Local Government TV

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Dent Resigns!

From LV Congressman Charlie Dent: "After discussions with my family and careful reflection, I have decided to leave Congress in the coming weeks. Serving the people of the 15th Congressional district has been a tremendous responsibility and the privilege of a lifetime, and I am honored by the trust that so many of my constituents placed in me to represent them in Washington. Actively engaging in the legislative and political process presents many challenges, and in so doing, I believe I have had a positive impact on people’s lives and made a difference in Congress.

"I am especially proud of the work I have done to give voice to the sensible center in our country that is often overlooked or ignored. It is my intention to continue to aggressively advocate for responsible governance and pragmatic solutions in the coming years."

I will have more about Charlie later. Dent's statement fails to state when his resignation will be effective, but it could trigger a special election.

According to The Washington Post,

"Pennsylvania election law requires the governor to issue a writ of election within 10 days of a vacancy, with an election to follow “not less than sixty days” later. Although the election could be held during 'the next ensuing primary or municipal election,' Pennsylvania’s primary will be held May 15 — before any special election could be called. It is not clear whether Wolf would schedule an election so soon before the November midterm election will bring a full-term replacement for Dent."

In a special election, party bosses would choose the nominees. But since it would be after the primary, they should go with the primary nomineees.


  1. Charlie's pragmatic center-right approach to governing will be missed.

  2. Soon the endangered RINO will become extinct Charlie was rendered a eunuch by true conservatives and Trump supporters. Time to Purge the ranks of our party so that America's systematic destruction by the Saul Alinksy handbook carrying socialists can be halted.


  3. Smells like that private sector paycheck just can't wait. Chaaa-chinggg. Out of the citizens' legislature and into a lucrative next career. God bless his heart.

  4. I just read the Post article on my lunch break. Any special election would be within the current 15th lines, not the new 7th lines. I can see this benefiting the GOP more than the Dems for 3 reasons. 1.) the current lines are more favorable to GOP. 2.) as we saw in western PA special, millions of outside dollars flowed in, esp for Saccone. 3.) the two Lehigh GOP candidates might have advantage because of these, and if winning, then have momentum and (albeit brief) incumbency should they win going into the election to be more competitive in the new 7th.

    I suppose a flip argument would be, the "blue wave" projections are softening per recent articles, so would forcing an election earlier help Dems capture the moment? But, I can't see the any of the Dem candidates having as many financial resources to pull of three elections (primary, special, general) within several months time. Maybe Morganelli? but a lot of outside help would need to come in, and would it come to him?

    just my quick first reactions. I don't like this. Too much money needed by both parties for this. I can't see him doing this to help anybody, so I'm left to assume something personal? job opportunity? I have always liked Dent, but as most parents teach their kids, you finish what you started, then you can quit and move on... unless some reason more personal, which its kind of hard to keep personal in his position, then I feel bad for him.

  5. Is support for partial-birth abortion the sensible center? Wow. What a dark heart.

  6. Can't imagine the primary winners being the choices...remember they use the old boundaries. Those western areas will push to have their voice heard in those backrooms.

  7. no the election couldn't be held on the May primary. Even if Dent Resigned on May 1st the first date you could have an election would be the 25th of June

  8. "Can't imagine the primary winners being the choices...remember they use the old boundaries."

    True, but the lead candidates live within the new boundaries.

  9. What a waste of time and money to hold a special election just months before a general election to accommodate crybaby Dent. Good riddance to RINO whiner Dent.

  10. He has not resigned yet and there can be a special election only if the Governor calls for one. He could easily decide to wait.

  11. If it looks like a skunk and Smells like a Smunk.... Can't wait to read the scandal why this position didnt finish his term

  12. This was either a dick move or a Party payoff for something. If O'Hare has any integrity of reporting he will call this bullshit out. Dent is one of his top mancrushes. He has covered for him for years.

    So what is with this? All of this was unnecessary. A few months and it would not matter. How dare he do this.

    Will you show any journalistic integrity?

    1. I agree. Dent resigning early is a dick move. BTW, Dent was only a centrist when compared to tea partier congressmen.

  13. As someone who did vote for him I'm pissed. Pissed that the "liar" in the White House is forcing middle of the road, honest working individuals to resign. His day of reckoning is coming.

  14. He wants to take the summer off. Dent already stated he's leaving so what difference does this really make ?


  15. 'He wants to take the summer off. Dent already stated he's leaving so what difference does this really make ?'

    Basically he took money under false pretenses. Small and large campaign contributions from people who might not be able to afford it, because they believed in him and his message. He was "hired" for two years. Anyone who does this from any party should be ashamed.

  16. He already is negotiating a job at MSNBC, the trash Trump network, he can always run for higher office after Trump is gone and look like a moderate.

  17. The do nothing RHINO has been on a vacation his entire time in congress. He has accomplished nothing on his own and he is now screwing the people of the 15th and his own party. What a congressman!

  18. The Morning Call has a good analysis of the special election that petulant RINO Dent has caused. It will cost counties $200 K and confuse the hell out of voters. A total waste of time and money . Dent should finish his current term of office. But the whiny bum would rather pick up his marbles and go home. Then make some money as a news analyst. I have list all respect for Pouty Charlie.

  19. While Dent didn't play this centrist game when Bush 44 was President, he did show a lot of integrity early on opposing the Trump presidency. For that, America thanks him.

  20. Soon the endangered RINO will become extinct Charlie was rendered a eunuch by true conservatives and Trump supporters. Time to Purge the ranks of our party so that America's systematic destruction by the Saul Alinksy handbook carrying socialists can be halted.

    Please tell me this is a parody post. Saul Alinsky? Where do these people come from?

  21. I do not believe Dent is in the Alinsky Marxist crowd, he is just a guy who goes along with the establishment crowd, it has served him well, several big pensions, jobs in the media, and if it comes to it, some kind of lobbyist for the big government apologists. He believes America will always be here, there are really no internal threats, except for the Tea party and right wingers. He's had the best jobs he could have imagined.

  22. The Alinsky Marxist crowd? Bit, younDent bashes have warped views.

  23. Mike Baker, if you want to be vulgar, be vulgar somewhere else.

  24. Charlie is wealthier now than when he went to Congress. Now, he heads to the bonus round in the private sector. He's just like the rest of the. That's how this works. He is why politicians are more despised than anal fissures and impacted teeth. Congress has a 12% approval rating. Charlie helped earn it. Resigning early is a punk move by one greedy dude. Adios Charlie. We already don't miss you.

  25. "Dick move" or not, Dent resigning is the direct result of this insane Presidency. A bigger thing to do would be to stay and fight but apparently thats not in Dent's DNA. Either that, or his is deathly afraid of losing an election. This is our biggest problem in the government, people willing to do anything to win and not accepting of losing on principle.


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