Local Government TV

Monday, April 30, 2018

New Americans Caucus Charging $10 For Lt Guv Debate

New Americans Caucus supposedly exists to welcome naturalized citizens into the Democratic Party, register them to vote, educate them on the importance of voting, and search for candidates at all levels of government. It scheduled a debate at Moravian College for the five Democrats running for Lt. Governor. Amazingly, it is charging $10 a head, even though many of these new Americans probably would have a difficult time attending even if there were no fee at all.

Now I would not mind a cover charge if the event were scheduled at a local business, but this is at a nonprofit.

This is completely tone deaf.

I refuse to provide any details.


  1. I'd be careful on this one. Your buddy John is in bed with the chair of this group, which is another unlikely fit based on his stance on immigrants.

  2. I assume they had to rent the space for the event. If the fee is intended to recapture costs, it is not too bad. If it is a fundraiser, that is not good.

  3. More clowns off the midway in a circus primary election.
    It’s a farce in motion.
    Every one of them a clown.

  4. "I assume they had to rent the space for the event. If the fee is intended to recapture costs, it is not too bad. If it is a fundraiser, that is not good."

    Then ask for a donation. Ask the candidates to kick in. You don't charge people who may not be able to afford it.

  5. You may h e missed the fine print. It is entirely possible that a Baebershop Quartet show wii break out.

  6. No one paid it everyone was giving away free tickets

  7. What is more entertaining is the convicted former mayor of Allentown is here

  8. For Ed the hussle never ends.

  9. I wonder if they’re going to put tickets on sale on Groupon for this?


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