Local Government TV

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

Fed Ed "Status Conference" on Friday

Judge Juan Sánchez has ordered Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski to appear for a "status conference" on Friday, 11:30 am, at the US Courthouse in Philly. Judge Sanchez will likely set a timetable for disposition of post trial motions. It is rumored that Pawlowski will resign before the hearing, but the judge may also want a risk assessment to ensure that the Mayor has no intention of harming himself. Finally, a sentencing date will likely be set.


  1. Detain the man for his own safety and that of the community. Ed is a convicted felon and a sick man.

  2. I am sure a majority of people of goodwill hope the court allows him time at home. The family needs to spend some time together to reconnect at this most difficult time. It is important for them to pray over this new phase of their life.
    To disrupt the family at this sensitive time would be inhumane. Pray for some time that the family can spend quality time together in order to work towards closure.

  3. BULLSHIT..... he is criminal and deserves no consideration anyone else would be in prison right now!!! He denied his actions all this time now He is no longer able to deny them and You idiots want lenancy....PATHETIC!!!!! He should have thought about his family when He was screwing the taxpayers of this good city, they can visit him in prison!!

  4. Lisa Pawlowski is as cold, or colder, than the bully, Fed Ed.
    These people are remorseless oppertunists who have left many shattered lives in their trail. The 54 counts and 47 felony convictions are only the fraction of their extended crime spree that the Federal Goverment chose to take to court.
    Ed and Lisa are opportunistic parasites with NO regard for their victims, no shame, and less remorse. These manipulative sociopaths continue to hide behind their bootlicking apologists and Jesus.
    Pray to a merciful God that this man will do many, many years removed from the community and the individuals he so wantonly victimized for his political ambitions find some peace.
    Pray for the City he sullied.
    Pray for the lives he has ruined.
    Pray that justice is served.
    Pray to get this shallow little man off the street while his wife escapes her copious legal entanglements.
    Pray for the beginning, simply the beginning,
    of the end of this corruption.
    Edwin Pawlowski will be living on the dime of hard working taxpayers for a long, long time.

    1. Wow..I am going to pray for you! Such hatred...but its easy to be such a way when anonymous, isn't it?

  5. Some want us to thing that this is “ white collar crime” with no real victims.

  6. The family has had a long time to reconnect, knowing this day would come. His convictions are a surprise to absolutely nobody. It’s time to face the music.

  7. Expedite this travesty.
    This ugly chapter in the Queen Cities history has gone on for way too long.

  8. It would be FOOLISH for Pawlowski to not resign before Friday. Various statements from the Feds and Justice System have already expressed their belief he is now UNFIT for public office. Can't imagine Judge Sanchez expecting anything less. Why annoy him further?

    Should Pawlowski refuse to resign immediately, I believe he will be jailed on Friday. He has no choice but to officially concede.

  9. Justice delayed is justice denied.
    This has gone on far too long.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Let’s roll, Judge.

  12. Why rush the best show in the region?
    This has put Allentown in the news and on the map.
    Everyday is a new and exciting adventure.
    I don’t see any need to hurry, the fun at City Hall is just starting to ramp up.
    This is fantastic stuff.

  13. I went to his FB page and after seeing some kind of instruction on "how to write a letter" asking for leniency, I noted that in the example, the person who had been convicted among other things, admitted his wrongdoing and apologized. I made a point of this on his page.

    My comment was removed.

    He's something else.

  14. Fed Ed should be banned from City Hall. I heard he was there yesterday. Hopefully he was escorted and packed up his belongings. I hope he is dragged away in handcuffs on Friday because he will not resign willingly.

    Mrs. P should not be allowed to keep her health benefits, as other wrongfully terminated city employees did not have the same privilege.

  15. Ed’s FB page is a study in sociopathology.
    It is a remarkable thing to behold.
    Absolutely astounding.

  16. "Ed and Lisa are opportunistic parasites with NO regard for their victims, no shame, and less remorse."

    I do recall Lisa P telling Facebook users to stay off my blog in the mistaken belief that this would cost me money. It is pretty clear that her own actions have been unChristian. Also, she needs to realize that the City is unable to give her or her family any special favors that are not made available to every employee. That would be theft.

    Having said that, I have no desire to see her or her family suffer. She is a social worker with a master's degree and probably could secure employment. She really should reach out to some of the many church leaders she knows, along with Alan Jennings. But she should not stay in the area.

  17. Roll on 1!!!!

  18. Lisa is a flimflam artist.
    Ed is a conman.
    The two of them are criminals.

  19. I know it's in bad taste to talk about innocent kids...but so many people (including myself) are genuinely worried about the effect all of this will have on the Pawlowski kids. If I'm out of bounds with this comment, I will understand the deletion. Plus this is all just idle speculation on my part.

    I find it odd that Lisa is apparently looking for jobs here in Allentown. You'd think, for the sake of her kids, that she'd want to move. Unless, of course, the kids want to keep the home in Allentown. Most likely, their well being is her guiding light right now. Lisa won't find a cheaper place to live with as many jobs as the valley offers, and she does have a lot of local friends. But, she's about to find out how many "real" friends she actually has, and she might be very disappointed. Only time will tell. Right now, her friends are probably waiting to see what happens with sentencing. I'm sure they're all telling her that they'll stand by her forever, but when Ed gets a sentence of 25 years, that's all going to change. Although I'm sure she's in shock right now, she'd be wise to do everything in her power to gain full time employment immediately, before that shit hits the fan.

    As far as her request for an extension on her family's health insurance is concerned, it seems she may not have a realistic expectation of life after being 1st Lady. The world does not work like this. Employee benefits are not favors. And, even if they were, why on earth would she think she qualifies for such a favor? I mean, it's very strange. It says a lot about how she views compensation and employment contracts - they're apparently favors and based on goodwill and relationships, not actual work.

  20. The judge won't have to worry about the convicted felon harming himself because Ed is a religious man.He knows that Jesus takes a dim view of most of those who commit suicide .The mayor has every hope that he will somehow avoid his just deserts or at least be given a light sentence so he can get back to business as usual.The only way he would consider harming himself is if he doesn't believe in God.i hope for his sake that even though he has lied about a lot of things lately that he isn't lying about his belief in God.

  21. Lying Lisa,the Christian known as lady maggot can go down with flecks wife and bond there. She can find another man to kneel before and pray before tubby is out of jail.

  22. She will rise above and stay and run for Mayor next election and all the Democratic party twits will vote her in. It is already in the planning. See criminals like Ed and Lisa don't stay focused and dwell they move onward to the next scam. I like them to evangelist Jim Baker and his wife. Look as Christians in the name of God they steal.

  23. Anyone who puts this narcissistic manipulative liar on their staff is a fool of heroic proportions.
    The children got a break when the Federal Prosecutors decides to let her skate.
    She is the brains of the crime family, wears the pants and signed the checks.
    She should have been on trial with her lowlife partner in crime.
    The “First Lady” indeed.
    She played the family card and the race card in the courtroom to beat the band!
    Anyone who doesn’t admit that Lisa is as big a criminal as Fed Ed is a liar or a dimwit, or both, and there are plenty of both in the pathetic City Without Limits.
    Let’s cut the bullshit.

  24. Fed Ed is a criminal. He should resign and go straight to jail . He didn't think twice about ruining one of my friends lives. He deserves the jail time . Do onto others EP.

  25. Lisa Pawlowski would be the perfect addition to Team Alan Jennings.
    Most excellent.

  26. Bernie....has anyone ever estimated what bringing Fed Ed to justice has cost taxpayers just for the years of investigation and trial? I have to believe it's in the millions and in addition to the economic harm he's caused just the taxpayers of the city.

  27. OK, Folks. It's true I have no regard for Lisa P. She and I have had words several time, and I have been critical of her here. In the mistaken belief that I get paid for this blog, she has told people not to visit so that I suffer financially. I do not consider her a nice person or a Christian. But she has been charged with no crime, holds no public office and is obviously distraught. Some of the more ugly comments have been deleted. We are better than this. I don't care what you say about Fed Ed, an elected official. But at this point, I must insist that you identify yourself if you wish to attack her personally. If you don't, you will be deleted. It amazes me how brave people can be when they can be anonymous. Don't be bullies.

  28. 10:59, In terms of soft costs alone, we are talking millions.

  29. 7:52 AM, YES, I noticed that also! LOL!

    As I really quickly glanced over your post, I thought you were saying that the portion dealing with “remorse and apology” had been removed (which would make it more accurate, wouldn’t it? ;-)

    I thought it odd though that you admitted to commenting publicly on FB (where your name is out there for all to see) and yet post here Anonymously?

    But then, this is none of my business; just wondering, that’s all.

  30. "She played the family card and the race card in the courtroom to beat the band!"

    This kind of criticism is fair and is not personal. But some of the attacks have been disgusting.

  31. The reality is plenty sad.
    It doesn’t require embellishment.

  32. Why would The Mayor voluntarily leave office.Paycheck coming in with benefits. I believe this is only the end of the beginning

  33. 11:37, why would he risk a longer sentence by thumbing his nose at justice so arrogantly? If he doesn't resign before Friday he'll get no sympathy from me when he receives the maximum allowed.

  34. With her advanced degree in social work and her experience, she can get a job in Human Services. I am sure that now that Tom Muller is working as her husbands right hand man he can pull some strings in Lehigh County and get her hired. That will provide a pay check and health coverage for the family.

  35. Fed Ed will be right in philly to board the awaiting plane and an undisclosed destination!

  36. Funny she did not care about what her and her husbands illegal activity did to innocent people and now we are to BOO HOO for Lisa the liar? No health insurance or dollars for groceries? Welcome to the real world Madam umm so how does it feel to go from the top doggy position to the fire hydrant?.....Your christian godly way has been a ruse and your exposed like the peeling away of a festering puss filled sore that you and your hubby are. You too belong in jail with Ed. Your husband and you hurt alot of people along your way to "celebrity status" as you look down upon the common people who pay your way.

  37. In reading above. Bernie? The first lady of A-town as she likes to be called.. aka the Mayor's wife is not considered an "official" of the city?

    She sure does push the envelope with that when she goes anywhere around this city for sure.... She makes it a point to make sure that you know she is Ed the Mayor's wife.... enough said I will remain quiet.

  38. “Lock her up.”

  39. If Judge Juan Sanchez, in his wisdom, had scheduled Fridays conference in Allentown
    it would have been a speculation, three ring, flat out dog and poney show.

  40. Less we forget,the goat rope that Ed and his CrackerJack team at City Hall put together for Ceder Beach Pool cost the citizens of Allentown $2 million in corruption fees.

  41. And the AA junk land deal for 2 properties cost the city$1.25M - and don;t forget council approved all these deals usually by a vote of 7-0

  42. Judge may tell him to knock off the publicity stunts or revoke his parole.....

  43. Yes, Ed,
    Fed Ed is a hero, and like every American, he is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty, with the burden of proof on the prosecution.
    The jury is in: GUILTY.
    Your “hero”, is a liar, thug and remorseless felon.
    Shame on you Ed.
    Shame on you.

  44. Praise Jesus.
    Edwin Pawlowski has been spared yet again.
    My God is a merciful God!

  45. Cellblock PopKoRn for parishioners of church on the run for future release!!!!

  46. Ed Pawlowski is a felon 47 times over,


  47. Bernie,

    Maybe in the future you will consider investigating the pool, several land deals, the digital billboards and the sale of water.

    "Annonymous said: Less we forget,the goat rope that Ed and his CrackerJack team at City Hall put together for Ceder Beach Pool cost the citizens of Allentown $2 million in corruption fees.

    March 6, 2018 at 3:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    And the AA junk land deal for 2 properties cost the city$1.25M - and don;t forget council approved all these deals usually by a vote of 7-0

    March 6, 2018 at 5:59 PM"

  48. Ed has been a good friend to many and he is still the Mayor.
    Praise Jesus

  49. Best part coming up to this saga is those letters of what a great guy he is are soon to be public record.....some more uncovering of the slime in the Lehigh Valley.


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