Local Government TV

Monday, April 23, 2018

Judge Zito Holds Tricia Mezzacappa in Contempt

Much like Karen Dolan has taken to calling herself K. Deirdre Dolan, Tricia Mezzacappa has recently started calling herself Tricia Phillips. In both cases, I suspect the new name is an attempt to fool potential employers. Perhaps Sheriffs, too. On Thursday, Judge Leonard Zito entered what I'll call a hybrid bench warrant for her. Let me fill you in.

Though I've avoided talking about her, Mezzacappa comments here rather frequently, usually with hateful comments aimed right at me. Over the years, I've attracted a few fans like her. In some cases, it's really hard to nail down the source of the hate. The list is long but distinguished, I like to tell people. But when I get a comment that bashes me, Ron Angle and John Morganelli, and all at the same time, that's her.

Mezzacappa and her long-time lawyer, Larry Otter, have had a falling out. She's made some serious accusations against him, but she does that to a lot of people.

Currently she's suing West Easton for a gazillion dollars, claiming the Borough refused to produce documents after being ordered to do so by the Commonwealth Court. That tiny municipality has asked her repeatedly to explain what they failed to produce, and has yet to understand her answer. Discovery requests were filed, and she ignored them. She was court ordered to respond, and refused to do so, choosing instead to appeal. Her appeal was quashed.

Attorney Steve Goudsouzian, representing West Easton, filed new discovery requests. He was ignored and so he filed for sanctions. Apparently, Mezzacappa failed to show up in court again (she claims that I steal her mail). So Judge Zito has directed Sheriffs to take her into custody, but only between 8 am and 3 pm. He specifically provides that she not be jailed overnight. Once they have her, a hearing can take place. He also provides that she can purge herself of contempt by providing the discovery requested by West Easton. But regardless whether she complies, she must pay all costs and fees incurred by West Easton. and within 30 days after receiving an invoice.

I guess she showed them.

In the deposition of another lawsuit she filed in federal court, she claims to have a license to carry.


  1. Isn't she a state constable? If so doesn't that mean she can carry a firearm.

  2. It could be worse instead of Phillips she could call herself Tricia O'Hare. Omg

  3. This poor young woman has had her share of struggles.

  4. Mental illness is an evil thing. Too bad we don’t have a state hospital anymore....

  5. She had to be mentally ill to date you!

  6. I was nothing more than an acquaintance and very occasional exercise partner.

  7. "It could be worse instead of Phillips she could call herself Tricia O'Hare. Omg"

    Point taken.

  8. "sn't she a state constable? If so doesn't that mean she can carry a firearm."

    Not by itself.In her most recent deposition, she claims to have a permit to carry now.

  9. I just can't believe you let this magnificent women get away from you. She is a woman of the world (ask her.....she will tell you), loves to exercise (she has to walk everywhere now cause someone took her car), extremely forgiving (until you kicked her pig) very loving (until you jilted her) and extremely knowledgeable about the area (she tells everyone where to go including judges).

  10. lol I thought this crazy woman went away after you won that $67,000 judgment against her for defamation. A name change is certainly an attempt to hide her past - which is extremely well documented. Any prospective employer that Googled her would get an eyeful, and kick her to the curb where she belongs.

    Sounds like she is up to the same bat-shit crazy behavior, and still plaguing West Easton with ever-increasing legal expenses. This behavior will take years off of her pitiful life in the long run - a blessing.

  11. @9:37
    Thanks for the chuckle!

  12. "This poor young woman has had her share of struggles."

    This woman made her own struggles - anyone with 10 brain cells and has been paying attention can see that. Most recent example apparently is she failed to respond to discovery.

    My question is, have you been paying attention? (I'll give you credit for 10 brain cells since you crafted a response - as canned and totally worn out as it is)

  13. As a state constable she can grab her self by the collar and take herself in.

  14. You just keep acting like a scorned lover, get over it.

  15. She should join the democrats METOO movement.

  16. Isn't there a state law about filing frivolous legal filings against people that have no basis to them? If so Morganelli should have his Detectives going after this and put and end to this once and for all.

  17. It is sad. She obviously needs mental help and doesn't realize it.

  18. 7:43, the state offense is barratry, but I have never heard of a prosecution.plus, she has a first amendment right to seek the court’s help, even if she is mentally ill.

  19. You yell at her for commenting, yet you devote this to attacking her? Were you not involved with her until you went to the bathroom in her house and repapered with your ding-a-ling a waving? You two have had the weirdest relationship.

    1. Is there any media of this alledged waving ding a ling? Omg the birth of blog porn.

  20. That's completely untrue. I was never in her bathroom and certainly never exposed myself. That sounds like something Tricia Mezzacappa, aka Tricia Phillips, would say.

    And yes, she deserved this post.

  21. Where did the last name Phillips come from?

  22. Now Mr. O'Hare where were u between 5 and 6? Ret your still under oath.answer? Kindergarden

  23. "Where did the last name Phillips come from?"

    Maybe she married Hayden. Don't tell his wife.

  24. Both of them are tea partiers and members of

  25. Bernie the sacrifices of your #Incel comrades Rodgers and Minassian must be weighing on you heavily, blog hit pieces on strong women is a decent contribution to the war on women but perhaps you should consider gender reassignment in order to experience some intimacy.

  26. The Mediterranean Mancrush does not approve this message!


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