Local Government TV

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Message For The Lady on the Treadmill at the Allentown Y

Believe it or not, I have a fan. I'm told that a nice lady who likes to use the treadmill at the Allentown Y actually likes this blog. So to you naysayers out there, I do have one admirer. It's a start.

She wants to know what I think of Charlie Dent's looming resignation. I'm heartbroken. Since I've known him,  I've considered him a voice for decency and common sense. The adult in a House filled by 434 children. He always got blasted by Democrats, but his centrist ideas and disdain for Trump's boorish behavior has earned him the enmity of right wing ideologues and Donald Trump bobbleheads.

It's almost as bad as blogging.

The rumor is that Dent will be a well-paid analyst for one of the networks. With mid-terms right around the corner, that makes sense.

As for me, I've had it, too.

Starting next week, I'll be a personal trainer at the Y.


  1. Shameful decision by Dent. Just shameful!

  2. IF, and I'm still saying if, he is quitting early in anticipation of another job (TV?) and/or time off before starting it, with the resulting potential cost and turmoil of three elections (primary, special, general) in the 15th/7th districtS, then the respect I've always felt towards him as an honorable public servant just got flushed down the toilet. It'll be just another reason to feel jaded, cynical, and pessimistic in our system. Looking at the larger state of our politics, it seems like the only people left to respect are the dead ones of history books.

  3. LOL Funny...

    The man is leaving with him and his family first - after years of public servant work, righteously doing 'our' work in DC; he did something for himself. He's been trashed by his party in DC and at home in the land of 'Lilliput' as he fell out of favor with the royal countess of NC Rs. Remember who they wanted - a young man that couldn't even find his seat in Harrisburg.

    Wow... Professing indignities on a blog does NOT save the world, or stop the trucks in Allen Twp.

    Does the Congressman have an agenda, yes and it's his, finally... So you go out, support your candidate(s) and vote. Make a difference go to the debates ask questions, volunteer with the League of Woman Voters. And don't stop there, go to a food bank then realize how precious and fortunate our lives are...

  4. MSNBC want him to trash republicans in fall elections. he has accepted.

  5. Typical establishment junkie. Got nothing done, collected good paychecks, and now receives a great pension. He rode the train too long. New blood is needed!

  6. Charlie Dent lost his support for many reasons. His big donors are open borders zealots (Jaindl) so they can have an endless supply of big profit Turkey, so he can can have another hospital wing named after him, and look like such a caring philanthropist. Big Pharma loves Charlie, because they have it both ways and do not have to bid, or play fair. China loves Charlie too, since he's been seen on mainstream media hissing and bitching about the new tariffs. Charlie's been a sell out for America, and he can't hide it.

    But Charlie's biggest mistake was letting Trump get under his skin. His seething hatred of Trump was taken to a deep personal level, the likes of which put Pelosi, Schumer, Warren, and Maxine Waters to shame. He's been Trumps number one hater in the GOP, since he announced in 2015. He refuses to see the movement of the people, why Trump won, and why so many Americans rejected 15 other choices. We get it. Trump says it like it is, uses Twitter, and hits back hard. Its not business as usual in the swamp. Its snowflake mania in America, and its all because of Trump.

    Even many democrats are giving Trump credit, albeit quietly, so as not to upset the Schumer/ Pelosi #resist strategy. But not Charlie.. He'll be a CNN/ MSNBC Trump hating media superstar. So long Charlie.

    1. Trump insulted Dent personally and deserves just what he is going to get when Cohen sells him out. Trump says like it is?? What lense are you looking through?? The man can barely complete a sentence. No one wants to work for him as they couldn’t possibly afford the necessary legal fees they will incur and no lawyer wants to work for Trump because they won’t be listened to and won’t get paid!!! Trump is a pathetic child in a suit who can’t even wear a tie properly. He epitomizes garbage. More rats are deserting this misguided ship, but go ahead and enjoy your lovefest... NFL...not for long
      —-Mother Jones

  7. Dent is certainly no moderate. Tom Wolf has been quoted in the news, with his deep praise for Charlie, and how much he is going to be missed. When the most liberal governor in the nation is sad to see you go, that a pretty solid referendum on who Charlie aims to please. A wolf in sheeps clothing. Not even a RINO.

    A wide eyed left wing extremist is far more suitable.

  8. Even though I am politically far to the right of Charlie dent, I am sad to see him go because he is one of the few politicians who votes his conscience rather than following the party line. There are few Republicans and even fewer Democrats that you can honestly say that about. May God bless him in his future career, he will be missed.

  9. The man who lit himself on fire and burned to death to protest fossil fuels is a sad, but also accurate description of what unhinged people become when they are not getting their way. Trumps EPA is eviscerating the anti- capitalism movement .

    Charlie accomplished the same for himself by different means. He torched his chances of re-election and had to run away like a little girl. No politician in the DC swamp likes Trump...they work against him in a variety of ways, that are less obvious than Charlie.

    Charlie put his Trump derangement syndrome on a national stage, and deserved all the condemnation he earned.

  10. CNN and MSNBC drool for people like themselves , and give a national stage to anyone and everyone who hates Trump. The 24/7 Trump bash has been alive and well on those networks, but even they see that their ratings are in the tank, and most americans are getting tired of it. Always desperate to find new hater blood, they even stoop to the levels of using teen agers David Hogg, porn princess Stormy, disgraced criminal Comey, Hollywood wash ups like Kimmel, Griffin, Jim Carrey and others, just shows how desperate they are..

    ...but there's a new show in town....the Dent Dossier is coming soon....stay tuned for the left wing conspiracy theorists to capture primetime with their hysterical hate of all things America, throwing themselves in front of the Trump train like all the others.

  11. This entire anti-Trump initiative has reached laughable stage. Charlie Dent will be quite busy entertaining his new audiences.

  12. The Dent Tuesday Group has one less RINO. Though it cloaks itself as the House "moderates" who broker cooperation with Ds, they are a liberal purist faction of the GOP who refused to reign in the massive entitlement expansion bankrupting the nation, aka, Obamacare. They are the epitome of one party DC rule, the swamp, career politicians, everyone except Americans, where the putrid lather of special interest money is born, bred and raised.

    The Tuesday group taking root in 1994 after Rs took the House, and again in 2010, exists to meet in secret and derail all GOP efforts to implement their agenda, essentially, a liberal faction seeking to undue the consequences of an election. They have been derailing the GOP majority for years to make certain that Americans come in last, and that R majorities are meaningless. They are a Democrats best friend.

  13. 9.58
    yet Comrade trump tweeted

    ""Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Obamacare!


    so was Comrade trump wrong?

    Comrade trump did not even mention the Tuesday group---clearly the Dear Leader is misinformed.
    try not to mention it to him.
    he only obeys Putin

  14. 8.52
    actually Dent would be a good fit on Fox programs.
    they can be fair and balanced between the rabid right and moderate right wing views.

    Amazing how powerful those trumpie haters are as they made him sleep with porn stars and hire foreign agents for his campaign.
    they made Comrade trump hide his tax returns and they even made him play lots of golf.
    after all trumpie stated he would not have time to play golf like President Obama yet those haters have kept trumpie on the golf course.

    Dent was a reasonable voice yet was drowned out by the rabid right who will manage to destroy the republican party.

  15. "We get it. Trump says it like it is, uses Twitter, and hits back hard."

    First off, Trump tells it like he sees it, not like it is. If you agree with Herr Trump it all sounds wonderful. His words fall like a golden shower of truth. So our new standard for a President is an American version of N. Korea's Kim. Trump exemplifies the new anti-science,it is all about "me" vision of the country.

  16. Canary_In_CoalmineApril 18, 2018 at 4:02 PM

    For years Charlie has modeled civility and common sense and the collaborative aspect of governing. He never drank the kool-aid of either party as so many of the posters above have clearly done. Sad state of affairs.

  17. Canary_In_CoalmineApril 18, 2018 at 4:03 PM

    Forgot to add that there are many good people on the treadmill at the Allentown Y, and occasionally I am there too.

  18. She would have different opinion if she saw O'Hare on the treadmill in front of her.


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