Local Government TV

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Thousand Points of Light

George H.W. Bush, our 41st President, is a member of our greatest generation. He enlisted after Pearl Harbor, and became a combat pilot who was shot down during a time when Japanese fanatics executed captive pilots and ate their livers. A Republican, he continued his service to this nation as a Congressman, Ambassador, CIA Director, VP and President. In his Inaugural Address, he lauded volunteerism as a "thousand points of light." It is a theme he carried throughout his later life, praising "ordinary people who reach beyond themselves to touch the lives of those in need." On Thursday night in Montana, Authoritarian Donald Trump, himself a draft dodger who never served a day in the military, mocked the words of this great man, now 94, whose wife Barbara passed away earlier this year.

The New York Times has come up with 18 inaccurate claims  made by Trump in Montana. But what really shows Trump as thin-skinned little person are his mean-spirited remarks about Bush. I would like to say Republicans are outraged, especially since volunteerism is why so many of them contend there's no need for so much governmental assistance. But a few exceptions, they've been silent. That's because they are no longer considered conservative unless they worship at the gaudy altar of Donald J Trump.

There is no need for a thousand points of lights. Only one.

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of Donald J Trump.”


  1. Yes, he's a real asshat, but what really bothers me are his supporters. If you watch any of his "rallies" it's obvious he's just throwing shit out there to see what sticks. He's not even coherent half of the time and lies flow like water to the masses. Even people in the crowd look confused but cheer anyway. Strange days we are living in...informed than ever,but not willing to listen.

  2. Truth is, many Republicans now see the Bush's in hindsight as the cause of many of today's problems. The destabilization of the middle east and the cultural destabilization of Europe. the plan for unlimited immigration, the idea of no borders were all advocated by the Bush's. Many remember Bush 1's pronouncement about ushering in the "New world Order. "The fact that Jeb Bush could not get out of single figures was not the fault of Trump, but the realization by many republicans that presidents both republican and democrat come and go but our foreign policy is controlled by others behind the scenes. Obama policies were much a mirror of the Bush's. Trump offered an alternative. Of course it is all because Republicans are stupid, and cult worshipers. Be aware that the political situation will not go back to the patterns of the past. It is a delusion to believe that if they can remove Trump, they will regain their power to be elected. The political landscape is forever changed. This applies to both Democrats and Republicans. Whether you want to accept it or not, Trump has just voiced what many have been thinking for years. Trump's existence has exposed the establishment republicans, a biased press, the real agenda of the democratic socialists. Maybe without even planning to do it. Most Trump supporters will readily acknowledge his weaknesses, but his mere existence and policy has upset not only the politics of the U.S. but across the globe.

  3. Yes, the adoration from Trump's base is baffling. In any other context in their lives, they would despise and slam him as a quintessential arrogant New York City asshole. But because Trump says and does and thinks and defends all the ugliest things Americans can say, do, think and defend, they fucking love him. Sad. Bigly.

  4. Where do I buy one if those VJJ outfits? The left has Trump living in the real estate that is vacant between thier ears. Sadly none of then will take that illegal home. This is not 1917 of those if before. Clinton/Obama took the kids to where are they? Any person touting to be a native Indian is just as bad as stolen valor. He will be re-elected too. Those that want open borders should have remove the locks on thier house doors and be made to leave the keys in the cars when parked. Sadly they are just talking heads that don't work and want everything given out for free without working for it.

  5. Let's see. Where would we be with Hillary Clinton right now? Probably still stagnating within the two-percent GDP growth Obama attempted to make the "new normal." Is it far-fetched to think Loretta Lynch would be a current justice on the Supreme Court with another leftist justice on the way?

    Would James Comey now be the sitting U.S. attorney general and possibly Andrew McCabe the current head of the FBI? These are frightening prospects we all should be thankful we no longer need to worry about.

    During a Clinton presidency, the U.S. would most assuredly still be part of both the corrupt climate change cult's Paris Accord and the U.S. sovereignty-killing Trans-Pacific Partnership. Iran would also still be laughing at us regarding that infamous Obama-Kerry nuclear deal, a deal that enabled the terror state Iran to receive 150 billion dollars.

    Also, it was no secret she abhors the military. When Bill was prez any military personnel who needed to come to the White House were under strict orders to not show up in their uniforms. She’d have made a great commander in chief, right? America dodged a nuclear bomb by keeping this loathsome woman out of the presidency.

    But don't worry Democrats, Hillary will be back tho, she still thinks she’s entitled to the presidency so expect her to throw her hat in the ring in 2020.

  6. Yes dry your tears cause he is OUR President!

  7. It is truly sad that we have Donald Trump as our leader of the free world. He isn't the peoples choice but the result of an outdated "electoral College". like our supreme Court, together they will be the ruination of our Country. I am one of the few democrats that will ever admit voting for Richard Nixon. We all make mistakes. Thank God I am not one of those who voted for Donald Trump.

  8. 7:04. Yup, let's see... all the whining.... from "Hillary won the popular vote" to Russia collusion to Trump had a moment with a porn star. And nothing seems to stick

    The latest insanity is "Abolish ICE," a campaign that seems to abolishing the left instead.

  9. I stand with ICE.

  10. Your hate is showing, BO

  11. When young and naive we are mostly democrats, then if we grow up and get a job or go in business and we are introduced to the real world. Socialism is the dream of the uninformed and those that believe they are owed by the rest of society. It is a failed philosophy, but still a dream of the malcontents and lazy.

  12. 6.58
    the usual zombie lies by the Comrade trump followers
    "When Bill was prez any military personnel who needed to come to the White House were under strict orders to not show up in their uniforms."

    "With regard to "the one about Hillary Rodham Clinton's ban on uniforms in the White House," the Post reported that it "didn't happen."
    "story of Clinton's purported "edict" -- which he says occurred in 1996 "when he first arrived" at the White House -- echoes the claim about Clinton that the Post debunked in 1993."
    " version of how he learned of Clinton's purported plan to ban military uniforms in the White House when he worked there in 1996 varies with each telling."
    Yep the right wing will lie just like Comrade trump and will continue the lie.

  13. I said before the election. Trump is the kind of windbag who'll lie taking credit for any and every thing going right. Blame everybody else for his failures when they don't. I am 100% positive at some point after he trashes the economy and succeeds in alienating us around the world he (and his knucklehead supporters) will blame the none existent 'deep state', 'haters' and 'fake press'.. guaranteed. His BS is only going to take us so far. Trust me when I say-- this guy ain't no Moses for damn sure.

  14. Can't find 60 Trump supporters at his rallies to serve Mar a Lago members and has to hire pearly whites from Europe? America first my ass...

  15. Trump campaign has a new New York spokesperson – that woman hanging from the Statue of Liberty.

  16. Resident of AllentownJuly 7, 2018 at 8:16 AM

    Nailed it today. I have been a life long demo who occasionally split his vote. Although I didn't vote for Bush I had more respect for him than most of the others I have seen in office and Lord knows what a reality show farce we have today. Seems "Idiocracy" is becoming more of a reality every day. Reality changes for some with the latest tweet. The Trumpoids are pretty much like the crowds described in "1984" who will froth at the mouth with hatred at what ever directed and switch on a dime if told to, no thought process necessary; whatever dear leader says.
    People better wake up to where "Cadet Bone-spurrs" is taking us.

  17. Donald Trump lives in the minds of Democrats ....and they hate him for it. Despite knowing how he feels about them, they rise to the bait every time Trump dangles a new piece. It is very refreshing to watch him play with their minds like he does

    It has been a long time since we conservatives have had a leader who is willing to fight back and kick the sand right in their faces. The Democrats have simply refused to accept the results of the 2016 election, and their childish actions are causing them to lose more and more support from the American electorate at large.

  18. Give it a rest!

    Trump has ALWAYS been a promoter, an ENTERTAINER, and a negotiator who knows the importance of keeping his foil off-guard. Actually, if you listen carefully, he is simply exaggerating, not really being untruthful.

    I agree with 6:58. No Liberal/Democrat ever writes to explain how America would be better off now had Hillary Clinton been elected. That was the ONLY alternative!

    America is, and will be, fine with the person now in the White House. The ONLY other possibility was not the better pick. Wrong?

  19. Comrade trump can show the world exactly how charitable he is by releasing his tax returns.

  20. Trump meeting with Putin alone? Are they gay? What would Mike pence say?

  21. 7.36
    "Socialism is the dream of the uninformed and those that believe they are owed by the rest of society."
    right on.
    So let us remove corporate welfare.
    Social security as well.
    Pa lottery claims to support seniors--Why? seems like socialism.
    The gas taxes i pay should only be used for roads i drive on.Live out in the country get used to gravel if you can afford it.
    And why should i have to have a sidewalk for other people to walk on much less keep cleared of snow in the winter.
    Guess the fire department should charge each homeowner for fire protection. Also wildfires are just Mother nature so why do i care if Texas burns.
    When a person puts two kids in school i guess they should pay per student--right?
    And of course when a disaster strikes guess you are on your own.
    Yep socialism is a bad idea.

  22. 8.30
    " Actually, if you listen carefully, he is simply exaggerating, not really being untruthful."
    so then his inaugural crowd was larger than President Obama's?
    Comrade trump claims
    "Pressed on the option to use executive action, Trump said "you can’t do it through an executive order."
    "June 20, Trump signed an executive order that directed the Homeland Security Department to "maintain custody of alien families" while their cases move through the immigration system,"
    So when was he lying?
    Or did a miracle occur between trump claiming he could not do it and then he could?
    The answer is Comrade trump is full of crap

  23. 8.30
    "No Liberal/Democrat ever writes to explain how America would be better off now had Hillary Clinton been elected"
    Well for starters i doubt you would have a special consul investigating a loser trump for having a foreign agent as a campaign manager.
    The EPA would not have a chief that abuses the taxpayer.
    The US would not of given North Korea a photo-op without any conditions.
    Hillary would not have a war monger lunatic like Bolton anywhere around.
    Everyone could see her tax returns.
    The list goes on and on.

  24. Amen, Bernie. The only thing more disgusting than Drumpf’s stream of lies at his rallies is the drugged-like zombie faces in his crowds. Sad. Bigly.

  25. I didn't know empty-headed right wing trolls started so early in the morning.

  26. look at all your politicians of the last 50 years crooks double talk and triple talkers these people were not good for any of you so it is easy to see why MR Trump is successful even with no cooperation or little from congress-the do nothing people- both sides of politicians are worthless whe trump does leave back to normal out for themselves corrupt politicians

  27. Reading the comments from the ilk at 6:35, 6:57, 6:58, 6:59, 7:13, 7:28, 7:33, 7:36, 8:22, 8:30 is a great reminder of why I bagged Facebook.....too many crazy, stupid, ill informed, racist people in our society. We are not talking about political differences or opposing views. These people are either lying themselves or willing to accept lying from their "dear leader" since his idiotic and untrue statements permit them to freely espouse the hatred and racism that they were keeping under (just barely in most instances) wrap until now. These are dark times and that is not an exaggeration. I hated the policies and politics of Reagan, GHW Bush, and GW Bush but i NEVER thought that they were sexist, racist, uneducated, illiterate, insane, incapable of speaking (well GW Bush was a bit of a dope), RUSSIAN OWNED SPIES with a lack of patriotism or love for this country. Trump is all of those things and worse....he is a charlatan, a crook, a liar, an obnoxious blowhard who hates anyone of color and all women (except his daughter who for whom he has a creepy "love"). He cannot speak at all....he has no knowledge of history or any understanding of economics or geopolitical realities. He was a fucking GAME SHOW HOST! That is the subhuman piece of garbage you have decided to worship and deify. You can all go to Hell with him.

  28. Trump is beating the left at their own game, they always believed exaggeration and misinformation was their protected turf. They are now outraged that it is being turned loose on them at every turn.

  29. Wow, 10.12 you are making it clear, you are losing the argument. You pretty much have described yourself. There are lots of drugs out there, you might think of partaking of some or some more, so you don't self destruct.

  30. Everyone is crazy except 10.12, I think that is a diagnosis.

  31. 10.13

    So Comrade trump has better " exaggeration and misinformation" and you view that as a positive accomplishment?
    try removing the plastic before smoking those stogies.

  32. The problem with Comrade trump is that he is afraid of people with real class.
    trump has to insult them so he can cope with the fact that he will never have the capability to perform as they do.
    Trump actually spends his time with fear of not measuring up.
    If trump was secure in his stature he would not have to constantly exaggerate.

  33. Forget the donkey as the symbol for the dem party...should be a box of Kleenex....wa wa wa

  34. "That's because they are no longer considered conservative unless they worship at the gaudy altar of Donald J Trump."

    I would consider myself a "conservative" and make no apologies for being one. I have a set of principles in which I believe, and they seem to line up more consistently with conservatism. I am not a republican and do not "worship at the gaudy alter of Donald Trump."

    Anonymous @ 7:01
    "outdated "electoral College"."

    The electoral college is not outdated. Think longer term than just a single president whom you, rightly or wrongly, do not like.

    LVCI @ 8:07

    “…this guy ain't no Moses for damn sure”

    Didn’t we know that BEFORE we voted him as the 45th president? We knew, or should have known, we were getting all that is Donald Trump, some good, some not so good. As with Mr. Obama, or any elected official, especially federal or state offices, we should do our homework PRIOR to voting. We should not only rely on political ads, campaign speeches, rhetoric, clips, soundbites or echo chamber posts. We should all do our own due diligence. Mr. Trump’s behavior can indeed be refreshing and is certainly not business as usual. That doesn’t mean one has to agree with or like everything the man is or does. Those who defend Mrs. Clinton and highlight the bad behavior of Mr. Trump, only show their true partisanship. Those who defend Mr. Trump, even when he does the indefensible, also show their true partisanship. There are those who decry “fake news” but spread such without a simple search for the truth. They also reveal their true partisanship. Thank goodness I have to go. I could go on. Lux et veritas.

  35. Look, I hate Trump. But using the NYT as a reference for anything truthful is ridiculous and makes you look like stupid, like another lefty version of the FOX News idiots on the right. The NYT is not a credible news source.

  36. The NYT is not a credible news source.
    So what are your recommendations?

  37. "Truth is, many Republicans now see the Bush's.... "

    Blah, blah, blah. Loyalty to mein Trunpf has priority over what really is a Republican sentiment. But yoiur have demonstrated on multiple occasions that you are another lemming for Trump

  38. When did Representatives and Senators get elected to represent Illegal Aliens instead of American Citizens? I'm confused.

  39. "Look, I hate Trump. But using the NYT "

    I doubt very much you hate Trump bc he is the topic and you are deflecting to something else. The NY Times, Wall St Journal, Washington Post, Boston Globe, USA Today are all credible news sources.

  40. "Lux et veritas"

    Mille illud lux.

  41. "Forget the donkey as the symbol for the dem party"

    This has nothing to do with the dems. This is all about the Donald and his derision of a fellow Republican who eloquently stated a conservative point.

  42. What a wonderful country we live in.

    Where else can a foreign national go, violate the law, flip the powers that be the bird, insult and impugn the majority population of the host country with bigoted slogans emblazoned on your t-shirt and get free legal counsel and a cheering crowd of fist pumping sycophants turning you into an instant celebrity for your efforts.

    God bless America... What a country......

  43. "Where else can a foreign national go, violate the law, flip the powers that be the bird, insult and impugn the majority population of the host country with bigoted slogans emblazoned on your t-shirt and get free legal counsel and a cheering crowd of fist pumping sycophants turning you into an instant celebrity for your efforts"

    What does your hatred of foreigners have to do with Trump's remark about Bush? Nothing. You are deflecting.

  44. A comment from Trump troll Rolf Oeler has been deleted.

  45. "Trump has ALWAYS been a promoter, an ENTERTAINER, and a negotiator who knows the importance of keeping his foil off-guard. Actually, if you listen carefully, he is simply exaggerating, not really being untruthful."

    He does exaggerate, embellish and I can take that puffery. But he is also a flat out liar. He is crass and mean-spirited. I never liked him, nor did a majority of Americans. He is in office bc of the electoral college. I agree that institution exists to prevent a tyranny of the majority, but a majority of Americans, including me, said NO to him.

  46. "Your hate is showing, BO"

    I honestly hate no one, and you are failing to address my point.

  47. "A thousand points of light" light-years apart.

    The D's and the R's played both ends against the middle long enough to give us Trump. The Republican party was just the easiest for Trump to co-opt, just be a mean asshole and your in, where-as with the democrats you have to act smart, pretend to give a shit, and be super condescending, a tougher gig.

    If Trump stays on tour, by 2020 he won't need the republican or the democrat vote, Trump is going for the negative, and there is more of them than either of the others two parties loyal electorate.

  48. Trump reminds me of Woodrow Wilson. An arrogant racist who believes only he speaks for "The People". They both ignored and even incited racial divisions. They also were arrogant tin their approach to foreign affairs.

    By the way saying he is better than Hillary Clinton would have been is no excuse or compliment. Obviously many Democrats were not impressed with Hillary Clinton, nor do they want her to ever run again.

  49. Bernie, many conservatives believe in a thousand points of light if they are all for them. It is amazi8ng that socialism or social programs that help certain folks and classes that preach the conservative dogma are OK. The ones they don't like are evil. Sounds like life.

  50. 4:59 - The alternative was Hillary Clinton. Unless you can provide specific ways she would have produced more positive results for this nation, it's hard to understand what's the point of all this Trump bashing. Our nation has been doing quite well under the Trump Administration. You must not have noticed. Or, choose not to admit it.

  51. Love how anon 6:49 read above post and totally misses the point. Get over Hillary Clinton and lets focus on the actual president and his "success" farmers can't sell their crops and manufacturing an prices are taking a hit because of his idiotic tariffs. No real jobs have been created. N. Korea has intensified its missile building. It goes on and on. You are so busy hating a person who is not president that you are obsessed with loving the dick in office.

  52. No, 1:41, Hillary Clinton is very much a part of this Trump hate. She is a NECESSARY component in trying to understand the logic being used by Trump bashers. There isn't any!

    Because Clinton is the only possible alternative, it is only Clinton's worth that can determine Trump's value. Because Clinton is regarded a poor choice to lead this nation, that makes Trump the better option at the time.

    By constantly trying to bring down Trump, you are effectively stating you wish Hillary Clinton was now President. There is NO other way to read what you are doing with all this. Just come out an say it!

    "I wish Hillary Clinton was now President."

  53. What? So if the Prez Bone-Spur starts to steam roll babies and declares himself God-King no one can be a critical of it? Logic? You should look up "False Arguments" I believe it would be under "Non-sequitur"

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  55. another example of a lack of humanity

    "A government lawyer reportedly told a federal judge on Friday that her “dog-sitting responsibilities” would prevent her from appearing at a weekend meeting on the status of 100 children under the age of five who were separated from their parents at the border,"

  56. 10.09
    "Turns out a majority of blacks and Hispanics are in accord with President Trump's policies "
    Yep that's why pictures of Comrade trumps rallies are an "Where's Waldo" picture when you look for minorities.
    As to employment in June 2018, the national unemployment rate rose from 3.8 percent to 4.0 percent.
    so using the republican playbook(the one they used when President Obama was in office)-it is clear that trump has caused this rise and is leading the country into
    a hellish landscape.

  57. 10.09
    "The growing #WalkAway movement"
    "One of the top accounts that’s been celebrated across conservative circles, @sophialimited, who said she had Hispanic, immigrant parents who decided to leave the Democratic party, was a bot. Twitter suspended it, but not before it racked up tens of thousands of retweets."
    Guess the right wing likes to be trolled by bots

  58. Jamie Kelton, In addition to being dangerously uninformed and using a false identity, you seem incapable of addressing the topic. This is not about what is wrong with Democrats. This is about Trump's attack on a former combat veteran, President, Republican and recent widower who is espousing a conservative POV, and is being ridiculed for it by a mean-spirited, thin-skinned little man. If you had any integrity, which you have demonstrated several times that you don't, you would condemn Trump's slur.

  59. Condemning Trump's slur of president 41 will do exactly what for the country?

    In the words of Dick Cheney "so what". You can attack the personality all you want, it won't effect the process that put him in there.

    Calling out Trump on his ugliness, is like mocking a punk rocker on the Donahue show in the 80's, it just makes them stronger and bolder and even more outrageous.

    You can boo-hoo all you want about Trump, we have Trump for one reason, because the democrats conspired to boxed out Bernie Sanders and the Russians exposed their treachery. Period.

  60. Cuckoo. Another anonymous fool defends this ugly and shallow man.

  61. A comment from troll Rolf Oeler, who only gets away with posting here when he fails to ID himself, has been deleted.

  62. The only thing Trumpty Dumpty said that was true, was that he didn't even understand what a Thousand Points of Light meant, it wasn't "catchy" like Make America Hate Again or America First pays Trump then it trickles to his funders.


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