the wealthy one per cent and major corporations. But she agrees tax reform is needed. She called the proposed tax cut is an "election year stunt."

Nothstein meets LWV officials
Nothstein took issue with the one per cent argument.

"Sounds like my opponent is not for the tax cuts to put more money in the working man's pockets. You talk about one per cent. I met a lot of truck drivers, construction workers, who have seen more money in their hard-earned paycuts. I ask them, 'What do those crumbs get you?' 'Marty, for the first time in seven years, I was able to take my family to the shore. Marty, for the first time I've been able to take my kids to Hershey Park.' These are positive results of these tax cuts. More jobs, lower taxes, better future. Unemployment right now is at the lowest level since 1969. Wages grew nearly three per cent, the highest since 2009 and nicely outpacing inflation. A record seven million jobs are on the market, more jobs available than people willing to work. Pennsylvania has added more jobs this year than at any time over the last 18 years. Record job growth in Pennsylvania, also right here in the Lehigh Valley. Why? Tax cuts. More money.People are motivated. USS has reported that middle class income rose to record levels. Last time I checked, middle class wasn't one per cent. So I don't know who you're hanging around with, aside from your donors. These tax cuts are helping people. These are hard working, hard hat wearing, backhoe driving people who are seeing more money in their pockets, and they like the tax cuts."

Wild was at her strongest when she defended a woman's right to choose against pro-life candidate Nothstein.

"I do not believe the government belongs in anybody's medical examination room.It isn't there in men's examination rooms; it doesn't belong in women's. The decision about whether to terminate a pregnancy is a decision that should be made between a woman,her partner and a physician. ... It's a misconception that Planned Parenthood uses federal funding for abortions. they do not. Planned Parenthood provides vital, comprehensive health services for many, many women across all income sectors across the country."

I'm still trying to understand what Silfies said on that point.

At the end of the debate, when candidates were given the opportunity to question each other, they all did a pretty lousy job. Silfies managed to get Wild to say some nice things about Trump. I still haven't figured out what point Nothstein was attempting to make about Wild's legal career. He's no cross-examiner. But neither is Attorney Wild. She attempted to blast Nothstein for trying to tie her to disgraced Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski, now serving a 15-year sentence for political corruption. She opened the door to this response:

"I find it hard to believe that when you were asked about the contract process with your job as Solicitor, that [you said], 'We believe there is no wrongdoing here.' There obviously was a lot of wrongdoing. So you were either incompetent or you were just completely unaware or complicit in what was going 30' down the hallway from you."

Wild responded that all the wrongdoing took place before she became City Solicitor.

"Susan, it's your quote. 'We believe there is no wrongdoing here.'"

It was a strange debate in which the Republican candidate claimed with some justification to be the voice of average Americans while the Democrat was tied to the one percenters she disdains. The Libertarian made a point of distinguishing himself from the two major party candidates, but pretty much gave the same answer to every question. No candidate could claim to be the winner or labeled the loser.

The losers were the audience. I have no idea why people from Central America would walk thousands of miles to have those kinds of neighbors.


  1. So what exactly did the audience do that was so bad?

  2. At Businees Matters, Marty professed balance budgets at the County then there was discussion of ballooning Federal debt under trump. At the County, Marty advocated for more borrowing instead a being fiscally responsible for the budget adding to the County debt risking a lower bond rating ahead of the Cedarbrook project. A negative Standard and Poors bond rating would result in higher interest rate and cost the County millions more (just ask Allentown). Marty thinks Borrowing us a way to get out of debt.

  3. There was no wrong doing at Allentown City Hall. Ed is an innocent man, just ask him.

  4. The old tea party types are still out there and they are made as Hell at life. They just can't help themselves.

  5. Wild has refused to reveal who she is since the primary, she is attempting to get elected without running on the things she believes and stands for.

    She is a fake.

    I could respect her if she would stand up and run on what she would do if elected. This is how the system should work. Let the voters know what your vision is for the country and let them decide if you are what they want.

    As far as the bad deals being done before she was there, that is untrue, she approved and was instrumental in giving the Cedar beach pool contract, which was not the low or more respected bidder, it cost the city millions and is still not fixed.

    She is a fraud, she just wants a job and is now beholding to fat cats in California, New York and Massachusetts. She is a perfect fit for a San Francisco city council job, not a Pa. representative.

    I also question Silfies, he says all the right things, but his connections are far left, Is he just there to draw republican and independent voters to help Wild.

    Nothstien is inexperienced, but seems to be honest and has revealed how he would represent the people of the district. I do not believe he is corrupt. I believe he would try to do his best to represent this district.

    1. Agree. I was there and Ms. Wild had 2 Freudian slips with regard to her real position on open borgers. W times she started to say she was for open borgers and caught herself. She almost told the truth of her real position for open borders.

    2. Silfies said he was for means testing social security recipiants. In my opinion that is a pretty progressive stance.

  6. Was Wild responsible for writing the contract between the City of Allentown and the LCA? The contract that was just recently ripped apart by a judge and raised the rates of the systems customers. Allentown at the time of the contract promised rate hikes would not happen.

  7. They shouted down Susan when she confused her words. They shouted down Marty when he attempted to assail Wild. They ignored the admonition to keep their mouths shut until the end. I come to debates to listen to the candidates, not the goons.

  8. Thanks for providing a summary of the debate, Bernie! A much better account of the event than the two articles by The Morning Call.

  9. Guaranteed that the geezers in the room are hooked on daytime TV, where the likes of Jerry Springer and Maury Povich rule.

  10. so Wild was right. Nothstein used Pelosi as an attack on her.
    So using the same logic Nothstein took money from the NRA who took money from Russians under odd circumstances--so clearly Nothstein is Putin's bitch.
    insane but that is how right wing logic works.
    so Nothstein was stretching the truth by a wide margin.
    as to Nothstein hanging around backhoe operators (without pictures i think he pulled those stories out of his ass)maybe he can tell them how those tax cuts to the ultra rich will be paid for?
    Yep those backhoe operators can pay the wealthy to amass even more money.
    To be fair at lest Nothstein called the tax cuts to those backhoe operators "crumbs".
    too bad he did not mention who got the meal.

    1. Another liberal lie. NRA did not give money to Mr. Nothstein .
      . They are endorsing him though.
      NRA member here supporting him for sure.

    2. I stand corrected. Glad they gave. Hope they send more.

  11. all 3 are politicians so what do you expect did the politicians of last 50 or so years do any good for the people if it did not benefit them most are corrupt or useless they go into government and come out rich the system breeds this type of people. the system as is will never work with money involved and no term limits in all levels of government look what we have -- does any think it will ever change for the good the way it is set up.== if you do I got a bridge to sell you

  12. The Russians
    The Russians
    The Russians

  13. 9.29

    to the tune of 4950 dollars.

    so nothstein is owned by the NRA following his own logic.or Nothstein took money from Charlie Dent PAC another example of Nothstein being owned by an outside entity.
    Nothstein clearly is a hypocrite to accept such funds.

  14. I am glad my NRA sent a donation. $4900 is hardly a dent to counter the 500 million anti gun groups are pumping into PA. I will have to write the NRA another thank you check today. NRA members, Stand and Fight for our freedoms. Vote Nov 6th.

  15. 11.35
    and the fed's are looking at the NRA for funneling foreign donations to candidates.
    Why Nothstein would accept such funds is problematic.
    Using Nothstein's own logic he is owned by Putin.
    Unless his claim of Pelosi owning Wild is bogus.
    Feel free to support the NRA as they have a voice that should be heard.
    Just remember it might have a Russian accent.

    1. You mean the deep state Obama feds that went after a slew of conservative organizations as political revenge. Another reason Democrats should be denied power.

  16. Bernie, I see wild was all ready putting the Ginsburg face on for this festive event and the league of women voters were astounded by the Halloween costume. This is just getting good as that party ramps up there efforts to sway the public's opinions of there hostel criminal tactiks!
    redd not a party favor

  17. This is a national election in which LV voters are simply bit players. Is it any wonder why politicians and politics are so deeply despised. When I see someone running for office, my first thought is that they're likely unstable and dishonest. Prove me wrong.

  18. I'm glad a portion of my NRA membership went to support Marty. That's why I'm a member. Appreciate the confirmation. It's not all bad news.

  19. Excellent analysis! Straight down the line.
    Thank you Bernie.

  20. Good report Bernie. Wild trying to portray the tax cuts as not benefiting anyone except the top 1% is completely false. The only people who didn’t get a tax cut are the high income New York/Jersey/Calif executives that got their State/Local deductions capped at $10,000. The others are those that don’t pay any taxes before the tax cut.

    The middle class working Americans all got a nice increase in February when paycheck withholding deductions were reduced because of Trump tax cuts.

    Wild will be part of taking that tax cut money back from the hard working American middle class.

  21. 10.18
    Wild said MOST of the tax cuts went to the top 1 percent.
    so it seems you have changed the info in the article.
    so why did Nothstein refer to that tax cut as "crumbs".
    who ate the "meal"?

    1. You are propagating Fake News. I was there. Marty was quoting Crazy Maxine. He was saying Ms. Wild was calling the cuts just crumbs. I am not a rich guy and I am getting Bout $285 a month more take home pay. Make those tax cuts permanent. That's what Marty said.

    2. Meant Crazy Pelosi.

  22. If you are praising Trump's tax cut, you should be aware that it came right out of the debt because the "fiscally conservative" GOP can't follow through on the hard part of balancing a budget. The government didn't give you money so much as it took a loan out on your behalf.

    1. Let's remember that the booming economy is having a positive effect on the treasury as people earn more the taxex collected increase. Government does need to cut spending. Trump has made a lot of cuts in certain areas.

  23. Did W really say abortion is a decision made between a woman, HER PARTNER, and her physician? Although I’m pro-life, her position is inconsistent with the pro-choice folks.

  24. Wild made several Freudian slips during the debate, including that she supports open borders. Seriously??? She is nuts - I've lived here for 45 years, and I'll be damned if a socialist is elected to this centrist area.

    I don't like Trump, but to me the economy is the biggest issue and Nothstein is clearly more competent in this area. I hope voters look at the facts.

  25. We're about to go from moderate representation by Charlie Dent, to certified wing-nut mob representation by a greasy Pawlowski conspirator and apologist who wants your tax cut back to provide a raft of free shit to illegals she plans to register as voters. She hates working people and has no interest in representing anyone besides her Beverly Hills pimps. She is a political call girl who'll turn on this district for her next fix of campaign cash. Girls along Hamilton street have more dignity.

    1. Are there still girls working on Hamilton? I have not seen any in a long time. The internet is where you usually meet such transactional girls. Makes me kind of nostalgic for a simpler time.

  26. It appears only one candidate in this race is supported by someone on the Fed Ed subpoena list.

  27. What exactly does one get as NRA member I mean besides a sticker and the burial plot in the Raccoon Cemetery in Bismarck North Dakota? Seriously they got your money they couldn't give a crap about you.

    1. Fake News. NRA is America's oldest civil right organization. Our members do more to promote gun safety and law enforcement than any of those lefties liberal anti gun groups. Your side is all about disarming Americans and eliminating the second Amendment Amendment. Thomas Jefferson said it best. "The beauty of the 2nd Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it away"
      So come and get it!

  28. https://benefits.nra.org

  29. 10.29
    so by your own argument Nothstein smeared Wild using Maxine Waters.
    As he was quoting Maxine.
    And Nothstein did not explain who got the meal.
    the meal went to

    "The Tax Policy Center broke it down a little more. Those in the lowest-earning fifth of the population would see their income increase by 0.4 percent. Those in the next-highest fifth would receive a 1.2 percent boost. The next two quintiles would see their income increase 1.6 percent and 1.9 percent, respectively. But the biggest increase, 2.9 percent, would go to those in the top-earning fifth."

    so the rich(top 2.9) got 50 percent or more of a tax cut than the other four fifths
    of taxpayers.

    1. Well, that makes sense since they paid more in taxes as a percentage they should get more of the money they earned back. You just want them to be penalized for being successful and to redistribute their money that they earned to whoever the government sees fit. Socialism doe not work.

  30. 10.41
    plenty of people on the left own guns,they just want to keep lunatics from using them to kill school children.
    from the real NRA
    "Karl T. Frederick, the president of the NRA, testified before Congress stating, “I have never believed in the general practice of carrying weapons. I do not believe in the general promiscuous toting of guns. I think it should be sharply restricted and only under licenses.”
    "The NRA also supported California’s Mulford Act of 1967, which had banned carrying loaded weapons in public"
    today's NRA works for gun dealers not gun owners.They also like Russian money to fund their political work. So Comrade NRA member would work in some circumstances.

    1. Since the newa always seems to have bad articles of shootings I thought I would share a reason we should be allowed to carry legally. This just happened in AL. It the short version of an article I read.
      A brave dad armed with a pistol stopped what could have been a mass shooting Saturday inside an Alabama McDonald's when he took down a masked gunman who had stormed in and opened fire.
      The dad was able to protect his family and others.

  31. 10.41
    talk about fake news

    "We currently have no evidence that Thomas Jefferson said or wrote, "The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it" or any of its listed variations."

    sorry nice try but a fail on the quote

    1. Actually don't care who wrote it. I like it. I like the words "Shall not be infringed" as well.

  32. 10.29
    " I am not a rich guy and I am getting Bout $285 a month more take home pay"
    so 3420 is 2 percent of your take home pay.
    Or you get around 161 thousand a year after taxes.
    Congrats i am sure you have worked hard for that.
    However i doubt Nothsteins's (so called backhoe operators he talked to) earn around 161 thousand take home.
    so he is just flapping his lips without any thought behind it.

  33. Your percent numbers are bogus numbers. The bottom 2/5ths of the income stream got nothing since they already pay no taxes. The middle income taxpayers saw their income increase about 5% &!many higher income wage earners are paying more taxes because of losing date/local tax deductions. Those are the facts & a 5% increase in take home checks for middle income workers is hardly crumbs.

  34. Nothstein thinks social workers are over paid. The same social workers that deal with heartbreaking family issues every day. He want to cut pay raise while he recieved a $125K job at the velodrome. I am sorry, the safety of a child is more important than a carbon fiber bike.

  35. 3.18
    "You just want them to be penalized for being successful and to redistribute their money that they earned to whoever the government sees fit. Socialism doe not work."

    So when Comrade trump took billions of your tax money and gave it to Midwest soybean farmers (due to his stupid trade war)he was acting as a Socialist.
    Comrade trump redistributed your money as his administration saw fit.
    So trumpie is a Socialist.
    Thanks for defining him properly.

  36. 4.37
    Well at least you learned Jefferson did not say it.
    It is always good to learn something every day.
    your welcome

  37. 3.41
    "deep state Obama feds" you forgot the word "imaginary".
    claims like that hold as much water as Comrade trump and his imaginary friends that tell him things.

    1. Lois Lerner was imaginary too.
      Lerner testifying before the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform in 2014, where she pled the Fifth Amendment and refused to answer questions on her actions, on the grounds that the answers would tend to incriminate her

  38. Wild is Sergeant Schultz:

    I see NOTHING! I know NOTHING!

  39. 9.29
    so the rule of law does not apply when you do not want it to?
    Lerner had the RIGHT to refuse to answer those questions posed to her.
    Then again if there was anything to charge her with the republicans would have done that in a hot minute.
    the republicans did not charge her with any crimes.
    The other theory would be that republicans suck at their jobs.
    take your pick.

  40. Wild is a liar and seemingly very self serving abrasive and arrogant , Silfies is a bit of a Pollyanna. Nothstein is the least of the three evils and may be the best choice for the benefit of the working people. I too was in attendance of this debate and to call all of those in attendance, “Geezers” is a bit rude. There were mainly older adults, but some of us did not fit into that category. I grew tired of Susan Wilds lying and Silfies desire to have “adult conversations “ Some of my reactions were fueled by frustration.

  41. Keep in mind, the only way we are going to see any serious oversight of the executive branch by Congress is if there is a Democratic majority in the House. Honestly, none of these 3 candidates look that great, and freshmen House members don't usually get much done anyway. Might as well vote for a check on the executive.

    1. Democrats if given power will talk Impeachment and create caos if they get the house. They will be obstructionist. Your 401 k will crash ...the economy will slow and head for the toilet. Can't let that haopen.

  42. "Lerner had the RIGHT to refuse to answer those questions posed to her.
    Then again if there was anything to charge her with the republicans would have done that in a hot minute."

    She sure did. And I certainly hope Rs are doing it right now, just like their predecessors - only better. Obama made new rules of engagement. He was desperate after losing Citizens United and 1,200 state and federal legislative seats, including both sides of Congress. The problem with politically weaponizing government entities is when you turn over those entities to the opposition. He ruled by executive order and those were easily rescinded within hours of his departure. As a famous president said, elections have consequences.

  43. 8.55
    Lerner was not charged so she did no illegal acts.
    those right wing groups got their tax exemption as requested.
    matter of fact more right wing groups got the exemption then left leaning groups during the time in question.
    so the complaint was a nothing burger.
    republicans sucking at their jobs is not really news.
    Feel free to compare the current grifters in Comrade trump's cabinet vs the previous admin.
    Carson and his redecorating,Zinke and his pals,the list goes on and on.
    As to executive orders President Obama acted after Congress refused to do their jobs.
    Remember turtle boy Mitch refused to do anything that President Obama wanted to act on.
    Even working on republican pushed legislation Mitch's answer was no.
    the "deep state" garbage is just an excuse for republicans sucking at their job.
    the republcans have a problem delivering the whims of Comrade trump and have to invent a reason as to why they have not.
    So the "deep state" was conjured up.
    It is on par with the Chinese tunneling into wal marts and the lizard people,and of course the basement of a pizza shop.
    Some people need delusions to go through life.
    Or imaginary things to take the blame for their shortcomings.

  44. Haven't been following the stock market the past few days, have you, 5:13?

    'NUFF SAID....................


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