Local Government TV

Thursday, September 13, 2018

A Message From the Wild Campaign

I have previously told the Wild campaign to stop contacting me. But Lexi confused me with "Joan." Apparently, AG Josh Shapiro is joining the fun. He's not doing this to help Wild or other Democrats running in largely uncontested races. He's helping himself. He wants to be Governor or US Senator. He will milk all the mileage he can get from a grand jury  report that mostly rehashes ancient allegations against Catholic priests while charging no one.

I'm a Democrat. The party I belong to believes in helping the working man. Wild has spent her legal career screwing them. Josh Shapiro has never tried a case, and just sensationalized sexual abuse by priests as a pathway to higher office. 


  1. Why trash both these people? Common link?

    Because they both beat Morganelli?

  2. Josh Shapiro is a bloviating self serving phony. Most people can see that clearly. The only interest he has is getting elected to a higher office.

  3. Wild is a dishonest candidate, she is trying to run without revealing her true positions. If progressive policy is so great and you really believe in it, why is she hiding her true policy. She is just another big establishment, big money fraud.

  4. This is another election where I will have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

  5. You may want to crop cell phone number out of posting

  6. Welds policies would be a good fit in San Francisco,She is hoping the media will cover up who she really is.

  7. Wild is trying her best to portray herself as a moderate. But she will happily join the Maxine Waters wing of the party if elected.

  8. "You may want to crop cell phone number out of posting"

    Why?I post my number here all the time. As for the numer from Wild, that's the price they pay for continuing to contact me.

    "Wild is trying her best to portray herself as a moderate."

    She probably is somewhat left of center.I have no problem with most of her positions. I would support her if she had not lied to John Morganelli. John supports her. She's going to win. But we need people with integrity in office.

    I like Nothstein, but he loses me bc is far more conservative than this district.

    " If progressive policy is so great and you really believe in it, why is she hiding her true policy."

    I don't think she is.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. If you want to chortle with glee about death threats to John Morganelli or anyone else, do it somewhere else.

  11. This is all about Morganelli for you. That is unfortunate. You will help empower Trump just to satisfy your anger.

  12. Wild is going to win, but I won't be voting for her now or ever. i refuse to support a dishonest candidate.

  13. Fake News. She is honest.

  14. Just because you disagree with a story does not make it "fake news." You sound like Donald Trump. Susan Wild gave word to Morganelli that she would run a clean campaign. She shook hands on it, then broke her word. That makes her a liar. I will never support her for anything. I confronted her in emails, the last I ever wrote to her. Politically, going dark was the right thing to do. But she broke her word.


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