Local Government TV

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How Dems Screw Themselves

Anyone who reads this blog knows that I am highly critical of Authoritarian Donald Trump. He plays to people's darkest fears and their ugly side. I am also deeply concerned that he will refuse to leave office if he loses the next Presidential election, or that that he will suspend the election because he claims it is rigged. But he is a President who was legitimately elected. In that capacity, he has had an opportunity to appoint two Supreme Court justices. Both are arch conservatives who will actively dismantle established individual liberties while pretending to be strict constructionists. Both are impeccably qualified.

If we wanted someone more liberal, we should have worked harder to elect a Democrat as President. Shame on us.

The most recent nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, went through his confirmation hearings unscathed. That's when Diane Feinstein got ugly. She released an accusation that Kavanaugh traumatized a fellow high school student at a party some 36 years ago. She received this accusation in July, but sat on it. She never sought an investigation then. Instead, she unleashing it at the midnight hour in an obvious bad-faith attempt to derail the nomination.

It is logically impossible to prove a negative. So matter what Kavanaugh says or does, Feinstein has permanently stained him. She has also stained the woman who leveled these accusations and obviously has her own issues. She has also permanently stained the #metoo movement and women who have very real complaints.


  1. They did and the Republicans didn't allow him to nominate a Judge

  2. President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill Scalia's seat on the Supreme Court on March 16, 2016.

    This is the process, this is what we do. Everything is bullshit. Both parties are indistinguishable.

  3. Diane Feinstein also employed a Chinese spy she hasn't bothered to explain. WaPo couldn't even stand it:


    Feinstein is an evil piece of corrupt political shit, at best. But she's more likely a traitor and national security risk who should spend her retirement in federal prison. Since she's into demanding negatives be proven, Feinstein should prove she's not a decades-long communist spy. There's far more evidence of this, than a foggy, 40-year old high school story.

  4. This article makes me shake with anger. How dare you trivialize rape (yes. you did) or write with an air of authority about the timeliness of it's admission. Precedent has been set for this very situation, and an FBI investigation should be conducted. A rapist should NOT be appointed to the highest court in the country, it doesn't matter if it was 36 years ago or yesterday. 17 year old boys around the country should be watching these events right now and coming to the realization that committing sexual assault will follow them their entire lives - just as it does their victims! Furthermore - diminishing Dr. Blasey Ford's trauma because of your own self declared statute of limitations is appalling at best. This is the definition of the catalyst that shames victims into hiding for 36 years - or never coming forward at all. Academic and career qualifications do not trump sexually assaulting a woman, certainly not when that person is in charge of protecting the citizen's of this country under constitutional law.

    I am certain you will now adopt offense, and say that I misinterpreted your premise for the article. I assure you I did not. You condemned Sen. Feinstein, yes, while in the same breath saying that Kavanaugh is qualified so who cares about the rape (which you implied is a false accusation despite having zero evidence to back up that claim) - "it's a political ploy." Ploy or not. The facts do not change. A woman, an insanely courageous woman, with absolutely nothing to gain and absolutely everything to lose, came forward to stop a rapist from being appointed to a position in which he rules on laws that will likely effect VICTIMS OF RAPE.

    This whole thing abhorrent.

  5. Bernie can you find out why Northampton county refuses to release the Upset Sale list taking place in 3 days?

  6. The sale list was publicly advertised and can be reviewed by anyone who visits the tax office.

  7. It is also located here. https://www.northamptoncounty.org/FISAFF/REVENUE/Documents/Upset%20Sale.pdf

    You scavengers should do your homework before blasting the county.

  8. 1:53, go ahead and quake with anger. I am tired of what are obviously bullshit allegations that were made by phonies out todabotage a nomination. What assholes like you do is hurt women who really are abused. Have you ever been the victim of false allegations of sexual abuse? I have and it is not pretty. Where does someone falsely accused go to get his reputation back.

    1. So boys and girls who were abused by priests should have their day but not a woman who was assaulted by a candidate for the Supreme Court of the land....hmmm. She WANTS the FBI to bring out facts, so why shouldn't he? The only bullshit accusations here are yours Bernie.

  9. 1:53, there is nothing self-declared about a statute of limitation. Those are matters of law and exist for good reason, one of which is to prevent character assassination. And who does she think she is to tell the United States Senate that she refuses to spoear unless the FBI opens an investigation into her bullshit claims? You partisan pukes make me sick.

  10. It is all about how men and women relate. Bernie, you have stated that Jim Gregory had a problem with his ex. He is on Facebook with her picture telling you to get over it.

  11. While I have not been a victim of sexual assault allegations, I have been a victim of rape. The fact that you are comparing a character smear; which by the way women deal with on a very regular basis, with the actual trauma of enduring a sexual assault is beyond ignorant. Discounting sexual assault allegations from anyone solely because of your personal experience is incredibly small minded. And to address your comment about statute of limitations I suppose we’re telling teenage boys everywhere to go ahead and rape at Will because in 36 years when you’re up for a job it won’t matter. Sound argument.

    Also, congratulations on calling a rape victim an asshole, it may be a new low for you.

  12. 1:53 -

    Spare me your partisan hackery disguised as caring about victims.

    To begin with, nobody - NOT EVEN THE ALLEGED VICTIM - is claiming rape.

    That you ignore this obvious fact eliminates any credibility you might have had on the subject.

  13. Speaking of statute of limitations... Right now there's an uproar with the catholic church abuses of boys which occurred far earlier then these Brett Kavanaugh accusations. So which of these are the most egregious? Which should be investigated and followed up on? Those of the supreme court nominee? The priests? Which carry greater weight, the boys' or girls' accusations? OR all of them?

    "Who does she think she is to tell the United States Senate that she refuses to spoear unless the FBI opens an investigation into her bullshit claims?"

    Presumption of guilt is a two way street. There's not a doubt in my mind Democrats are playing a game of political hardball (no doubt she too). It's certain they're exploiting her, BUT--- I wouldn't go so far as to assume hers are "bullshit claims". Not unless people are also willing to assume all these claims against priests could be bull shit too because of hatred towards the catholic church.

    Elections have consequences--
    They sure do. McConnell blocked Obama's nominee. They say what goes around comes around. Now Democrats are screwing around. None of this is good for the country. I say approve Brett and call it a day. Score one for the Republicans. Let voters decide where this will go over the next few years. Enough already !!


  14. Anon 3:32 said:

    "And to address your comment about statute of limitations I suppose we’re telling teenage boys everywhere to go ahead and rape at Will because in 36 years when you’re up for a job it won’t matter."

    As mentioned above, NOBODY - NOT EVEN THE ALLEGED VICTIM - is claiming rape.

    There is a statute of limitations on crimes for good reasons, one of which is to prevent unprovable, or outright false allegations from being pursued by law enforcement.

    And nobody's telling teenage boys to rape at will.

    I would urge any rape victims to report the attack promptly so that evidence can be gathered and preserved. Same goes with victims of sexual assault - report it promptly and get the names and descriptions of the individuals you believe responsible on the record in a timely manner. That creates an official record of what occurred.

    If there's any lesson to be learned here, it should be that.

    To the case at hand, producing notes from what you told your therapist 30 years after the alleged incident isn't sufficient. You can't self-corroborate your own statements.

  15. you off the can..
    What the hell is that supposed to men?

  16. Sexual assault and Rape victims owe you, or anyone else, ANYTHING. Nothing. Understood? Great.

    At 9 years old I was told to keep quiet by my brother’s “best friend.” I’d tell anyway and be told I was just a “little girl” with a big crush and nothing bad happened to me. He was a high-school football star. Everyone moved along - nothing to see there. He’d go on to be arrested multiple times and jailed for public exposure to minors. Repeatedly.

    In college, I’d be walked home from night classes by athletes to prevent me from bodily harm. What is the answer to that? Don’t get an education because I may need a friend to walk me home at night so I’m not assaulted? Don’t go over my friends house because I should have known her dad drinking with us would be a “bad idea?”

    How about the buddy system everyone jokes about - girls going in groups to the bathroom on a night out. You know WHY we actually do that? Of course you don’t.

    Also, you should know your Senator just sitting on it remark is absolute shit. It was never Feinstein’s story to tell or life on the chopping block.

    Get this through your old, white male privileged head... Women owe you nothing. We don’t owe you an immediate story. We don’t owe you a timeline of events. We don’t owe it to someone to keep quiet for the sake of their peace of mind when we will never have our own.

    It’s people like you that make this a horrendous experience to re-live and what keeps victims quiet.

  17. I believe a Republican majority in the Senate using the rules of the Senate to block a nomination they didn't like and a Democrat minority playing last minute character assassination games to block a candidate they don't like would fall into the category of "False Equivalency."

  18. Actually, they are both being partisans, but what Feinstein did is more disgusting.

  19. 4:10, so Far as I know, you are a middle aged white guy sitting in your underwear. I have no idea what sex you are or if your story has any credibility. I do know that people who wait 36 years to make accusations are almost always liars. In this case, it is quite clear why this has suddenly surfaced. It is a blatant and cynical attempt toderaila S Act nomination, and if one dares question the veracity of this accuser, he is an insensitive and chauvinistic white male. The accusation is unworthy of belief by any standard by any person with a brain. These are getting ridiculous and what they do is diminish the very real and more timely accusations out there. You should be ashamed of yourself. Now go quake with anger.

  20. LVCI, many of these claims against Catholic priests are equally spurious. Statutes of limitation exist for a reason. It is next to impossible to defend old accusations.

  21. FYI: less than 2% of sexual assault claims are false.

    also FYI: if you have never been a victim of sexual assault please for the love of god do not grandstand as the authority on how easy or how hard it is to come forward. Only about 40% of all assaults are ever reported.

    Where exactly did you conduct your scientific survey of whether people admitting to sexual assault decades later are almost always liars, and would you make the same claim to those sexually assaulted by priests and only coming forward as adults - or is it only women you hate because someone deeply bruised your ego somewhere along the way? Just trying to determine the exact root of your double standard. Stop victim shaming - you look ridiculous.

  22. 2.47
    "And who does she think she is to tell the United States Senate that she refuses to spoear unless the FBI opens an investigation into her bullshit claims? "
    do you really think she would get a fair shake from Grassley's staffers?
    not a chance.
    She can testify and make her case.if she bails then she will be judged by that.
    Brett Kavanaugh can have his say and that will determine his fate.
    Will he be tarnished no matter what happens? yep without a doubt.

  23. Well, there go those Democrats intentionally destroying America and all its greatness - again.

  24. 4:51, yo until now, sexual assault claims are not made 30-70 years after the fact. Nearly ALL of these old and stagnant claims are false. That’s why we have statutes of limitation.

    1. O’haha what a joke. Take a criminology class.

  25. 1:53 PM has apparently copulated with countless teen boys, millennials, gulf war vets, trust fund babies, greatest generation manly men,and has become fugly within and externally. Bigly. Sad.

  26. If I was Kavanaugh, and if I was innocent, I would demand a halt in the proceedings and would call for an FBI investigation. That's how truly innocent people handle aspersions. By obfuscating, he and his republican pals in Congress invite criticism.

    Also, (and I realize two wrongs don't make a right), the Dems are paying the other guys back for the Garland handling. It was the Republican party who decided to "delay" the confirmation of Obama's nominee. Now, as it suits them, they are rushing the process for similar political purposes.

    And you may wonder why people hate politics.

  27. First, whether you believe her, or you believe him, real people with real families have been affected and damaged. That said...

    It is sad how politicized this process has become the past two decades. Parties going back to the Federalists have always tried to "shape the courts", but like the demise of the filibuster, the "advice and consent" process has become dysfunctional as it has become a weaponized tool of polarized partisanship. The hypocrisy of politicians of both parties, the past 18 years, is disgusting as they switch back and forth in control of the Senate; from defending the "virtue/honor of the process" to being "obstructionists". Dems filibustered a high number of Bush appointees... then Republicans stepped it several fold in their filibusters of Obama's, and then most shrewdly turning their strategy to simply not putting to a vote nominees in order to build up a backlog of roughly 200 federal judicial vacancies to be filled by them playing a high stakes gamble that the GOP would have the WH after the 2016 election. Gamble played to their favor.

    Now, Dems are playing hard ball back. The GOP could have gone a long way this week by subpoenaing Mark Judge to testify under oath (any one can make a public statement while not under oath). Instead, they chose to keep it "he sad/she sad". It makes it look like they know Judge couldn't back up his statement under oath. While Feinstein is the face of this, Minority leader Schumer is very shrewd. He is the one who recruited pro-life Dem Casey in 2006 to neutralize some of Santorum's cultural war red meat. It is so obvious this was a card kept up the sleeve. If they didn't need it, then the victim could keep her anonymity. If they needed it, its a win, even if BK is confirmed. In the politics of perception the Republican party loses. It is headed by one who reveled in his machismo conquests, and with an all old male GOP Senate Judiciary committeeMEN set to question this female accuser, all wanting to rush this through before the consequences of elections... even if they win this battle, they are damaged on yet another front with the electorate going into 2020. I think they know this, and are trying to "shape the court", SC down to District, as much as they can while they have the window of opportunity. Not unlike how the Dems pushed through ACA during their window. However, unlike legislation that can technically be changed by subsequent congresses, judges can serve for decades.

    The Supreme Court are 9 folks in robes. They historically must rely on the respect their bench conveys. If the other branches, the states, and the public ignore them, their "authority" is cut at the knees. The polarization that has damaged the Congress, and the presidency, is now taking down the judiciary several notches in respect.

  28. 1:53 is a man-hating, Code Pink hag. Wear your pink pussy hat and March the streets with your castrating sisters. Ford is a fraud. She can't even remember the date, year or location of the alleged assault. Was she as drunk as the alleged attackers? Is it possible that she had a flirtatious interest in Kavanaugh and fabricated his involvement because he spurned her? Is this just a case of mistaken identity? And why now? Very suspicious motive. A lifelong Democrat with a mission to destroy this Supreme Court nominee? I believe Kavanaugh, not this left-wing opportunist.

    1. 9:41

      Thank you for admitting you think a level of intoxication entitles a male to a females’ body.


  29. "If I was Kavanaugh, and if I was innocent, I would demand a halt in the proceedings and would call for an FBI investigation. That's how truly innocent people handle aspersions. By obfuscating, he and his republican pals in Congress invite criticism."

    Yeah, innocent people demand FBI investigations all the time. Do you even realize how nutty you are? He has not obfuscated one bit. he has strongly denied these spurious charges, and has asked for an opportunity to state his side of the story. He should also have the right to face his accuser. You can fault Rs for blocking Obama's nomination for partisan reasons, but this is just disgusting.

    1. For the love of your God stop using over the top words you don’t even understand.

      She faced a poly.

      What has he? Or Judge? Oh, right.

      White old boys run as fast they can.

      Get a new hobby.

  30. Men are always talking down and nasty to women. They often don't even realize it. They go after them in ways they won't go after another man. You are just enabling bas behavior by men. It is time they get with the program. Especially the old men who don't realize the world has changed.

  31. Just another dirty, dirty Democrat Party trick, that's all. Nothing to see here, folks. Please remember to vote for Susan Wild and be a part of the much ballyhooed coming Blue Wave.

  32. Hold your head up and be strong, right? That poor boys life. What about mine? Do you have a daughter?
    I hope you never know this anguish.

  33. You should know better than this, Bernie. This woman has nothing to gain by making false accusations, and the potential backlash is reason enough for many women not to come forward. Dr. Ford has received death threats and had to move her children out of her home out of fear of being attacked. A classmate of hers from high school has come forward confirming that this incident did happen and said it was a topic of discussion at school for some time after. Dr. Ford also mentioned this incident to her husband and a therapist several years ago, and there are notes from the therapy session confirming this.

    Not to mention, what is at issue is not whether Kavanaugh should be found guilty of a crime (the statute of limitations, and lack of physical evidence preclude that outcome), but whether he should receive a PROMOTION to be one of the nine most powerful judges on the planet. A PROMOTION ffs!

    Your declaration that she is making the whole thing up, based on nothing, and with nothing to gain personally from doing so, says way more about you than it does about her. And what it says isn't flattering. Get your head out of your butt.

  34. how can anyone vote for a democrat

  35. I would warn all republican senators to up their security, especially if they are from a state with a democratic Governor, They are desperate , it will be their next step. The Democrats have proved, they dont believe in anything but to preserve their power.

  36. Bernie -you were busy on this one. Will be interesting to see what happens next week. Will Kavanaugh be Borked?

  37. "Do you have a daughter?
    I hope you never know this anguish."

    Exactly. Kavanaugh should be found guilty just because of this new Constitutional standard, right? Do you have a son who's been falsely accused? I hope you never know this anguish.

    He has a right to face his accuser. She may well have been his victim. She may also be a lying slut who grew into a political operative and is still pissed about Kavanaugh's mom deciding a foreclosure case against her parents. There's evidence of both scenarios. Neither can be proved.

  38. This was a well calculated political move. Unfortunately, the victim and the accused may have to live in closets for the remainder of their lives. Such a high price to pay. But, we live in a county where we trip over the dead sacrificed to maintain someone’s political control. Politics does funny things. Expecting that this issue will benefit Dems at the polls, no one sees the other side. Republicans are not motivated to vote based on recent polling. One factor that will drive Republicans to the polls is the Supreme Court. I can see Dems losing senate seats over this issue where conservatives have significant populations. Funny how politics works.

  39. People confuse roles.

    If you want justice. You go to a police station and file a complaint.

    This is the Senate. It performs a constitutional function of advise and consent. It must pass either up or down on the fitness of many candidates for appointed office. None of the rules of the courtroom apply. In a blink of the eye, the senate must say yea or nay. Fortunately, many senators take their roles seriously. Something better than a letter is required. A personal appearance before the Senate is required. If the victim makes a compelling appearance the vote can be predicted. We move on. Next.

    And, if you want justice, you go to a police station and file a complaint.

  40. 7:00
    Clarity... Refreshing... Thanks for the brain wash.

  41. The FBI performs background investigations and Kavanaugh's came up clean. The FBI also investigates possible federal crimes, and there's no evidence of any federal crime here. Those demanding an FBI investigation are either stupid on purpose, or just stupid.

    On a lighter note, Joe Biden is seeking an invite to Kavanaugh's eventual swearing in. VP Grabby Hands thinks Kavanaugh's family is kinda hot.


  42. "This woman has nothing to gain by making false accusations, and the potential backlash is reason enough "

    Bullshit. She has an opportunity to try to knock off a S Ct Justice that will otherwise be confirmed. She also gets notoriety, a nbook deal and a Netflix movie. Who do you think you're kidding with this nonsense?

  43. If these charges were so serious, why weren't they brought up when Kavanaugh was appointed to the D.C. Circuit back in 2003. His confirmation took something like 3 years, why didn't this lady who was so horribly wronged, bring them up then??

    This entire charade stinks. If I were trump, I'd yank the swamp rat's nomination and put a real conservative on the Court. The lady who taught at ND for example.

  44. Unfortunately, politics is hardball. It appears that Blasey Ford will get anything she wants with respect to her terms because Jeff Flake will demand it. And Blasey Ford will be able to present her case to Republican men who are champing at the bits to tear her apart. That is, a show trial. After she presents her case, let the chips fall where they may. If she's convincing she should prevail, and if not, not.

    In so far as the split between moderates and liberals in the Democratic Party I think the Democrats should be a big tent party, running moderates where they can win and liberals where they can win. I hope the two wings can stay united after the election.

  45. Anon 7:42 said:

    "If I was Kavanaugh, and if I was innocent, I would demand a halt in the proceedings and would call for an FBI investigation. That's how truly innocent people handle aspersions."

    That is what happens in totalitarian countries like Russia or China. Not here in the US.

    In this country, it is how a child talks.

    Either characterization is an accurate description of the modern democrat party.

    I'd still like to believe there are fair-minded democrats who don't subscribe to this sort of lunacy. However, many continue to vote for those who want to continue the insanity.

    Join the WalkAway movement until the party reforms itself. Democrats (the people) are better than this.

  46. Robert Trotner, It amazes me how you attempt to portray yourself as a nonpartisan liberal, but always seem to support the most partisan Democrats. You used to do the same thinbg with Fed Ed, and now are doing the same thing with the hacks in D.C.

  47. Would the #resist crowd engage in scurrilous tactics to keep out a guy they claim will essentially murder millions of women and children? Yes.

  48. Bernie, you can't possibly be so stupid as to think this woman opened herself up to death threats because just wants a book deal. If she wanted a book deal and a Netflix movie, she wouldn't have waited until reporters started showing up at her house to reveal her identity. If she made up the incident there wouldn't be any evidence that it had occurred prior to a few weeks ago, which there is.

    Women often don't report sexual assault partly because men like yourself who have never met them seem to always come out of the woodwork to call them liars, despite not having any way to back up this assertion. Maybe you should actually put in the effort to learn about sexual assault and why victims don't report before you just spout off with whatever half-baked nonsense you come up with on your own.

    At this point it is obviously impossible to prove that Kavanaugh assaulted this woman, but it isn't a trial, so all we need to know is if it seems likely that he did. Maybe you just don't care, but I don't want anyone on the Supreme Court who could even plausibly have assaulted anyone. If nothing else, it seriously undermines the legitimacy of the court if some of its justices are criminals.

  49. 7:42:

    Actually the FBI does perform background investigations (not criminal investigations) into SCOTUS nominees, and there is precedent for reopening them when new information comes to light. The FBI reopened the investigation for Clarence Thomas when Anita Hill accused him of harassment, for example.

  50. 5:39, death threats according to her. Sexual molestation according to her. Her first motivation is scuttling s S Ct nomination. Her second motivation is lucre and fame. She also has undergone psychological treatment. And her claim is 36 years old. And now she, and her partisan Dem lawyers, are trying to dictate the terms under which she will appear. Her story has BULLSHIT written all over it, and the only reason you find it so compelling is bc you are a partisan Dem yourself. People like her hurt women who really are molested.

  51. Democrats ARE ruining this country. And everybody sees it more clearer than ever before. Can't wait for November. See y'all at the ballot box!

  52. 7.21
    "death threats according to her" do you really think that the trump flying monkey brigade is above such action?
    "Sexual molestation according to her" so kavanaugh was a boy scout? his buddy bragged about the drunken parties and kavanaugh was the guy running the booze fund.
    The question is whether she has a credible story.
    IF she does should kavanaugh get the nomination?
    As far as kavanaugh and being tainted--that ship has sailed and even IF he can defend himself he will still have that shadow.is it fair? nope but welcome to trench warfare.

  53. You have no idea what her motivations are. You've never met her. And for christsake, she passed a polygraph test. And maybe she was seeing therapists because sexual assault is traumatic or something? I don't know if she is telling the truth, but I do know that you don't know jack, and before you type anything else you might regret, read some of these:


    And this:

    Or maybe this one, if you aren't inclined to believe an Atlantic writer, from Ronald Raegan's daughter revealing her own 40-year-old rape for the first time.

  54. She passed a polygraph test? So the fuck what? If I squeeze my ass cheeks I can say I am Mother Teresa and pass a polygraph. You folks are totally off the hook here. I am liberal and know this is nonsense.

  55. No, you don't know this is nonsense. You may think it is nonsense, but you have no evidence that allows you to know it is nonsense. I don't know that the accusation is true, but unlike you, I am not calling either party a liar.

    It does seem odd that your response to what you consider an unsubstantiated accusation is making further unsubstantiated accusations.

  56. Anyone who cannot answer the question of whether or not a President is above the low should be disqualified. This president is a stain on history and the world would be just fine when he is out of office. Even by his cabinet's admission, he is already a lame duck president. Just keep paying White House actors that keep him distractoed from causing anymore global harm.

  57. Dems should just keep up the bullshit,they are deluded to believe that women in america are buying this. Everyone knows what they are trying to do. They are self destructing.

  58. Can we all agree that lie detectors are less reliable than a Magic 8 Ball? Wow.


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