Local Government TV

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Return of Opinions Online Saturdays

Opinions Online is a weekly feature that enables you to comment on any topic and see it here on Saturday, not as a comment, but as part of the actual post. After a hiatus, it will resume June 15. You can post your comment here. Anonymous comments are welcome on any topic, especially those I fail to cover. What you say has far more credibility if you honestly identify yourself. I refuse to post anything I consider defamatory, vulgar or trollish. Anonymous personal attacks on elected officials will receive heightened scrutiny. I refuse to allow anonymous personal attacks at most other public employees. If you would like to see your comment in a separate post, get it in by Friday night.

This was a fairly popular feature but I stopped it because the third-party software I used to collect comments was no longer working. Also, I got too caught up in the conversations during time that I should be reading or researching. This time I will try to be less involved. So as not to confuse people, I have disabled comments to this post.

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