Local Government TV

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Is Dem Party Taking a Hard Left?

I can still remember when there was virtually no difference between a Democrat and a Republican.Republicans tended to be a bit more pro-business while Dems tended to be a bit more pro-union. But that's changed. The GOP's shift to the right began a few years ago with the emergence of the tea party  Now it appears that the Democratic party is taking a hard left.

Earlier this year, two thirds of the Lehigh Valley Democrats voted for a "progressive" Democrat Sue Wild or Greg Edwards over blue dog John Morganelli. And in NYC, Democrats have just elected a 28 year-old Democratic Socialist Latina over a powerful, ten-term Congressman who himself is quite progressive.


  1. The political fight is always for moderate type Independents. In purple areas, these voters reject extremists, like socialists and free market/isolationist radicals. In solid color areas, the two major parties are free to be as wacky as they like. That's why Dems may have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by nominating Wild over Morganelli, who would have done well with Rs and Is.

    Also, the economy (whether its still Obama's or Trump's) is doing well, overall. If the immigration issue hangs on until fall, it will be bad news for Ds. Immigration used to be Rs third rail. The wheel has certainly turned.

  2. You are on the money Professor O’Haire !

  3. 25 murderers does not a congressman make.

    Between communism and imperialism the liberal is the centrist, there hasn't been a left in this country since the twenties.

  4. i think that the result in NYC was the result of the incumbent not taking the race seriously, and the fact that hispanics far outnumber others in that particular district, IMHO it's an outlier but it should make people sit up and pay attention, there is a Storm a 'comin....

  5. It stands to reason that you will have some districts that take a hard left turn. We have seen that for some year snow the republicans have some flat-earther types as well as out and out far alt-right wing members of congress. I am not surprised that this occurred. I expect to see more of it in, particularly in minority based districts. We reap what we sow!

  6. Hard left? Nah. A senior member of Congress called for confrontation on all Trump administration officials, just a year after a Bernie Sanders supporter attempted to murder a number of GOP lawmakers, critically injuring one. Homes and churches and restaurants are now being cased. Both sides are nutty. One side is nutty and violent, with sanctioning from their elected officials, an idiot who is barely conversant in English and likely couldn't pass a basic civics test.

  7. The election in NYC is just another example of how people are feeling their representatives are out of touch with them. Cortez won with 1/10 the money and no big cooperate donations because most democrats DO want Medicare and free college tuition for all. When we are told these are unrealistic goals we point at other countries that already have both in place. The real reason for non-progressiveness always seems to be big money donors that buy our politicians who don't really give a dam about us. The Justice Democrats which will accept no cooperate pac money has just begun to have an impact.

  8. The demographics of the district dictated the result. Plus he sent a stand in for a debate. Plus they have split primaries 27000 only voted.

  9. Yes, and it's about time! The blue wave is coming.

    To the commenter who said the economy is doing well, I beg to differ (and so does the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office). Trump' tax-cut scam and trade tariffs will push us into another recession.

  10. We have a large enough culture now, particularly in larger cities, that is steeped in government assistance. Raised with a mindset the government MUST do for you, and if they don't, you just stomp your feet, scream louder, threaten physical harm and property damage. In the end, the government WILL throw more at you to bring some piece. . . until you get nasty once again and restart the cycle.

    Go ahead, deny that what's happening to this nation.

  11. Word should have been "peace." Can't go back and edit. Sorry.

  12. For the democrats the government is their new god, it is the decider of good and evil, who will live and die and who will be allowed to prosper. They have infiltrated the whole education system to teach the young that they are owed, entitled just for their mere existence and the government is there to enforce those results. They have been enabled by their parents who have required nothing and given everything. Those who have believed and encouraged the old proven ways of all stable societies have been demonized as racists and bigots. They have swallowed this bull for years and have had enough. It most likely will not result in peace anytime soon. The democrats are now the true pervayers of the ideology of Marx and anyone who disagrees is a right wing extremist. A moderate is someone who has no idea what is going on.

  13. I'm so glad we will see a second term if President Trump! There are 9 US consulates in Mexico to petition for asylum. If you show up with your children at the border do as Mexico does and buss them back

  14. What I don’t understand is how universal medical before age 65 is socialism and after age 65 is a right. What magic is that?

  15. 1:44 fell right in to trump's scheme. Trump has been able to convince people that immigration is a HUGE problem. It isn't. Thankfully, I think most of the country is on to his lies. The only way Trump serves a 2nd term is if the election is stolen (looking at you Russia).And if that happens there very well might be a civil war.

  16. The government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always rely on the support of Paul. Santa Claus politics have been the lynchpin of Democratic politics for generations. Now, Paul wants more. Paul wants purity, victory, and desecration of the bodies left behind. The party of Daniel Patrick Moynihan is dead as a door nail. Morganelli was trashed in his primary by a left wing nut, who would surprise nobody if she showed up at a baseball practice to shoot Republicans.

  17. " A senior member of Congress called for confrontation on all Trump administration officials, just a year after a Bernie Sanders supporter attempted to murder a number of GOP lawmakers, critically injuring one. Homes and churches and restaurants are now being cased. Both sides are nutty. One side is nutty and violent, with sanctioning from their elected officials, an idiot who is barely conversant in English and likely couldn't pass a basic civics test."

    Maxine Waters, A senior member of Congress, did call on supporters to confront Trump officials, as well they should be confronted. But I would oppose confronting them outside their homes and at restaurants. That disgusts me. I thought she =used irresponsible rhetoric. Also, I am certain that nearly all Bernie Sanders supporters would rather die themselves than engage in an act of violence. I would not hold all Trump supporters responsible for the mass shooting at Parkland. I am also outraged anytime anyone threatens violence against Trump himself.

    I find that the far left is all about tolerance so long as you agree with them.

    That also happens to be true of the far right.

  18. "What I don’t understand is how universal medical before age 65 is socialism and after age 65 is a right. What magic is that?"

    Well said, John. I believe it is time for universal, single-payer health care. Health care costs have reached the point where this is necessary, regardless of ideology.

    1. Article from The Hill "President Trump's new health secretary issued a warning Monday to a room of hospital executives about soaring health care costs: change is coming, whether you like it or not.

      Speaking at the Federation of American Hospitals convention in D.C., Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Alex Azar laid out a series of actions the administration will take that are aimed at lowering health care costs, and warned that it wouldn't be deterred by powerful special interests."

  19. We have universal care. You want universal insurance with its requisite rationing. Obamacare was insurance reform. And that industry really saw an easy mark coming. They miss him dearly.

  20. after Trump its back to full time politicians and if its a democrat we are in trouble tax tax tax no border foreign affairs will be bad no future

  21. "The government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always rely on the support of Paul."

    The democrats are not Paul in this scenario. Trump is Paul here, he is literally robbing our country. He will continue to do so until poor whites stop voting race over wallet.

  22. Both quacks the only difference is one steals on local levels and the other on higher levels. There there is different levels local effects low human count and the higher level effects many many more humans on state level as well as national and world wide too!
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    not a party favor

  23. The left went so far left, Harry Reid nuked the judicial filibuster. Thank God for that great American statesman. He saved the union from the left’s unhinged. All three major SCOTUS decisions this week reinforced the First Amendment at a time when the left is doing everything they can to limit it. Again, thank God for Harry Reid. Got a phone and a pen. Can’t wait. Karma is real.

  24. Wild won not because she was a better canidate, Wild won because the only people who truly cared about the primary election were the pink pussy hat types who have been bitter since Hillary and Bernie lost. Republicans are in trouble come November no doubt about it.
    Myself as a registered Democrat will never vote for Wild. I did vote for Morganelli as I saw him as a moderate. Will I vote Republican not a chance in hell. Did I vote for Trump? YES I DID and so did our family and friends. All in our 30s, middle class, blue collar, college educated, registered Democrats.
    So the blue wave might be coming this round as people like me can't pull the lever for a Hillary or Romney type. We will have to wait again until 2020 to pull the lever for someone in the middle Donald Trump.

  25. Anon !:41; CUCKOOOOO

  26. 7:05 Trump 2020 ✌️

  27. This blog used to be far more civil, reasoned, and reasonable than it's become. The author and the posters are more strident and uncompromising. What was once more NPR is now more When Animals Attack. I'm not certain which changed first: public discourse or this and other blogs' discourse. Neither have been for the better, in any event.

  28. Businesses pay bulk of health care costs during our working life which makes sense. Government steps up after your working years to fill the gap & thst makes sense. No reason for government to get involved during work years.

  29. Remember, the Democratic Party chose Conor Lamb (a winner) not the progressive wing. The progressive wing would simply not allow a moderate like Conor Lamb to come out of a primary against a progressive.
    Yes, the party has purged the Blue Dogs and moved hard left.

    Morganelli would have ensured another Democrat Congressman. Thanks to the party's progressive wing Marty Nothstein now has a real shot to win despite activist Judge's doing everything they can to prevent it.

  30. 2:07"I find that the far left is all about tolerance so long as you agree with them."

    That's not the real left, that's the pseudo left, the quislings, there to make the left look intolerant.

    The righties have their own problems with quislings but they all have cash an are easier to spot.

  31. "Businesses pay bulk of health care costs during our working life"

    Not in all cases and not that much anymore. Business makes sure the part-time hours are just below the benefit line. Also good luck with you deductibles and heaven forbid you get really sick. You lose your job and find out how little your insurance convers when you really need it. The days of private for profit medicine are over. Greed and science has killed that golden goose.

  32. "What I don’t understand is how universal medical before age 65 is socialism and after age 65 is a right. What magic is that?"

    The magic is for the insurance companies, that have found a way to make public the bulk on the healthcare cost most of which occur after 65. While at the same time making a fortune from the remainder of a younger healthier population.

    Medicare and Medicaid, and social security for that matter, are all for the benefit of insurance companies, or you wouldn't have it.

    The rabbit in the hat is you thinking it's all about caring for seniors.

  33. Not to mention how low they go these days.

  34. Neither of these races indicate a substantial shift to the left. In the race in New York, Joe Crowley was seriously mismatched with his district, which is only 23% white, and substantially more left-wing than he is. He had also refused to debate Ocasio-Cortez in the lead-up to the election.

    Wild isn't a progressive, as much as she'd like to brand herself as one, and she only won because Morganelli shot himself in the foot with his own twitter account.

    By and large, the trend in the Democratic primaries this year has not been a move to the center or to the left (most of the candidates endorsed by Bernie Sanders haven't fared as well as Ms. Ocasio-Cortez), but of candidates becoming more closely aligned with their districts (see Conor Lamb).

  35. The hammer and sickle have been replaced with the rainbow.

  36. Let the Democrats commit suicide. We will not miss them.

  37. anon 11:57 your attempted wit is just so stupid it is actually funny!

  38. Why should up and coming Progressive Liberals, the real Democrat Party, care what some old white guy writes?

  39. as long as we have life time politicians running this country it will continue to go down hill we must have term limits no excuse this is a must have. on all levels of government lobbist must go -must get the money out of government the above rules must be put into law without these rules it will continue downward an unfair and corrupt government

  40. Taking a hard Left? Why, yes, and it is damaging the Democrat brand. Liberalism is becoming something very ugly and the Democrat Party will suffer for it. It has now been reported the recent Trump rally in Minnesota had an audience that was mostly Democrat and Independent. Accurate number? We'll soon find out.

  41. 11:35 hit the nail on the head. Recent winners on the democratic side have all be "in touch" with their constituents. Isn't that a good thing?

  42. Moderate Republican checking here. I'm put off by Trump's personality but I pretty much agree with his policies that he ran on. I tell my Democrat friends that they gave us Trump by embracing the far left of their party while focusing on very liberal policy issues while ignoring their traditional base; blue collar working class families. The Democrats should avoid going even farther to the left and try to bring in moderates like me that might reject Trump if the Democrat candidate wasn't so far to the left. My parents were both life long Democrats with union jobs and they would never have voted for Hillary Clinton in the last election.

  43. The possibility of political violence against Trump officials and supporters is very high. The ideological divide between right and left is sharp, and there is no room for moderation. There is also a significant cultural divide. One could easily imagine a Democratic takeover of the House and attempts to impeach the president sending hundreds of thousands into the streets, where it wouldn't take much to ignite a bloody conflagration.

    The kind of confrontation between Trump-haters and administration officials we've seen recently is mostly unplanned and spontaneous. But we should be aware that there are those on the left who have been salivating at the opportunity to throw the U.S. into chaos. They may be planning on taking advantage of left-wing protests to goad the right into a violent reaction that would start a cycle of violence that authorities would be hard pressed to stop.

    We've seen some of this already as Antifa and its allies sought to goad Trump-supporters into fighting back. Imagine that today, with feelings running as high as they are on both sides. It wouldn't take much for both sides to end up at each other's throats.

    With prominent Democrats actually encouraging these confrontations, the chances of violence increases exponentially. With the hysterical left having convinced itself that Trump is a personal threat, it may be inevitable that a Trump official or supporter is targeted and attacked.

    Further, with the unhinged quality of opposition to the president, how many on the left will actually cheer if a Trump official is murdered in the street or outside his home?

  44. @10:34 I guess I'm in the group who believe that the Democrats will soon resort to VIOLENCE on a rather large scale. They have been unable to rid our nation of it's duly-elected President, Donald Trump. Mueller's inquisition of the Trump Campaign, has resulted ONLY in phony-up "crimes" like Mueller has tried against the 13 Russian entities. (It's flopped, too).

    A win for America is a LOSS for the Democrats. They are hugely frustrated that they cannot get President Trump out of office by their antics. I truly believe that it won't be long before they use violence. Bombings are of course, a favorite among the left. I remember the 1960s with the Weather Underground, with Obama's mentor William Ayres a part of that. But don't think there aren't many of them out there, that will use "assault rifles," to do their dirty work. They may oppose their sale and possession by the general public of them, but they know how to obtain a rifle or pistol or shotgun just as anyone else does. All it takes is the will and the money to buy them.

    If it happens and I most certainly hope and pray that it will not, it could get very bloody very fast. We saw a preview of this a year ago when the Bernie Sanders nut shot up the Congressional baseball practice, hoping to kill Republicans. Can Democratic violence rapidly morph into a massive armed insurrection against our legal government? No doubt it can. We're seeing dissatisfied Democratic FBI agents now being exposed for their sedition against our government now. How far would they have gone if they weren't exposed? Another Lee Harvey Oswald, trained by rouge FBI officials?

    How many on the left will actually cheer if a Trump official is murdered in the street or outside their home? It would be the second shot heard around the world, and the end of the Democratic party as it is presently constituted.

  45. 11:20, you are very confused about what we Democrats actually believe, if you actually think this has any chance of happening. The radical wing of the Democratic party is also much smaller than you think.

  46. 11:26- Your political party needs to get itself under better control. Just look what's going on. Trump's approval rating continues to rise. Just read about the latest Harvard (very Liberal institution) poll showing Trump's approval rating among HISPANICS is up dramatically! Granted, polls are easy to fix. But, Harvard?

  47. 11:20 In Portland, Oregon right now, a radical Democratic and anarchist occupation has blockaded ICE headquarters now for 12 days. The group is called Occupy ICE PDX. The direct action to shut down operations of the Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement and investigative agency began with a small group of demonstrators. Within two days, scores of Democratic radicals, including families with children, had set up a sprawling tent city on the sidewalks and streets surrounding the building, effectively shutting it down. By week’s end, hundreds of “comrades” had been lured by social media to join the campaign, as it served to inspire similar provocative illegal actions around the country.

    n recent days, prominent national Democrats have started to echo the Occupy ICE street radicals’ demands to shut down ICE. Support for this ultimatum to in effect nullify the law is quickly becoming an article of faith for Democrat candidates running for office this year and some presidential wannabes with their eyes set on challenging President Trump in 2020. High profile Dems jumping on the abolish ICE bandwagon include 2020 presidential hopeful Senator Kamala Harris (CA), New York Gubernatorial candidate, Sex and the City actress, and lesbian activist Cynthia Nixon, and a number of current Representatives and at least 15 candidates for the House, including the surprise winner of New York’s 14th Congressional District Democrat primary. That new rising star of the left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, was a member of the DSA who was working as a bartender seven months ago.

    According to the Washington Post, Ocasio-Cortez “made ‘abolish ICE’ a centerpiece of her campaign, with bilingual ‘Abolish ICE/Elimina Ice’ posters appearing in shop windows across Queens and the Bronx.” On Monday, Representative Mark Pocan, a Democrat from Wisconsin, introduced legislation in the House of Representatives that would abolish the agency.

    The radicals, are indeed, taking over the Democratic Party. How long until violence erupts when they don't get their way ? This is far too reminiscent of the 1960s and early 1970. Is there another Kent State on the horizon in the fall if this happens on college campuses ?

  48. You are reading the droppings of the brainwashed alt-right. The are mouthing what they are told by Breitbart and Fox. You cans see that almost every post is the same. Not even any attempt to interject their own thoughts.

  49. Whatever you say, Anon 2:01.

    Trump is making America great again one victory for freedom & liberty at a time.

    So please enjoy your tax cut.

  50. Barack Hussein Obama changed the Democrat Party forever. Remember that it was Obama, himself, who once said, "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun". Obama also said he wanted to transform America; he definitely transformed the Democrat Party alright. And we have been seeing the ugly results constantly on full parade ever since Donald Trump was elected.

  51. Yes, it's fun to watch what happens when Hillary Rodham Clinton cheats Bernie Sanders. Where is Donna Brazile when you need her? Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters can not be counted on to carry the ball all by themselves.

    Alexandria Ocasio Cortez for President!

  52. This just looks like Hannity inspired word-vomit. Do you have any actual thoughts about how the country should be run and why, or do you just have some tic that causes you to take out your own insecurities on Democrats for some reason?

    If you have any actual questions about what Democrats think I'd be happy to answer as best I can, although I can't speak for all of us since we obviously don't all think the same things.

  53. Both counties can start by reducing accrual rates and pull back two vacation days. Time to start making retirees with life time medical start laying like the rest of society.once we normalize benefits then we can rq ce to the the bottom just like Trump wants. He screws his own employees, why not the rest of the Country.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.