Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

NorCo Council to Consider Raises For Elected Officials

hen NorCo Council meets on Thursday, they will be considering a payraise for elected officials. If passed, the Executive's salary will increase from $85,000 to $95,000, the Controller's salary will rise from $65,000 to $75,000, and Council members will be paid $10,500 instead of $9,500. Council President will get an extra $500. These wage hikes would not go into effect until the next term because Council members have no authority to give themselves a raise.

I expect elected officials to give their full attention to the public they serve. But they are public servants, not slaves,and should be compensated at much higher levels than are proposed.

The Executive is in charge of a budget that is approaching $400 million. He oversees 2,200 employees. Thus, as far as I am concerned, he should receive the same salary accorded to the President Judge. That is $181,871. The salary is adjusted annually in accord with the consumer price index. That way the issue never has to be addressed again.

So I would amend the ordinance so it provides that the Executive is "compensated with an annual salary identical to that of the President Judge of this County. I would also add provisions to the Controller and council salaries that state "as adjusted annually by the Consumer Price Index."


  1. Oh great. The democrats are elected and they immediately want all the pay to be increased. This is what happens with democrats. What an outrage. Hopefully the republicans can stop this from happening but I doubt it.

  2. @3:40 am
    Sorry douche bag, it’s a Republican written bill, sponsored by John Cusick, not the Ds

    Wake up you ignoramous, the tax hike was also brought to you by the 5 Republicans we got rid of last year

    But keep pretending that it’s a Democratic thing

  3. I am well aware of the grandstanding done whenever someone suggests properly payong elected officials. I have long maintained that the executive needs to be paid far more.He manages abudget approaching $400 million, oversees 2,200 employees, is responsible for all the human services provided by the county.His salary should be he same as the PJ, and this ordinance should make it that way so the issue never has to be revisited

  4. Had these salaries kept pace with inflation, the County Executives Salary would be approximately $200,000.00. The Council's salary would be in the neighborhood of $20,000.00.
    Bernie, please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Executive and Council forbidden from receiving medical benefits when they retire? It'll be interesting to see how they vote.

  5. As I agree with these increases, what about the employees? Where is the salary study that is supposed to be done every two years according to the HRC? It is time for this time happen and show action that employees are valued by NorCo.

  6. 10:22, I suspect you are going to see a big difference in how employees are treated. Remember it is March 13, and McClure has only been in office two months.

  7. Bernie your salary comparisons are totally off. The President Judge is paid by the Commonwealth, not the county. I will agree that the whole executive compensation in NC is low, however, $181,871 is too high for county government. A study, consisting of likewise counties would be a start. The ability to pay is the second consideration. Afterall, if you can't pay the bill, why try. Civilian or state salary figures usually can't be absorbed by the taxpaying public! That is why civic duty figures into the quotient. Just as good will is pumped into civilian executive's compensation, civic duty is part of the process used in formulating local government representatives. I do agree that they should have an annual raise tied to the CPI, JUST LIKE SOCIAL SECURITY. Monetary compensation should be handled by the professionals, not the daily grunt who has no idea about the job's responsibilities and the proper compensation attached to that position.



  10. So they can for the salary? Reduce county council to zero salary they will still run

  11. Bernie O'Hare said:

    "The Executive is in charge of a budget that is approaching $400 million. He oversees 2,200 employees."

    So we should compensate government employees in relation to the size of the bureaucracy they create?

    Gee, nothing could go wrong with that logic.

  12. 10:38, what difference does it make whether the$ comes from the county or the state? It comes from the taxpayer. The state feels that a PJ in a county our size is worth quite a bit of $, and he is. So is the Exec. He is the head of a co-equal branch of government and should be compensated accordingly. And 2:08, it is completely logical to suggest that compensation bear some relationship to the size of the budget and number of employees under supervision.

  13. 11:23/11:25

    All caps and holding down the Z key only tells me you are an ignorant troll.

  14. Midnight — best time for patranonage raise! Well , I would not deny anyone a pay raise that earns it. People we elect should show some perpetrators action ,otherwise that become institutionalized and expect us to compensate them. Give me some porfrormace . Give me some insightful brain that is not benign, that represents the tax payers .

  15. @10:27AM I know one employee who has not been treated fair by the County and their attorneys. Also, how does a Clerk to Council with less education make more than the County Executive. There is still A LOT wrong with the County. The County still doesn't value the employees work too hard for the little they make. County breaks their own HRC but don't let the employees.

  16. Council should do the right thing and say to have the salary study and then increase employees salaries that get in line with other size counties. Then they can worry about their own. Sorry but this looks bad on all fronts and reinforces to the workforce how they are valued.

  17. People need to research this issue. Why is this happening so quickly?

  18. I'm sick of employees being screwed all the time! Why are they getting raises before the employees that having been given fair raises in years and are even paid what they should. Where is the study? After that, only then look at giving them a raise!

  19. Salary study was completed in 1991, yes 1991. What more do you want! It was started nearly 30 year ago. It was stated then yearly salary adjustments would be done in house by HR ( bull....)according to inflation and that in the public sector. Nothing but lies as usual towards the staff from the politicians. They just take from those who serve and give to themselves or their friends. LETS HAVE ANOTHER STUDY ! Many haven't had an adjustment in their ANNUAL salary in more than 15 yrs. Only reason many stayed at the time was for the healthcare and retirement packages, which have also disappeared. Call it what you want, but I call it the dumbing down of the workforce when you can't keep quality personnel as employees. I see it more and more with the county. The younger staff is not as motivated, won't learn their positions and don't stay because of the previously mentioned items.

  20. Mr. O'Hare, why don't you investigate the lack of a salary study in nearly 30 yrs. for these people? Find out why the county keeps taking away from those who work here. Service is slowing dropping off as the previous writer has mentioned. I do see it at the courthouse when having documents entered into county records at various offices. The older staff knows what they are doing, but much of the younger crowd always needs to get help or don't have a clue to what they are to do .

  21. As I mentioned on previous post, the "GOOD OLD BOT NETWORK" is back in Norco !

  22. False flag operation by the GOP!

  23. What happened to the Retirees getting a cost of living raise? It must be at least 10 to 12 years since they got a raise. Oh Yeah! That was one of McClure's campaign promises to take care of Retirees! What happened there? That would not even be coming from the taxpayers since we have our own fund. We put the money in and can't even get it out! I remember a few years ago the county saying retirees couldn't get a raise since the county employees weren't getting one at that time. Well, county employees got 2 raises since then and retirees still didn't see anything!


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