Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Roseanne Barr on Planet of the Apes

Rarely have I seen a top celebrity climb or fall so swiftly as happened to Roseann Barr in the past year Her popular blue-collar sitcom had just been renewed for a second season, which I suppose is the Hollywood equivalent of a triumph. But as she rode her chariot on Twitter, John Goodman should have been whispering "Memento Mori" into her ear. In the space of just one day, she threw it all away. Her show's been canceled and her career lies in ruins.

She did this to herself. Late Monday, she tweeted this about Barack Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, who happens to be black: “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj.”

Now she's a comedienne and initially claimed she had been joking. It could just be failed humor. But I doubt it. Living here in the Lehigh Valley, I cannot begin to tell you the number of times that my white friends, political and apolitical, have referred to prominent black people that way. The higher the status, the more simian the reference. Michele Obama, in particular, was routinely subjected to this kind of treatment. Dehumanizing black people has been standard practice since they were first brought over here on slave ships.

She quickly came to her senses and has spent almost the entire day apologizing on Twitter. As recently as midnight, she tweeted, "Don't feel sorry for me, guys!!-I just want to apologize to the hundreds of people,and wonderful writers (all liberal) and talented actors who lost their jobs on my show due to my stupid tweet. I will be on Joe Rogan's podcast friday."

She apologized to most everyone. I think it's sincere. There's a difference between being politically incorrect and a racist. Barr's comment was racist. She recognizes that and asks that you stop defending her.

You're really defending your own bigotry.


  1. The pushback war over this has exploded on Facebook and Twitter. She is being hailed as hero to the real Americans and set-up and destroyed by the liberal socialist elite running the country. It is claimed that she is a victim of political correctness.

    Problem is none of it makes sense, if you remember her history. This is a foul mouthed drug addict that disrespected the national anthem grabbing her crotch at the jeering fans. When her first show was on the right wing hated her. In her new show, her right wing persona became a cult figure. Even Trump took credit for her portrayal of "his people". She is probably mentally ill and has been for years. You will see how this stupid and ignorant comment will be defended by claiming she is a victim and claiming the other side didn't get in trouble.

    It is a shame that common decency, using tact and acting like a grown-up and being a mature adult is now somehow being "politically correct. There is the old comment that if you do the crime be prepared to do the time. Her time I snow.


  2. How many times have the women on "The View" or Jimmy Kimmel, or Saturday Night Live or God knows how many of the "comedians" a;apologized and for their Anti-Trump krap. I don't see ABC firing Joy Bahar or Whoppie or any of those nasty women for their nonsense.

    Works both ways. Left never has to apologize, do they O'hare ?

    1. When was the last time you bitched about The View?? Wasn’t until Fox whined. Try and focus on Ms.Barr’s actions rather than deflecting. Sanofi certainly put her in her place regarding the Ambien excuse. She just screwed up a huge payday because of a big mouth and no filter. Now watch as the reruns stop along w her residuals. Maybe you can have a bake sale!!
      —-Mother Jones

  3. Even that fucking Kathy Griffin is getting time on network TV these days. Always anytime someone says something about Obama or Clinton they catch the shit.

    Otherwise "It's Comedic license...." Yeah well, Barr was just being a "Comedian" also, but she gets her ass fired.....

    Double Fucking Standard....

  4. Not like anyone called Obama or his wife apes or pictures with loin cloths..Oh wait, never mind.lol

  5. 3:52. All done in fun, Comedy, you know... Parodies are now illegal I suppose.

  6. While I dont want to slip into a "blame Trump" knee jerk reaction as others have done for years with Obama, I do believe this kind of racist spewing freedom lays to a large degree on the Donald's shoulders. His campaign rallies are still dog whistling to the basest in human nature. He has not lifted us up as a nation, but brought out our worst. I'm ashamed to see just how ugly we can be. Many responses on this blog are proof in the nasty pudding.

  7. The use of dog whistle is a dog whistle.

  8. 3:17, you are equating a racist remark by Barr with criticism of Trump. That’s patently absurd. Barr herself has said she wants no defenders but you jump in with a bullshit argument bc you yourself have almost certainly said the same thing. I’ve seen it among many white friends.

  9. 3:52, yeah, it’s so funny to compare blCk people to apes. That allows you to degrade them i your mind. It was funny in the plantation south, too.

  10. We white folks all had ancient relatives that were “Black” first before migrating to other parts of the world from the Contenent of Africa. Science Magazine , November 2017 ,it s anthropology ! Relatively ,we are all not far from the ape . We just think we’re more advanced than a Labrador. Ha. Ants and Humans are only species that commit mass murders.

  11. When Trump's orange hue is proven to be the color of his race, then comparisons can be made of "parody" humor.
    This "joke" was racism, no matter what argument is made to defend it.

  12. There is no excuse for what she said. She should pay the consequences as we all should for saying this awful stuff. I'm as conservative as they come, but I can't stand the "well, they (some liberal) said x and it's unfair" reply. Two wrongs don't make a right. Whomever you are and whatever political stripe you have on your sleeve, hold yourself and those people that you support to a higher standard. If people on the other side don't do the same, it's on them not you. The universe has a way of punishing people with dark hearts and loose lips.

  13. Funny how the press and networks pick and choose who lives and dies in the media. 5 years ago, what Roseanne stated would have been funny because she was on the left and this was just a joke. now that she states she believes in the new administration, its now discrimination and racist therefore you go. Luv the double standards that we now have in the media. Kimmle and the idiots on the View keep their jobs. Why? they have stated worse than this. Oh that's right, they are involved in the socialism at these networks and help to promote it. ABC, whether right or wrong, you are now showing your discrimination as well in another firing of people who have top rated shows but don't meet your political views ( Last Man Standing) comes to mind. As far as the Planet of The Apes goes, guess it's ok back in the 70's when the white race were taken as slaves in those movies. No outcry then by either side back then. If made today, the outcry would be deafening.

  14. The past Obama administration has opened up Pandora's Box. Here we go again with the racism and discrimination crap again. He did more in 8 yrs. in diving the USA than any other president in history. Look at his piss poor record, its explains it all. Funny how Trump is at fault in all of this once again. Or is it because he is the first say non colored president to followed a colored president and the scapegoat for all the unjust and illegal dealings from the last administration?

    1. Orange is a color, you fucking racist neanderthal.

  15. Dumb white people are called Neanderthals. Or crackers. Or rednecks. Is that racist? What's the difference?

  16. There is only one race. Skin tone is merely an adaptation to equatorial climate or availability of vtiamin D in the diet. Tibetans are adapted to high altitudes, people with darker skin are more resistant to ultraviolet light, and so on.

    The rebooted Roseanne show was well-written and was actually addressing issues that many Americans deal with on a daily basis... Roseanne blew it!

    We are amid a 21st century civil rights revolution and our narcissist in chief is likely the reason... thankfully there may be a silver lining with this presidency.

  17. Never thought highly of Roseanne Barr, and yesterday's comments did nothing to change that.

    I've always believed that those making racial remarks are making themselves look worse than the people they're trying to insult.

    That said, I don't understand why the ape/monkey comment has become a racial slur. I look at black people and don't see that. I see...PEOPLE.

    You'll never stop the ignorant from inventing a new slur. They're only given power when people start to buy into it.

    Many years ago, Eddie Murphy had a comedy bit about the ape/monkey comparison and why white people looked more like apes. I wasn't offended, and actually found it funny.

    Beyond the comedy aspect of the bit, I thought it was a good response to those who wanted to make comments about black people. It turned the comments on their head, and didn't give the idiots making the comments the reaction they were looking for.

  18. 8:35AM -

    The difference is that white people weren't oppressed in the way black people were. Or how about being counted as 3/5 of a person? Educate yourself ... reverse racism is 99% BS.

    The real enemy of white people is corporate america & republicans who want to dismantle our government and take away social programs that are actually utilized by more white people including your grandma.

  19. To those trying to make this a Trump issue, please stop.

    Roseanne was an idiot well before she supported Trump, so there's nothing surprising in yesterday's comments.

    Meanwhile, Trump's policies are resulting in more jobs for ALL Americans, with historically-low unemployment among black Americans and Hispanic Americans.

    And that should be the standard for any policy at all levels of government - it should be good for ALL Americans. For too long, politicians have bought off one group or another with programs that they claimed would help the particular group they were looking to buy.

    Enough with the division. It's time to move forward. Together.

  20. 9:00 -

    Nobody is saying that there hasn't been racism in the past, but I would also point out that nobody alive today was counted as 3/5 of a person.

    And while there are certainly racist people today (on both sides), America is still a place where ANYBODY can succeed and achieve their dreams. We just had a black President for eight years, so I would say anything is possible. Not saying easy, or that there aren't obstacles to overcome, but possible.

    And if you looked more closely at many of the social programs you claim are helping, I think you find that they do more to oppress people (of all skin colors) and keep them in poverty than the groups you blame. But those programs buy votes, so they remain despite the lack of results.

  21. 9:21 -

    There is absolutely still racism as well as sexism and yes 3/5 of a person is a historical reference to make a point that white people can't ever claim to have experienced the degree of oppression that people with darker skin have and still do, even if to a lesser degree.

    Not so sure ANYBODY can succeed (including white people), a lot of things are being turned upside-down by efficiencies in manufacturing and globalism. A lot will need to change with how our economic system functions, especially with additional automation.

    Certainly anything is possible considering our last president, but it also possible to elect a self-absorbed, ignorant president who has no regard for others, our government and everything made us the envy of the world.

    It would certainly be preferable to have everyone gainfully employed or financially independent, but social programs are crucial even if flawed. Social programs aren't just there to bring "results", there are people who legitimately need these programs who are unable to care for themselves and/or their family.

  22. Bernie, is this criticism?


  23. Proud Boy CommanderMay 30, 2018 at 10:02 AM

    Roasanne was CUCKED by the lame stream media! Don't back down VJ was one of the top Obamanimals worthy of high level scorn.

  24. Bernie would date Roseanne if he dated Mezzacappa !

  25. Bernie, were do the assklown abortionist stand on this ground? There is not many comments with names attached.
    The woodwork is filled with wormwoodz.

  26. I am an 80 yr old Catholic, from an Irish family. Well educated with grad degree and a long career with a multinational, Corp and considerable exp throughootvUS Nd Europe. Happily retired in LV, but continue to be stunned by the racist attitudes and cruel remarks from so many locals.

  27. See 8:35 post.
    Poster’s logic = it’s perfectly OK for all folks to be ignorant. Duh !!

  28. 9:21 said:

    "Social programs aren't just there to bring "results", there are people who legitimately need these programs who are unable to care for themselves and/or their family."

    I totally disagree.

    The goal of any social program (in the context we're discussing and other than for those who are physically or mentally unable to care for themselves) should be to get people off that program as quickly as possible with the ability to take care of themselves. That's not what we have today.

    Many social programs have confined people to generational poverty, with no chance of people ever being anything but dependent on government. That's wrong, but a permanent dependent class will continue vote for those who promise more goodies.

    We should absolutely be looking at results. Not doing so will not only result in more wasted spending, but more importantly wasted lives.

    We all have difficulties to overcome, but we are also all capable of achieving. Regardless of skin color, or any other differences some might point out. All men (and women) are created equal, and have the same capacity to take care of themselves and their families.

    I'm all for helping out - temporarily - if people are down on their luck. But cradle-to-grave government dependence is just a different form of slavery.

  29. I suppose what is humor to some is Sedition to others. And what is racism to some is criticism to others.

    The scisim of the United States continues. And we all know which side the media is on. Barr was walking on eggshells with ABC anyway. This gave them an excuse to push her off the schedule.

  30. To all of you who have asked what anyone on the left has said that's worse: Any time you call someone "Hitler" or a "Nazi" you are calling them a murderous megalomaniac.

    Let's see... would you rather someone compared your appearance to a lower primate or accused you of being like one the worst genocidal sociopaths in human history?

    Look like a monkey? Or you're just like someone who murdered millions?

  31. 11:29 -

    I said they aren't "JUST there to bring results". You assumed that's what I was saying and continued to elaborate why results are important. Of course results are important, but there is much grey area. Also, you can't say that everyone has the same opportunity. You're speaking about this issue in absolute terms, it's just not that simple.

    Often, there is only justice for those with economic resources. Without strong ethical government, regulations, social programs and equal application of laws our society will degrade.

    We may all be created equal, but the circumstances we are born into are not. social programs are not what confine people to generational poverty - economic, educational, familial and social circumstances are what cause this.

  32. Dear Democrats.

    If you are offended what Rosanne said, then you should be equally offended when people say disrespectful things about our current President. You know, for equality.

  33. 12:06 Apples and Oranges ....referring to a black person as an ape is racist. Commenting on the president or his behavior may have merit even if disrespectful, respect must be earned.

  34. Her insipid show will be picked up by Fox no doubt. Trump is an untreatead sex offending incestuous mob boss criminal tax evading narcissistic racsist scumbag, and that is Real but it isn't news, he's been that way his whole life. Russia is gleefully enjoying his destruction of America, Democracy, and human decency.

  35. I've yet to see any apologies from the left for calling President G.W. Bush an ape and superimposing his head on an ape’s body? There was no outrage, loss of livelihood for the perpetrators or apologies.

    Stupidity on Barr’s part? Sure. Am I defending her? No. However, I’ve been called many a racist, sexist, rude and crude names for being a supporter of President Trump. People really need to get over themselves. This racial offense stuff is old and boring.


  36. If I had "friends" that referred to African Americans in that way, they would no longer be my friends. If you tolerate racism, you are a racist and part of the problem and not the solution.

  37. Hello Trumpster,
    I wonder if you heard the thrice married Orangeman on Howard Stern call his own daughter a “piece of ass” or heard his comments to Billy Bush about fucking, nice tits and grabbing girls by the pussy.? Apparently you missed that. This classless pig does not know anything about immigration, the Constitution or does he have any sense of contrition or forgiveness. Yet somehow you support him.
    Why ?

  38. 12:45. If you're a Howard Stern listener, you're pretty fucking stupid.

  39. "If I had "friends" that referred to African Americans in that way, they would no longer be my friends. If you tolerate racism, you are a racist and part of the problem and not the solution."

    I get your point, but I believe the better course is to engage them. Most of them are overall good people. They repeat what has been ingrained in them (and me) since youth. When I call them out, they will make many of the excuses Roseann Barr did while denying they are racist. They will say it is a harmless joke. It is pure racism.

    The simian comparison has been made for centuries, and I see references to it in the ante-bellum South. There, blacks were in fact considered not really human. It was necessary to create this fiction in order to justify ripping families apart (and now we complain about the instability of black families) or force them to endure subhuman conditions.

    I am just finishing The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. I would recommend it to those who attempt to justify Barr. In this book, the protagonist is a young black girl named Cora. In one of the early chapters, a runaway slave is caught and brought back to the plantation. His penis is cut off and stuffed down his mouth, which is sewed shut. Then everyone is summoned to witness the grand finale. He is roasted alive while the master and a few guests eat.

    I am a basketball fan. Whenever I talk about a good high school team, one of the first questions one of my white friends asks is, "Are they black?" He finally stopped when i took him to task a few times.

    A few days ago, I wrote about a near altercation during a summer league game. I did not mention this bc it was unimportant, but the angry father who ran onto the court about his son was white. But people left comments lamenting the "thugs" who play inner-city sports. That's code for black people. Even my grandson, when I would write stories about him, would get racist shots. I eventually stopped allowing commentary to my basketball stories bc the kids were reading them.

  40. "Bernie, is this criticism?


    What I have noticed about racism, xenophobia and misogyny is that it transcends ideological boundaries.

    I have a friend who is very liberal and he detested Condi Rice, who was Dec'y of State under George Bush. He and others began calling her Aunt Jemima. Totally racist.

    The slurs directed at Melania Trump are very often xenophobic or sexist.

    Off-the-cuff and sometimes intemperate statements can sometimes be refreshing. But there is a line when politically incorrect becomes hate speech. Barr has crossed that line. So have others on the left at times.

    If you suggest that the cancellation of her show is a bit harsh, I'd agree. I believe her apology was sincere. But she brought what happened on herself.

  41. I'm white and long ago I understood that Black people & other races who have been subject to racism have earned the exclusive right to use racial slang applicable to their people. If a black person called me a cracker or whitey it wouldn't be offensive to me because my people were not oppressed as theirs were ... very simple. Some white people equate this to reverse racism , but they are just ignorant to history. The day may come that black people stop using racial slang, but it is their right to decide when that day is.

  42. "The Underground Railroad" is good book, definitely one of my top tens. Also check out "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi...it's amazing.

  43. 12:55. And 12:54. .....Never listened to to Stern but Trumps comments to him are commonly known.. Re: Belafonte, I fail to see why your comments about his poohr judgment excuse the conduct of the Orangeman. The “left leaning “ label finds no echo here as I am a proud American whose embarrassment about your hero is beyond all else. I also have unceasing respect for women.

  44. "Also check out "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi...it's amazing."

    I will add it to my list. Love to read.

  45. Barr as in disbarred !

  46. The left can humor themselves by showing Trump's severed head, or saying how they would love to burn he white house down. How about when their protestors burn police cars, or when they beat up someone that can't fight back?

    They can cheat in the elections or incessantly lie and they feel no remorse or regret. They feel no guilt for insulting the fallen one's when the Anthem is played.

    But if a Trump supporter has a miscue, the liberals immediately come out of their safe houses and scream across the country showing their self righteousness. The left is nothing more than a bunch of hypocritical hate filled racists.

  47. 2:56 your brain is washed

  48. Why didn't she just deny it and say her account was hacked? It worked for Sal Panto, aka Tom18017, aka Roverfan73.

    I don't watch TV and have never seen her show. She sounds like an unstable idiot. She's in the right business, apparently. She and Morgan Freeman should be locked up and forced to live together.

  49. ”The left can humor themselves by showing Trump's severed head, or saying how they would love to burn he white house down. How about when their protestors burn police cars, or when they beat up someone that can't fight back?”

    This is not about left v. Right. It is not about being politically correct. This is about racism. I know many conservatives who would never say what Barr did. I know many faux liberals who will bash a black person’s race, especially if that black person is conservative.

  50. Fled Ed has one less show to watch in prison !

  51. Her Tweet was horribly racist and cannot be defended. With the cancellation of the current show, and loss of huge syndication money, hers may be the most expensive utterance of free speech in history. It's too bad for those whose gainful employment from the show. She walks away a rich racist. They start looking for jobs. But, I mostly like when freedom extracts its price without any help from government. From Al Campanis to Dixie Chicks to Rosanne Barr, it's one of the best parts of our country. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  52. Roseanne's tweets were incredibly stupid and unfunny. That said, I don't see anything racist in them. Comedians made dumb, ill-advised jokes quite often and they are comedians trying to be funny! We shouldn't fire them if they fail to be funny sometimes but are successfully entertaining millions most of the time (as Barr has been).

    ABC didn't like the success of a pro-conservative comedy show and was looking for an excuse, any excuse at all, to get rid of it.

  53. 3:36 PM always excuses, excuses for the lefties. Isn't that right O'Hare... They never say or do anything obnoxious.. you know like keith oberman .....?

  54. Kathy Griffin was never that funny. After her stupid Trump head gag, she was immediately canned by CNN from her New Years gig and lost other show specials. So get out of your echo chamber and get some information form the rest of the world.

    No question that multi-million dollar networks and executives hate the big money if it comes off a conservative show. What a bunch of maroons!

  55. Rosanne Barr said she blamed her comment son taking Ambien. Who knew that a side effect of a sleeping pill is racism. lol

  56. ”3:36 PM always excuses, excuses for the lefties. Isn't that right O'Hare... They never say or do anything obnoxious.. you know like keith oberman .....?”

    You apparently are not reading what I have written several times. This is not left v. Right. This is racism, which exists on both sides of the ideological divide. You attempt to make this about ideology but it is not. It is about racism that I still see all too often. there are hundreds of millions who have heard or made these comparisons. Perhaps even you.

  57. How can we #MAGA when libturd snowflake power bottom feeding bloggers like O'Hare are controlling the narrative with pearl clutching histrionics every time they get triggered?

  58. Kung-Fu KibbutzerMay 30, 2018 at 7:38 PM

    I prefer Molovinski's take on this subject, put him back on your blog roll or forever be on the wrong side of history.

  59. Oh please! I read Molovinslky's blog post on Barr. He is mocking anyone offended by her tweet. What is really funny is the way Molovinsky overreacts if you mention something he does, he screams, anti-Semitic. The guy is a hardcore Zionist and will ponce in a second on that stuff, even when it doesn't exist. He loves playing the victim then.. Can you say hypocrite.

  60. These opinions have been around for centuries, it was the evolutionary Darwinist s who chose Africa as the birthplace of humans solely because they believed that blacks were part of the evolutionary process. They would all deny that now, but have not corrected their theory about Africa that contradicts all early writings and traditions. Everyone needs to lighten up and chill out, you will not make anything better with these social wars.

  61. Donald Trump is to Roseanne Barr like Barack Obama is to Kathy Griffin !

  62. Sam Murray ,judge is a fine person . 8:28 you are off base. You make statements that are infamaitory. Without justification. I have had the honor to know him since he was a relatively new attorney. I will defend him here or anywhere. You off base.

  63. peter, For two years, I have been dealing with an alcoholic troll named Robert Ryan. After his wife dumped him, he moved out of the area. He went thru numerous lawyers. Like most miserable people, he blames his own misfortunes on others. I have deleted his comments and will continue doing so. He is committing harassment bc he has no legitimate purpose for his OT hijack attempts. I have been attempting to contact his employer, KDDI America, to ask them to instruct him to stop. When he starts drinking, he posts here.

  64. Racism is America's original sin. It will be ours forever. We were birthed with it. We proclaimed freedom for all but the African slave. We enforced that through our religion and government in proclaiming them less than human and also by the bible as slavery is natural. It was the foundation of our colonial economy and benefited by the south and the north.

    We fought our bloodiest war over it and have yet to come to terms with our birthright. We have passed laws and come a long way but we still j have a long way to go and may never complete the journey. Those who continue to perpetuate the lie and defend the lie have further to go.

  65. George Washington was a racist! You go girl!

  66. Trump even more so than Nixon, taps into peoples fears, anger and frustration in order to rule. He has made it OK to feel sorry for yourself and vent your anger on others. Sad

  67. For 4 years HBO's Bill Maher has been saying Trump is half orangutan...nobody called him racist.

    HBO has not called Trump to app-lo-gize. Sad.

  68. People have mocked Presidents for centuries. People called Lincoln a monkey. That is what happens in a free country, you can say that about a President and not worry about being arrested. VJ was not the president and no one was arrested. Barr made comments and she got fired. When you own a company you can fire people just like that. Besides it was not Barr's fault it was the Ambien. lol

  69. "For 4 years HBO's Bill Maher has been saying Trump is half orangutan...nobody called him racist."

    Trump is white. Making Simian comparisons about someone who is white has no real negative connotation. But historically, this comparison has often been made to demean and disparage blacks. It is an attempt to dehumanize them,and goes allthe way back to he plantation south.

    From Robert Guillaume's "Story of a People (1993)":

    "To justify slavery, black Americans had to be dehumanized. A moral and legal framework to support slavery was constructed at the same time. The distortion of the black image begins here. If it is believed that a man is inferior, subhuman, it becomes easy to treat him as a pet, a toy, an object of comic relief, a crazed lower animal who must be controlled and ruled."

    That's why Barr's comment,for which she apologized, is so revolting. Unfortunately, it is still all too common and I have seen it applied to the Obamas (even the children) andother prominent blacks.

    We are very ugly when it comes to race. You could call Lincoln an ape or me an ape (I was just called one, incidentally, at the polls) but it does not have the same meaning it has when applied to a person of color.

  70. Words can't be racist, the can only be prejudicial.

    That's why you can call white people apes, because it doesn't effect whether they can work or vote, it's just prejudice.

    When black people can work and vote no matter what you call them, then the words will just be prejudicial, same as white people.

    Being a racist is about what you DO, not about what you SAY.

  71. Semantics. A racist will SAY what they believe. Much like someone calling a Judge a Mexican when that Judge is an American.

  72. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. If a racist says what he believes he will be a very ineffective an undisciplined racist. Certainly someone who would hurt the cause.

    A well disciplined and effective racial warrior will always be politically and semantically correct and would be quite comfortable as a quisling within the democratic party, where-as republicans are already suspect.

    "Show me a man with a reputation as an early riser, and I'll show you a man that can sleep until noon."

  74. @ 3:51 PM This latest profanity is simply the Democrats spewing hatred again (and the audience cheered). Trump has called them out out on their phony ideology. Their lies have caught up with them and it shows. Their electorate is leaving, getting away from the insanity. All they have left is their desperate strategy to attack political opponents with vile insults, slander and lies.

    Why would anyone want to be associated with the party of hate?

    1. Trump is the president of hate. A truly despicable hateful man who was caught on a hot mic saying more vulgar things about women than either of these two women have said about women. And who has never apologized about it. Why do you want that man as the president of your country?

  75. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. Jamie Kelton, all you do is deflect and just don’t get that this has NOTHING to do with ideology.

  77. Jamie Kelton, I have deleted you for attempting to deflect attention away from Roseanne Barr’s racism, and then getting nasty with me after I called you out. I have no obligation to host someone who insults me.

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. Damn, Jamie. You gots one foul mouth and hot temper on ya for such a sweet looking perty thing. More like a dude. Hmmm. Jamie is a unisex name. And you being all butch in tongue and temper...I bet you are a dude, ain't ya?

  82. So let us review this. "Jamie" has claimed that is not her real picture and Jamie is not "her" real name but she is a well educated woman with a super educated husband and daughter.

    As the kids would say, "Whatever dude". Seriously, what a catfish move. You are a dude in his mothers basement and probably Russian.

  83. 11:29am

    Are prejudice, bigotry, and racism the same thing? No. And this is a HUGE source of misunderstanding.

    Prejudice: is when a person negatively pre-judges another person or group without getting to know the beliefs, thoughts, and feelings behind their words and actions. A person of any racial group can be prejudiced towards a person of any other racial group. There is no power dynamic involved.

    Bigotry: is stronger than prejudice, a more severe mindset and often accompanied by discriminatory behavior. It’s arrogant and mean-spirited, but requires neither systems nor power to engage in.

    Racism: is the system that allows the racial group that’s already in power to retain power. Since arriving on U.S. soil white people have used their power to create preferential access to survival rights and resources (housing, education, jobs, voting, citizenship, food, health, legal protection, etc.) for white people while simultaneously impeding people of color’s access to these same rights and resources. White people are the only racial group to have ever established and retained power in the United States.

    A racist is an individual that approves of and supports such a system.


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