Local Government TV

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Name Your Poison

Whether you are Christian, Jew or Muslim, you've heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their sin was not homosexuality, as many have since claimed. Rather they "were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me." The Divine retribution was fire and brimstone. Noah's flood was God's answer to a world that had become corrupt and full of violence. Based on the latest school shooting and overall decline in civility, I'd say we're in for one helluva' shit storm.

As much as I think common sense dictates a ban on assault-style rifles and other reforms, this is not about guns. It's about us. We've become an ugly people. I see it on my blog. When I first started in 2006, people were able to disagree cordially. But that's out the window. Some blame me because I allow anonymous comments, but have you looked at Facebook? People say all kinds of hateful things there, and their names are out there for anyone to read.

So what's it gonna' be? Nuclear holocaust? Climate change? Natural calamity?

I'm ruling out nukes or natural calamity, including climate change. We've already survived fire and brimstone, as well as a flood. We're like cockroaches. I'm going with pandemic. There's a new virus going round called the Nipah virus, which originated with bats. It's incurable and there's no vaccine. According to Science Alert, the fatality rate is 40-75%. An outbreak in South India has already killed 10 people.

Not to worry. India says it has everything under control.

Perhaps people need to be reminded that, as Gilgamesh says, "Only the gods live forever." The rest if us are just "breaths of air."


  1. Agree,google (theuglytruthonbernieihaire).

  2. I am appslled that Scott Pruitt would impose State run media restrictions by only allowing select media into an EPA summit on contaminants. Apparently, Pruitt gave orders to prevent the SP and CNN from entering the summit will puppets for the president were allowed in. They probably wanted to discuss how the world is flat and how clean water and air is an entitlement promoted by liberals. Media control is a Putin tactic.

  3. I'm not sure I remember the disagreements here and elsewhere in the blogosphere being entirely cordial 10 years ago. 6:24 is exhibit A on how detestable and scary things could get. It doesn't seem to matter if it's blogs, or newspaper online comments, or Facebook, or Twitter...people seem to like to get cranky online. Or maybe...the more we communicate, the more we argue, in general. In any event, people do seem far too easy to anger, far too greedy and seriously lacking in compassion. These piggish qualities will probably have something to do with our ultimate demise. We seem (collectively) to like to argue and act selfishly, and so I'm thinking a war over dwindling resources...perhaps water? perhaps an LCA price increase?...will do us in entirely.

  4. Agree,google (theuglytruthonbernieihaire).

  5. Well, if you look at history, whenever a nation looses its moral footings, it begins a decline that if not reversed ends in destruction, Roman empire is a good example. Same symptoms as Sodom and Gomorrah. If you are claiming that the bible dos not condemn homosexuality and many other perversions, you are trying to spin the truth. I know you are not that ignorant. You can disagree with the bible, but you cant try to pervert its meaning. After all Sodomy is a word that has biblical roots.

  6. Gotta love when atheists interpret Bible verses. What would the world be without Wikipedia sourcing?

  7. A grown man espousing bedtime stories. How nice.

  8. Gotta love when atheists interpret Bible verses. What would the world be without Wikipedia sourcing?

    Most atheists were raised with religion. It's the bravery and rationality of leaving it behind for children's stories that should be applauded.

  9. 8:24,I am spinning nothing.I am aware that the OT does condemn homosexuality in several areas, but my point is that is NOT the reason why Sodom and Gomorrah were incinerated. Those who make that claim, and it has been made for thousands of years, are being sloppy.

  10. "'m not sure I remember the disagreements here and elsewhere in the blogosphere being entirely cordial 10 years ago. 6:24 is exhibit A on how detestable and scary things could get."

    He was around back then and kooky then as well, but it took a few years for his true ugliness to come out. Back in those days, there were only a few trolls. Now there are so many more. There's Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips. There is Henry Schaadt (he hates to be deleted and actually sent me strange pictures of a dead Goebbels for some reason), Mario Martinez (the Fake Rev), Robert Ryan (the guy who has been attacking a judge and his family for two years), George Speros Maniatty and any number of partisan hacks from both political parties. On Facebook, where they sign their comments, they are just as ugly.

  11. There is a widening political divide. The USA offered opportunity, and it still does, but there is always the attempt to rig the system with regulation to favor some. just like the story wrote this morning. It is a blatant attempt to exclude contractors from county work. Then we have those that believe the USA should guarantee equal results. You should be able to sit on your ass in the basement smoking pot and expect the same standard of living, the same right to services as the people who worked since they were 14 years old, developed a work ethic, look at their employers as allies not enemies. I worked in several union shops and the attitude was that the employer was the enemy, he should be screwed every chance you got. Government workers look at the taxpayers, especially, teachers unions, as the enemy to be milked at every opportunity. Yes there is a political and cultural divide that most likely not be changed for the better.The progressives are ready to attempt to overthrow the last election with impeachment. Watch your IRA, the Pension plans, and the country descend into a pit of maybe no return. Its OK, lets get it on. We seem to be hell bent on a path of destruction. We may end up like many third world countries. If we survive we can rebuild, the question is will we choose a system that has been successful, or must we keep experimenting with systems that have proven to end very badly.

  12. "Gotta love when atheists interpret Bible verses."

    I'm no atheist, have 12 years of Catholic education and took courses at both Georgetown and Moravian College. I have little regard for religious ritual, and particularly detest public prayer led by phonies. I was unaware that makes me an atheist.

    1. That doesn't make you an atheist any more than 12 years of Catholic school and college courses at Georgetown or Moravian make you a Christian.

  13. Bernie maybe you should get checked out, hanging around Trisha and her pig (Earl) you might be infected but show no symptoms and just be a carrier.

  14. FYI for the curious.

  15. Bernie, with your epic perception of today's Sodom and Gomorrah. There is one thing you left out and that would be today's hand held looking glass.

    I do have a question as to the thieves and bandits at the mud puddle in the sand with there Camels. Were they called by the locals stakeholders or just a band lead to hell by little drummer boy beating the same tune of shitstew?
    republican redd
    humanist by design
    not a party favor

  16. Who the hell is this George Usry people bring up, Bernie?

  17. 8.24
    "whenever a nation looses its moral footings, it begins a decline that if not reversed ends in destruction, Roman empire is a good example"
    yet if you look at history the Roman empire was at it's strongest with (by your standards)a lack of moral footing.
    in other words the fall of the Roman empire had nothing to do with morals.

  18. I don't think things are as bad as the pornographic coverage of dog whistle issues leads many to believe. There's far more good going on in relative obscurity. Dog bites man is not a story, so we get a constant drumbeat of man bites dog. The level of discourse seems to be devolving. But Lincoln was called horrible things, even by today's supposed low standards. Politics were bare-knuckled and many times, violent. I think Americans enjoy their favorite pastime most when they're content. That pastime is constant complaining about a place souls around the world are dying to get in.

  19. Trump and his followers confuse crass un-adult language and behavior as telling it like it is. That is the result of adults acting like ten year olds but worse.

  20. 5:09, look, i’m In a little better position than you are to know my own religious preferences. But your willingness to argue even this point just further demonstrates how far we have declined. I do not argue with sophists. I delete them.

  21. I have it figured out. The next major catastrophe that will end the world is "Dehydration". Yes that is right. Dehydration because our fresh water supply is going to dry up. When you are dehydrated you can't function because your body can't pass waste. When you can't pass waste, your mind won't function the way it should and you will be doing all kinds of crazy things (like writing on this blog). If you can't pass waste, your rectum will be blocked and therein lies the punishment and the destruction of mankind. The whole world population is going to die because we are all full of shit. We are all going to die from an in-grown asshole. Sorry Bernie, the temptation to respond overwhelmed me.

  22. Row, row, row, your boat gently down the stream....

  23. 7:44am has the right idea, but there is one thing the ingrown asshole is forgetting. Some of us inner city dwellers are like cockroaches and have found ways to drink tapp water or from a puddle in the sand that is palatable already! So there for the spinkter tightening only around the necks of thoze drinking bottled water at a buck per 8oz's.


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