Local Government TV

Friday, April 20, 2018

Angle's Property Being Condemned?

One of the items on last night's agenda was a condemnation ordinance. for the bridge project. One of the 33 bridges being restored to pristine condition abuts property owned by His Eminence, Ron Angle. The County needs a tiny sliver.

"Are we taking Angle's land?" asked John Cusick. "We might have nine sponsors!"

Angle has already loaded this bridge with tannerite that he picked up cheap from a state trooper. He has also constructed a moat around this tract, filled with spiky blowfish.


  1. I hope he sells it to them by the square inch- F them Ron get all you can get

  2. So it has come to war between the county and Ron Angle. Old people always knew we were coming to this. The slate Belt explosive testing now makes sense!

  3. Yes Ron , bleed the taxpayer some more ! First poster a Moron ?

  4. The County is taking what he ownsan heis bleeding the taxpayer? Get real.

  5. From what I've heard, these are temporary easements. So what's the issue ? Can't build on a roadway anyway. So yes, bleeding the taxpayers . He'd be the first to bitch if his taxes go up because of this correct ? Fair market value is good enough for the emperor. lol

  6. What you heard? You are likely on Council and I am pretty sure who you are. You posted a comment on this blog before even I knew about it and it was not public knowledge. You are an Angle hater, and should know that Ron had nothing to do with this. It is ALL related to the P3. You can bet they will pay. If the county wanted your land, they would pay, too

  7. Your funny. Not on council. a taxpayer just like you and the others who follows county gov't. Ron is only after his own greed ! Typical.

  8. Bullshit, You posted about this last week, and before it was on any agenda. I have a very good idea who you are, and intend to confront you when I see you.

  9. Seriously , I'm not on council or an employee of any kind. Just an interested taxpayer concerned to where my "earned" money goes and how its spent and ask questions to find the facts and truth on many issues . You sir need to get over yourself ( and Ronny boy).

  10. Fuck you. You posted a question about this last week, before it was public knowledge. I know who you are and will be confronting you. You are on Council and should be ashamed of yourself.


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