Local Government TV

Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Same Ten People

Dana Grubb is a talented photographer, writer and speaker. He also takes an active interest in Bethlehem government, and certainly is one of  "the same ten people" who comments frequently at City Council meetings. The Bethlehem Press just published his editorial on the people who speak to power at municipal meetings. He learned recently that some members of City Council refer to them, pejoratively, as "STP," and then heard Council member Adam Waldron actually use the phrase. Dana describes these people.
Despite being met with blank stares, frowns and often dismissive attitudes, these residents return meeting after meeting to play a role and state their viewpoints, in an effort to get their points across to elected officials in the city.

“The they same 10 people?” Bethlehem is fortunate to have them, and so is council. They should be commended, not mocked, for the way they care about Bethlehem.
I cover lots of municipal meetings and many local governments do have "the same ten people." In most cases, elected officials will listen to and interact with citizens. Bethlehem City Council some years ago deluded itself into thinking that "courtesy of the floor" is something it must endure. Members do sit there, stone-faced, while citizens speak. I have said before that these elected officials should be able to interact with someone after his or her time is up. I believe the president could simply ask his colleagues if any member has any response or question.

Under the Pa. Sunshine Act, citizens have a statutory right "to comment on matters of concern, official action or deliberation which are or may be before the board or council prior to taking official action. The board or council has the option to accept all public comment at the beginning of the meeting.."

Here's what I would suggest.

First, No questions. Many people approach a Council or Commission with questions and expect immediate answers. They get angry if there is no answer or of it is one they dislike. There is no statutory right to ask questions and expect answers. Courtesy of the floor exists for comment, not to put elected officials on the spot.

Second, less is more. People resent being time-limited, but if you're unable to say what you need to say in a three-minute time limit, work on it and cut out the bullshit.

Third, try not to speak unless you really have something that adds to the conversation. When "the same ten people" weigh in all the time and on every topic, they are far less effective. Too many people are in love with the sound of their voice. 

Fourth, be prepared. Nothing bothers me more than when a person who knows nothing about a topic begins a rant.

Finally, every right has a corollary duty. The right to speak includes a corollary duty to listen. Yet I often see speakers who come in late and miss everyone else, or who leave after they have gifted us with their pearls of wisdom. It's rude to expect people to listen to you when you refuse to listen to them. (I do understand some older people need to leave and that's understandable.)


  1. So you are the high and mighty one who decides which people know a topic? Stop being so judgmental.

  2. I am an elected supervisor and these points are right on. I could not have come up with a better list.

  3. Tell Dana to stay home, he only started taking the opposite side of everything the city wants to do after he got in a fight and got himself fired from gainful employment in Bethlehem. You will probably remove this but it’s the truth

  4. Bernie, You hit the nail on the head. I have been to several meetings where the same people get up and speak just to speak. They have nothing really to say about a topic at these meetings , yet they get up just to speak. At times I have tuned them out because I can't tell anymore what is a legitimate complaint or point of view vs. them just wanting to seem relevant.

  5. In the outer boro's..where no press coverage exists..elected officials do as they please despite state laws and state boro code is of no interest to them. Their arrogance is oppressive and they pay lip service to most all except those who persist meeting after meeting and then maybe..that one squeaky wheel will gets some oil. Without the press..their is no fair play or need to follow rules of law. We in the boonies have been abandoned by the press who were our only witness to corruption.

  6. "So you are the high and mighty one who decides which people know a topic? Stop being so judgmental."

    I'm not being judgmental. I'm being honest. I go to numerous meetings. I often hear people who have no idea what they are talking about who insist on proving just how dumb they are. These are not close calls.

  7. "Tell Dana to stay home, he only started taking the opposite side of everything the city wants to do after he got in a fight and got himself fired from gainful employment in Bethlehem. You will probably remove this but it’s the truth."

    Since Dana has political ambitions, the comment stays. It would be hard for me to find a person who cares more about the city than he does, or a more gentle soul.

    1. I agree Mr O’Hare, he’s a great guy and only wants the best for the city and it’s people. How do you knock a guy like that?

  8. How about a post regarding the incompetence of same elected officials who do nothing but rubber stamp agenda items? Never question un-budgeted spends?

  9. "We in the boonies have been abandoned by the press who were our only witness to corruption."

    Not just the boonies. On Thursday night, Northampton County Council voted to approve a $33.7 million contract for managed IT services. Maybe you think this was a good idea. Maybe you think it was bad. But at least you know about it if you read this blog. Most of the Lehigh Valley is unaware. Neither The Express Times nor The Morning Call bothered to cover this significant expenditure of public money. This is an abdication of the responsibility both newspapers owe the public.

  10. "How about a post regarding the incompetence of same elected officials who do nothing but rubber stamp agenda items? Never question un-budgeted spends?"

    I write posts like that all the time.

  11. That’s why people like Hershman, Hahn, Hunsicker, Keschl and Ringer get boring and you can’t take seriously because they love to babble and ramble about every possible topic at Allentown city council meetings. The worst is Hahn. He makes absolutely no sense about anything he ever talks about. Hershman mumbles and Hunsicker is arrogant. If these people would stick to one or two subjects instead of commenting on every subject they might be taken more seriously.

  12. Dana has political ambitions? Whats he going to do beat up the Mayor and Council this time?

  13. Dana will be the next Mayor of Bethlehem & is greatly respected by many & is clearly the most knowledgeable person regarding Bethlehem administrative functions. Dana compliments when deserved & criticizes when deserved as good citizens who care about good city government & transparency do at city council meetings.

  14. Patriot2 (aka Bruce) must have eaten too much ice cream today! Dana Grubb mayor! hahahahahaha. He couldn't even win a seat on city council! Reynolds will be next mayor. Olga and Dana will run and split the vote of the Birkenstocks, Educated Illuminati, and STP. Reynolds will win easily with the Moravian/Liberty people.

  15. Ice cream in new location where Confetti Cafe used to be & opened today. Think what you will about vote splitting but Dana goes beyond Liberty & Moravian in this city with a broad base of support.

  16. I deleted a second anonymous attack aimed at Dana Grubb bc my story is really not about him, but what he wrote.

  17. I'd rather have Dana Grubb as mayor than that other public comment frequent flyer and write-in mayoral candidate Artie Curatola...

  18. I generally agree but if people want to ask questions of council people their answers count as part of the speaker's time limit. Otherwise, you can have someone come up with filibuster questions for half the night. If the council answers it drags out and stalls the meeting. If they don't answer you accuse them of being arrogant and nonresponsive.

  19. It is hard to value the opinion of folks who speak against everything, take the position that nothing is right all the time and and that they know better, regardless of base of knowledge and timeframe of that knowledge. There is always an urgency in the disagreements on everything and the position that the pending decision will be catastrophic for the community. I have tremendous respect for our rights as citizens to speak out, but do find myself more apt to disregard their opinion if I've heard it before and before and before.

  20. I thought you were running for President?


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.