Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Allentown, S Whitehall, Declare War on Mosquitoes

It's been so rainy this summer that public officials throughout the Lehigh Valley are concerned about West Nile virus (WNV).

WNV was first detected in the U.S. in 1999 and affects birds, humans, horses and other mammals. There were nationwide epidemics of the virus in 2003 and 2012, and the key months for WNV transmission run from August into October. In humans, 80% of the cases are asymptomatic and 20% develop flu-like symptoms. Less than 1% of cases result in conditions such as encephalitis which can cause paralysis and even death.

There is no known vaccine.

I have previously told you about spraying efforts in Northampton County. Yesterday, a news release from Allentown reported a truck- mounted spray application operation between 7:00pm and 11:00pm last night in the city will focus at Union and West End Cemetery as well as Sumner Avenue and the Industrial neighborhood adjacent to Coca Cola Park.

The application will also take place in and around Cedar Creek Park in South Whitehall.

Since it's getting colder, is this really necessary? From what I've read, some species will lay eggs and die once cold weather hits. Others hibernate. There are even "snow mosquitoes" who will come out on warm winter days. But his time of year, many of them become vegans. Instead of sucking blood, they go after rotting fruit and double in weight.

Mosquitoes kill more humans than any other animal. Even other humans! I've always considered them proof that God is a prick. But I have a remedy, and I'll let you in on my little secret.

Patchouli. Otherwise known as "hippie perfume."

For over a year, I've been applying a drop every day. This July, when I started walking again after a sabbatical of about 500 years, I noticed that mosquitoes and even houseflies kept their distance.  When I learned that some people hate the smell, I'd apply an extra drop around them.

The stuff is amazing! It does nothing to deter black flies, but works like a charm on most pests, be they six-legged or two-legged.


  1. Young women often have used it as perfume. Do you have a problem with that as well?

  2. I'm the one who likes and wears it, remember? Just like young women.

  3. As far as the mosquito spraying, Allentown would be better off eliminating the "no mow" areas in the parks.

    These areas have become havens for standing water, which are breeding grounds for mosquitos.

    The Parks used to be properly maintained (and mowed) until Pawlowski institutionalized the neglect by claiming it was environmentalism. In addition to the mosquitos and other pests, the no-mow zones have allowed invasive, non-native plants to spread in the parks.

  4. used to cover the smell of weed, mary jane, pot, etc. therefore "hippie oil."


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