Local Government TV

Friday, April 27, 2018

Morganelli - Targeted by Emily's List For Wild

PoliticsPa is reporting that Emily’s List has decided to support Congressional candidate Sue Wild and target John Morganelli, starting next week. the campaign will consist of both direct mail and TV, starting next week. There will be five mail pieces aimed at women. The TV ads will air the final week of the campaign.

Republicans will be delighted.

John has begun airing his own TV ad, which you can see above.


  1. Heel, didn't they also support Sam the scam Bennett. so I guess it is just about the gender.

  2. Perhaps if John promised to ban all guns plus backyard swimming pools?

  3. John will win and we'll have a more pro-Trump guy than Charlie Dent. Not too bad, considering the new district map.

  4. Um, aren't they forgetting about Edwards? He is also a credible alternative to Morganelli. For every three anti-Morganelli votes Emily's List gets, two of them go to Edwards. Which of these three will have the best election day operation to get their voters to the polls?

  5. Well, morganelli is endorsed by bernies list.

  6. Typical women's list. It won't help Ms. Wild, the erstwhile Ed Pawlowski supporter, campaign donor, and political confidant.

  7. Heel, didn't they also support Sam the scam Bennett. so I guess it is just about the gender.

    Look at the rocket scientist! Yes, Emily's List is a PAC that supports women pro-choice candidates.

    Morganelli is about to get litmus tested.

  8. Morganelli has the best name recognition, and also has the ability to hold a news conference at the drop of a hat, which I notice he's been doing quite frequently these last few weeks. That gives him plenty of free publicity, which the other candidates don't get.

    Hearing another commenter approvingly call Morganelli more pro-Trump than Dent, whose record shows he votes 93% of the time with Trump, tells me all I need to know. Morganelli is running on the wrong ticket.

  9. yeah, I guess John probably arranged to hace someone lit on fire so he could have a news conference about it. He is doing his job, which helps people. Susan is screwing people. She currently is representing a hospital that repeatedly sent a family home when they brought their infant in, coughing and wheezing. Three times! It turns out the child's heart was eight times the size it should have been and they knew it. Instead of settling, she is fighting this family nbd throwing up road blocks every step of the way. How long must this family suffer?

  10. "Well, morganelli is endorsed by bernies list."


  11. "Um, aren't they forgetting about Edwards? He is also a credible alternative to Morganelli. For every three anti-Morganelli votes Emily's List gets, two of them go to Edwards. Which of these three will have the best election day operation to get their voters to the polls?"

    Greg Edwards is a more dynamic person and is without question the only real liberal running. But he is a member of the penis club, and that won't do. Only women.

    i think Edwards will have a formidable ground game in downtown Allentown.

  12. wait... we have "Angie's List" for services and "Bernie's List" for politics- Gotta love these bat shit crazy people

  13. Link to Susan Wild hospital story?

  14. Didn't know Bernie was an MRA guy. Sad!

  15. This is why we have to ban AR15s.

  16. Bernie, that incident is screaming Allentown's political hackz and has there fingerprints on its design!

    If wild would have allied herself with the impeccable beautiful ms eichanwalt she would have had a chance. Instead she allined herself with the indictable fed Ed and the clan infecting local state seatz. The fix is in on the discriminatory conspieritorz.
    republican redd
    not a party favor

  17. 2:47, if you actually exercised that lump on your shoulders, you could find it. I’ll supply the link when I post my story about her.

  18. Thanks for the reply, Bernie. This was my first time posting, and don't worry, it's also my last. Obviously the paragraph at the top of your blog is sarcasm. But thanks for making me feel so unwelcome, and glad to know your biases so I can discount them in the future. Wild has my vote.

  19. We need a new DA anyway so might as well support JM. Seen enough of his hijinks here in NH county. His constant grand standing and ambulance chasing and his hard line on supposed crime crap is better off in the DC swamp. Vote for him and give the county a chance at a progressive future.

  20. She had your vote to begin with. Unlike you, the lump on my shoulders is a brain. People are not as stupid as you think. It's no surprise that a dishonest person like you supports a dishonest candidate like Wild.

  21. 6.22
    " dishonest candidate like Wild"

    fair enough.
    so does Moganelli have any positions you find difficult to support or wrong headed?
    it would be informative to see your differences with him.
    supporting a candidate does not mean one has to agree with all of the candidates positions.

  22. I’m not laying that game with an anonymous Wild supporter.

  23. Bernie, It is a difficult time to be a woman these days as I see many of my friends use the litmus test of Emily's list and "pulling the lever" for any woman without looking at issues such as character and performance. As some might say, "You've come a long way baby." John is a fine man who has always tried to make the community better.

  24. Am enabling comment moderation over the weekend.

  25. 8:01, understand please that if I respond to you I will be called a sexist. But i’ll Respond anyway and agree.

  26. Unlike Morganelli who is now using shady organization that pose as Charities to send out attack piece on his opponents

  27. Wild is using Emily List and is attacking herself. John has NOTHING TO DO with the attack on Edwards. The group behind it is in my opinion “No labels,” which I believe is the same outfit that did the push poll.

  28. Together United Inc is a Right wing Front group that put itself forward as a charity . It has direct ties to Tom Severson. In 2016 Severson used them to attack Phil Armstrong other opposition candidates. That is who paid for this Mailer and therefore it explains who is responsible for this one. Morganelli can deny responsibility all he wants,he's responsible

  29. Incorrect. In fact, hogwash. It is called United Together, not Together United. It is one of many Super PACs being used by No Labels to attack far left and far right candidates. Neither John nor Severson has a thing to do with it. Phillips Armstrong used Rich Wilkins to work his campaign, the same guy John is using. John has no connection to No Labels, and would tell them to knock it off if he could. It is not in his interest to go dark. The attack ad is pitiful and takes things completely out of context. Also, john has a great deal of respect for Rev. Edwards, and will support him if he is the nominee.


  30. I still have questions about John Morganelli. But Emily's List has endorsed Susan Wild, and that is the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned. I'm still smarting from the the time they took a stand against Joe Sestak simply because his opponent (what was her name anyway?) was a woman. Whatever her name, we have another 4 years of Pat Toomey because of her.

  31. http://www.togetherunitedinc.org/

  32. Someone attempted to post a link to a charity that has NOTHING to do with this. As I have already explained, the PAC in question is weareunitedtogether.org. It is not Together United.

  33. I still have questions about John Morganelli. But Emily's List has endorsed Susan Wild, and that is the kiss of death as far as I'm concerned. I'm still smarting from the the time they took a stand against Joe Sestak simply because his opponent (what was her name anyway?) was a woman. Whatever her name, we have another 4 years of Pat Toomey because of her.

    Katie McGinty lost by about the same margin as Hillary Clinton did in PA. So I highly doubt Emily's List played a role. Instead, sexist morons, as seen in this very comment section, delivered us both Toomey and Trump. Thanks!

  34. I have just scrolled through the comment section for comments from "sexist morons" and see nothing I would construe yo be sexist. So what you are really saying is that people who disagree with you are sexist. People who support Morganelli or Edwards are sexist. This is what is wrong with liberals on the left and conservatives on the right. You tend to be intolerant. And that is why nothing is getting down. It is time that people like you grow up. I'm intolerant of people who make idiotic statements or who try to shout down those who disagree with them.

  35. If you are looking for a real Wild story ask Wideman about the voicemail he has from her.


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