Local Government TV

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Congressional Dems Will Debate at Lehigh

As the above flyer indicates, Congressional Democrats have agreed to a debate at Lehigh University one week from today. I'll be at NorCo Council that night and am unable to attend. Breena Holland from Lehigh University has warned me that Neville Hall can only hold 300. More than that, and the building tips over. So if you want to go, best to reserve a seat with Lehigh Valley For All right now, and at this link.

Also, in case you were wondering, the Republican Congressional candidates were contacted and asked if they wanted a debate. The Committee people were stoked, but the campaigns were unable to nail down a date.

Holland is also hoping to schedule a debate between the primary winners this fall.


  1. “Lehigh Valley For All”
    Gotta love the reach this plucky little band of shameless partisans projects.
    The hacks in this family run outfit view John as the anti-Christ.
    The League of Wemon voters they are not.

  2. The Harrington Family for All (who belong to their ideological club).
    The Democratic Party is less than a shell,
    it’s a bad joke.

  3. The event got too large for the family living room.

  4. How far the once mighty Lehigh Valley Democratic Party has fallen to have there hacks run candidates debates.

  5. Saw on their website (http://www.lwvlv.org/) that League of Women Voters is having a candidate's forum May 2, 7PM, at Northampton Community College. Lists both Democrats and Republicans, but not clear if all candidates are confirmed.

  6. Excuse me, but Dems are participating in a number of debates while Rs are not. The only debate the Rs are putting on is definitely being rub by their party hacks, i.e. Lee Snover.

  7. TJD, I posted about that debate, so you should have seen it here, too. I will have a post about the debate tomorrow.

  8. Rick is a shameless dope.
    Ruggles candidacy is pathetic.
    This organization always has a hidden agenda, or two, to push.
    A dog and poney show event.

  9. Lehigh Valley For All = Lehigh Valley For Clinton Era MOR Dems.
    No others need apply.

  10. Why do they schedule this thing when there is a county meeting. Time to do the research kids.

  11. Wow, the alt-right has their teabags in a bind because a grassroots progressive group is hosting a debate. Seriously folks take a breath. It is a democratic debate. I can only imagine the level of rage you will be feeling this November. Now put on Sean Hannity and relax in the warm glow of rage, hate and fear. That's nice.

  12. Since when is a status-quo Dem Party front group
    run by a yuppi family a “grass roots ‘progressive’ group”?

  13. Hey, who else remembers when no one used the BS term “progressive” and the Democratic Party actually represented the interests of blue collar and working families?

  14. Hey, who remembers when no one used the BS term "MAGA" and the Republican Party represented the interests of common sense and not just the NRA and corporate America. Maybe the answer is never.

  15. If you’re not a “progressive” Clinton DNC party hack Democrat you must be a Republican.
    Maybe the answer is f&$king pathetic.

  16. Scream “I hate the NRA” and pretend that represents a coherent political platform to represent the interests of working families in the Lehigh Valley.
    What a sad day.

  17. Please advise if you have an update on the “Spring Into Easton” event on Saturday !

  18. The “grass roots progressive” Democratic Party Lehigh Valley for All organization had nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to say about the corrupt criminal Ed Pawlowski reign of terror.
    These people are gutter slug partisans.


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