Local Government TV

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Trump Thankfully Relaxes Separation Policy

I tend to write slowly when it's about something like yesterday's summit between Northampton County Council and the county's General Purpose Authority. So it actually took me about seven or eight hours for the story you see below. Because I was engrossed in county government, I had very little time to read about Donald Trump's sudden reversal on his barbaric separation policy. I know the criticism continues, but I'm thankful he changed course. I doubt morality had much to do with his decision. He was obviously concerned this might have an adverse impact on the midterm elections. But for whatever reason, I'm glad that no one is going to separate children from their parents over an illegal entry.


  1. Bernie, "his barbaric separation policy" also occurred under your buddy Obama. Where was your outrage then??? Oh yea -- Obama was a democrat.

  2. When you do find the time to read about Trump's executive surrender Order, try and find where it states the parents and children will be reunited. It may not say that.

  3. I place responsibility for all this on weak and ineffective members of Congress. So full of excuses and blame to cover their own inaction. Totally concerned about the flow of corporate campaign contributions and remaining in office.

  4. Public outcry forced Trump's hand. Now, the ACLU vultures will pounce. We will return to the practice of holding the kids with their parents for no longer than 20 days, then releasing them into the community where they will scurry to sanctuary cities to hide. Only 10% attend a hearing. They will become burdens of the American taxpayer for no good reason.

  5. Bernie. You're a Democrat, so let me ask you. Do democrats do anything else besides play games and cater to illegals?

  6. Props to you because you were all over this ffrom the Get Go.You picked up a win after your loss in predicting John M would win.Bernie is now 1-1.

  7. 7:10 This problem is hyped up and was generated at the hands of Obama. There would be no (real or imaginary) act of taking away children from their parents if they came here legally. We can also hold Congress critters responsible for illegals entering this country too.

    President Trump sent out a warning not to come illegally. He sent it out again and again. Why is he the bad guy? We are living in times where the Democrats have gone brain dead and off the rails. Jail them all.

  8. Sincere questions for all sides of the debate:

    What number of immigrants per year is manageable/acceptable/moral?

  9. Democrats have no platform, no optimistic plan for the future of America, only vote for us because Trump is a bad person. Trump has been the first president in recent history that is willing to focus and address the problems head on. The congress lives in fear of making a mistake or being criticized, Congress would much rather engage in back-biting and kick the can down the road. Can-kickers of all parties should be rejected. Lets solve problems, rather than engage in political bull-shit.

  10. 7:42. Legal Immigrants or Illegal Aliens that sneak across the border ?

  11. The kids are the pawns in all this. Send them back with the adults they snuck across the border with immediatley. Problem solved.

  12. Only 10% attend a hearing
    Actually in 2016 75% showed up for their court cases. Let's not exaggerate, The link shows how many each year from 2007-2016.

  13. 7:42 -

    The amount of legal entries per year is whatever number AMERICA decides. Not what Mexico decides. We need a wall or other comprehensive barrier that limits entry to whatever AMERICA decides, not to whichever person chooses to step over.

    No one knows what's in today's proposals, Congress is keeping that secret. But, if it does not include adequate funding to control entry, the problems will just continue.

  14. Bernie, "his barbaric separation policy" also occurred under your buddy Obama. Where was your outrage then??? Oh yea -- Obama was a democrat.

    Lets give this guy ignoramus of the day. What he is says is false. The currently policy framework was a Trump idea:

    "Obama’s guidelines prioritized the deportation of gang members, those who posed a national security risk and those who had committed felonies. Trump’s January 2017 executive order does not include a priority list for deportations and refers only to “criminal offenses,” which is broad enough to encompass serious felonies as well as misdemeanors."

    In other words, Trump is doing it to people just for crossing the border who are charged with misdemeanors. But nice try.

    1. 9:03 - "Lets give this guy ignoramus of the day."

      Jamie Kelton- Hold my beer

  15. 9:03- I assume then you believe they should pay a simple fine and immediately be sent on their way inside this nation. Please explain.

  16. Deport them if you want. Just don't traumatize innocent children and treat them like animals. Its pretty simple.

  17. 9:09 - Thank you. I agree, nothing wrong with deportations and a proper entry at another time.

  18. Oh Bernie, Bernie Bernie..... Is this you wanted when you urged Trump to use his executive order power?

    Trump’s executive order stipulates that instead of separating families of illegals, they will be kept together, in detention facilities, while waiting for their cases to be heard by the courts.

    Of course, the Democrats will simply go to the Ninth Curcut and have one of their reliable judges there simply throw it out. Then the kids will be back in the same situation that they were in before.

    Better that they just be sent back along with their parents right away, so they can all be kept together back in Mexico.

  19. Hopefully, and because of it's vocal distain for US policy the Catholic Church and it's representatives will help provide for the children in their counties of origin.

    My understanding is that most of these immigrants come from nations with a catholic majority with nearly all else being some other Christians sect. Where are the churches beyond their judgement of secular policy?

    Why are their no imbedded church representatives riding along with ICE advocating for these Christians?

    Donald Trump's barbarism is surpasses only by the churches neglect of it's own flock.

  20. You know, as these illegial kids are being given food, video games, sightseeing trips and whatever else while being held in detention, the elderly in the United states have to choose between buying food to eat or obtaining prescription drugs so they can live.

    1. move to Honduras your social security will go a lot farther down there, or just die already w/e

  21. 9:03 The law was signed by Clinton, enforced by Obama and DECADES LATER outrage that it continues under Trump???

    When does the party that has condoned the genocide of millions of babies suddenly have credence on the situation that THEY created and abused.

    1. Obama did not separate families.

  22. 11:03 They come from Mexico.

    1. I'm leaving from Canada to England next month, does that mean I'm Canadian? (please say yes!)

  23. 11:16- there are photos from 2014 showing a large floor space enclosed by chain
    link fencing. Lying inside there are about 40 male children wrapped in shiny metal space blankets. I didn't see even one adult. What do you suppose was going on back then, if not separation?

  24. 11:16 Yes, he did. Those cages you see with kids in them are Obama's cages.

  25. 11:15 What country issued your passport ?

  26. They were unaccompanied minors NOT children taken from their families while crossing. Seriously, try google it helps.

  27. 12:02 What is the difference?

  28. The difference is what this whole "thing" has been about. As a matter of policy, former presidents have detained families together while trump has detained them separately and has even sent parents back to their countries of origin while their children remain in the US. Most people believe that it is cruel and unusual to detain families separately, which is why trump did it in the first place but it's also why he was forced to stop.

  29. 12:38. No, that is not true. Just another Democratic lie.

    1. His administration has admitted this. There are videos.

      I'm being you guys, please please PLEASE do some research. Read some fact based articles. Let me know which part is a lie and I will give you the most factual, non-partisan citations I can find

  30. Have to think, 12:38, any parent told to return back into Mexico, but without their child, would say "No thanks, just send BOTH of us back, I don't want to be separated from my child."

    1. That's not how deportation works. We don't just drop people off on the Mexican side of the border. They are put on a plane and flown back to their countries of origin, which is NOT Mexico in these cases. They have no idea where their children are bc the concentration camps are not always by the border... they are all over the country. And some kids are with foster families.

    2. Parents are self deporting because they think it'll mean they'll be reunited with their children. They aren't. Trump is keeping the children and there is no plan or strategy to reunite.

  31. @12:53 no more amazing than your hypocrisy of placing more value on a fetus than a 10 year old child.

    1. that's not hypocrisy it's called science

  32. Scientist here. Attributing more value to a fetus than a ten-year-old has nothing to do with science, which is a process designed to increase our knowledge about how nature works.

  33. Let me see if I get this right... It was Bill Clinton that signed it into law and enforced it for two terms.... then it was G W Bush who enforced it followed by Barrack Obama who enforced it for two terms... now here we are some 25 years later and Donald Trump has barely started enforcng the law and he suddenly becomes worse than Adolph Hitler? What manner of logic is this ?

    1. clearly one you wouldn't understand, even if you tried to

  34. 1:23 disagree on your definition, but let's do with it for a minute. Are reproduction and the process of fetal development "about how nature works". Yes. Does my understanding of the stages of fetal development lead me to conclude that a 10 year old human child has a greater right to life than a fetus? Also yes.

  35. Every good Public Relations person knows that there are certain subjects that are especially fruitful in swaying the ignorant, non-thinking public. Perhaps the greatest one is the use of children.

    If you watch and listen to the Democrats as they unveil the latest propaganda against Trump using the children separation from their illegal alien parents, then you will not only see the blatant and dishonest propaganda, but you will also see the over-the-top hypocrisy.

    It is all so obvious that it makes you wonder how so many people could remain ignorant of this blatant attempt to manipulate manipulation of the public.

    1. 2:07 = laughable

      This isn't as partisan as you claim. Republicans are against separating families too. Anyone with a shred of decency is.

    2. No one needs to manipulate me into thinking governmental kidnapping is a terrible policy. No matter who tries it, always gonna be a hard no for me.

  36. @12:53. A fetus is not human. They have to be born first. I have Human DNA in my dandruff, but it's not a child. Sorry.

  37. 3:09PM

    What if they called it "extraordinary rendition" would you bite then?

  38. (1) Try and focus. This isn't about what Obama did or didn't do. This president has been office for 18 months. He owns what ever happens today.

    (2) This has nothing to do with abortion. It's about family separation.

    (3) There are no plans of reuniting these kids with their families. God knows how many will be forever separated because parents never received any kind of paperwork whatsoever which could lead to their reunification.

    My young grandkids don't know their parents or our last names (we watch them 3 days a week) or any of our phone numbers AND THEY WERE BORN HERE SPEAKING ENGLISH. Face it almost none of these kids will ever be reunited

    (4) How many special needs are being left unattended. (Medical records, allergies, learning disabled, etc.) because parents were never consulted before their kids where snatched?

    I know many of you don't give a flying fig, but ask yourself what are we going to do with these 12,000 or so kids w/o a home we'll end up paying for that Trump kidnapped. Shoot them? Smooth move exlax!

  39. 4:28 "but ask yourself what are we going to do with these 12,000 or so kids w/o a home we'll end up paying for that Trump kidnapped."

    Send them back to mexico where they belong along with their adult minders.

  40. Why do they belong in Mexico? They aren't Mexican! If you're not gonna take time to understand the issue then why bother commenting. Go sit down.

  41. The gang violence in EL Salvador is not our problem, let Germany or France take the families !

    1. The violence is largely our fault!

      And the US is not the only country who takes in refugees. But in case you've never seen a map, the US is on the same continent as el salvador so I imagine it's the more logical choice for salvadoran refugees.

  42. They came into the country from Mexico, they should dropped off just across the border, if they came across from Canada, they need to go back to Canada. we dont owe anyone a ride home. It is time to start dealing with the drug supported governments across the border. They profit by having their people here.

  43. Hate America Crowd in high gear here.

  44. Why aren't the Democrats concerned with the two million homeless American kids ?

    1. 8:40 I get that it's hard for the few working brain cells you have left to comprehend, but it IS possible to care about more than 1 issue at a time. But since you brought it up, you should tell your dictator to stop giving tax breaks to his rich friends and focus on the economic plight of hard working tax payers instead. Also, he should stop embezzling.

  45. Oh by the way, there are currently 765,000 children exasperated from their active-duty military parents. Are the Democrats concerned about them ?

    1. Most service men and women are Democrats, so yes they are concerned.

  46. Children are taken away from parents in the United States all the time. When a parent chooses to break the law they are punished and put into jail for their crime. Why are Illegal Aliens given a pass when they break the law ?

  47. This is clearly an example of the George Wallace, Adolph Hitler, Nazi White Supremacy tactics that the liar and Nazi Donald Trump uses, being racist against innocent children and their parents who are just coming here for a better life. Trump really sucks for doing this !!! #racistTrump #TrumpReallySucks #OpenBorders #RipTrumpToShreds

  48. 8.51
    "Why are Illegal Aliens given a pass when they break the law ?"
    ask Comrade trump.

    "“Be advised that the US Attorney's Office will move (or have already moved) to dismiss all 1325 and 1326 cases where children were separated from their parent,” Franco wrote. “Going forward, they will no longer bring criminal charges against a parent or parents entering the United States if they have their child with them.”

    "Title 8 of U.S. Code 1325 and 1326 assigns misdemeanor charges for illegal entry and felony charges for illegal re-entry into the country."

    Clearly trumpie believes in catch and release

  49. 9.02
    "No outrage about US kids who are homeless. No out rage about poor US schools. Sad.."
    Care to list how Comrade trump has spoken up on those issues?
    Having the "bully pulpit" when will "two scoops" care about them?
    Perhaps trumpie will want to spend 25 billion on homeless kids instead of his stupid wall.
    you know the one that he said Mexico would pay for.
    trump could spend those billions on homeless kids and the Democrats would be glad to credit him for helping kids.

  50. 9.44
    Why build a wall, just paint a line and shoot away.
    Good luck finding people to shoot women and children.

    1. "Good luck finding people to shoot women and children."

      Sadly I don't think it would be all that difficult.

  51. Obama separated children at the border also. This policy has been going on for decades.

  52. Democrats didn't have any problem rounding up Japanese-Americans during World War II and putting them into Internment Camps.

  53. That's true, but it was 3/4 of a century ago, most of the people who were old enough to vote for FDR have died, and two party realignments have occurred in the intervening years. It is completely meaningless with regards to what Democrats (or really anyone) believe now. Also, as horrible as the Japanese internment camps were, families were kept together.

  54. Obama handed children over to child traffickers, also all the photos you see of children in cages were done by Jeh Johnson under Obama in 2014.

  55. Melania for the win!

  56. Melania does earn some credit.
    She has more compassion than donnie and understands the cruelty shown.
    She managed to fudge her visa application and was lucky enough to get a "Einstein" visa.
    Seems there was a shortage of fashion models in America--who knew.
    Then quietly so Comrade trump might not hear she used the "chain migration" to bring her family members over to here.
    Melania has managed to do this even as her hubby rants on.
    good for her

  57. "#OpenBorders"

    Oh, yes! Please run on putting American-born children last in line behind illegal immigrants with no Constitutional rights who intentionally violate our sovereign borders.

    It's not an accident Hillary Rodham Clinton is not President, Democrat Party.

  58. 9:03 The law was signed by Clinton, enforced by Obama and DECADES LATER outrage that it continues under Trump???

    Actually, it was signed by George W Bush in 2008. Next ignoramus, please! This guy makes Rush Limbaugh look like a Rhodes Scholar.

  59. 8:48. No, it was signed by Bill Clinton in 1996. And wasn't Rush actually a Rhodes Scholar ?

  60. You know, Democrats believe that abortion, particularly partial-birth abortion, justified? So don’t lecture America about children being separated from their families and suffering as a result when you would cheerfully support the “right” of their mothers to abort them.

    Being in a detention center because adults used children to get illegally across the border is a lot better than winding up in a plastic trash bag or having your body parts shipped to “researchers.”

  61. Don't lecture America about reproductive choice when you do not care for the children who are already in this world. You're the monster here. Your government is holding children hostage and it it's indefensible.

    Now can we please talk about how we can reunite the stolen children with their families?

  62. @9:59 - this is a false equivalency. The abortion debate should be left for another time. However, no one is going around forcing mothers to have abortions against their will but they were separating children from their parents against their will.

    You're placing more value on a fertilized egg or fetus than a 10 year old child. If you are really pro-life, you should be just as against this policy as you are abortion. If you're not you are just as much a hypocrite as the those you posted about.

  63. 10:52. Yes, that's actually the simple part. Send the children and the adults that brought them with them back to Mexico.

  64. 10:52. A wall would have kept American children such as Kate Steinle and Jamiel Shaw Jr. with from their families; not killed by illegal alien killers lurking in sanctuary cities

  65. Because a fetus is not a child.

    What if I told you that the fetus I aborted at age 19 may have led to another black baby born into poverty? That I would have had to dropout of college and get on food stamps and medical assistance? Possibly housing and cash assistance for a time too. You anti-choicers have no problem forcing women to give birth but you're sure not going to let your tax dollars go to those in need. How can you care about the value of fetal "life" but not the quality of an actual child's life?

  66. 11:50. Then perhaps we should sterilize all women who go on public assistance and those illegal alien women so they don't have kids that need welfare also ? We will wipe out poverty then within a generation.

  67. 11:50 it will also end the game that women play that get themselves pregnant over and over and over again so they have litters of children. You see, the government checks get bigger by the more they can breed. usually by multiple fathers who can't be found to support the children the help make..

  68. I've never been on public assistance as an adult because I had the right to choose NOT to become a mother at 19. I graduated college, make a decent living and pay my taxes.

    If you think fertilized eggs are people but refugee kids are someone else's problem, you're going to have to stop pretending your concerns are religious.

  69. 1:23
    The media's sensationalization of the issue is precisely political as evidenced by never mentioning that fact that these are Christian refugees migrating to a predominantly Christian populous and are being treated as criminals and possibly terrorist. This is quite different than the migrations going on in Europe.

    I would think it would take quite a bit of propaganda to get Christians to reject one another in such a disgraceful manner...I may be mistaken.

    1. Did you see the image of all the rosaries confiscated from the refugees? These die hard Trump supporters don't care. They follow him blindly, believing the blatant lies and corruption.

  70. 5:05 PM
    "These die hard Trump supporters" are doing as expected and most practice prosperity doctrine, you know, Jesus came to make us all rich.

    Andres Serrano's controversial Piss Christ artwork depicting the crucifix in a jar of his own urine has alas become meaningful and relevant in 2018 America.

    1. Ummm...what?! lol y'all have officially lost your minds!

  71. Why do we want these people to immigrate into the United States anyway? Do we need more people to live here?

  72. @8:07 Should we have just closed the borders when your family got here because we struck gold? The United States is a beacon of freedom that many people aspire to come too. We were lucky enough to be born here. We hit the lottery, we didn't do anything special, we just got lucky. Those who want to come here for a better life should be able to, the same as my grandparents and yours.

  73. 8.07
    Business wants cheap exploitable labor.
    Ask Comrade trump.
    He hired illegals at way below market rates and typical trumpie tried to stiff them on the money owed to them.
    when they complained he threatened to have them deported.

  74. 8:24. Yes, but why import poverty? We have plenty of poor people. Shouldn't we take care of our own needy people before we import more? Our unskilled people need to work as well. It's driving wages down for many of those who need money the most.

    I thought the Democratic party was for the workers ?

    1. 10:45 I think there's a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to the dems stance on immigration. I'm happy to answer any questions to the best of my ability.

      You asked "why import poverty? We have plenty of poor people..." That makes sense but he's how that plays out. Trump's solution is to reduce the number of legal immigrants by ending programs like tsp and daca. The problem is that those immigrants are already living among us and they aren't likely going to up and leave at the stroke of a pen, as much as we might want them to. They'll still have to work to support their families, but now they'll have to work without any protections so employers are likely to exploit them. When there's a sudden influx of people desperate to work under-the-table everyone's wages decrease because why pay Joe Schmoe $15 an hour plus insurance, payroll taxes and overtime when Mr. Hernandez will work for $6 an hour flat?

      The democrats are willing to increase border security and even fund the wall as we agree that people should not be entering the country illegally. But it would be a mistake to strip the people who are already here legally of their visas because that will hurt working Americans.

  75. 8:28 So we keep wages low by bringing in hiring illegals to work at slave labor rates. Isn't that illegal?

  76. 10.45
    The Arizona chamber of commerce objected to Arizona's papers please law as it would make Arizona less competitive to other states.
    they are not known as a hotbed of liberals.
    they represent businesses in AZ.

  77. 10.46
    Currently if you can prove an employer "knowingly" hired someone with a bogus SSN the fine is 250 dollars.
    In Arizona a business can lose the ability to bid for state business if convicted of hiring illegals.However the AA company (guilty)with a stroke of a pen becomes the AB company and gets state business the very next day.
    Want to reduce illegals coming here--fine businesses that hire an illegal 5000 dollars a day for every day that illegal worked.
    Use the fines to pay for border enforcement.
    For all the screaming of the republicans they never seem to want to punish those that employ illegals.
    Instead of 25 billion for a stupid wall spend 10 billion hunting down those employers that drive the market for those illegals.
    Of course business might have to pay higher wages to Americans and republicans just are not willing to do that

  78. The more demand for workers means higher wages for all of us. People who are legally in the United States and entitled to be employed here. Illegals simply dilute the worker pool and keep wages depressed. Plus they cause many problems with other people's social security numbers, as they use fake ones and that can cause problems when filing for IRS refunds or Social Security SSI or other things.

  79. You folks do realize it is big time republican business typos that publically decry illegal immigration but depend on it for cheap almost free labor. It also allow people to pay less for some things. So let us not be hypocrites.

  80. Here's what I think, Trump is a businessman and he and his family are surrounded by lobbyists and dealmakers. Trump doesn't actually care how many people cross illegally. Why would he? Undocumented workers are good for business (for the owners and uber rich) and it's not like they're moving into his neighborhood. But immigration is a wedge issue so Trump knows it'll get his base fired up. He knows that a hard-lined stance on immigration will get Republicans to the polls. It's a distraction.

  81. 5:08 - Some truth in what you say. We must also include our Members of Congress in that kind of discussion. They feel insulated from many things.

  82. 5:08AM
    Instead of the constant focus on Trump and the left right paradigm.

    Focus should be on the Christians who allow their fellows to be treated in this manner and remain fecklessly silent or anemically vocal.

    Where is the church?

    If these migrants where Jewish they would be welcomed in the homeland, likewise if they where Muslims, but these migrants are Christians and apparently Christians do not have an equivalent moral code concerning the care of their brethren.

    When will the American media begin to refer to these migrants as "illegal Christian aliens" or "undocumented Christian workers"?

  83. Maybe the US should suspend all immigration to the UIS fro at least six months or until we figure this out. That would include all types of immigration.

  84. 3.44
    The republicans would like to wait six months so all those republican Congress folks can avoid having to take a stance on immigration before the mid-terms.
    On one hand they can agree with Comrade trump and embrace the cruelty.
    On the other they can refuse the New Cruelty and get attacked by the fanatics in the republican party.
    Of course all of the republicans are tagged with this cruelty (whether they earned it or not) so they can thank "two scoops" with making their reelection job all that much harder.

  85. President Trump: Only Workable Immigration Solution Is To ‘Detain, Prosecute, and Promptly Remove’ Anyone Who Crosses Border

    Works for me just fine.

  86. 5:35 I believe that was the policy before Bill Clinton.

  87. 5.35
    Well let's start with illegal Irish.
    News crews can film white kids and parents in their new chain link domicile.
    Those Americans of Irish descent should make sure to have ID at all times.
    After all a lot of Irish names sound alike so if you do not have your ID when stopped for looking Irish.
    You can kneel handcuffed on the edge of the road(officer safety-- right) while the friendly police officer rummages around in your car because you could be a drug mule or a terrorist (IRA splinter group).
    you then get to sit in a cell for a couple of days until a judge can order your release.
    You will not be upset as you do not mind the incarceration if it helps solve the illegal problem.

  88. Why should illegal aliens and "dreamers" cut in line in front of those legal immigrants who have followed the law and applied for immigration visas ?

  89. 7.13
    Well those Irish dreamers grew up in this country.
    It is all they know.
    Some of them have given their lives in defense of this country.
    For example a Marine dreamer was one of the first combat deaths in Iraq.
    Another one was a radar officer that died in the raid on Libya.
    those dreamers were willing to put their life at risk for this country.
    As to illegal seeking asylum by law they are allowed into this country.
    They do not affect anyone who applied for immigration visas so there is no line jumping by anyone

  90. 7:41 Well if you were born in the United States, you're a citizen. No matter what your heritage is. Those who jump the line are illegal aliens and need to be evicted. And yes, they are "jumping the line", dispute your obfuscations. It's not fair to those who follow the law and are truly immigrants.

  91. You folks are still talking about this on Saturday night? I am shutting down comments. This is getting beyond silly.
