Local Government TV

Monday, June 18, 2018

GPA Schedules "Special" Meeting Today

Northampton County's General Purpose Authority (GPA) cancelled their regularly scheduled meetings in both March and May. Now they have scheduled a "Special" meeting by teleconference for today. Here is the exact language of the Notice.
PUBLIC NOTICE The Northampton General Purpose Authority has scheduled a Special Meeting to be held on Monday, June 18, 2018 at 8:15 AM by teleconference. Anyone wishing to listen to the meeting is invited to attend at the Northampton County Human Services Building, Conference Room C-6, located at 2801 Emrick Blvd, Bethlehem, PA, 18020. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the recent invitation from the Northampton County Council Finance Committee to attend its meeting on June 20, 2018 and such other business as the Board of Directors may deem necessary or desirable. Northampton County General Purpose Authority Shawn Langen, Chairman
Under Pennsylvania's Sunshine Law, the meeting must be advertised 24 hours in advance. I notice the meeting will be held at the Human Services building and not Council chambers, and wonder whether that is to prevent it from being filmed.

I've previously told you that the GPA has been invited to the NorCo Council Finance Committee convening on Wednesday.  They are concerned about  the outlandish $813,000 billed by Solicitor John Lushis, as well as bills submitted by GPA Chair Shawn Langen. Executive Lamont McClure refuses to pay them.


  1. One question- Why would filming be a problem in the Human Services building?
    everyone is a vampire and does not show up on film?

  2. Has Peg Ferraro voted to pay any legal bills associated with GPA's plan to sue her county?

  3. The fact that the GPA is holding a "special" meeting, with as little notice as possible, via teleconference, in and of itself should send up red flags. Mr. Langen must prefer as little transparency as possible. If the GPA did everything above board and with integrity and with the mindset of being servants of the people of Northampton County, you just would not have such maneuvering. Regardless of what was discussed, these actions raise even more questions and demand even more answers. The GPA needs new leadership and new counsel. A coup of sorts. Then we can begin to unravel the mess they have created and begin to move forward.

  4. Will a transcript be available for the teleconference?

  5. Can someone please tell me WHY the Bangor Area School District Business Manager sits on this board? AM I as a taxpayer paying for these meetings when he is suppose to be working?
    Mark Schiavone belongs working for the Bangor School District Taxpayers and not sitting on any Board period. He is NOT an elected official in any capacity but an employee.

  6. And the plot thickens...

  7. They are not obligated by law to attend. If they show they show. Apparently, county council and the executive passed laws allowing the GPA to do what it is doing, no questions asked.

  8. Sam Murray fixed an All Star vote for his Son Joey =wrong

  9. Are they going to the meeting? Was there meeting legal?

  10. So what did they decide Bernie? Are they going? Or did they go into some executive session.

  11. So, they're having a meeting about attending a meeting?


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