Local Government TV

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Morganelli Strongly Denies Any Involvement in Push Poll

Northampton County DA John Morganelli is one of six seeking the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Congress (Pa.-7th). Over a quarter-century in office, his name has become very well known to most households. Attacking his lesser known opponents would only make him look bad.

Someone wants him to look bad.

On Monday night, a push poll began making its way through the Lehigh Valley. It unfairly attacks two of John's opponents, while leaving him alone. This poll, which was captured by one of my readers, was forwarded to me yesterday.

The push poll fails to state who paid for it.

The initial reaction, of course, is that Morganelli arranged for a push poll that savages his opponents. At lunch yesterday, one Democrat said that she was leaning Morganelli, but after getting that push poll, would support someone else. This is understandable.

But it assumes incorrectly that Morganelli is behind that poll.

Neither John Morganelli nor anyone in his campaign had anything to do with that push poll. His campaign manager, Rich Wilkins, told me he is under strict orders to "keep the gloves on."

Morganelli has strongly denied that he or anyone in his campaign has had anything to do with it. "I would rather lose this race than break my word," he told me yesterday. He was referring to a meeting he had with Susan Wild a few months ago, in which they both promised each other they would refrain from attacks. He added that he considers all his Democratic opponents "fine people," and intends to support the ultimate nominee.

Think about it. John is far better known than his opponents. He has no reason to raise their visibility by attacking them. It would only hurt him, as has already happened.

Think about it. Republicans, who always have money to burn, are sabotaging John because they know he will be much harder to beat than the other Democrats in the race. The GOP candidates themselves likely have nothing to do with this, but some far-right PAC his financed this poll.

If you wish to vote for someone other than John because he's a blue dog Dem, that's fine. I won't pretend he's something he's not. Neither will he. But if you fall for this dirty trick, you're being played

Here's what John has said himself on Facebook:
John Morganelli Not my poll. I think highly of all the Democratic candidates and have no interest or intent to engage in this kind of campaign . I have no clue who may being doing it. The last poll I did was in early January.

Douglas Brace thank you for explaining yourself

John Morganelli Thanks Mr. Brace for considering my comments .

Eddy Foster If it later comes out that you did pay for this poll, or directed it in any way, will you drop out?



John Morganelli Because it is DEFINITELY not my poll or directed by me.


  1. I smell Tom Severson, a known dirty tricks guy, on this one. The question remains, who paid him?


  2. Then i expect Morganelli to file an Fec complaint today and open an investigation

  3. Right, like he kept it positve in AG against Shapiro. You have been JMs errand boy since the beginning of time. This reeks

    likely SW met with john, because show knows how hard the mancrush is between you and john, and also knows how disgusting and below bottom you are always ready able and willing to go. I have no doubt John told you, to be nice to Susan

    Sit Bernie, sit...WOOF! Good dog.

  4. so who was it again, digging through Montgomery County invoices, in an attempt to discredit Shapiro?

    Sit Bernie, sit...WOOF, God dog. Now go sit in the car with a bag over your head while I grandstand outside the MC Courthouse and raise a huge stink. Don't want anyone to know the stink is you.

    Has John reported all of these "in kind" contributions from you?

    Roll over Bernie, and play dead.....WOOF! Good dog. (throws bone) Don't go Wild on Susan. (ears back, tail between legs, whining)

  5. I guess every perennial politican like JM needs a rabid animal to do all his dirty work. The more rabbid the animal, the higher the price tag

    But Bernie works for free, while making Milk Bones a huge profit in every JM election.

    Good dog!

  6. Has John promised you the ultimate K-9, flag and bag pipe/ Taps funeral when you croak? Or is it a lick n' stick style inspection sticker every time you step in shit?

    Inquiring minds want to know

  7. I got the call. I told the surveyor that they were violating FEC regulations by not disclosing who was paying for the poll. Seems like the calls are only going to Dem super voters. I'd like to point the finger at Morganelli based on the call content, but have we looked at the other District 7 candidates not mentioned on the call? I also wouldn't rule out disgruntled candidates that were previously running in the district... maybe trying to burn off the rest of their campaign funds.

  8. Nah, it was Severson, paid by JM on the sly.

  9. Unless Morganelli files an Fec complaint and starts and investigation, will presume it is him, inspite of the denials

  10. I agree John engaged in negative campaigning against Josh Shapiro. It made sense in that race and frankly, it makes sense in most races. This is one race in which it would make no sense. John is by far the best known of the candidates. His name recognition is very high,and he is viewed positively by most people. A negative push poll like the one that went out is designed to hurt him. Republicans know he will be hard to beat. They think the other candidates will be easier to beat, so they are trying to knock John off. You won't see this on any candidate's expense sheet bc it is not being financed by a candidate. This is the work of an independent PAC. Some of the comments here are from Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, a Republican operative who hates Morganelli bc he refused to prosecute people she wanted prosecuted, and even took him to the Superior Court on that issue.

    Hopefully, most Dems will eventually recognize that this is a dirty trick.

  11. This is contemporary political campaigning. Get over it.

  12. honestly, none of the dialogue is sophisticated enough for severson. this sounds like it was written by an 8th grader.

  13. Bernie maybe you should have realized the person who sent you this broke the law in PA. You do realize that PA is a two party consent state so unless your avid reader disclosed to the operator(which I highly doubt she did) she broke the law. By you posting this just makes it even better. Now it's public and anyone can see. So bang up job Bernie.

  14. I'd just like to point out that if this was preformed by a Super-PAC supporting John, it would be unlawful for him to admit to any coordination or financing.

    But we all know that allied Super-PACs frequently operate as unofficial wings of political campaigns, even when open coordination is denied.

    Based on John's past behavior, his willingness to ally himself with the Trump White House and his continued extreme-right behavior on immigration issues, I find it hard to believe that any of the other Democratic candidates would do this but also miss the chance to attack him.

    Occam's razor makes sense here, this poll benefits John and attacks his two main rivals.

    And the question on "traditional democrat v Bernie sanders democrat" has Rich Wilkins fingerprints ALL over it.

  15. Wilkins wouldn't make such a freshman mistake like this one. A service doggy with brown bag cash is the likely suspect. Loyal service doggie's paw prints are all over it.

    would be interesting to see full disclosure of service doggie's disposable phone, back and forth with JMs disposable phone he keeps under his desk.

    Only in Northampton County can a sitting DA bring his service dog to work every day, and direct others to fill the water bowl.

    The drooling, panting dog is covered in mange, fleas and excriment , this Would explain the exponential staff turnover in his office.

  16. This poll does NOT benefit John. It costs him votes. It raises the visibility of his opposition and makes him look like a bully. As political strategy, it makes NO SENSE. This is an attempt to sabotage John and make him lose the primary so that Rs can knock off a more liberal candidate in the general by marginalizing that person. You speak of Occam's razor, but are making more assumptions than I. The conclusion that this is sabotage is obvious. And very effective, too.

  17. "Bernie maybe you should have realized the person who sent you this broke the law in PA. You do realize that PA is a two party consent state so unless your avid reader disclosed to the operator(which I highly doubt she did) she broke the law. By you posting this just makes it even better. Now it's public and anyone can see. So bang up job Bernie."

    This comment refers to a possible violation of Pa.'s wiretap law. I thought about that and conclude there is no violation for two reasons. First, this does not start with the beginning of the call, so I believe the caller was placed on hold so that the person being polled could record. Second, I suspect that the caller likely warned the person that his call might be recorded. Third, I think there is implied consent here. fourth, I have no idea whether the call was recorded in Pa., even if placed to a Pa. number. So I am comfortable in posting the recording. If you think I violated the law, feel free to report me.

  18. To try to blame this on the republicans is ridiculous. If they're concerned about Morganelli, they'd throw in a few (negative) questions about him also. I'm sure they're more concerned about their own primary opponents anyway.

    I say follow the money on the Democrat side. A live poll isn't cheap. It could be anyone from Morganelli, to Edwards, to Wild trying to measure vulnerability of candidates (including themselves) to particular lines of attack.

    Hell, it could even be the DNC. They've been know to rig primary elections. They sure screwed Bernie when he ran against Hillary.

    Again, follow the money. Who has that kind of money to blow on the Democrat side, that they (or even a PAC aligned with them) would put the money into an expensive push poll instead of toward other campaign activities?

  19. Nit ridiculous at all. Entirely logical. They would not slur Morganelli precisely bc they want to set him up. They want him to lose the primary. they can fund separate pieces that attack him as an arch conservative. They do not want to run against Morganelli bc they know he has the best shot at winning. This was clearly funded by some GOP group.

  20. really pathetic, yet predictable that JM is actually using you for damage control. Each and every JM election, your readers are treated to endless puff pieces fawning all over your big pal.

    For a person I'd never describe as just plain stupid, JM hit it again. He never seems to learn from his past plunders , now matter how many elections he loses.

    Did JM give you permission to screen capture and re-publish his facebook dialog, or is that another "entitlement" back-patting agreement the two of you have?

    Never mind. Bernie does as Bernie is told, as a loyal lapdog always does.

  21. The above comment is from Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, who hates JM bc (1) she is a partisan R and a member of the county exec committee; (2) she is upset that John refused to prosecute people she wanted to see prosecuted.

    I don't need anyone's permission to screen capture and republish what is on their public page.

  22. Bernie,

    I don't see how you can so easily claim that the people behind the call are 'some GOP group' because your 'evidence' is nothing more than your opinion and analysis of the poll's possible effects. I quote:

    "This poll does NOT benefit John. It costs him votes. It raises the visibility of his opposition and makes him look like a bully. As political strategy, it makes NO SENSE."

    I happen to agree with the part of this quote that says that this was a bad political strategy that makes no sense. However, that doesn't mean that his campaign isn't bone-headed enough to do it anyway. You are ascribing some extreme subtly and craft to some unknown group of Republicans who are trying to make Morganelli look dirty by process of elimination.

    That's far-fetched to say the least without any direct evidence of which you proffer none. Also, Republicans are well known for being brazen and obvious in their attacks, they don't use a lot of subtly. Furthermore, the Republican primary isn't over yet, it would be premature for either side to begin attacking democrats before they are even sure they will prevail in the primary.

    Until proven otherwise, the obvious conclusion is that his campaign or a group aligned with with the JM campaign are behind this clumsy and stupid attack. Many democrats in the Valley are becoming more and more away of JM's positions, his campaign tactics and his policies as DA.

    They don't like what they see.

  23. Against my better judgement, I am responding, because I was alerted that you are at it again. As if 700 other blogs besmirching my character were not enough, here you are again, 7 years later.

    First, I have not made the other comments. Second, the 5 year old lawsuit over John not prosecuting someone I wanted prosecuted, is something I got over long ago. I don't hold grudges against DAs or judges, and have the ability (unlike you) to move on with my life, when decisions are made, that are not in my favor.

    In fact, I helped out both of those people in 2016, when I realized they were being criminally framed by the scumbags who I (unfortuately) helped elect to council in 2016. I actually took seriously my oath of office as a constable, unlike the dopes (2 out of 7, plus current Mayor) who occupy elected offices in West Easton. Apparently, they find it perfectly acceptable to frame people they don't like. I don't. If anything, I am grateful that John accepted the info I gave him, and refused to prosecute, and grateful again that he removed a littering citation filed by these same fools over Trump signs on election eve. I do not "hate" anyone, but do pity you.

    Even though it would have been nice to have received an apology for a 2015 political frame job that cost me my job, car and almost my nursing license , from Sheriffs and DA, I was never holding my breath.

    Seemingly, your warped obsession with my life continues unabated. You frighten me. Armed 24/ 7 and safe. Fuck you.

  24. Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, has magically crawled out from under her rock. Tricia, you are an adjudicated liar. If you want to stop being taken to task for comments that you and only you post, stop commenting here.

  25. “Many democrats in the Valley are becoming more and more away of JM's positions, his campaign tactics and his policies as DA. ”

    The push poll is designed to do just that. You know this.

  26. I don't know who Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips is, but this is getting hilarious!

  27. ”You frighten me. Armed 24/ 7 and safe. Fuck you.”

    If you think i’m Frightening, try looking in a mirror. It’s enough to kill a horse. Unarmed 24/7 and even safer.

  28. ”I don't know who Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips is, but this is getting hilarious!”

    She was found liable for defaming me a few years ago, and her mommy had to pay damages to me.

    She routinely comes on here and carries on with her hate, but anonymously.

  29. Funny how other candidates have filed complaints about anonymous mailings and publications without identifying who sent them and he did NOTHING as DA. So he should suck it up as others have had to do when he does nothing.

  30. He does have an absolutist view when it comes to free speech, more than I've ever seen in a DA. He's made no complaint. He is just saying he had nothing to do with that poll.

  31. Tweets and to many tweets to the tweet commander in tweetdom,that's why John won't get the job. He should stop whining about the phone polls. What he did to Shapiro alone says alot

  32. In this day and age of outside interference and dirty tricks in our elections it behooves someone, at the least the election commission, to know who is behind campaign ads etc. etc to insure that our democracy is not sabotaged.

  33. As a voter in our system I demand some kind of oversight. Will not participate until i feel its no longer a reality show/political parody.

  34. All roads on this lead to Dems.
    It’s beyound obvious.


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