Local Government TV

Monday, April 30, 2018

Wild v. Baby Gianna

Gianna was just 17 months old when her family brought her to LV Hospital, vomiting and coughing. She underwent a chest x-ray, and doctors there concluded she had a respiratory infection even though what the X-ray really revealed was that she had an enlarged heart. When condition worsened, she returned to the hospital. She was sent home again. Her condition continued to deteriorate, prompting a third visit to LV Hospital. At this point, a second X-ray was taken, revealing she had an enlarged heart. She was flown by chopper to Children's Hospital in Philly, but the medical malpractice continued. During a cardiac procedure, she was given an overdose of a sedative, ten times stronger than it should have been. Eight days later, she was dead.

Susan Wild has proclaimed that she never runs from a fight but runs to a fight. But she ran to no fight for Gianna. She ran instead for Lehigh Valley Hospital, whom she represents, and filed a motion to transfer the case from Philly, which has delayed resolution of a case that now is nearly three years old. The Superior Court has just sent the case back to Philly.

Because of Susan Wild, Gianni's family has yet to see any closure. We already know Wild has no regard for lives of the unborn, but Gianni was 17 months old.

A recent Morning Call letter to the editor penned by Mike "Darth Voter" Schlossberg argues, "She's been fighting for us all her life, from the courtroom to the boardroom to the streets."

I'd say you should talk to Gianna, but she's dead.

Wild's career has been spent on the side of corporation, insurance companies, unresponsive hospitals and governments that take advantage of you.


  1. from the court

    "The Sacred Heart Defendants' evasion of discovery evidences a lack of good faith. The late joinders and/or late filings of petitions to transfer, together with supporting affidavits, was calculated to avoid discovery and ambush Administrators with new claims of oppressiveness and no notice or opportunity to refute them. The trial court played into Defendants' hands by ignoring the untimeliness of the joinders and petitions and the lack of reasonable notice to Administrators, and denying counsel's request for discovery and the customary twenty days to respond. We do not countenance such tactics in this Commonwealth."

    so Wild filed a last minute claim to get the venue changed.
    the trial court played into the hands of the defendants.
    the appeal was filed by the plaintiff to get the trial moved back to Philadelphia.
    so the delay was caused by the people representing Gianna.
    they want a trial in Philadelphia not in Lehigh.
    from the opinion ---the actions of Sacred Heart defendants is listed as the biggest problem.
    that group is not represented by Wild.
    blaming Wild as the sole reason the family of Gianna has no closure is quite a stretch.
    at best she is at fault for trying a gambit (venue change) that piled onto the actions of others.
    an action in the best defense of her client--- yep.
    is she doing her job---yep
    the fault lies with the trial court.

  2. Spin away. Wild’s Clint is among those who have prevented closure by demanding a change of venue. Yes, she is doing her job, and her job is to screw people.

  3. Wow so an Attorney doing there job us to screw people. So glad we have the trump tweeting senior screwer as a candidate. Have you figured out yet that your actually loosing JM votes? Your comment is sad against every member of the bar and does not favor JM or anyone else. Thought you were better then this Bernie.

  4. No this little episode is devastating and shameful and shows exactly who Wild really is.

  5. Or how things skinned and weak JM is as a candidate for Congress.

  6. now she is among the crowd yet it seems the article title was Wild vs Baby Gianna.
    also the first party to request a change was not her client.
    the change of venue was filled in a timely manner(by Sacred Heart) and the actions of the Sacred Heart defendants was the prime roadblock causing the delay.
    did Wild pile on at the last minute-- yep.
    and if the length of time is the problem the appeal by Moody(baby Gianna attorney)added to the time.
    so Wild was part of a delay.but as a minor player in the opinion you linked to.
    BTW how does a change in venue equal "We already know Wild has no regard for lives of the unborn, but Gianni was 17 months old."

    Wild has no regard for the death of a child?
    that is a reach and unfair to Wild.
    perhaps i am reading it wrong if so my apologies

    1. Ahh so nicely written to appear that this was Susan Wild but now the FACTS come out. Not looking very good with this additional info Bernie. Honesty and integrity as well as reporting true and correct facts is expected. Shame on you Mr. Bernie!

  7. Interesting point if Morganelli is all twisted about Wild not keeping her word how the hell is he gonna make it in the big world of the nation's capitol? Does make him look weak and will be devoured by the party as well as the republic.

  8. Nothing wrong with what I wrote. Plenty wrong with your anonymous spin.

    1. Please refute then the facts 3:49 has posted. One is not correct.

  9. 3:55, He is running bc it is time for some integrity and honesty there. Wild has shown where she comes down on that question.

  10. My story is accurate. 3:49 is anonymous spin by someone who thinks she can lie her way into Congress.

  11. 4.23
    the spin in your article.
    Wild as a minor party(molehill) in the change of venue, gets turned into K2 (mountain).
    Wild is blamed for the entire debacle and is accused of having no regard for the death of a child.
    Wild is the only reason the family has no closure.

  12. Wow, Morganelli must be behind, and rather than attack himself, he is having Bernie do it, so much for the positive campaign.

  13. Before we continue bashing all the attorneys - some or all of whom may deserve it - could you clarify the facts on this sad story so we know who the players are. Was it Lehigh Valley Hospital (Lehigh Valley Health Network) or Sacred Heart Hospital (formerly independent, now part of St. Luke’s Health Network)?

  14. Darth Voter also has to go, I'm sick of seeing his video posts where he drones on and on about nothing at all.

  15. I am not and will not vote for the "ostrich" who stuck her head in the sand as Pawloski's solicitor. She knew what was going on but hid from the truth so she could enjoy a pay check. Call a spade a spade.

  16. Everyone now wants to know the truth? Is 3:49 information correct? You have not said it is not? You have hit a deep nerve here.

  17. Six months ago Ms. Wild was the standard bearer for decency and professionallism who showed great leadership during Allentown’s darkest hour and now she’s a creep who spent her entire career fighting for the bad guys.
    I think the Good Ship Lehigh Valley Rambling has lost its compass.
    What’s up with this?

  18. This is an absolute hit-piece. I now might change my vote from Morganelli to Wild.

  19. "Everyone now wants to know the truth? Is 3:49 information correct? You have not said it is not? You have hit a deep nerve here."

    I've already said twice my account is accurate and 3:49 am is spin. Wild represents a hospital that essentially killed a baby, and rather than giving this family some closure,she has stalled this matter for three years. She is a servant of her corporate masters, not the people she pretends to champion.

    "Six months ago Ms. Wild was the standard bearer for decency and professionallism who showed great leadership"

    Six months ago I thought she was honest. She has proved otherwise.

  20. Ever wonder how this country would be if we had an “Attorney Free Zone “in the Congress and the house ? What would we be today if our representatives came from backgrounds of , Architectural,Agricultural or CPA’s ,Human Resources,chemistry ,metallurgy or maybe just somebody’s MOM ? Requiring candidates to talk only about the good things their OPPONENTS were . No wonder .......term limits are a good idea.

  21. So, Wild is now an accessory to infanticide, because she was a lawyer for the hospital in which a baby died. This is a a nasty spin.

  22. 10.55

    wow easy on the spin there you might get gimbal lock.
    Wild did not represent the hospital in which the child died---that was in Philly.
    wild represents a hospital that is part of the lawsuit for a bad diagnosis,the hospital is a partner in the tragedy that occurred.

    "and rather than giving this family some closure,she has stalled this matter for three years."

    nowhere in the opinion you provided did it state Wild held this case up for three years.
    so you are inflating her actions again without merit.

    "She is a servant of her corporate masters"
    yep she works for the hospital.
    BTW the nurse in the ER is a servant of the corporate master as well.
    as is the person who empties the trashcans.
    Wild is a lawyer and works for her client.
    as to being a champion of the people for all anyone knows Wild may view the people she would represent as her clients.
    it is fair to go after Wild for her career with corporate America.
    claiming Wild does not care about the death of a child is unfair to say the least.
    claiming Wild is the sole cause of the lack of closure for the family is not shown by the very information provided in the opinion linked to.

  23. Still spinning away? Let’s face it. When Wild claimed she is fighting in court for ordinary people, she lied. I have just looked at the 131 cases she handled in NC. She represents drug companies, insurance companies and doctors who commit malpractice. Her career has been dedicated to screwing the little guy. And if Wild cared about the death of this child, she would have sought closure instead if dragging her feet for three years. This is no progressive.

  24. So anyone who works for a corporation is an evil capitalist, and Morganelli put a lot of little people in jail, thats OK.

  25. As an R - I say in my opinion under my 1ST Ammendment rights —— that Rodger Ruggles , PHD is our most viable candidate . He is not corrupted ,does not have to work anymore and is a veteran. The man has been a great asset to us here in Easton . I know he would represent us with a “ clean view” of National issues and Evan though a couple of other candidates are well qualified , Dr.Ruggles is a thinker first ,then a. Political person only as a voted subject. So I am going to vote for him in the general if he were make the cut. I like Marty ,but I think Dr. Ruggles is a problem solver beyond the likes of any other candidate in this race.

  26. 4.11
    yep pretty clear that Wild works for corporations.

    Wild represented one of many defendants in the change of venue you posted.
    Wild did not call the shots for all the defendants.
    so claiming Wild is the cause for a three year delay makes no sense.
    unless i can see a list of how Wild is the only roadblock to finishing a lawsuit IMO
    your claim has no merit.
    you forget to mention all the other attorneys---(they had nothing to do with any delays?---really?) and the time consuming an appeal so that a trial would be held in Philly.
    all the time the appeal took is on the attorneys representing the plaintiff.
    as to Wild not being a progressive ---fair enough.
    blaming all the evils of this wrongful death suit on Wild defies logic.

  27. Keep spinning. I'm told Wild's campaign guy gets up at 3 am and hits the blogs. You've been hammering away since 3 am, trying to defend the indefensible. I'd say you should get a good defense lawyer, but that would not be Wild. You obviously did not do your research.

  28. anon 5:20, the only thing you care about is if the candidate is a veteran. So was LH Oswald and he was a marine. Stop with this nonsense. Pick people on their qualifications. Vote JM.

  29. 5.31
    well if Wild's guy shows up on your blog point him out and ask the tough questions.

    again claiming Wild is the sole cause of a three year delay for a wrongful death suit defies common sense.

    quite frankly you have decided to attack Wild and any information that takes away from your narrative is ignored.
    the prime mover in the change of venue was the Sacred Heart attorneys.
    you did not mention them nor agree that they were part of the delay.
    even though the opinion you cite calls out the Sacred Heart attorneys for the biggest part of the problem.
    How does Wild figure in that?
    again the other attorneys action mean nothing and all that is important is Wild's actions is the spin you have injected to the story.
    i get that the purpose was to tear Wild down.
    fair enough as you do not support Wild.
    neither do i.
    however attacking someone by cherry picking info and injecting spin has the hallmarks of Breitbart and Fox news.
    it is your blog so you can do this if you wish.

  30. Well O'Hare bears a striking resemblance to Steve Bannon. Just not as pretty.

  31. Anon 6:02 I’m not an Anon you screwball ,I sigh my name here . You look at qualifications. John is a great man , but at the end of the trials !Engeneer Ruggles in my mine will fit the bill , and be able to understand issues like flooding and earthquakes and or nuclear issues than an any one else running . My statements were made as my option and opinion . You obviously have not been able to grasp this at happy hour. Example - make a new determination on the Iranian Nuclear Deal - you can’t evan get into the page of this . So when you see this issue you think about whom could .

  32. Just because Morganelli is a small time DA doesn't make him a congressman material. So John spent 20 years putting small town hoods away hardly qualifies him for Congress as beyond the courthouse he does not have a clue of big business nor government. He is far from educated on the background if what's needed.

  33. Wild represents LVHN and other big corporate defendants because she's one of the best tort lawyers in the valley. I can walk and chew gum at the sane time. That is,I can deplore LVHN's medical mistakes and still admire Ms. Wild's talent, hard work, and ability as an advocate.

  34. Your audacity posting something like this after crying about Wild pointing out mere tweets from Morganelli. Talk about going negative. You went subterranean. Sad.

  35. We already know Wild has no regard for lives of the unborn

    Really? BOH thumping the Bible for Morganelli too. Go with that. Let me know how it turns out.

  36. Part of the assklownZ and the carnival circus collection of REmnantZ for there face paint, yet ugly can never be washed off itZ in the soul! In this one not only is the selling of aborted REmnantZ sold on the black market itZ are going after life too, itz should just crawl back under the crack below itZ doorz.
    republican redd
    not a party favor
    humanist by design


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