Local Government TV

Monday, June 04, 2018

Bill Clinton Gets Defensive In Interview About New Book

I admit I always had a soft spot for Bill Clinton, in spite of his personal shortcomings. That ended today. He was huckstering a novel he recently co-wrote with James Patterson called The President is Missing. Of course, all the major networks were all-too-willing to set aside some timeso he could plug his work. But even though the President in that novel, like Clinton himself, is impeached, it apparently never dawned on him that he might be questioned about his own predicament. He also never considered the application of the #metoo movement to his own situation.

These matters did dawn on NBC Today host Craig Melvin. Instead of sounding apologetic, he was defensive, just as he was when he lied about having had sex with "that" woman, Monica Lewinsky. He also played victim insisting that Trump "hasn't gotten anything like the coverage that you would expect" for the sordid allegations made against him.

Say what?

I'll agree with one point. Whether it is Trump or Clinton, The President is Missing.


  1. As a supporter of the Clinton's and long Dem, I wish the two of them would disappear.

  2. There is a God,Bernie has seen the light !

  3. anon 9:33,What light? Most people, democrats included know what Clinton was about morality wise.. The man has the morality of a goat. Many considered him a good president but hardly admirable personally.

    That said he was impeached over something that was a waste of taxpayer time and money. It proved a distraction to the nation. Also if the worst we dig up on Trump is his god awful personality and lies about women, he should not be impeached as well.

    Point is political parties do not define the morality of anyone. Claiming Bernie has, "seen the light" is this nonsense from the alt-right that people left of them politically are somehow less moral. Get over it.

  4. 11:49, Trump basically already admitted to obstruction of justice on national tv, and today asserted (unprompted) that he is above the law. Seems like you could make a case for impeachment just with the stuff he's said publicly. It wouldn't convince the necessary numbers of congressional republicans, but the case is there.

  5. Bill Clinton is such scum. He played with Monica Lewinsky's heart strings, an intern working in his offices no less and destroyed her life. How many women did he rape during his road to the White House? But worst of all, he enabled his despicable wife Hillary when he knew she would be a terrible president for this country.

  6. That horny hick was getting more strange ass than the back seat of a taxi.

  7. Bernie, we have a president that talks about stupid sordid sex attacks. We had one that its mother was a circus carnival sideshow attraction and made it to the big island with its old age show. The son grew up in this traveling sideshow and seen as well as acted and still does act.
    Were have all the morally fit ones gone?
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    not a party favor

  8. Clinton got angry because he was being asked to take responsibility for his own actions which is a concept most on the left find repellent. He says he 'apologised' to Monica Lewinski and her family. Actually, he made a deposition (which included a very guarded and unfelt 'apology') in order to try to rescue his job, his career and his reputation.

  9. Bill Clinton destroyed her life, let's see, she was paid $1 million to be a spokesperson for Jenny Craig, Half a million for a book deal.

  10. I wonder if the people who are being so hypocritical, on both sides of the aisle, have any idea of the damage they're doing. The truth and country have taken a back seat to political party.

    Is Trump a dirtbag? Yes. Is Clinton a dirtbag? Yes.

    Just recently, we learned that Eric Schneiderman beat women and made an Sri Lankan woman call him "master" and referred to her as his "brown slave." Pat Meehan used taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harrassment claim.

    Here's a list of political scandals - plenty for both parties to be embarrassed about:

    When are we going to stop this blind party loyalty and start standing up for the truth and what's right? When are our dear leaders going to hold themselves accountable? When will the hypocrisy stop?

    The Banker

  11. LOL. I have to say I am so very much enjoying the ongoing Clinton Circuses. A mere two years ago these two corrupt criminals were busy plotting their return to the pinnacle of World Power and The White House.

    Truly Amazing that Trump brought them down. I shudder to think of the damage a Hillary Clinton Administration would have done to America.

    One thing I absolutely agree with Hilary though is this. Comey reopening the secret email case on Oct 28 2016 WAS the Nail in her Campaign Coffin. But for that, I do believe She would be President. Look at the unbelievably small margins in Pa, Florida, Michigan and Wisconsin for his win.

    And the Clinton's can thank Huma Abedin and her pervy husband for that !

  12. "Clinton got angry because he was being asked to take responsibility for his own actions which is a concept most on the left find repellent."

    Says the alt-right that voted for ole pussy grabbing Trump and still defends him to this day. You all are all too much.

  13. Yea right or left morally bankrupt, as writers here write about the sea hagg. She probably worked in the big tent with obomas mom getting the crowdz attention with the cigar suprize outening Trix!

    Talking and corresponding about morally corrupt things in no way is acting them out in the worlds circus carnival arena for more world wide media attention.
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    not a party favor

  14. Obomas mom was white just like madam secretary killery, and in the side catch tent to get more money they could have been doing pigs and other farm animals! Noteriaty in the travel ing circus carnival before facebook and all the shit we have today!
    Not racist just a studier of human greenish sex actz.
    republican redd

  15. The reason you never heard much about Obama's parents was because his mother was White Trash and his father was a Kenyan Muslim, that took advantage of his easy mother then took off back to Africa.

  16. 8.02 and 1.54

    Your hatred just allows President Obama to live rent free inside your mind.Your bitter anger is just a legacy that makes President Obama's time in office all the much sweeter.
    Feel free to carry that load of anger forever.

  17. Anon, sorry it doesn't live rent free in my mind as much as the gorillas it raped back in Kenya while doing itz muslum biology under study grad work engineering the epidemic we all know as AIDS!
    As for bitter and angry, I personally don't like that poisonous pill. I voted for it twice, fool me once shame on me fill me twice shame on you cause baseballs three strikes is not my game.

    The word in Pryor post was suppose to be freekz! Than there is the explanation of the oral office and bills freekish cigar issue that was learned triX from watching his wife the seahagg perform with obomas momma in the tent off to the left called the grab by carnieZ? hahaha ROTFLMAO Bernie's going to shut us down with this civil corrospondence it's sad that the history books will not print truths about the top one percent they publish about.
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    no party favor

  18. 4:05 Just stating facts. Obama will be hauled into count soon, put away for the rest of his life and we'll never hear from him again.

  19. 4.56 and 5.22
    Yep keep that bitter hate flowing.
    President Obama gets even more rent free space in your head.
    The best part is that you can never let it go,it will fester for the rest of your life.

  20. Judge Murray fixing a All Star Vote for his son Joseph =priceless !


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