Local Government TV

Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Fed Ed "Status Conference" Cancelled

In case you've missed Peter Hall's story, a Friday "status conference" scheduled for Allentown Mayor Edwin "Fed Ed" Pawlowski and Judge Juan Sanchez, has been canceled. None date was set. My guess is that Judge Sanchez was considering the weather.

It was rumored that Fed Ed would resign before the status conference. But now that this has been canceled, I am sure he is having second thoughts and might very well hold on a bt longer. This would be a terrible mistake, a continued betrayal of the public trust


  1. Whats a few more days of Fed ed.... kinda like the "teflon tubby"....oops Teflon Don...

    Actually he should be selling the book right and movie rights....

    who is gonna play you Bernie
    ? A guy like Gene Shaw or Peter Falk look alike.....

    Ed is a hot mess and needs to resign and set the day when he departs on his tax payer funded junket thru the beautiful resorts of the federal Justice System...

    I think in the book Ed can say in a Richard Nixon voice.. "I am not a crook"....

  2. Best part coming up to this saga are those letters of what a great guy he is are soon to be public record.....some more uncovering of the slime in the Lehigh Valley.

    All will now some of the "deepest bed bugs" of Fed Ed as they write in and tell us what a great man and christian he is.

  3. I agree he should resign, but I think he believes he can't. He has legal bills, two kids to provide for (health benefits, food, etc), and no other source of income since Lady Macbeth won't get off her ass and get a job.

    So hanging on as long as he can may be his only choice.

    Every picture I saw last election season that had his kids on stage made me cringe. Using them as props like that, he didn't care who he harmed to get what he wanted.

  4. @9;38 AM, There is a letter to the Editor in the Mcall today that is priceless for the delusions of the author. Ed is a soldier of Christ and has been wrongfully prosecuted and convicted, and the writer offers a prayer of vindication. I am reluctant to mock a biblical verse, but the author uses it inappropriately in my opinion

  5. Sadly these people are mentally ill and have gone this far. He is GOING to prison and she is delusional. They think and feel they are entitled and have been wronged. They feel they have the public on their side and something is going to change and all will be okay.
    Sad.... VERY SAD

  6. I believe the Mayor has much to offer and community service would be a just and compassionate solution.
    He is not a crook.
    God loves all his children.

  7. This blog is filled with hate and fear. God is just and people should pray more than they hate.

  8. Fed Ed will experience God's justice soon enough, as will instigators like you.

  9. Channel 69 is reporting that Ed will resign tomorrow.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Sad that Allentown councilman says he commends Ed for doing the right thing. Duh let's give him a trophy and statue for the 47 counts too

  12. Hey!
    The guy is doin’ the right thing.
    Cut him a little slack.

  13. Ed is heavily sedated and under the care of a physician. He is on 24/7 suicide watch.
    This is serious stuff.


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