Local Government TV

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Trump MAGAnomics

Authoritarian Donald Trump believes people overlook his petty and mean-spirited behavior because he's doing such a great job with the economy.  "It's the economy, stupid!," is a phrase he recently repeated on a friendly AM radio talk show. But is MAGAnomics really working?

On the surface, things look very good. The stock market is at an all-time high. The conservative CATO Institute proclaims, "The unemployment rate hovers around record-low levels, gross domestic product growth topped 4 percent in the second quarter, and consumer confidence is as high as it’s been since the late-1990s boom." This may explain why many Republicans stick with Trump despite his taunting tweets.

But how about long term? The CATO Institute concludes, "Trump’s economic agenda is little more than an impulsive dislike of trade and immigration, a hazy desire for less regulation, and a desire to lower taxes temporarily but not do the hard work to lower taxes permanently. In other words, MAGAnomics is more a marketing slogan than a serious plan to strengthen the nation’s economy."

With a federal debt of $21 trillion, which is higher than our GDP for an entire year, we are in trouble.

Trump 2020? How about Depression 2021?


  1. Trumpion fiscal policy is right out of the e1800's. Tariffs can create a short term bump for some and long term disaster. Of course employment is higher. More jobs are part-time, no benefits and lousy pay. Many are not even in the job market and numbers are easily manipulated. If anyone wanted to notice while Executive compensation and corporate profits are through the roof, the median wage of employees is flat. His plan is a hoax from the mind of someone who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

    Problem is facts no longer matter. Talk radio and cable 24-7 propaganda have created an alternate reality where facts are subjective and enemies are created as scapegoats rather than solid solutions to real problems. This is now all about short term profit and satisfaction. What sin it for me today and the Hell with tomorrow and the rest of society suckers.

  2. Yawn... GDP growth is up, the S&P 500 is soaring, unemployment rates are at record lows, millions of jobs are being added, hourly wages are up, and people are happy. Voters who are on the fence won’t want to rock the boat -- which bodes well for Republicans.

    1. Mid term elections always rock the boat. Here's hoping it flips the SS Trump.

  3. When you look seriously at Republicans, it’s pretty clear what they’re fighting for. They want safer borders, a stronger Department of Defense, and true freedom of speech. When you look at Democrats, it isn’t clear what they want other than to impeach President Trump. That's their basic offering to the American voter.

    Can you name an issue that the Democrats are running on without using Trump’s name? All they care about is Trump this and Trump that. They have no platform to stand on. They’ve become so hardened against progress and economic development that they’ve actually begun to turn on themselves. The Denigrates seems to have lost all reason, with key party leaders going so far as to say that America was never great to begin with, and they ALL want to reverse the results of the 2016 election and impeach President Trump.

    No matter what year it is or who controls Washington, it’s hard to win a midterm without a solid positive platform to offer the voters.

  4. Perfectly timed, and preserve social security, Medicare and healthcare. Bexcuse if they win in November those are the next HUGS cuts to be made. You know because we are in debt. Lol

  5. Voters who are on the fence won’t want to rock the boat -- which bodes well for Republicans.
    Few are on the fence. They either want The Fuhrer to have unchecked power, or they don't.

  6. He added a trillion in two years. Obama added 10 trillion in eight years. Rs are slightly less irresponsible than Ds. Neither party should crow about the economy. We have lesser of two evils government. Most voters are aware of this sad state of affairs and vote pragmatically. Nice to see you use CATO. Would have been nice to see you post their views of Obama's disastrous fiscal stewardship when he was on his credit bender.

  7. how can you vote for a democrat--all they can do is tax and spend look at the democrat Armstrong in lehigh county it did not take him long did you see the democrat yesterday at the hearing for the judge boy are losers if this country goes with democrats we are in big trouble --no borders no ice more crime look at you democratic controlled cities wow--BACK TO DEMOCRTIC TRADE boy were we losers with their policies democrats must go they are bad.

  8. The Democrats have always had an authoritarian bent and they have used the courts to get what they want when they can't get it via the normal political process.

  9. The only time Democrats care about the deficit is when Republicans propose letting the people keep more of the money they earn.

  10. president trump cut taxes more jobs more bonus money all because of HIS policies--democrats will tax more now because trump gave us money back the democrats will go after it--your right Armstrong already started watch the democratic mayor of Allentown school districts which are democratic controlled put taxes up every year and give us no positive results democrats have no plan for success look at the cities look at California all democratic strong holds boy did new york go down since Blasio took over the democrats are out to ruin this country we need a new second party all democrats should leave all they do is cause problems

  11. Nice cut-and-paste job there Bernie boy. Copying almost verbatim from the CATO Institute article makes you look wise and semi-intelligent. Also added just the right amount of smear that your posts increasingly contain.

  12. Yes, some are unhappy, especially if they fear that their crony friends may lose on a fair trade for american workers. The present policies have restored optimism in the economy a huge part of this system. also the lower tax rates will encourage more jobs for items made here. which will eventually lead to a growing economy, higher wages and more opportunity for all Americans. And will also lead for more revenues for government. This economy has also helped to keep pension plans from crashing. The test is going to be can state and local governments implement fiscal policies to encourage new business in their jurisdiction or are they going to keep taxing and taxing business out of their jurisdiction. Its sad to see that most Democratic politicians want their cut up front, mostly in an effort to keep people dependent. prospering private sector workers are an anathema to socialists.

  13. Yeah, hey, sure. Whatever you say.

  14. All one has to do is look at what the Democrats have given us, and what Susan Wild is offering: gender fluidity, pre-teen sexual experimentation, gender-neutral bathrooms and locker rooms, mandatory pornographic sex education, abortions on demand, and more. Lets not forget the handing out of free needles to drug addicts.

    If you support this, then vote for Wild. Otherwise, support Northstein. Also, remember, Wild will vote to impeach President Trump.

    Remember that when you vote in November.

  15. "He added a trillion in two years. Obama added 10 trillion in eight years."

    This is very misleading. Under Obama, the debt grew at a rate of 7.5% per year That is LOWER than any of the R presidents.


  16. WOW! The Booby 'Goober' Walsh hate radio crowd along with the Faux and Friends watchers are out in force this morning. The country would be in great shape if even half of their propaganda was true. Sadly, it is not. No real living wage job growth. Jobs still leaving the US. Low paying jobs are OK. In theory companies with increased profits "should" hire more people but haven't. The trend is feed the shareholders over new jobs.

    Have facts ever really mattered? Reagan showed they do not. Besides republican leaders work best when they have a "bogyman". The new one is the Democratic Party. It was the Soviets but since Trumps new best friend is the new Russian Czar we now love those commies.

    Your hate and rage is thinly veiled but reflected well in Trump tweets. Keep buying those Nike sneakers and burning them, the company thanks you. How does it feel to know you are on the wrong side of history and the future?

  17. "Nice cut-and-paste job there Bernie boy. Copying almost verbatim from the CATO Institute article"

    You're right. I saw an article in the CONSERVATIVE Cato Institute that made sense to me, and shared it. I don ot agree with much of it, but agree with the conclusion. You little lemmings aren't real conservatives. You just lap up everything Authoritarian Donald Trump tells you.

    He is doing to this country what he did in business. He is creating an empire of debt.

  18. wild Armstrong O'Connell wolf casey all great leaders

  19. Your comment is a reflection of negative partisanship. You hate the other side.

  20. Given the serial failure of the Democrats in the Obama years, one has to wonder why there is any support for the Democratic party at all today. The Obama years were filled with one failure after another, one scandal after another, one loss in the SCOTUS after another, and an overall failure of the country to get moving after the 2008 crash. Instead we saw intensive efforts by the media and others to hide the scandals, extensive excuse making to justify their failures, and crony capitalism the likes we have never before seen.

    Even President Nixon did not mobilize the entire Department of Justice to monitor opposing candidates during the 1972 campaign. The more and more revelations which are appearing in the uncensored media, the fact is that Obama used the provisions of the 2002 Patriot Act against Candidate Trump to favor Hillary Clinton.

    Is this the type of government you want? If yes, then vote for Wild, if not, then support Northstin.

    1. The Obama years were filled with one scandal after another?!?!? OMG! Your comment is laughable!

  21. Bernie O'Hare said...

    "Your comment is a reflection of negative partisanship. You hate the other side."

    Pot, meet kettle.

  22. If that were true, I would not be allowing your hateful comments.

  23. What Authoritarian Trump exposes so clearly is a failed political system be it run by D's or R's.

    Personal narratives of the candidates are not relevant. Power rests with Wall Street, and you can see that in that there’s a complete continuum on all of the major policy issues from Clinton, Bush, Obama to Trump.

    There is no way in the American political system to vote against the interest of Goldman Sachs, it's impossible, or Exxon Mobil.

  24. watch the view some real crackpots

  25. @11:10AM

    Real crackpots leak, which is why they're crackpots.

  26. liberal are ruining this country on every level from the economy to disrespecting the flag==they have destroyed our schools from k to grad school they want to open our boarders to everyone- they want a new world order boy do they hate president Trump for putting America first vote for a democrat is a vote to destroy this country

    1. Yet, liberals understand proper sentence structure and punctuation. Twit!!

  27. 12:05. President Trump was the possible thing that could have happened for the Democrats. Not only was Trump elected, but Trump became extremely successful. Despite their nonstop efforts to render his administration impotent by slow walking every appointment, the Mueller investigation, using judges to block Trump's every effort, the constant harassment by the media, and so forth, Trump defeated ISIS within a year despite the claims by Obama that this would take decades if it could ever be accomplished.

    Additionally, the economy has soared, unemployment has plummeted, and so forth, leading many to ask why Obama could not do this. Why on Earth do we want to go back to a legacy of failure?

    Northstein 2018.

    1. And so forth. And so on. Blah, blah, blah...

  28. democrats do a good job of raising taxes and spending --not for a good cause--just look what the democrats did to our once great cities I agree with the responses above democrats are evil

  29. Bernie, I think your pal General Lee Snover has her alt-right shock troops cutting and pasting to your blog. When ever you post facts about the Orange authoritarian they throw out all the talking points of the right wing propaganda machines. Nothing original, just the same words.

    How many have run to see the latest Dinesh alt-right love story in the movies? He did his smear movie on Obama, then Clinton and now he has topped even himself. His latest fantasy paints Trump as the modern day Lincoln, who like Lincoln will be destroyed by Democrats.

    Walt Disney could have taken lessons from these folks. They have created their own reality and will live in it for the rest of their lives.

  30. Hey anon 12:19, in Northampton County the republicans raised taxes 10% after failing to get 20% and wanted to build a $40 million prison and a $140 million bug dome in Easton. The evil democrats had to come into office to end all of that good stuff.lol

  31. Northampton republicans are not real republicans they are like thumbs down McCain

  32. Half of the republicans are democrats, half of all democrats are republicans.
    Only folks that wear ball caps and team jerseys think there is a difference.

  33. Most people who are responsible and pay bills realize Rs are a better bet with the economy. Unfortunately for Rs, there are a lot of takers vs contributors. Those takers respond to Santa Claus promises of free stuff like Pavlov's dogs. This is how a republic dies. But we're going out partying like it's 1999. Too bad future generations are stuck with the bill for our dine 'n' dash. Sucks to be them. But we'll be long gone and it's not our problem. Meanwhile Bernie and Kamala and the gang are promising more free stuff. And the beat goes on.

  34. "Half of the republicans are democrats, half of all democrats are republicans.
    Only folks that wear ball caps and team jerseys think there is a difference."

    Best comment of the thread.

  35. Half of the republicans are democrats, half of all democrats are republicans.
    Only folks that wear ball caps and team jerseys think there is a difference."

    What does that make Trump?? He has said the democrats are the problem and we need more republicans. I take it you feel he is wrong, since they are all the same.

  36. "Meanwhile Bernie and Kamala and the gang are promising more free stuff. And the beat goes on."

    Don't worry. All the free stuff is going to the big corporation and qealthy contributors. We subsidize big companies like Wall-Mart, Amazon and etc. by supplying healthcare and food stamps to their employees since the companies don't pay them enough to survive. So you are right. The dems may be promising free stuff but your republican brand is currently giving it out so there won't be any left to worry about.

  37. "Most people who are responsible and pay bills realize Rs are a better bet with the economy"

    Which marriage was Rush on when he told you that?lol

  38. Here's a talking point for you Trump fans. I can sleep a little better knowing that sane Republicans are trying to keep the freak show of a president in check.

  39. @ 3:41PM
    "Half of the republicans are democrats, half of all democrats are republicans.
    Only folks that wear ball caps and team jerseys think there is a difference.

    What does that make Trump?? He has said the democrats are the problem and we need more republicans. I take it you feel he is wrong, since they are all the same."

    What does that make Trump? ... About half right.

    I would have responded earlier but I was busy buying new Nike shoes for the whole family.

  40. trump is not a politician that's what middle America wants politicians are not leaders they are out for themselves. both republicans and democrats are not good for the country that's why trump has all the politicians and the rest of the deep state so worked up. Trump is best thing for this country to come in a long time. The deep state must be dissolved or this country will be in trouble again when trump leaves office in 2024.

  41. Is anyone welcome to live in Trumpy land or must you be blissfully unaware? If I suspend reality and ignore facts and science is that enough to be a Trumpateer?

  42. I don't worry about Trump as President. Now I know that there are adults in the room to keep things under control. Adult supervision is a wonderful thing.

  43. Living rent free in the minds of so many, THAT's what Donald Trump should be in jail for. Better get Mueller to do one of his awesome investigations. He could bring the band back together!


  45. "trump is not a politician" ... I am tired of hearing this excuse used for petty, mean-spirited and divisive behavior by a man who lies nonstop. So is middle America, as you are about to learn.

  46. I just Googled this: Apparently, Donald Trump is still our president, having won a decisive electoral college victory. FYI; thanks.

  47. "trump is not a politician" ... I am tired of hearing this excuse used for petty, mean-spirited and divisive behavior by a man who lies nonstop."

    I could not agree more... Trump is most definitely a politician. If his non-stop lies were more believable, he'd be more like those for which we've grown accustomed.


  49. @10:09PM

    Bill Moyers exposed the Deep State years before Trump.


  50. Bernie O'Hare is fake news on steroids. Almost two whole years since the election and still crying like a baby. Time for some more feel-good fabrication via goofy hit pieces!

  51. America has always been great. Those that say otherwise are traitorous cowards!

    MAGA that MOFOS!

  52. democrats = no borders no ice more crime like democratically controlled cities unfair trade for our people and companies- poor foreign policy -higher taxes more and more foolish spending get the picture vote democratic it is a vote to make America great again


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