Local Government TV

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Listen to the Children

Propublica last week obtained this audio of 10 Central American children separated from their parents at the border. They use words like “Mami” and “Papá,” which tells me they were taken from their parents, not someone else. This is barbaric.


  1. I heard it yesterday and it was disturbing to put it mildly.
    This entire fiasco is a dark shit stain on our country. The story of how these children are being separated and held in cages is being reported on virtually every foreign news agency.
    Congratulations President Trump. You haven't financially bankrupted our country yet, but you have succeeded in morally bankrupting it.

  2. It's even worse. The children were being abused ... during the Obama administration. His policies encouraged a surge of border crossings with kids and he created a humanitarian crisis. Bernie was busy with other things, I guess. Better late than never. I despise Trump the Creten. But he'll likely clean up this mess like he did with Syria and the genocide Obama induced there. Syria took eight months. Be patient and stop feigning sudden indignation.


  3. This is a result of policy, not law. It appears the department of homeland security has taken its eye off a greater threat....foreign and domestic threats. Trump policy has weaken our security...not strengthened it. Even our financial security is at risk. As inflation rises, so does the cost of living and doing business. Thhose tax cuts already absorbed by rising costs. Meanwhile, wages are stagnant or losing ground.

    6:17 Ethically bankrupt too.

  4. Pulling on the heart strings is the oldest play in the playbook. I don't want to have to pay for these brats and their families through chain migration. Deport all illegals and scumbag politicians that vote for amnesty.

  5. Government sanctioned child abuse authorized by our president. The guy who's making America great again. Unconscionable. Ivanka is right. There's a special place in hell for child abusers.

  6. Disturbing: Yes. However, if the folks South of the Border don’t want this happening to them, don’t come. Homeland Security are enforcing existing laws, not policy as previously mentioned earlier in these comments.

  7. Yeah, we were better off with 1.5% GDP growth and record Black unemployment across all 58 states. Meanwhile, we're now upset with the previous guy's detainment policy. The fact that we're even discussing immigration is a credit to Trump. As long as immigration is the issue, Trump is winning. There's a reason his approval numbers are at their highest and rising. If Ds cared for kids, they'd have been all over Obama and the ACLU's abuse report. It was kept quiet because the large goal is to increase the rolls of needy voters in a generational registration strategy, per the DNC's Voter Expansion Project. When you've lost the philosophical argument, you have to import a new electorate.

    1. Making America great again!Across all 58 states!

    2. When did we get 58 states can tell your a trump supporter

    3. 58 states was Obama’s claim. He’s a constitutional scholar. You must be an Obamacare supporter. His policy in violation of federal law created this mess. Kids were separated from parents and abused under his watch, according to the ACLU. He left more messes than all our Marine Corpsemen, as he called them, could ever clean up.

  8. Their parents should have never put them in this position. If someone is arrested and goes to jail, do their Kids go to jail with them? The liberal media will find something else to obsess over in a week or two.

  9. The parents bear the responsibility for what happens when they knowingly cross the border with minor children in tow.

    What happens if an illegal alien, a legal alien (with a green card) or a US citizen gets arrested for DUI or shoplifting at Walmart with minor children accompanying them? Do the minor children accompany the parent to county jail? I think they do not. They are turned over to CPS for safekeeping and separated from the offending parent.

    What is different? The key is crossing illegally. If the alien presents himself/herself with minor children at a legal port of entry and requests asylum, my understanding is that there is not a separation. No one is "ripping" children away from parents. They should not have brought minor children with them in the first place. I do not want to be harsh but the parents have a big responsibility.

    1. Do you believe that these families have access to 24 hour media? Are there signs along the way outlining the consequences?? Do these human beings have access to charging stations so they can stay up on the latest atrocities while “Coyotes”
      Fuck their women? You and others assume an awful lot. There is NO law that mandates tearing children away from the family. None. This is a policy decision cooked up by Miller and implemented by Sessions and Trump. Trump blames this on Democrats as a diversion. If he wanted to change tthis, he could contact the Speaker & Leader to put forth legislation. They don’t need Dems to pass this. Remember the party in the Rose Garden after the House voted to repeal the ACA? Just do it!
      —-Mother Jones

  10. Yesterday, the current DHS Secretary claimed the VAST MAJORITY of children crossing over the border are not arriving with their real parents. So, Bernie, can you bring yourself to state in such cases separation from adult strangers really IS necessary?

  11. Of course, it's sad when a scared child is separated from their parents or loved ones, not knowing what is going to happen next. I can only imagine how much the children cried who were purposely sent across the border by their parents, unaccompanied. Of course, we hear no outcry from the liberals regarding the parents who have created this situation for their own children.

  12. Keep families together. Deport entire families. Australia didn't solve their problem until they started turning boats around. There's a legal process that brings in millions. Nothing offends more than line-jumping. We're a good country.That's why everybody wants to get in and even the wealthiest liberals refuse to leave - even after threatening to do so.

  13. Too bad so sad. Dont break our laws and cross our border. Screw the liberal media and the Democraps. They are screwed this year during election and they are just looking for sympathy votes with this illegal alien crisis. Wont work, Americans dont go along with Democrats putting Illegals head of American citizens like they have been doing for eight years.

  14. You could hear the same cacophony of crying on the first day of Kindergarten as children are "torn from the arms of their parents" to attend school. Not hard to find examples of children crying.

    Do you have children Bernie? We had three girls. Crying and whining to Dad is a part of the parenting experience. I'm not buying any of this horseshit made up for politics. Give it a rest.

  15. These children are being used a TICKETS into America.

  16. Well don't bring your children along when committing a crime, The Democrats are just mad because all of the sudden the laws of this country are being enforced.

  17. Too bad we have no actual working border. If we did, everyone would need to enter through proper Ports of Entry. We could then inform everyone arriving with children they run the risk of temporary separation from the child with them until it can determined they really ARE the parent. Child trafficking is REAL.

    We don't allow adults to enter our school buildings and point to a kid and say he/she is mine and we're leaving for an appointment.

  18. What the Democrats will do for votes...

  19. One orange bobble head supporter busy with a C&P assault.

  20. The Democrats are using some pretty ugly tactics, as usual. Using children to push their amnesty, using children for gun control,

    I don't hear any complaints over women in prison. How many of them were separated from their children? How many give birth in prison, perhaps never seeing their children again? It seems that breaking the law has consequences, some unpleasant – not just for the lawbreaker, but for his family as well.

  21. I don’t break the law because I don’t want to be separated from my kids. They wailed for a week at the prospect of separation when they started school. They were young and adjusted. I raised a doctor and an engineer. Parents shouldn’t put their kids in dangerous situations. That’s cruel and evil.

  22. Walk on the wild side, Liberals. Visit Breitbart for a lengthy discussion of this troubling issue.

  23. I think we should all buy pet carriers and send them to Texas. Let's help ICE round up these strays and ship them across the Mexican border where they can run wild where they belong.

  24. The comments from those who don’t see the barbarity and immorality of separating these innocent children from their parents reveal the commentors have lost their souls. The cultish worship of whatever Trump does is destroying our values as a nation. Shame on Trump and shame on those who support this atrocity.

  25. What is being done in the countries where life sucks? We don't need to start a war (republican mindset) to address issues either...

  26. The democrats will do anything to attempt to get the women's vote, twist the kids leg and make them cry, Just be nice and let the country be the welfare provider for the whole world, anything to win an election. They have no problem destroying the country for their political purposes. Trump will hold tough and in the long run this is a losing strategy for dems.

  27. Wait for the line if kids are allowed in with, some person, an 18 year old or older. If your country is not a shithole, why would you leave it? How many illegal kids are staying at BO house?

  28. Maybe it is time to send the troops south of the border, get rid of the corrupt drug cartel supporting governments. Do to the cartel members what was done to ISIS. No prisoners. Obviously we are already in an undeclared war, and are being invaded. Also time to start exposing the drug cartel corrupt big city governments here. Chicago, Philadelphia etc. who arebeing paid off with cartel money.

  29. So now US immigration policy should be determined by those who are non citizen, law breakers who arrive with children? The argument itself is insane but what may be even more disturbing is American citizens that buy into this demagoguery.

  30. @9:10 - Wow. Look at you, born on third base thinking you hit a triple. It's appalling to see people talk about human beings in such a disgusting way.

  31. The solution? REUNITE these families after photographing and fingerprinting them, then immediate DEPORTATION back to their countries of origin via central Mexico.

    This is primarily a Mexican problem for allowing these illegal-aliens into their country on their migration north. Let Mexican authorities deal with the illegals on their way south.

  32. Does anyone else recognize this current meme about the precious immigrant "Children" as a distraction from the IG report hearings in Congress?

  33. We're heartless. We've lost our humanity. We're a terrible country. We're only $21 trillion in debt and only accept a million + immigrants per year, while our veterans die in VA waiting rooms. Suffer the little veterans. What a shithole country we are.

  34. The party of St. FDR would never do this. It’s like herding an entire race of American citizens into internment camps. Progressives know how to warehouse innocents. And if the ACLU report is to be believed, they get the extra benefit of little kids to diddle. Rs should let the professionals handle immigrant kids.

  35. Bernie, I have seen children in cages researching this on the internet. The children in your articles headline look to be well taken care of by this horrid American system.
    I remember as a toddler being in the stainless steel cages, where were all these assklownz than. There was nary a peep from anyone back than or them too could have been caged and subjected to EST. This was the broken system than and now still broken and on the brink of implosion because of its incubation of political corruptable idiotz that sell the human race for gain, the nue slavery enacted on a world wide venue!

  36. Mexican politicians and authorities are complicit in human trafficking! They’re paid by cartels to look the other way and allow the trafficking to continue not to mention these migrants are extorted and in many cases kidnapped and sold to criminal gangs by Mexican police.

    As to asylum seekers, Inernational Law requires they seek asylum in the nearest country to their home where persecution occurs.

    Facts are fun.

  37. The kids are crying because they want to go home.....oblige them and return them to Mexico forthwith.

  38. "Pulling on the heart strings is the oldest play in the playbook. I don't want to have to pay for these brats and their families through chain migration. Deport all illegals and scumbag politicians that vote for amnesty."

    Ugly American.

  39. "Yesterday, the current DHS Secretary claimed the VAST MAJORITY of children crossing over the border are not arriving with their real parents. So, Bernie, can you bring yourself to state in such cases separation from adult strangers really IS necessary?"

    Frankly, I believe those children, not Trump or anyone he employs. He has no regard for the truth and uses it only when it suits his purposes. I have no problem with separating children from adults to whom they are not related, but have no confidence in anything Trump or his people say. Trump is a nonstop liar.

  40. Righteous Bernie calling the situation "barbaric." What a hoot! Only 2k of the 10k children in custody were separated from their parents. The rest were accompanied by adults who were likely trafficking the kids with the consent of barbaric parents. Who would send children 1,000 miles through crime-ridden Mexico in a futile attempt to enter the U.S. illegally? THAT is Barbara, and child abuse. These children are well taken care of. $35,000 a year in taxpayer money to care for them. Is that "barbaric"? No, it is compassionate. There are 27 points of entry on our southern border. If immigrants enter a LEGAL point of entry, they are not separated from their children. They are entitled to an asylum hearing. But this mob of illegals don't want to play by the rules. They want to cross our border illegally in the desert or mountains, endangering children in the process. Don't preach to us, Pope Bernie. We are protecting our border, following the law, while treating innicein children with compassion.

  41. Bernie- Thank you for answering that question. It is very important to determine who really IS the parent, and until we can clearly determine that, housing these kids in a separate space is essential. Only then, should the parent and child be detained together in some brand new temporary facility. Such a space should be easy to create.

  42. Illegal alien families are choosing to be separated by voluntarily engaging in lawbreaking. These illegal alien families, if they so choose, can stay together, simply by obeying the law.

    This is not hard.

    Those who do not have a choice in family separation are the legions of American families permanently separated from family members when that family member is killed at the hands of an illegal alien.

  43. People get ugly when they're $21 trillion in debt, even as we accept millions of legal immigrants in a country where vets die in VA waiting rooms. i guess you think vets should eff off. Ugly Progressive

  44. I have to assume that most of these comments are made from just a handful of trump supporters who lack any sense of compassion and humanity...you all are what's wrong with this world and I hope you go the way of the dinosaurs soon.

    Our government is kidnapping and traumatizing children because trump is obsessed with spending billions of our tax dollars on a wall that would have very little impact on curbing illegal immigration anyway. Their parents are trying to ESCAPE violent, corrupt, and impoverished countries...many of said countries the US has exploited for decades. They risk everything trying to protect their family and we STEAL THEIR CHILDREN. The punishment for an "alleged" 1st offense misdemeanor shouldn't be that your children are kidnapped and put in cages. Trump's policy goes against international law and basic human decency.

  45. The problem I see here, 12:36 PM, is no solution put forth by YOU, and other Trump haters. This problem is only going to get worse because we pretty much have no border protection. I can only assume, those who are so harsh criticizing Trump are just saying "Just pass everyone through."

    If "Just pass everyone through" is not your solution, at least explain what you would do.

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Until Obama came along, illegal border crossings primarily involved young, single men. Obama incentivized the idea of dragging minor children along on this dangerous journey (where many children are sexually assaulted) through his policy of “catch and release.”

    Once word got out that illegals with small children would be let loose into America, the number of children crossing the border exploded.

    Again, the last thing decent people want is for the American government to further incentivize the cruel act of bringing small children along on this brutal trip across the border, which is exactly what Trump is hoping to stop with his zero tolerance policy.

  48. Missed your outrage over this practice which has been going on for the last 20 years...

  49. "Trump is a non-stop liar."

    Yes. Disregard for human rights and lying go hand-in-hand for the "current occupant of the oval office". But he has gotten nearly all Republicans to drink the Kool-Aid". It has been an eye-opener for me to observe the depths of their stupidity.

  50. Bernie, you have got to love how thingZ escalate to a right and left kinda thing that is so far fetched both are preposterously ugly Americanismz! One gaZein the eyes and us itz can see the uglinessez true dezires!
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    not a party favor

    It AllwayZ About The Children

  51. Why is Trump cio9ndemed for enforcing US law?

  52. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  53. CNN is parading out their left-wing psychologists bemoaning the permanent trauma suffered by these children thanks to Trump and his "zero tolerance policy." Gee, uprooting a child from his/her home, marching them 2,500 miles through deserts, mountains and crime-ridden Mexico en route to illegal entry to the US is NOT traumatic, but separation from their law-breaking parents or non-related adult IS! Unbelievable bias by the fake news network.

  54. The only sensible solution is to build the Wall and let all applicants for amnesty, migration, visas, and citizenship get in line on the other side of it.

    As it stands now once they are in, we seem to be obsessed with finding a reason to keep them. That is not what a country that wants to survive does.

    They broke the law. Send them back. Send them all back.

  55. 4.14
    "The only sensible solution is to build the Wall"
    try something more practical.
    The republicans can pass legislation that would fine a business owner 5000 dollars a day for every day an illegal worked for them.
    All that money can be used to pay for border control.
    Just think the republicans would get their deepest wish-- the illegal would be deported and the cost would be borne by the biggest offenders.
    Added bonus-- for the most severe cases of abuse for employers of illegals put them in jail until without bond until a judge can fine and collect those fines.
    after all the threat of illegals wandering around is so great.
    Of course when that employer breaks the law he should be punished so severely that he would never attempt to employ illegals forever.
    For some strange reason republicans point to many solutions except going after those employers.
    Wonder why they are so timid about that as we are facing such a crisis

  56. 3.33
    "The Democrats also are no strangers in weaponizing children"
    so when Comrade trump decides to be wantonly cruel to children he is doing it for love of country?
    Not a chance.
    One thing "two scoops" is accomplishing is to turn the rising Hispanic heritage citizens against the republican party.
    So from a political point trumpie is acting in a short sighted and stupid fashion.

  57. What changed with immigration policy that created the explosion in child immigrants after 2014? The number was stable for decades. What happened?

  58. "CNN is parading out their left-wing psychologists bemoaning the permanent trauma suffered by these children thanks to Trump and his "zero tolerance policy." Gee, uprooting a child from his/her home, marching them 2,500 miles through deserts, mountains and crime-ridden Mexico en route to illegal entry to the US is NOT traumatic, but separation from their law-breaking parents or non-related adult IS! Unbelievable bias by the fake news network."

    Without question, the 2,500-mile trip is harrowing. But the trips are being made to escape from gang violence, drug cartels and abusive relationships. To be ripped out of the arms of your mother at the border is yet another traumatic experience. Your failure to see this betrays you as an ugly American with your own bias. You need to stop being an ugly American and wake up.

  59. 3:33,I am not going to permit comments that engage in identity politics.

  60. "Why is Trump cio9ndemed for enforcing US law?"

    Because he is being a monster about it. Inhumane and a disgrace to his office.

  61. "Righteous Bernie calling the situation "barbaric." What a hoot! Only 2k of the 10k children in custody were separated from their parents"

    I see. That makes everything wonderful? And by the way, neither Trump nor anyone speaking for him has ANY credibility. You live in a world of alternative facts and only believe in telling the truth when it suits your interests.

  62. "Missed your outrage over this practice which has been going on for the last 20 years."

    False. Yet another lie. This has gone on for two months.

  63. " It is very important to determine who really IS the parent, and until we can clearly determine that, housing these kids in a separate space is essential."

    Utter horseshit. These kids are being separated with no regard whether they are being taken from parents, and no one is investigating what you claim is essential. They don't care.

  64. 4.14
    "They broke the law. Send them back. Send them all back"
    So go full old school.
    Let's see 100 people to a cattle car with a one hundred car train.
    ten trains a day.
    The Us army can push into Mexico for 20 miles so the buffer zone to toss these folks out.
    Do not forget the concertina wire and machine guns to deter those who try to walk back
    Use ramps and dogs to keep them moving and put a water fountain say 100 yards away for water. After all you want to be humane.
    should take about one hundred days, two hundred tops.
    Of course the deaths and suffering they endure is clearly all their fault so smugly ignore the pyres for the dead.
    It may take longer because those folks when they hear about the carnage might just grab a shotgun and resist.
    Do not worry as patriotic gun humpers will mow down those who resist dead.
    Less people to move -right?
    History will judge the US harshly but why care what the world thinks.

  65. "Ugly American"? Name calling bullshit from the scrubiest of Americans. I have volunteered more hours of community service and donated more money to charitable causes than you could in ten lifetimes O'Hare. Is that ugly? I care about children legitimately in this country living in poverty. And we are wasting millions of taxpayer dollars to protect our border against hoards of illegal immigrants. You are the ugly one for name calling others names for a legitimate point of view.

  66. 6.12
    "Is that ugly? I care about children legitimately in this country living in poverty."
    Fair enough.
    Comrade trump wants 25 billion for his stupid wall.
    How many children could be lifted out of poverty with that amount?

  67. Why are children who were born in this country more worthy of being treated humanely?

  68. Wow, look at all the phony manufactured outrage!

  69. Let's review:

    1. The current law was passed by Congress
    2. Obama, by executive order decided to ignore the law and administer immigration his own compassionate way.
    3. He encouraged a border surge of adults traveling with children.
    4. Trump, by executive order, returns to enforcing the law.
    5. Executive orders are easily revoked. The Obama policy was built on quicksand. He likely knew this as a constitutional lawyer.

    Many of us warned during the Obama years that his "I've got a phone and a pen ... can't wait," administration that went unchecked by Congress was giving way too much power to the executive branch. We warned that one day a Republican would inherit the powers Obama gathered for the presidency. Elections have consequences and a laws passed by Congress are best changed by Congress. Obama signed fewer EOs. But the ones he signed were about very important policy measures; not his predecessor's National Shoe Horn Day proclamations.

  70. Things we could do about immigration that aren't disgusting and/or evil:

    1. Audit (not raid) companies that employ undocumented workers and levy substantial fines for a 1st offense, loss of business/professional license after that, etc.

    2. Create a better computer system to verify employee's statuses

    3. Reform immigration courts so that those seeking asylum don't have to wait years to have their cases heard

    4. Enact policies that strengthen institutions and economies in Central America so people don't have to flee

    5. Create pathways to citizenship for those who are already here, most of whom entered the country legally but have overstayed their visas

    6. Anything OTHER than putting kids in concentration camps or abusing them

  71. 6.45
    Let's review
    1 the child trafficking issue was passed in 2008
    2 President Obama deported more illegals than his predecessor.
    3 The idea that the border surge was encouraged by President Obama is false.
    4 Comrade trump chose to be wantonly cruel to children accompanying adults crossing the border
    5 Comrade trump can easily stop the New Cruelty program by himself as he ordered the cruelty.

    Many people feared trump would be a disaster in office and the facts have revealed trump as a liar and a hypocrite on immigration issues.

  72. Their parents abused them by dragging them miles to a border were they have no legal right to enter. US childen and all children deserve to be treated humanely. I dont want my children to be saddled with more and more debt. They will never be able to retire with the debt already on their backs. Please wake up. When your house is full, you stop letting people in. Let them fight for rights in their own land.

    1. Imagine how terrible conditions in your own country would have to be to travel with your children thousands of miles through the desert to throw yourself at the mercy of the trump admin and request asylum. Now imagine when you reached said country you are incarcerated and quickly sent back to the country you'd escaped from, but the US kept your children and you have no idea of they were safe or if you'd ever see them again.

  73. 7.19
    "I dont want my children to be saddled with more and more debt."
    So keeping trumpie from spending 25 billion for a stupid wall would be a good idea?

    1. I dont think we need a wall. Just manditory e verify. And jail for anyone who hires, rents or provides any assistance to those who are here illegally. Problem solved. Call me what you will. But he was elected because immigration is out of control!

    2. Agree with everything but your last sentence. He was elected bc ignorant people are racist and rich people want to get richer.

  74. 6:45 all bs

    This has nothing to do with Obama. Trump is throwing kids in concentration camps so he can use them as political leverage. Children are being held hostage and traumatized by this administration bc they think they can strong arm the legislature into decreasing LEGAL immigration and building a stupid wall.

  75. We (people who are not followers of the trump cult) "might" respect you all more if you just admit that you're racist scumbags who are ok with the torture of brown children.

  76. 8.32
    Well then Comrade trump can stick it to the libs by removing his New Cruelty order

  77. 8.19
    "Democrats know they are starting to lose the black vote"
    Well Comrade trump is not getting their support.
    Look at any pictures of trumpies rallies--you get to play "Where's Waldo"
    to find the black guy.
    Or the brown guy
    And no the cops or secret service does not count.

  78. 9.00
    When did you figure out that the dogs are not going to pay for the fence?
    Most of your neighbors heard you make that promise.

  79. 9:34 Looks like ......The Russians will make me Vote for Trump again in 2020.....What can I do?

  80. 9:34,
    You need a reality check. Try turning off Faux News and turning on your brain.

  81. 9:34

    I stopped after reading your take on Russia...5 guilty pleas, 22 more indictments so far. I would laugh at you if this wasn't so terrifying.

  82. Tonight, the Trump family immigration attorney that represented the first lady and her parents stated that her parents were granted permanent residency and applied for citizenship. When asked if it was chain migration..family unification, he said yes. He stated the family is elegant. Be reminded tbat all first ladies spoke against the current policy. He spoke strongly against the Trump policy of family separations and said the gates should be hinged wide open...others should have the same access and opportunity. I presume he implied tbe same opportumitu as the first family.

  83. I deleted several comments that are off topic, attempted deflections, partisan orbjustbare downright bigoted.

  84. Quick fact check of all the vicious trash I am seeing posted on this page:

    1. Kirstjen Nielsen, the DHS Secretary, claimed that most of the children being detained were actually coming over with human traffickers claiming to be their families. While the number of such cases has increased, from 46 in FY2017 to 191 fo far in FY2018, these cases still only represent .6% of the 31,000 families apprehended so far in 2018.

    2. Those pointing out that Obama's policies at the border were harsh are correct. Deportations increased under Obama because he stepped up border enforcement, largely to so he could justify implementing DACA to protect people who were brought here as children through no fault of their own. BUT, the Obama administration, like previous administrations (including Republican ones), enforced illegal border crossings as civil infractions, not criminal ones. This allowed families with children to be released to return later to an immigration court to have their cases heard, this prevented violation of the Flores settlement, which prevents children from waiting to be heard in an immigration court for over 20 days. This is what Trump refers to as "catch and release". The Trump administration decided instead to enforce illegal border crossings as criminal cases, this means that the children coming in with parents could be turned over to HHS without running afoul of the Flores settlement. However it means that parents and children wind up in the custody of different departments of the government, and it becomes easier for them to lose contact with each other, in some cases, to the point of parents being returned to their home countries without their children. It also means that all this madness is occurring over illegal border crossings, which are misdemeanors (you know, like traffic tickets).

    Part 1

  85. Part 2

    3. To those saying that those seeking asylum should cross at designated border crossings, many of these migrants tried, only to find that so many people were trying to cross, that the border crossings were experiencing backlogs and not taking new asylum applicants. A proposal sponsored by even Ted Cruz, who is by some measures the most conservative US senator, sought to alleviate some of this backlog by funding the hiring of thousands of new immigration lawyers. Trump mocked this effort today, implying that somehow graft would occur in this process (as if it somehow couldn't the way things are going now). Further exacerbating this whole issue is the fact that those who can't find border crossings accepting asylum claimants are crossing the border first and then turning themselves in to officials so that they can claim asylum. Under the Obama administration these were handled as asylum cases, but Trump has decided these cases need to be treated as criminal border crossings instead, effectively ignoring the asylum claims and increasing the number of children separated from their parents.

    4. Obama's policies did not encourage illegal immigration. As mentioned above, Obama actually increased border enforcement to try to gain support for DACA, and ICE arrests are currently about 1/2 of what they were in 2010/11 (this is partly because Trump has antagonized states that had cooperated with Obama on enforcement by encouraging ICE to abandon prosecutorial discretion). The surge of immigration that began in 2014 was prompted by increasing gang violence and unstable political situations in Central America. These issues continue to this day, which is why more migrants are now from Central America, rather than Mexico, as used to be the case. Incidentally, this also means that the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy will not act as an effective deterrent, because migration is driven more by fear of violence in Central America than anything the US can do to prevent it.

    5. The Democrats in Congress did not cause this situation, and are doing nothing to perpetuate it, because they can't. They have minorities in both houses of Congress, and even if they didn't, Trump would veto anything they passed. Trump implemented this policy by simply saying it was so, and can undo it the same way. Anyone repeating that this is the Democrat's fault really needs to wise up and stop buying the president's crap.


  86. I almost passed reading this. What horrible group of "people" in here

  87. 12:14 - my only criticisms of the detailed body of information you provide is your claim that Trump would automatically veto whatever revised wording comes out of Congress. Laws are made and revised by Congress. In this situation, the fix is being placed where it belongs. That's Congress.

    Hope you saw the video last night of certain Members of Congress holding signs and calling out Trump for inaction. I think they have things a little backwards.

  88. Funny how a little latino girl ( not shown OR AT LEAST blocked out ) speaks perfect English ( MOMMY ). hmmm. ??? More lefty fake news . Lets deflect from the FBI/Hillary issue AGAIN. File charges now against these former corrupt people already. The past administration and member there of should have been arrested or at least removed from office before their tem ended. We need to protect America before the lefties ( socialist) take and destroy it. It's failing in Europe, turmoil in Italy and now Germany regarding the open borders and the people have had enough.

  89. The most immigrant-hating, cuel comments here are from folks who decline to give their names. Are they afraid to stand behind their views? I wonder.

  90. donmiles - I'm just interested in hearing logical opinions, learning from them, embracing them. I have no need to know who makes them. Makes no difference to me if that person is a Democrat, a Republican, or a Martian.

  91. 8.51
    Oh you poor right wing snowflake go to a safe space and reflect on how Comrade trump just reversed the New Cruelty Act.
    trumpie decided he would reverse the carnage he caused.
    His only claim to bravery is being cruel to children. What a wimp.
    Like most of trumpies actions he talks the talk but cannot walk the walk.
    Why some people support such a loser is just a mystery.


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