Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Where is Fed Ed Working?

I used to call him Fed Ed, but these days it really is Dead Ed. Former Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski has been disgraced by his conviction on 47 counts of political corruption, and will be going to jail for a very long time. Had he accepted responsibility at the onset, he'd be looking at far less time. He chose to roll the dice and lost. In the process, he put himself in front of city workers and residents, as well as his own family.  He endangered the very revitalization he claims to have created. But I've heard he has a job with a prominent former attorney, at least until he is sentenced. I have emailed this former lawyer, and am waiting for a reply before I name him. While I wait, feel free to comment on anything you've seen to support this story. 


  1. The Mayor is appealing, so I would not be so quick to say he is going to jail. God Bless him!

  2. I knew it. Ed is your house boy at your palacial hoval in Naareth. He is there to get trainings in preparation for his future duties as maid to his future boss names Bubba.

  3. I'd be quick to say he's going to jail and was quick. He will be incarcerated pending appeal.

  4. Anon 12:23. What is it about a guy like you who upon hearing of a potential jail sentence, immediately fantasies about an African-American cock in your ass? I have never figured that out.

  5. He will never step one foot inside a jail cell.
    This miscarriage of injustice will be corrected in the name of Our Savior, Jesus the Christ and All Knowing and Merciful Lord.

    1. Wow... that sounds like when his lawyer compared him to Jesus during a press conference... Please, don't continue on your path of misinformation and false belief in his generosity/goodwill. He has neither and is only concerned because his true motives were finally revealed.

  6. Return our Mayor to the people who love him.
    Jesus is Lord.

  7. I heard he was selling vitamins and weight-loss products on Ebay during the day as a family bushiness with Lisa. Another rumor I heard is that he was driving a cab in Quakertown

  8. Even God cannot save him!

  9. Our Mayor Ed will win his appeal.
    He will always be our one and only.Thsnk you Mayor Ed. The Man Above walks with our Mayor. Thank you.

    1. Our one and only. Allentown's very own Boss Tweed.

  10. Mayor Pawlowski is free and is innocent until his appeal sets him free to return to his ministry of rebuilding our city again.
    The Son of God died for our sins.

  11. To the Bible thumper,
    You use the crooked, lying, evil Fed Ed in conjunction with Jesus and God. The little thoughts in your head are telling you that Fed Ed is innocent and will be the Savior of Allentown.
    Aren't you Special.
    Let's consider where those misguided thoughts could be coming from...
    Could the voices you hear be coming from... SATAN!

  12. Bernie your on point and don't let these alleged religious zealots fantasies try to convince you that he is not guilty and will be set free on appeal.

    Slick Eddie is the embodiment of the devil and doesn't have a righteous bone in his body. He will burn in hell for the torment he created in city hall and the workers who lost their jobs because of him. He and his scamming wife will suffer many more days, all because of his greed for higher office and a ticket out of Allentown.

    He will be harshly sentenced in June and will start his new journey in life; a condition he earned by having no remorse or contrition in this matter.

  13. Innocent until proven guilty.
    This is America, one nation under God.

    1. What is wrong with these morons? He has been proven guilty! Just because he hasn’t been sentenced doesn’t mean he isn’t guilty. Go back to high school and learn some civics.

  14. Mayor Pawlowski is not in jail.
    He will return to rebuilt our city a job he has started.
    We love you Mayor Ed.
    You will always be our community mayor.

  15. Verbal porn lovers and Jesus freaks ? No filter today

  16. Innocent till proven guilty and liberals think and say your still Innocent. Lawlessness is soon to be the norm. Kids mentally I'll shooting up schools and all I see on CNN is the hoopla la who Trump had sex with 11 years ago

  17. Fat Ed I mean Convict Ed is praying for you all for father they don't know what they have done...... Hrmm will he carry a cross up the steps of the courthouse in June? Is Bernie O'Hare really Pontius Pilot?

  18. Fleck and Ed have gone into the consultant business. Or porn something like that with the former first lady playing the madam. Ed and his wife the real " shady lady of A town are selling Bibles on street corners. After all they went to Moody Bible! Aww the school must be so proud.

  19. Enough already ... Former Mayor Edward Pawlowski has been convicted by a jury of his peers on 47 accounts ... It is very unlikely that his conviction on any of these accounts would be overturned ... For his family and for him it is a bad thing that the evidence against him warranted penalty ... Although the former Mayor in my mind did not treat me fairly , I find no reason to be exalt in his situation and mock him ... If there is someone out there that is providing him gainful employment in the interim, that is the business of that person and the former Mayor... The only exception would be that if the employer and employee were engaged in a scheme that would continue to harm the public good ... And frankly, I can't comprehend that it would be the case ...

  20. Dennis P, where he is working is highly relevant bc it indicates who supports him.

  21. Yup as we say up north here by Ron Angle here in the famous "SludgeBelt" if ya want to act like a turd go lay in the yard .Now Bernie that's how us "SludgeBelt folks" talk.

  22. We never did get an update on how many letters of support Ed' lawyer received. Perhaps the report will be given at the last supper?

  23. I see Ed is sentenced on Friday and on Sunday he has disappeared and Monday he arrives right on time at City Hall to save Allentown!

  24. I am shocked that there is actually someone stupid enough to hire Fed Ed. Another poster here mentioned that he may be self-employed. When Fed Ed and his wife were self employed, while he was the Director of Economic and Community Development, before he came mayor, he did not have a required city business license or the required business privilege tax that must be paid to the city. It was only when he decided to make the run for mayor did he finally apply for the business license. He was billed for the interest and penalty, however he did not pay it. So how does someone who's the Director of a city bureau not know to get a business license? My guess is that he knew but refused to get one.

  25. Bernie? When is the last supper scheduled? Asking for a friend....

  26. Yo, Dennis P., spare us the horseshit compassion for Ed’s dear family.
    The First Lady of Allentown was in it up to her eyeballs and is damned fourtunate she is going down with the no-neck dickhead she co-conspired with.
    The kids are collatorial damage like dozens of others who had their lives ruined by Pawlowski and his band of thugs, many of them still in City or State goverment or employment.
    You got out of town.
    Good for you, now spare us the folksy post-mortium please.

  27. 10:12,,,,,,you must be so proud of yourself for bravely using obscenities . Does your Mommie know ?

  28. Me Mums dead and in the fuckin’ grave.
    Thanks for asking.

  29. Anonymous April 10, 2018 at 10:09 AM

    I thank you for comments whomever you are.... If my mom was alive she could tell you how I was mistreated solely for political reasons ... And how that hurt her and even my dad who had some emotional problems ... And I was not an office older and running for office when some of these attacks came ... And I stand with my statement that For his family and for him it is a bad thing that the evidence against him warranted penalty ... However, I do believe that the jury was right in their judgment...

    1. Bro quit hatin . Just saying. Move along now bro

  30. Ed’s first job in the pen will most likely be in the kitchen. That’s SOP.
    Let’s see if he gets a min. security or directly into a camp.
    I betting min. security for a few years for staters.
    He’s saving money for his commissionary account, that’s going to be approx. $350 a month.
    Life in the Federal Penitenary will settle into its own rhythm.

  31. How long before he will know his new address so I can send him hymnals and nice christian reading material so he can repent and find the Lord there. Maybe even luck will have it his new BFF will be names "Jesus"

  32. Fed Ed may have taken advantage of the Hackman's Bible Store clearance sale.

  33. Is one of the former lawyer's initials "M?"

  34. Ed has hired a white collar ex-con consultant to advise and guide him through the Federal Prision experience and keep the entry process as smooth, hassle free and pleasant as possible under the circumstances.
    Good consultants don’t come cheap as Ed well knows.
    We should all wish him well on his exciting new adventure.
    Praise Jesus.

  35. Rev. Greg Edwards “Gun Safty Townhall” was really really marginal.
    The panel was absolutely pathetic.
    If this is representative of his mojo it totally ain’t happening.

  36. Ed has already begun writing a book.
    Those of us who know him know he doesn’t write very well, but he’s making a lot of notes so a ghost writer can put it all together.
    It’s the screenplay he’s really after.
    This may just all work out after all.

  37. The scumbag resigned before he was sentenced so he can keep his pension. His fat ugly wife is good at building retaining walls as per her FB page, maybe she can teach him how to do that.

  38. There are so many others that have done and are doing the same thing in the valley. If there were true justice he would have lots of friends where he is headed. It is the political status quo. They write the rules so they can profit and their friends can profit or have things waived so they don't get in trouble for stealing, drunk driving, fraud, coercion, or so many other things they opening quietly do!

  39. As long as the employer is in the private sector I have no issue . . . So long as he is finished in the public realm.

  40. I’m hoping he enjoys public accommodations for the next 20 years of his life.
    20 years would be good.

  41. “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”

    God Speed Ed and Lisa!

  42. #SheKnewEverything

  43. What benefit (work wise) would he be to a lawyer? I don't think he'd make a very good personal assistant.

  44. ^ Contract law.

  45. “Ed has hired a white collar ex-con consultant to advise and guide him through the Federal Prision experience and keep the entry process as smooth, hassle free and pleasant as possible under the circumstances.”

    I do believe the “entry process” in prison will be a smooth and very pleasant experience for Ed.

  46. Maybe the Lehigh Valley Zoo could hire "Pawlowski the Penguin" as their mascot?!

  47. It has been a few more days. Are you going to release the information?


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