Local Government TV

Sunday, September 30, 2018

At Least Three Dead Men From Car Bomb

Law enforcement officials conducted a news conference late this afternoon at the scene of last night’s Allentown explosion. Here’s what can be said:

- At least three are dead. Lehigh County Coroner Scott Grim will release identities tomorrow if he can. The three dead are all male.

- There is no further threat to public security. Unanimously, federal and state officials agree that there is no “ongoing threat.” It was an “isolated “ incident. 

- Any suspects? Lehigh County DA Jim Martin said he has a “high degree of confidence the perpetrator was probably killed in the incident.” 

- Authorities seek witnesses. Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call 1-888-ATF-BOMB.

- ESYC will shelter those in need. East Side Youth Center will open 9 pm.

(This report based on live video. I was not physically present.)


  1. Jim Martin must think we are naive. There is a still a massive threat to the community. This wasn't a small bomb that car was decimated. Secondly, are we seriously supposed to believe that it was just a beef between 3 guys and that 1 decided to build a bomb and set it off. No, this was a coordinated hit. Who ever planned this and executed this was sending a message to someone or some group. Sad, but I only seeing this getting worse. A bomb of this magnitude would take time and knowledge. Even if the "builder" was killed its highly unlikely he did this on his own. Maybe I am thinking way to much in to this but I doubt it. This situation is way more complicated than they are letting on which I guess is expected since the investigation is less than 24hrs old.

  2. I’m pretty sure they found bomb making evidence in one of the perps residence. Otherwise, I don’t believe Jim Martin would have made the statement about the perp being killed. Anyways, that was one GIANT bomb and I wonder who or what they were going to blow up.

  3. The natives were hooping and hollering at the scene. It beats the
    Saturday night shootout in Atown. Reading we are out to beat you in homicides. National news clips show how the hood acted, very sad.

  4. Could have happened anywhere. It was a tragedy and could have been far worse. It is also a very good thing first responders were there so quickly. Most communities have nothing to match that presence.

  5. It most likely is just an escalation of the gang warfare that is going on in all cities, It will most likely get worse until serious actions are taken. It all has to do with the drug business. Up to now it has been common gun shootouts. If you look at the pattern south of the border you can see the future. When and if there is ever a serious crackdown in will spread to police and politicians as targets. The motto is take the silver or get the lead. Up to now most officials in this country have chosen the silver.

  6. A souped up street racer gone wrong (nitrous?)?

  7. Free Ed! He will save us!

  8. Darwin award winners?

  9. This would have never have happened if Mayor Pawlowski was still leading our wonderful town.

  10. Drug war, but don’t worry about it.

  11. Don't think it's druggies. Don't think it's a mobile drug lab either. Butane or propane wouldn't blow up a car, this was most likely stolen explosives.

  12. Stolen explosives? Highly unlikely. You do realize that you would still have to have knowledge of how to set them off in order for them to explode. Just because of you have stick of dynamite or TNT doesn't mean it goes off if you drop it. There's a bit more work that needs to be done in order for them to explode.

  13. I have deleted a few comments suggesting things that law enforcement have eliminated. This was an isolated incident and there no longer is a threat to public safety.

  14. There was a head on the street without a body as well as a hand. That indicates a lot of force in the explosion and also the car was blown apart. Yes explosives do require a cap to set them off. Perhaps a timer went off prematurely. I don't think this was a druggie

  15. Also deleted a comment blaming "liberal policies." It is ridiculous to bring politics into this matter, as only partisans would do. It is actually conservative policies that support an absolutist view of 2A.

  16. " The car exploded about 9:30 p.m. Saturday on the 700 block of Turner Street, at Hall Street, about a block away from PPL Center, which was hosting a Lehigh Valley Phantoms preseason game that ended within minutes of the blast. "
    ( Morning Call.)

    Coincidence, I suppose..........

  17. Um nothing to see here move along now, just some random guy blew up himself and 2 others We are positive there's nothing else to the story, just a random car bomb Trust us.

    The authorities know so little about this crime that they’re asking the public for help - but they know for sure that “this is an isolated incident” and “there’s no continuing threat”.

    Total b u l l s h i t. They lie to your face but demand respect.

  18. 10:31, 10:42, Yes, the damage could have been far worse. Many people could have died had the car exploded along Turner St as the game was letting out. If authorities had reason to believe this was a planned terror attack, as you anonymously imply, they would have made that clear. You can rule that out. Of course, that was a possibility considered and eliminated. But you choose to stoke the flames of fear. I can tell you that authorities have a very good idea what happened. And of course they would want the public's help, if only in locating remains they may have missed. You will soon discover you are completely full of shit.

  19. They have the license plates of the car, and I'm sure the bodies were fingerprinted. I'm sure the authorities know the names of the blast victims.

    It's a matter of how fast the names are released to the public. If the names are withheld, then there likely more to the story than just an accidental car bomb going off.

  20. The bomb may have gone off accidentally. Other details that will emerge soon. The comments at 10:31, 10:42 are both irresponsible and false.

  21. I wonder where the bomb was supposed to go off ?

  22. Rumor is it was a family dispute and there was a child involved. Not sure how accurate this is, but was told family FB pages correspond to this.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. 1:34, not interested in misinformation.

  24. Oh darn, it appears the mad bomber was a white man. No more Syrian immigrants or MS13 gang members to accuse, at least for the moment. My deep sorrow for the loss of the little boy's life.

  25. Sounds like a disturbed individual. Everyone should be asking how did he get enough explosives to create a bomb that large. I’ve seen ieds and this compares to something in Iraq or Afghanistan . Prayers for the families who lost loved ones

  26. Just another weekend in Allentown. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  27. I’m just chiming in on David hallmans dog that was recovered. There was a car in the lot next to the detonation with a dog in the front seat.
    I believe this was David’s dog blown through the parked cars window. I think it was a Jack Russel mix and it’s in the hospital. Maybe some people can help the dog out with a donation if you can help. 👍


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